Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Just had a break down! Feel like such a shit mum! It's imogens second birthday today and I've spent the afternoon with her but people have been visiting her too so not really had proper time with her, it's all been a bit rushed and I got upset over it. I know she doesn't know it's her birthday etc but I do. Managing to have a sit down with her now before I go back to hospital and she's feeding me grapes! Hate having to tear my time between them both I just need her back home. Xx
Congrats Sadie


Allmy thought are with you and Freya, I'm sure she'll pull though just fine, the CPAP will give her a rest and she can get on the mend. Dont worry about the BF'ing, do what you can and pump what you can, every drop helps but if your supply drops a bit it can also increase when she's on the mend back on the boob and hungry!
I figured I should make a quick post here before posting in the forum. Anyways, My name is Nicole, I have a 2 1/2 year old son and a 1 1/2 year old daughter. Both of their deliveries were hospital inductions so I decided to try for midwife care with this pregnancy in the hopes of having a natural birth and ideally a home birth. The OB I saw with my daughter said I'm a good candidate for a home birth, the midwives have a couple concerns (I had a PPH with my daughter and I have hypothyroidism) so for now I have my fingers crossed and I'm hopeful :)

Ljo, My daughter was hospitalized for 6 days when she was 2 months old, it was so hard. I cried so much, I just wanted her to be healthy and be at home with my two babies. I hope your little one is better soon!!
I figured I should make a quick post here before posting in the forum. Anyways, My name is Nicole, I have a 2 1/2 year old son and a 1 1/2 year old daughter. Both of their deliveries were hospital inductions so I decided to try for midwife care with this pregnancy in the hopes of having a natural birth and ideally a home birth. The OB I saw with my daughter said I'm a good candidate for a home birth, the midwives have a couple concerns (I had a PPH with my daughter and I have hypothyroidism) so for now I have my fingers crossed and I'm hopeful :)



I have hypothyroidism too. I am getting treated with Levothyroxine (or Synthroid is another name, at least here in the States, anyways). Are you getting treated? If so and levels are normal on meds its actually a pretty safe condition to have! So long as the meds work, then its all good :D And the meds are class A which is the safest medicine you can be on prenatally :D

Also there are some natural things you can do during pregnancy to prevent PPH. And there are some natural remedies to stop it if it occurs :thumbup:
I figured I should make a quick post here before posting in the forum. Anyways, My name is Nicole, I have a 2 1/2 year old son and a 1 1/2 year old daughter. Both of their deliveries were hospital inductions so I decided to try for midwife care with this pregnancy in the hopes of having a natural birth and ideally a home birth. The OB I saw with my daughter said I'm a good candidate for a home birth, the midwives have a couple concerns (I had a PPH with my daughter and I have hypothyroidism) so for now I have my fingers crossed and I'm hopeful :)



I have hypothyroidism too. I am getting treated with Levothyroxine (or Synthroid is another name, at least here in the States, anyways). Are you getting treated? If so and levels are normal on meds its actually a pretty safe condition to have! So long as the meds work, then its all good :D And the meds are class A which is the safest medicine you can be on prenatally :D

Also there are some natural things you can do during pregnancy to prevent PPH. And there are some natural remedies to stop it if it occurs :thumbup:

I take synthroid as well. My levels so far this pregnancy are good and it's generally well controlled. The midwife just said she'd have to discuss it with the other midwives, I didn't think it was that big of a risk unless it isn't controlled well.

Do you happen to have any links on that? I've done a couple checks on google, but I'm thinking I haven't searched well enough. The PPH wasn't a bad one and they got it stopped quite quickly so I'm hoping everything is okay this time. I'm very motivated to have a home birth.
I will gather some stuff. I was on an unassisted childbirth board, and i know they have extensive knowledge about prevention and treatment of PPH.

Were you anemic at all?
I almost had that (my iron levels were only a 7 upon admittance to the hospital, so i cant imagine what it was after the birth). I wanted a natural 3rd stage, but agreed to the pitocin injection because if i bled out anymore i knew, instinctual, that it would get bad, so i accepted. I bleed for a very long time after the birth
That would be great, thank you :)

I was anemic with my first two and right now based on the bloodwork I had done a few weeks ago I'm borderline.
Okay, i was so anemic i had PICA and craved sand :blush:

Being anemic can DEF lead to PPH. So if you can get your levels up (preferably before the blood volume surge at 28 weeks-it is quite the challenge to increase after that), then that will reduce your risk of PPH greatly.

i wanted to do as everything as i could to make sure i didn't end up being anemic this time (not only is not good and has risk, like PPH, it can also make labor longer and more painful) so i follow the signs (craving certain foods and such). and when it was checked, sure enough my iron was low. It always surprised me because i eat a high protein diet (you may want to look up the brewer diet), and i also took my prenatal which has the recommend amount of iron in it...well it wasnt until i switch to HB MWs that i learned those synthetic iron pills (the iron you purchase over the counter at regular stores and the iron in most prenatals), doesn't get absorbed very well into the body. And it is very hard for the body to digest. So they told me to switch to a food based iron suppliment (you can get it at a health foods store or herbal shoppe). And get those gummy Vit C (you can get most regular stores). she said to make sure i dont ingest anything with calcium prior (or after) taking the iron because calcium will prevent it from absorbing. Furthermore she said to take Vit C with it because it will aid in absorption of the iron :thumbup: so that is one thing i recommend you do, and that will def cut your risk down :D It worked wonders for me :)
Also, i noticed you said you had inductions. I just got done reading that PPH is a risk to an induction. So if you have a HB, obviously you are not getting medically induced, so that will decrease your risk of PPH as well...you could point that out to the MWs ;)
A lot of HB MWs recommend taking Alfalfa during pregnancy. Its packed with lots of good stuff like Vit K and Iron to help prevent PPH :thumbup:

This is just all info i have floating around in my head from my own research. but heres a link


Not sure if you have ever considered this or not (some ppl arnt comfortable with it, others are totally on board), but you could get your placenta encapsulated. That helps too.

This is an interesting thread. A couple herbs to TREAT PPH is Sheppard's Purse Tincture


As with all herbs and drugs, be sure to do your research. Some are only mean for AFTER the birth, some are met for only pregnancy and some for both, so make sure you do your research :D
Welcome all new members :flower:

Congrats Sadie!!:happydance:

Sending love and healing vibes to Freya!! :kiss:

Guppy the list has gone as it has become so difficult to maintain without being a big job. People don't come back or update us and things get lost in this thread. I also think it doesn't really matter if you get your home birth or not. As we've said many times during the life of this group, hoe birth is more than a location - its a state of mind, so getting on that list as a graduate may be quite nice but when our journeys need to take a different direction it can be hard seeing it up there. So I took the decision to keep the focus on all the amazing support you give to one another - that's what's precious and really means something in all this :) hope that's ok :flower:
Guppy, thank you so much for all of that! I don't eat much meat so I'm slowly trying to incorporate more iron rich foods. I did read about inductions leading to PPH, I also read that quick labors can be a cause as well. I went from 4cm at 730pm to delivered at 824pm so it was very quick. I know I can't control how quickly this baby will be born but I am going to do everything in my power to avoid induction so hopefully that helps too.

I'm going to read through the links you posted and I'm going to make notes of what you've mentioned and take them to my next midwife appointment. Hopefully I will do enough to get my levels to a good level. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it :)

I don't know anyone personally who has had a midwife or a home birth so it's great to have a forum for advice, etc. :)
Hiya, loads to read, so I just scanned through! I really came on here to say I had a dream about my homebirth last night! It was odd! (especially since I am not pregnant haha) I woke up in the morning and there was a big flashing arrow to my belly and a neon sign saying PREGNANT (cos that's how I find out in dreams lolol) Anyway, throughout the day my bump got MASSIVE and then I went into labour at midnight, I jumped into (yes, jumped, like a kangaroo haha!) into this huge birth pool that was about the size of a swimming pool, and pushed once :)rofl:) and my baby was born. It was a girl and we called her Daisy! :shrug:

Thought you lot may appreciate haha!
Don't forget yo up your Vit C intake as this helps uptake of Iron in your diet.

Spatone is good for an Iron supplement, its a natural supplement and you add it to drinks, it tastes like apples...wayyyyy nicer than manky iron tablets
hay sorry I haven't updated ladies as we had quite a worry with Neiva the other day as she was sick and then started choking and couldn't breath so had to call the ambulance out... She's fine and was back to normal by the time we got to the hospital... Then while we were there her cold got cought on my coat I i changed her n it was still bleeding... But luckly she didnt need stitches =)

Birth story......

Went to the hospital at 10am ready to be induced, I was told that I was only 1cm dilated and that I would need the pessary as they couldn't break my waters then after hours of nothing other than bh, me and hubby went for a walk and my bh were one after the other about every 8mins and then 2 in between lol

Then at about 4 I said they were starting to get painful and they were every 2mins lasting 1min... Then at 5 I was examined and I was 3cm but would stretch to 4 n so they took w to delivery

I was made to have a wee and then I was checked again n I was told I was about 5cm at about 5:20 then a doctor came in as her heart beats kept dropping n they told me to turn on my side but i said i couldn't as it was too painful n i was told i was only 5cm at 6:23... Then I shouted at them telling them I needed to push but they said I couldn't... So I said I can't help it the babys coming lol then Neiva Rae was born at 6:27 with no pain relief lol and only 1push!!!!! Lol x

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