Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Mum2b_Claire - I only got my HB confirmed at 36 weeks. I mentioned quite early on but was under the consultant (completely unnecessary really) so went to hospital for appts and I mentioned HB everytime. They weren't exactly enthusiastic and I saw somebody different every time which didn't help. In the end they signed off on me and told me to have 32 week appt with local MW who would arrange HB.
I did find it left all a bit late in the day tbh. I would have preferred they say HB is the objective which we work towards and should there be problems they deem insurmountable then plan B is hospital birth. It's difficult to plan when you can't get it confirmed until after 37 weeks!
I've never rly had my hb signed off. I saw the consultant yday and they were like ok so were not inducing you so see you in 3w for a check up and will start twice weekly monitoring from there. They had said three times a week from 38w which I thought was a bit much tbh but twice from 39 seems ok. Also their clinic around my due date (41 and 42w) isn't on so if I go that far past my EDD they won't see me til 43w!! :rofl: I know ppl do have babies well past that but it's my birthday the end of January so could we have the baby by then please? They'd most likely see me at some overdue clinic at 40+1second anyway.

So they've not signed it off but I've not had that much resistance to it, they just think I'm crackers. Have mw next week for hb visit so I'm expecting some sort of certificate to prove that it's allowed ^^

Had my 3rd growth scan yday and measuring around 55th %. Im pleased we had em in the end tbh as it probably meant they stressed a bit less at us. I do think if they were dealing with an unknown possible giant baby they might have been more teeth sucky. Could have gone either way and baby still might be huge but I can cope with that

Sil had her c section yday. Don't know how she is yet but, well, it might have been a good idea for her after all. Her last two she struggled with 7lbers and this baby she was measuring 2w ahead and I was like oh fundal height nonsense. Baby was 8 11. Hes so fat!! Not big boned rly it's all fat. I know ppl birth bigger babies and even small then big but I just don't think she gets into the right frame of mind for squirting a baby out. It's all thrash metal and screaming which if it worked would be fine but just doesn't for her.

Now just gonna see if they steal our name. We've been talking about a name our entire pregnancy and they had been talking about other names and half way through sil decides she wants to name theirs after her dad, who has the same name that we chose. We rly will fall out if they do that....

Anyway. Rambling.... What was my point?....

Good luck with the birthing there :) *poke poke* !
Right I'm awake (have been most of the night between children and a sick dog).

Where are these babies?

I do hope everyone is doing fab!
Mum2b_Claire - I only got my HB confirmed at 36 weeks. I mentioned quite early on but was under the consultant (completely unnecessary really) so went to hospital for appts and I mentioned HB everytime. They weren't exactly enthusiastic and I saw somebody different every time which didn't help. In the end they signed off on me and told me to have 32 week appt with local MW who would arrange HB.
I did find it left all a bit late in the day tbh. I would have preferred they say HB is the objective which we work towards and should there be problems they deem insurmountable then plan B is hospital birth. It's difficult to plan when you can't get it confirmed until after 37 weeks!

I saw my consultant yesterday (well I've been signed off so technically I'm consultant free now ha ha) and she said oh I see your going for hb and I though here we go!! But I was plesently surprised, she was really supportive, asked about imogens birth and said second time round usually goes more smoothly so hopefully no problems this time and asked if my mw was supportive. I thought she was gonna go off on one like you hear so often with Drs! So felt quite good after my appointment! Pity they can't all be like that! Xx
I blub everytime I watch homebirth diaries :rofl: Its ridiculous!

I had another crap night sleep :(! He had the hiccups for over an hour :wacko:
aw ive the biggest smile on my face! my friend at work who was due 3 weeks before me (2nd dec) has just sent me a message wit ha picture of her beautiful little boy who was born this morning 6lb 2oz. im so happy for her, dont know the ins and outs of it yet though hope it all went ok for her. and plus that mean im next! yay!
Well nothing came of any pain or tighenings here apart from even I think baby's dropped now! Was awake pretty much every hour trying to get comfy.. Feel like rubbish this morning, wish she would make up her mind lol
Things will kick off when you least expect it Lesleyann.
this baby is still taking its time though my pink discharge hasnt gone away and i was getting plenty of crampy BH on the walk back and forth from nursery earlier lol things looking good so far
Sadly, I did not get my home birth :( Riley was born on the 18.11.11 at 9.13am via induction due to dangerously low fluid levels and IUGR. Luckily my homebirth midwife picked up on me measuring small and sent me for a growth scan. He's in scbu for the meantime, but hopefully should be home soon. Good luck and labour dust to everyone xx
Well I am booked for sweep on monday however They wont let me deliver at home after the 1st December.. So Ive rang the midwife and left her a message to see if I can bring my appointment forward.. Cheeky I Know but it was not my normal mw who booked my sweep date where as my mw is very very homebirth so she may agree to come sooner we shall see
Congrats on your little boy blaze. Sorry hes a bit poorly just now :( Hopefully it wont be long til you have him home with you :hugs:
hope your LO is home safe and sound very soon blaze. congratulations. xx

lesley hope she will do that for you, im sure she will! and come on baby hurry up and get out. xxx
Hope he comes home soon Blaze :hugs:

Well Ive lost a bit of plug today and TMI had my 3rd bowel movement in 2days when im not even a once everyday kind of girl.. My back keeps going into spasum today
my bowels are vile just now but have been for a couple of weeks :(! im not taking anything as a sign anymore til my waters go or i have blood in my mucus plug.
lesleyann sounds promising, hope your back holds up though.

im sat here on my ball as much as its probably not a good idea caus of my SPD i just cant help myself i want this baby here and soon!!
My yellow bump has turned blue!!!

Baby boy was delivered via c-section at 1:18 this morning. He is 8 lbs and 9 ounces and just over 19 inches.

I totally rocked my labor but when I finally asked my MW to check me around 11 pm. I was 7 cm but turns out my little chunky monkey was breech. Neither my MW or doula had breech experience and I honestly didn't feel comfortable delivering breech at home in that situation. So I made the choice to go to the hospital. I was 9 1/2 cm upon arrival, so I know that if he had been head down, I'd have been able to deliver him. Knowing my body could do it, that it wasn't broken like I thought it was after never dilating with Brennan really makes me feel at peace. I'm happy with my new son's birth. It wasn't how I wanted it to end but I had to put his safety first.

He is nursing like a champ and has a head full of blond hair! I'm in love!!!
congrats hunni, sorry it didnt all work out like you planned but sounds like its all worked out well for you both
Congrats Sam. The most important part for me is labouring at home so atleast you did the main bit there!

P.s I'm having de ja vu... Did someone else transfer to hosp very last minute recently?!

I'm on my ball to but my back omfg.

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