Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

My god I was nodding throughout that whole article! I just hope I'm lucky enough to actually deliver at home next time! I got quite down and depressed about my "failed hb" (smack on hands for using that phrase) and I still feel it just won't ever happen for me, but I'm still gonna give it a go, maybe him upstairs will give me a break and give me at least one perfect birth lol!! Xx
Hiya! My laptop is fixed so I can get online again...yay!

I'm booked for a home birth (EDD 23rd September) and my midwife jumped for joy, and did a dance in her chair when I said I wanted a HB...BUT:

1) I'm moving house back to a different town at the end of this month, hopefully the new MWs will be as supportive of HB as these have been
2) I have very low iron (8.5) So hoping they're not going to try and stop me going for HB. I'm not going into hospital unless it's absolutely neccessary, I have decided this, so I don't want to be battling it!

My midwives told me that they like to see iron levels at 10.0 for a home birth. Are you taking any supplements or anything? My levels were at 10.5 at 28 weeks so they had me start taking two liquid supplements and by 39 weeks my levels were 11.6.
I'm pretty sure I posted in here way back when I was first pregnant and planning a home birth. I had my baby 3 days ago at home. It was the most amazing experience, it makes me wish so badly that I had home birthed all 3 of my kids. A very small part of me already wants to be pregnant again just to have another home birth lol.
I'm pretty sure I posted in here way back when I was first pregnant and planning a home birth. I had my baby 3 days ago at home. It was the most amazing experience, it makes me wish so badly that I had home birthed all 3 of my kids. A very small part of me already wants to be pregnant again just to have another home birth lol.

Wow, I hope mine will be like that too :)
My OH is having a hard time with this, but he respects my decision, even if he doesn´t understand it.
He just can´t see the logic behind not delivering in a hospital ("where I would be so much closer to everything in case something goes wrong").
I told him this kind of relates to "if I go outside I might get hit by a car, so I´m not going" in my head...
I'm on iron tablets 3 times a day...hopefully my levels will come back up...if not, I don't know what to do...hopefully the midwives will still be okay for me to birth at home. I'm moving to a different town in 2 weeks, so hopefully those midwives will be as pro-home birth as these ones have been!
Hi all! Lord willing we will be having another homebirth in April! My first was born in a hospital (I had an epidural), then my next two were born at home unassisted. I am seeing my old OB for the beginning of this pregnancy because while I have zero issues with birth, I just have to be able to keep my babies alive through the first trimester, and I'm hoping he can help me with that.
I'm on iron tablets 3 times a day...hopefully my levels will come back up...if not, I don't know what to do...hopefully the midwives will still be okay for me to birth at home. I'm moving to a different town in 2 weeks, so hopefully those midwives will be as pro-home birth as these ones have been!

I really hope your new midwifes are supportive!

Hi all! Lord willing we will be having another homebirth in April! My first was born in a hospital (I had an epidural), then my next two were born at home unassisted. I am seeing my old OB for the beginning of this pregnancy because while I have zero issues with birth, I just have to be able to keep my babies alive through the first trimester, and I'm hoping he can help me with that.

Congrats on your new pregnancy! hope the ob can help you get through 1st tri! I had an april baby last year, fab month to have a baby imo ;)

Hoping to join you all again soon, though not pregnant yet, we've bought new pool liners all ready ;)
Hi all! Lord willing we will be having another homebirth in April! My first was born in a hospital (I had an epidural), then my next two were born at home unassisted. I am seeing my old OB for the beginning of this pregnancy because while I have zero issues with birth, I just have to be able to keep my babies alive through the first trimester, and I'm hoping he can help me with that.

Congrats! :)
Hi all! Lord willing we will be having another homebirth in April! My first was born in a hospital (I had an epidural), then my next two were born at home unassisted. I am seeing my old OB for the beginning of this pregnancy because while I have zero issues with birth, I just have to be able to keep my babies alive through the first trimester, and I'm hoping he can help me with that.

Hello :wave: Fellow unassisted birther here. Best experience of my life and we are planning on another UC in Oct/Nov
When are you due Silver Penny? I'm due Oct. 29th. I haven't gotten around to fixing my ticker (I'm terribly lazy, I input the wrong date). I look forward to reading your UC!
I'm due Nov 4th, but both of my sons were born early, and I think this one will be too. Honestly, I think I would go crazy if I went overdue :haha:
So im WTT for #3 and my last was a homebirth, however my times go..

#1 4hours
#2 2hours (25mins from 5cm to baby born)

So before I even get pregnant with number 3 I thought I would ask if anyone has any information I can read about giving birth alone(well no medical people) just in case, since if I follow pattern labor would be 1hour!! and it took me an hour to realize I was really in labor with number 2 but I had already rang the midwife just in case so midwife just manged to get here in time.
^^ I'll love some info to read also. I was 3-4 cm when my waters went and she was born less than an hour later! I was umming and arring about ringing the mw for ages and my waters went half hour after her arriving, so if I had of put off calling I could possibly of been unassisted (although at least then I'd of ended up stating at home eh!!). I'm not worried at all about going it alone (infact it sounds quite exciting but oh wouldn't be so enthusiastic ha ha) but would be good to read up before hand.
When are you planning to ttc Lesley? We're starting oct next year. X
There are two that I always highly recommend- Heart & Hands by Elizabeth Davis, and Birth Emergency Skills Training by Bonnie Gruenberg.

I also recommend reading as many birth stories as you can, just to get a feel for other experiences, and to read any other midwife textbooks that you can (the two that I mentioned are). I think everyone should prepare for an unassisted birth, whether it is planned or not. Plus, it just educates you SO much all around, even for an avid hospital birther, it's important stuff to know.
Those two are great books. There are so many great books out there but my all time favorites have to be Holistic Midwifery (there are 2 volumes, plus a book on diagnostic tests) They are a bit pricey, though, but great reference/reading material.
I am planning to check if my either one of the two libraries close by have them as I can't quite afford these texts at the moment :p but i've been reading alot of.birth stories and even watching birth videos. I'm a tiny bit nervous but also terribly excited and happy to be planning a UC with this baby.. I am also very glad my DH is so supportive of it
hello everyone!

i am still hopeful for a home water birth but at my 20 weeks scan we found out my placenta is fully covering my cervix.

i have to go back for a scan at 34 weeks to see if it has moved.

fingers x'd it has moved and i will still be on track for my home birth!!
hello everyone!

i am still hopeful for a home water birth but at my 20 weeks scan we found out my placenta is fully covering my cervix.

i have to go back for a scan at 34 weeks to see if it has moved.

fingers x'd it has moved and i will still be on track for my home birth!!

Fingers crossed for you.
Hi everyone!

DH and I aren't pregnant yet but recently made the decision to have our first child. My OD is coming up this week and we are ready to take the plunge. So excited!

We have decided for natural waterbirth (possibly a homebirth). Not sure if at a center or at home (apartment) but I am somewhat scared and nervous of the pain. I've always had bad menstrual cramps to the point of vomiting so I know how to endure pain but I imagine that labor pains are much different.

As a first timer I am a little scared and I know it's different for everyone but any advice on handling the pain and what to expect would be greatly appreciated! Also, being a first timer, do you suggest going to a birthing center or is it okay to have the birth at home?

Thanks and Happy Labor Day!
You can have your first baby at home - there's no rule to say you have to go to a birthing centre for your first one.

Best thing you can do at the moment is research, research, research - watch natural, home, water, hypno birth videos for an idea of just how beautiful and calm birth can be. Read natural birth books (Ina May Gaskin is always a good place to start) and stay away from negative stories :hugs:

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