Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

ljo, have a read up on "ecological breastfeeding." If you follow all of that, you're unlikely to be fertile until solids are introduced at the earliest. I think that's what I'll do next time. I still don't have my periods back (did one round of the DepoProvera injection and then a year of Micronor [mini-pill]), but I figure it's down to breastfeeding and co-sleeping. Wish they'd come back...just the one so I'd know the eggies are on the move again!
Hello, hello!!!!

Just a quick-ish (are my posts ever quick?) post to let all know that I haven't been on some mammouth babymoon, or ignoring the love of my life that is homebirth; just that I haven't had internet and the laptop has gone to calculator heaven. (currently using, for one day only, my mum and dads). Fingers-crossed that in the new year will will have the world wide wed again!

So, I have only made a small dent in reading up from where I left off, but wow ladies, you are (as always) brilliant in supporting each other!

And there are lots of other big wows too.. There have been lots and lots of babies!!! :) You brilliant mummies!! BIG, HUGE, MASSIVE CONGAULATIONS! To all the mummies!

You know, with my first daughter, I got a little tired of the "oh it goes so fast" comments - thining, "well each day is still a day, and each month.. still takes a MONTH" but I've had a turn around, and IT REALLY DOES FLY BY! Which for me is ironic, as more-than-likely our newest little girl is likely to be the last, and I was determined to try and capture every moment of her early life - though it seams there isn't enough mental-picture-film in my head! (could be my early onset dementia, which is creeping in since having 2 children!?)

The lovely Peony is now 5 months old! And un-intensionally breastfeeding like a trooper.. meaning that she screams blue murder everytime a bottle goes near, so have given up trying the bottle.. and damm I really love my wine! I have excepted that I will eventually be able to drink again.. but not until she weans and we get a cup on the go - at least this way, I won't have any fights about getting her off the bottle! and I also haven't had a period in over a year (what a strange thought?!) ;-) hahaha! - sorry what a strange snipet of our lives!

Merry christmas everyone! :) I have honestly missed you all terrible and I'm feeling the love, just being able to make this little post!

p.s - We are using abstence as contraception - aparentaly it has been proven to be 100% effective in clinical trials! hahaha - sad reflection of just how little sexual time we have!
ljo, have a read up on "ecological breastfeeding." If you follow all of that, you're unlikely to be fertile until solids are introduced at the earliest. I think that's what I'll do next time. I still don't have my periods back (did one round of the DepoProvera injection and then a year of Micronor [mini-pill]), but I figure it's down to breastfeeding and co-sleeping. Wish they'd come back...just the one so I'd know the eggies are on the move again!

Yeh like I say I didn't get it back till 9month pp, once she was weaned onto solids and finally stopped night feeding! It think it was mainly the night feeding that kept it away a bit longer lol. I fed her morning and bedtime then until she got board of it just under a year old. So this time my method of contraception will be bf but gonna back that up with condoms cause you never know ha ha. And like you say it's nice to get that first af to know your in working order again ha ha. Xx

Eta bournefree your method of contraception is the best and will be the type I use the majority of the time lol!! Xx
Guess im the only one even thinking about sex :haha:

So who is next to be due a homebirth or is there no one new due soon?

Just won a jumperoo on ebay for little miss for christmas ready for when she is big enough lol Im sooo going to have no space in this house all her christmas pressents are things she can grow to use/ grow into
jumperoos are brilliant though so you need to make room ha ha!! im almost due but i had imogen at 38+5 so heres hoping ha ha!! ive been checking myself and from my google education i'd guess im 50% effaced, soft and about 2cm (on the outside, thats as far as i can reach ha ha!!) got MW this afternoon, find out how this baby is lying now cause i still have no idea!!! i just hope its not back to back!!
Well my midwife dropped off our home birth kit on Saturday so we are all set and ready to go =) only 10days left till my due date... I've never been early before so I don't think I will be this time....

Baby was 1/5th engaged at 36weeks but is now just head down and not engaged =( but I don't mind as it means im not walking like John Wayne lol =) xx
it's my EDD date today and what do you know.....I'm in labour! was just saying to OH how statistically babies are rarely born on their due date.
Haven't tested the pool yet so it might be a dry birth - just to decide where to have it?
Thinking I might phone the MW and tell her although it's still early on. Hopefully there will be no problems with them attending as OH is on his way back from London and mum started her new job today so is stuck there until this afternoon.
I should cross my legs to slow it all down but then I probably should have crossed my legs 10 months ago lol.
tmi question but how do I get myself to go the loo before labour gets worse?

Am so paranoid of accidents lol and when I've been told to try to go in previous labour the pressure just made me want to push baby out too early.
I never went before or while in labour hun infact in the end I think I had also not gone the day before. Dont worry to much if it happens it will just because you have some up there does not mean you will go..

I can't remember going before ir while in labour with Imogen either! But just wanted to say yippee and good luck. Xxx
Don't worry about going....the midwife will have seen it a thousand times before and she won't think twice about it. You'll probably not even notice. Big hugs! You can do it mama :hugs:
I think the only way to make yourself poo would be laxatives and that is just a bit unpredictable and would suck during labour. I'm a bit worried about having diarrhea in the pool but have no real reason to worry, just.... It would be gross!! Can scoop up a poo but.... Ok stopping talking now :rofl:

Have my last growth scan today then starting monitoring some time this week. Let's see how that goes. I'm v chilled about it tho

Also... As I have learnt last night. Husbands might think they know your fouf by now but some obviously don't as mine stuck the epo up my BLADDER last night. Then tried to get me to allow him to pop it with a bent hairgrip!!! Wee'd the casing out eventually after it popped with body heat but gawd it stung. And bled all night a bit. Stupid man. I've told him 500 times to be careful when he's doing it (I can't quite reachmy cervix)

So a warning. It is possible if you're the stupidest man alive.
Just been to midwife! Baby is still on the right hand side but is now 2/5 palp, was 4/5 two weeks ago so I'm guessing when it engaged a bit more the bum obviously dropped down and it's moved a bit more in rather than sticking out like a lump at the right ha ha! I'm booked in for 28th when I'll be 40+5 and she'll do a sweep if I get that far (she said she'd do it the Monday but clinics not on as it's bank hol) so it's done in good time to still have my hopefully it won't get that far along, here's hoping!

Hope everything's going great embob. Xxx
I'm still pregnant :cry:
It's just not progressing. Irregular contractions every 10 mins or so and they only last 20-30 secs. MW came round but she finished at 5pm and nothing had changed so we're on our own until something happens.
I've never been in labour this long - so much for it getting quicker each time :shrug:
Will update when I have any news, am hoping things might speed up once I know LO is asleep for the night.
good luck embob, my labour was slow all day then had a couple of hiccups and going to bed really sorted it out and got me going lol
I think it'llbe waiting till your lo is out of the way, you see that alot, writes how our bodies work and wait until the right time!! Xx
Well it would appear me and Oh are already discussing having another even though I said I would stop at 2.. Im starting to be swayed that 3 might be nice :haha:
Contractions stopped so we went to bed. Woke at 1:30am with a strong contraction. Got back into bed and got another one at 2:30 so I got up. Paced the floor as they got stronger then called MW's just before waking OH up at 3:30am and we went downstairs.
A taxi arrived at 4:20am with the gas tanks in but no MW's - OH and I started to panic at this point as contractions were very strong and frequent.
MW's turned up soon after though and were lovely. Had a student too so feel like I helped out in the future of midwifery :)
Mum was there although couldn't do much as I hate being touched or talked to (OH has learnt the hard way lol) but I think she was glad she got to see one grandchild being born. I did swear once as I felt a bulge and the urge to push and then felt naughty as I don't swear in front of my mum! The bulge I felt was my waters which made a bit of a mess and then I was ready to push shortly after.
After a few pushes Bailey-Rae was born crying just before 5am. She's my biggest baby at 8lbs 6ozs although we're going to weigh her as she looks too diddy to be that weight!

I liked the HB experience as MW's were so easy-going. They didn't feel the need to examine me, just let me go with the flow.
Baby fed straight away and since, she has slept the rest of the day. I'm feeling the afterpains and bleeding is still heavy but I'm hoping to feel much better tomorrow!

Roll on for whoever is next to birth x x
Well it would appear me and Oh are already discussing having another even though I said I would stop at 2.. Im starting to be swayed that 3 might be nice :haha:

OMG LesleyAnn!!
Seriously though, how lovely for you both. I have 5 now and the hardest jump is from 1 to 2, after that they all seem to fit into the family structure quite easily :thumbup:

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