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very true lesleyann, people still say to me now 'wow you were brave!' :saywhat:, nope not at all! in fact i laboured better when i was on my own in my own home at the top of my stairs, even having my DH watching sent my contractions running away so god knows what would have happened at hospital!

i guess the more people they get to do it too, the more the word will be out there as it being 'normal'
lol posted at same time again lesleyann! thats good idea, much better guide at booking in! know i was dead set on hospital at booking :haha:, by 20wks i'd reconsidered ;)
You're very lucky Caro - I don't recall HB ever being mentioned as an option during any of my pregnancies. I would have loved it to be mentioned to me instead of asking which hospital I wanted to go to!
As LesleyAnn said I think there should be a lot more wider info out there. The Bounty books mention about 2 lines in regards to HB which makes it feel almost like a weird choice.
Perhaps the MW could mention water births at home? I hear many women don't actually get a water birth at hospital whereas at home you have a much better chance, at least the pool won't have somebody else in it or be out of order! Wanting a water birth was part of how I found out about HB.
Aw Lynn.....I'd be crying if I was you. I struggle a little but I know it's nowhere near SPD pain levels and yet I still feel sorry for myself!
Your OH must love that you're determined to DTD no matter what. My OH is quite disappointed as I usually have a high sex drive when pregnant but I just feel so uncomfortable it puts me off! Being tired due to waking 4 times a night for a wee and another 2 times for LO waking up doesn't exactly put me in the mood either lol.

Helen - I'm so sorry you have all this stress. I've found attitudes are pretty negative towards HB with most medical professionals but in your case they seem to have gone mad!
Hope you get something sorted and I'm glad you have some support.
thanks embob, i def feel lucky that she was so supportive, especially reading what some of the hoops you ladies have to jump through to get a homebirth! to think i laughed at her suggestion of a homebirth at booking with 'no way i've got cream carpets' :rofl:, how little did I know then! am writing all your ideas down to pass on. Xx
With my first I never new you could have a homebirth, with Lexi they said at booking in if I had considered a homebirth, but nothing more was mentioned about it till they booked me in for my homebirth assesment really
i wanted a HB before ever getting pregnant, i did not want to go into hospital, but i had a MMC so when pregnant again with imogen i re considered just for the "incase" factor! the MW did mention at one point if i wanted a HB, and i said no and she siad she wasnt an advocate for HB anyway with first time mums!! i didnt question it any further cause i wasnt having one anyway.
fast forward this time she aske again (think it was 16 weeks!) when i was still going for hospital as OH wasnt keen on HB and i was just more interested in active birth and avoiding pitocin again. she offered to speak to OH and everything to change his mind!! turned out he did that on his own and at 28 weeks when i saw her again she was very happy about me going for it.

soooo it did get mentioned as such but it could do with a bit more "advertisment" even if they did an information booklet and put it in ladies notes along with all the other leaflets they put in there. we do have a home birth everning at the hospital but its only every 3rd wednesday of the month. the MW gave me the info for it the same day it was due to take place and i couldnt get there at such short notice, then this months- i might have had the baby by then lol!
:happydance::happydance: 37 weeks ladies! the count down is on!!!!:happydance::happydance:

gonna start using EPO internally as of tonight!! is it really messy (i mean when you get up in the morning, or more like twice over night for the toilet!!)

aww just realised EPO would be the babies initials if its a boy :haha:

gonna have to get some clary sage in too, gonna buy it with boots points i think:blush:!
Aw Lynn.....I'd be crying if I was you. I struggle a little but I know it's nowhere near SPD pain levels and yet I still feel sorry for myself!
Your OH must love that you're determined to DTD no matter what. My OH is quite disappointed as I usually have a high sex drive when pregnant but I just feel so uncomfortable it puts me off! Being tired due to waking 4 times a night for a wee and another 2 times for LO waking up doesn't exactly put me in the mood either lol.

Well didnt get any last night DH had just had a very long day though up at 5 to get to the work conference and we went to bed at half 10 lol then had to be up and sorted this morning before the sky enngineer arrived who couldnt do the instaltion in the end caus of access issues he hadnt been told about. feel sorry for the poor guy,
How quick does epo work..... As I've got a b'day night out to go to on the 9th and hubby first (new job) Xmas do on the 10th n I really want to go to both lol xx
it prepares your cervix it cant make you dilate so how quick it works is still down to your body,

inserting EPO if you wear a pantyliner you should be fine overnight but if you get up to wee before its disolved or just after before your body absorbs the oil it can be messy
we do have a home birth everning at the hospital but its only every 3rd wednesday of the month. the MW gave me the info for it the same day it was due to take place and i couldnt get there at such short notice, then this months- i might have had the baby by then lol!

the same thing happened to me! (we're in the same town too!)
I suppose it's not really local MW's fault as I saw her early on then didn't see her again until 36 week home appt. But I was peeved when she gave me a leaflet which said the HB meeting was the next night. OH works away and it was too short notice to get a sitter whereas if she had given me the leaflet early on I could have managed to get to one.
I've heard people say it was really useful too. The only way I'm going to get to go to the meet is if I go overdue - and then it probably won't be on due to Chrimbo!
Yeh I was thinking when I typed that earlier I bet it's not on cause of Xmas! So your in Leeds too? Yeh id like to have gone too. X
The hospital based home birth info evening is supposed to be pretty good :) and the home birth support group in Leeds is very busy!! To carol thinking about setting a group up: yes you do often find you're sat on your own the first few times but then the word gets out :) we alternate between our houses so it's easy for us if no one comes but even in the first few months we've had some 'customers'! :lol:
Well still here. Had a sweep yesterday at noon so still hoping something will come of that but other than some plug loss yday, nothing. Got another on Sunday and then induction to be scheduled. Im too sore and fed up to fight mws and doctors now. It'll prob be the Monday after next and ill have to go for post date monitoring on Friday I think.
Hay ladies question about sweeps.... I had 2 with my last pregnancy and tbh they didn't really work but I would be willing to have another go this time lol

My question is..... Mr n hubby dtd a few weeks ago n I had a bleed and ended up in hospital and they told me the bleeding had stopped but the reason why I bled is because I have a hormonal change in my cervix that has caused little blood sacs around my cervix n I was told that if I had any more bleeding I wouldn't be able to have a home birth (so me n dh haven't dtd since)

But can I still have a sweep and a home birth with the hormonal change to my cervix....? Xx and is epo still ok for mw to use....?
Id say ask the mw about the epo but mine said she couldn't advise me to take it as there are no studies blah blah. So I took it anyway. So I'm not sure rly, sorry not much help

Had a dream that i had two super mild ctx. Thinking that they might have been real actually but i was in a super deep sleep (I never dream nowadays as I don't get down deep enough). I dunno. I had gone to sleep with clary sage on a flannel next to me so maybe that did something.

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