Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Before we know it all your LO's will be 2 months old as well!
Before we know it all your LO's will be 2 months old as well!

Wow 2 months already!! I can't believe my girl is 2 weeks today :shock: And still 10 days until her due date LOL :haha:
Hi everyone, I have a question, when did you tell your MWs you were planning a home birth? Mine won't even talk about the possibility until 36 weeks. I don't want to have to fight with anybody that late on if they try and make an excuse to say no... Just wanted to see if the 36 week thing is normal...? Thanks :) x
Um, when I phoned up to refer myself at 7 weeks they asked if id be interested. Had more serious talks after anomoly scan.
I didn't see her for quite a while as this is my second so not until 28 weeks, then we didn't go into great detail. We spoke a bit more this week but I have my home visit a week on Monday where i guess that's mainly what will be spoken about. X
I told them at my booking in app and its been mentioned at every appointment since..

Blah my friend told me to text back to the "any baby?" with a "yeah but you cannot see her yet" not a lie baby is here but you cant see her shes still in me :haha:
I used to find leaning over the ball really good, you get such an achey back with it being curved forward because of bump it was nice to get on my knees and kind of roll over the top of the ball a bit and stretch my back the other way. The ball being squidgy helps it not squash your bewbs and bump too much.
amelie is desperate for him to come out bless her. every morning she says 'come on out baby brother.. mummy, baby brother said no :(' :rofl:

yeh chuck my back hurts now from leaning forward on the ball :(! might try and roll back or something
Well I have just found out my tap connector does not fit my new mixer tap! Thankfully my mum has normal tap connectors so she sent my brother round with one for me as she has two..

we are all now watching american pie the wedding
I'm watching No Strings Attached - its quite funny.

Mum2b _Claire - i told my MW i wanted a HB at my booking in appointment and that was that.
I'm listening to bubles Christmas album!
Hi everyone, I have a question, when did you tell your MWs you were planning a home birth? Mine won't even talk about the possibility until 36 weeks. I don't want to have to fight with anybody that late on if they try and make an excuse to say no... Just wanted to see if the 36 week thing is normal...? Thanks :) x

For me, I old the MW that I wanted a HB and we planned for that and a hospital birth (because my history of LOs coming early). The HB isn't final until I go into labour and call though - we can decide at any time whether we want one.

Here the MW doesn't fully ok the HB until the pregnancy is low risk throughout because they don't do any high risk pregnancies at home here. I was on the fence because of low iron too, but in the end LO was early and so hospital it was. xx
I discussed homebirth with my midwife before she discharged me after DD, and again around booking time. If I hadn't started the process this early I wouldn't have had the consultations I had and time to think and to decide that this pregnancy I actually would rather be in hospital. At 36 weeks I defiantely wouldn't have the time to change hospitals and ensure a natural, somewhat against medical advice hospital birth plan was approved.
i planned initially for a MLU birth but decided at 28wks and told my MW at 32 and she was cool with that so long as the tests i had to have came back clear
at booking i told my mw i wanted a homebirth and she said ok we will talk about it later. any chance i got i made it clear i wanted a homebirth and the only thing she said was if my pregnancy went well to 36 weeks and i didnt go into labour till after 37 weeks then it was fine.

theres nothing really that the MWs can do till 36 weeks anyway as thats when they are allowed to do the home visit and drop off the homebirthing kit if they use them.

for me it wasnt a fight as my mw loved homebirths and was praying shed be on call when i went into labour but she wasnt :(

i havent been on here in awhile, ive now moved from the house i had corey in :( so i cant just look at the room and say i gave birth here anymore lol theres afew of u almost ready for ur hbs :D good luck
I told my MW I wanted to HBAC at booking. She kinda tutted and sucked her teeth anbit and said well your OB will tell you you cant but your MW's will support you all the way if it's what you want, you obviously have good reason and know the pro's and con's (We had had quite a good conversation about it).
no baby here yet, but omg more cervix pains lol, lots and lots of them and have signs in my discharge that the pains are doing something down there lol the :sex: hasnt seemed to have worked though :(
Baby still hanging in here too… lots of twinges but nothing exciting the sex is not bringing her out nor bouncing on the ball… booked in for a sweep next Monday and to discuss induction
I dont know how you ladies mange to have sex at full term...I tried at some point in 3rd tri and it was wholly unsatisfying for both of us.

I got sick in my mouth and raging indigestion and hubby couldn't really errr get enough purchase to well you know LOL

We gave up...he was a bit weirded out by it all at that point to be honest, not that he didnt find me attractive he just felt a bit odd about there being a person in there.

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