Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Quick update after my home birth assessment. Was a bit of an onslaught of ‘heres a massive list of things which could go wrong’ they did actually say that there were benefits of a hb (shock horror) but didn’t list them of course. Nothing I didn’t know really. SoM and my MW came out and SoM went over the list of issues which might occur (low calcium etc) and said that I was pretty much right about my responses, they wouldn’t test for a lot of the things in hospital (eg iron, calcium) unless they thought there was an obvious problem.

Apparently the neonatologist has said that its not the case that if my levels are well controlled that baby has a low chance of a hypo, I assume he means because baby might be hypo for a number of other reasons as thats different from everything else Ive read and been told at the hospital. Hes v negative about the whole birthing outside of a hospital thing tho (as youd assume, neonatologists aren’t going to see healthy babies after all) and actually said that surely Im not allowed. Seems theyre having lots of meetings and emails about me, the legal team is involved to make sure that the midwifes are covered by what they can and cant do etc. Anyway, Sue Sellers (obstetrician) said well actually yes she can do whatever she likes and its obviously an informed choice.

So theyre supportive of our decision but being careful to cover themselves which is fair enough. SoM is making a kinda protocol for her midwifes so that they know what the plans are (eg, self testing hourly) and also making a list of things to look out for postnatally. Shes offered me a meeting with the neonatologist but Ive said no all my questions are answered and really if I thought it was a massive risky issue then I wouldn’t be birthing at home, so just gonna draw a line under it.

If I call a MW during the day then it will be my MW and probably SoM (theyve said Ill probably get two for the entire time just because of me being awkward and going against medical advice, so might need some MW wrangling there by the doula). If its during the night/weekend then itll be (probably) two of whoever is on call but they do home births every 6 weeks on average so its very unlikely that one of the two will be my old shit MW. I thought that they would be out every night but it seems not.

The only thing they said was about vaginal exams when they arrive and roughly every 4 hrs. I didn’t argue with it as I may actually want them when Im in labour, you never know, and also I couldn’t be bothered. When it comes to it Ill just say no thanks or yes please, theyve been respectful of choice up to now and I don’t think theyd bully me into it even if they tried.

Also Im going on the child protection list hehe! Well, not really, but they asked if they could put my details on their internal emergency duty desk child protection database, just so that if after birth baby is ill and they want to transfer but I refuse they can take him off me easier as theyve already done the paperwork. Ive said fine as Im not really bothered, what would they put on there ‘Helen has made an informed decision and is going against medical advice’.... happens every day. Also I would be as concerned as they were if there was some issue and would want to transfer. I also thought that it shows that Im happy to be flexible, theyre just covering their ass with a lot of it and I understand that, Id be exactly the same.

One thing they said is that toes/fingers might not actually give any blood as newborns circulation focuses on their core (for testing babys sugar levels at 4 hrs). Theyd love to teach me how to milk a foot (they also said side of the heel, ha! I hadn’t thought about the side) but legally not allowed to, so Ill be youtubing heel milking.

Baby slightly back to back but Ive been a bit lazy today so will get jiggling on the ball once I get some energy back after the meeting. Hes only slightly posterior tho and is kinda on the left side so I think a good enough position, nothing disasterous. Wee/BP etc fine and Ill have another appt Monday with the MW (38w) then its diabetic clinic week after.

Colostrum going great, got 4ml yesterday but nips a bit sore as it was a bit of a mammoth session so I think Ill be giving it a miss tonight. Have about 8ml now in the freezer after just a week. Aiming for 15ml so we’re doing fine.

All good tho, Im quite chilled about it, I realise that theyre a bit twitchy but end of the day the midwifes will be fine on the day and Ill just get on with birthing a baby same as billions of others before me.

PS, haha. Baby just turned bum out while I was typing this. Saves me getting down on all fours then!
Yay my home visit went well. All paper work done and went through reasons to transfer list, childcare for imm etc. Baby's 4/5 palpatable so that's 1/5 that's engaged right? She said it's popped into potion anyway ha ha!

She said she's on call 22nd and they used to be able to get cover for clinc for other days but can't anymore. Then towards the end gave me contact details and said she's working mon-thurs until my due date now so in day time to ring her first and she'll try get cover to attend!!! Ha ha she's mad but I'm hoping I can have her there just for a familiar face etc.

She also mentioned what I had to protect sofa if I end up on there. I said a shower curtain and she asked what kind cause some (I think she said White ones) are designed for water trickling over them but if there's liquid pooling on it it could go through and stain sofa!! Anyone heard of this??? I'm guessing they bring all the equipment out with them cause she never mentioned delivering anything. I'm in clinic in two weeks so will double check then and if I go before I'll just have to tell them when I ring up! Oh and I'll be booked in for a sweep between Xmas and new year to try get things moving before 42 weeks.
its the cloth style ones that arent designed to stop water going through them if theres pressure put onto the cloth not the plastic kind that sticks together when you leave them wet
Well i wondered if she ment that but why would someone buy a material one to use at a home birth ha ha!! Plus upstairs in the shower I have a material one but there's a plastic on on the inside so water doesn't touch the material one! She really confused me ha ha. X
lol maybe ppl do what im doing and use their current shower curtain and get a new one for the shower lol
Aw mines pretty new in the shower anyway otherwise that would be a great idea!
Congrats to Diz and commiserations to those still waiting.
LesleyAnn you're still putting me to shame. Just had a baby and you're sorting out the birth pool for ebay already. Mine will probably be stuck in the shed or loft and forgotten about for a few years.
Although I still haven't received my pool. She said on the ebay lsiting courier delivery within 24 hours but it's been a week now! Supposedly arriving today or tomorrow - if it doesn't turn up in time I'll be sending it back and getting a refund!
I've been really uncomfortable these past few days, can't get comfy in bed and am actually waking myself up as I groan in the night! But then I have this fear of going into labour again which is weird. 5th baby so I should be used to it and I know I've done it easily before but I'm bricking it lately!
My feet have swollen too :-( went to a shoe sale today and tried shoes on but they don't look so good with elephant feet!
Anybody else desperately looking for signs of labour or is that a silly question lol
silly question! Theres a thread in 3rd tri that me and lyn post a lot in about labour symptoms :dohh:
hay ladies can u read my post in 3rd tri and tell me what u would do.... I'm on my phone and can't copy it here its titled

Peed off at MIL thank you xxx
well my ankles started looking puffy last night, but other than no sleep then nothing has been happening here
Lesleyann, it's totally normal for babies' hands and feet to be cooler than the rest of their body. Nothing to worry about. x

Cranberry, I know you're expressing to have some extra colostrum on hand. But the old wives' tale of toughening up nipples is just that unfortunately. There's no way you can toughen them up beforehand really. And I'll see if I can find you a guide of where to do the heel pricks (I can't believe they let you think for so long that you could use baby's fingers or toes - it's just not possible in a baby). The main thing is that you go for the fleshy outer bit of the heel, not at the back, the actual sole or up on the side. What you're trying to avoid is osteomylitis (if the lancet touches bone, a nasty infection can develop). x
Thanks for that. Feeling v supported today by you guys. Bloody need it too as whole pissing nhs against me on this. Inde mw was supposed to call tonight but i guess she's been called out as she's not called yet. Dh being a skinflint but says if she was free he would be fine about it. So I've told him to shut up and stop complaining about money.
Cranberry, here you go. These first two pictures show where to prick the foot. And the third shows a really good way to hold the foot so that you can squeeze out a good drop (even though I don't like that they have the lancet itself aimed towards the back of the heel).

Brill. Thanks. Wish I had a newborn to practice on. Probably not a good idea tho :haha:

Just had a long talk to Doula. I can do this. Just need to untangle the Nhs crap and think about what's actually important/needs attending to.

This is the sort of crap I mean tho. Rather than just showing me how to do it they flap around and actually make it more risky for me to do it myself by me not knowing how!
Hi everyone,

Quick introduction, I'm Amy, 26 and expecting our first baby. I'm researching homebirths and trying to decide if it's the right option for us. Alternative is a midwife-led unit at the local hospital which is about 20-30 mins away. Currently 25w3d, EDD 10th March. My midwife is very pro-homebirth which is great. We are doing a natal hypnotherapy course in January although I've read alot of the book already. My main aim is to have as little interventation as possible, tonight I discussed an Operation BabyH plan with my acupuncturist - aim to see her at least once a week from 36 weeks and she can give me acupressure points for my OH to use through labour.

I've read the first 35 pages but figured I'd never make it all the way through so apologies for not 'knowing' you yet.

Amy x
Aw, Cranberry, I wish I were nearby, as I'd happily pop by to demonstrate on a doll or something. Just have a good grip of the foot like in the final photo, do the prick and then you're already holding the foot in a good way to rhythmically squeeze to get a good drop. Fortunately, it's not a very big drop you'll need anyway. And obviously have everything else to hand before you get started - lancet, glucose strip, machine, cotton wool or gauze and a plaster or bit of tape in case holding pressure for a bit doesn't stop it bleeding. I'm crossing my fingers for you that you get stable sugars and baby feeds well so that you don't have to worry about it for long!

Welcome, Amy. x
Luckily my machine uses the smallest amount possible so don't need a massive amount. I'm pretty confident that I can control my sugars and colostrum is nearly pouring out. Have 12 ml from a week of expressing now. Have savlon antiseptic wipes but I'm
Allergic to plasters so baby might be too. Dunno. Can use micropore and cotton wool maybe.

Hi Amy. I'm using acupressure too kinda, shiatsu which I think is about the same thing. Dh has childlike strength in his hands tho!!
Oh saying that Cranberry my acupuncturist recommends using wooden spoons so the boy can hold the point for long enough without losing their thumbs or fingers lol

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