Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

any signs yet MA? imogen had her nursery christmas party 2.30-4 and i went on a mad nesting clean ha ha! moved imogens toys all into one area to make more room for pool etc, kitchen is all sparkley ha ha, even moved some stuff to the garage (the last time i did that when hevily pregnant my waters went 2 days later!!). getting tightenings now but sure they wont lead to anything, probably just good quality BH ha ha. xx
Seen the pic on FB you both look absolutely fab!!!
Ooh yes. Here's pics


congrats cranberry!
Your little man looks perfect (saw in your journal).
I am glad that all decisions that were made were well informed decisions. That is wonderful! and im glad you have that and you loved your birth :cloud9:
Well done and congratulations Cranberry. I think it makes such a HUGE difference when you get to make informed choices for your birth, even when they are not the choice you want to make. I know it has made a really big difference for me this time around.
Ljo1984 still nothing here.... I had some back twinges yesterday afternoon n evening and had about 4-5 hours of bh but I've been getting alot of them every time im awake even if I don't do anything all day lol

I'm getting some bh ATM but don't think they will turn into anything tho =(

Me n hubby dtd and I had lots of pineapple and epo and rlt yesterday so im thinking about doing the same to help things along lol ha ha =)

Ooooo fingers crossed for u =) im still not nesting lol but I really need too as ive got loads to do ha ha xxx
just checked my cervix, tmi but its pretty short now maybe only a cm in length and as it was quite low i can feel im about 2cm but it could stretch id say (ewww) and i could get a finger tip in! bh are quite strong last couple of day.
i know it might not mean anything at the end of the day but suddenly feeling very nervous but excited!! i really hope i can cope, (well i have no choice, gas and air will be the only drug available lol) and i'll be thinking of all the amazing stories ive seen here over the last few months to get me through any tough times, you'll all be my inspiration. xxxxx
Allgood signs...I could do with more new babies to cheer me up...I'm feeling lousy right now.
labor dust to you both! :dust:
Im sure you both will do great :D

...how do you check the length of the cervix? I understand dilation, but not quite sure about length/thinnness.
ive been checking it for a few weeks now on and off, it was quite long to start with which is normal throughout the whole pregnancy then towards the end it gets shorter and softer as the baby moves lower. its effacement, i googled it to understand it fully, lol.
okay thanks :) Thats what i thought (i forgot the name :blush:) i know what it is and when it happens and how it happens, i just wasn't sure how you measured it. I think its interesting :coffee:
okay...nothing wrong with that! haha thats how i figured CM, CP, and cervical dilation :blush: ...its good to know your body anyways lol
I haven't got a clue about my cervix n stuff lol ha ha

I obv have the gad n air here but I have also got the option of pethodine if I want it look =)

I've got a mw appointment on Monday (the only day I could get before Xmas =/) I was hoping it would be either on my due date or 1day over so maybe I could have a sweep so I knew if I was anywhere near dilated lol

But I guess I won't know now.... But at least I get to know what one of my midwives are on duty over Xmas.... As I know my one mw wants me to hold baby in till the 26th so she can deliver my baby =D xx
Ha ha sounds like my mw! I'm booked in for a sweep on 28th but she said that won't matter though cause your having it on the 22nd arnt you (when she's on call lol). She also said to ring her first mon to thurs if I go into labour and she'll try get cover and come out, that's only up until this Thursday though and dont know how likely it would be for her to get cover!!

I have to get prescription from gp for pethadine and I dont really want it because of the side effects so just havnt bothered. I don't have anything here! The mw brings the kit with them and get a taxi to pick up g&a from the hospital when I need it!!! And the nhs is in debt and all that ha ha!!! Xx
Lol I've had mine Sat here for over almost 2 weeks now lol but omg there is loads lol =)

I had pethadine in both my other labours so my mw is bringing it just in case I want it lol =) but hope I won't need it =)

Got my tens ready to go too

Just need to get my Lg all better before baby comes now and we are all set. =)

I think it will be nice having Xmas songs playing the Xmas lights twinkling away with it snowing outside while im in labour it would be so nice n relaxing =) (as long ad the snows not too heavy tho lol)
We aren't allowed pethadine at home births up here. Not sure why.
My midwife said they try not to use it at home births as it can make the baby very sleepy after birth, n may be slower the breath if it does effect baby....

I never knew it could do that until my mw told me at my home visit n I said that I never knew that it done that n I had it with both my others =/

But as our nearest (small) hospital is only 2mins away and the other (large/main) hospital is only 20mins away she said its ok if I would like to use it =) xx
Yeh it can make the baby really sleepy that's why I opted for epidural over that when I was induced plus pethadine for that evil pain ha ha.

My mw said alot of gp's don't give prescriptions for it anymore but ours still do at moment so think it it an area sort of thing. I've got tens for up until pool, then water and gonna try hypnobirthing so hopefully it'll be enough! Well it's gonna have to be ha ha. Oh apart from gas and air but I've put in my plan to enourage me to hold off as long as possible so it works better towards the end.

I keep reading my tens book, my friend had her baby a couple of weeks ago and said tens did nothing but then when she got home she realised she could have moved it up a level ha ha ha! Mines got 3 levels so hopefully I'll get some good use out of it. Xx
I bought mine from a friend as she didnt use it as she had to have a c-section I made sure it worked the other day n then hubby was wondering what it did so I told him to put it on his arm... It was so funny he put it up to level 14 and he no control over his hand.... It just kept moving lol and I think it could still go up more plus to boost button... So I've got to make sure he doesn't get his hands on it or I can see him turning it rite up and making my legs have uncontrollable spasms!!! Lol

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