Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Gonna battle with my baby and a boob. She is colicky and not doing great with her feeding, probably due to the strain of labour and the last few days of pregnancy. And will then start on my birth story and change my sig!
Good luck Celesse!!!

So I am posting an off topic rant. I have been battling issues with my workload for the past 2 1/2 months. And so far I've only really lost it emotionally once and have been able to keep a balance that works for me (but I am always battling my manager and putting up with complaints about it). My MW told me last week if I get to the point I got to a couple weeks ago where I lost it, I have to take time off, and I let my manager know this (the one I'm working for right now).

The manager I am working for right now always works a ton, every busy season she goes months without a day off and pulls ridiculous hours. And she totally stresses. Well, there's quite a bit to do on our file so I worked very hard on staying calm and relaxed last week and worked 50 hours on top of having a MW appt, 20 week US appt, hypnobabies class, prenatal yoga and all the home committments from hypnobabies (about 45 min or so a night). I worked on the weekend and haven't taken a day off since last Monday. And I've kept myself together (although I've stopped sleeping well at night, which totally sucks).

Needless to say I was pretty proud of myself. I get in this morning and she is pissed at me because she is exhausted from working over 70 hours last week and for weeks on end and is annoyed that I am not helping pull the slack (because my time report didn't reflect all hours yet and showed only 30 some hours). I informed her that I worked 50 hours and she knows I had appts and worked the weekend. And she is still right pissed at me. And then in an email she puts this comment "I took on a lot of extra work last week because I assumed everyone was working their butts off. I can’t tell you how frustrating and disappointing it is to know that this was not the case. "

I am so not impressed right now, I feel like I should have just taken the weekend off. I understand that she's overworked but I can't phyically pick up that much slack for her. And all I want to do is tell her how I fell but I know if I do that we will get into it and it will throw me off and take me out of the peaceful state of mind I"m trying to maintain right now. And I know that if that happens I will be heading to another complete breakdown (which I don't want) which will lead to time off and just make matters a thousand times worse.

Sorry for ranting, I just needed to get it off my chest a bit. Now I have to go back to ignoring it because even writing this is messing with my emotions. :) Sometimes I really wish I was one of those pregnant woman that could handle more than I am able...
OMG Gina it sounds like you are handling MORE than enough for a pregnant woman! :shock:

Gosh I hope you dont burn out honey. You can only do so much :hugs:
My blood results are in and the levels are normal :D for now. So i am off to plan my homebirth :)

What a wonderful thread! And so informative to, everything yu wanted to know about homebirths is here and makes for pleasant reading too!

The real reason Im here is it is my dream to have a homebirth this time, but I dont think I'll be able to.

I have alot of underlying health issues (I have lupus, fibromyalgia and a blood disorder) and because of this, I knowI will be avised against it again (Wanted DS #2 born at home but I was induced at 37 weeks as he had stopped growing and there were concerns for his health).

Has anyone ever heard of any high risk mothers birthing at home? I have googled this subject, but it dosent really bring much back.

Thank you in advance ladies, I wish you all the best of luck with your pregnancies and births xxx :hugs:

What a wonderful thread! And so informative to, everything yu wanted to know about homebirths is here and makes for pleasant reading too!

The real reason Im here is it is my dream to have a homebirth this time, but I dont think I'll be able to.

I have alot of underlying health issues (I have lupus, fibromyalgia and a blood disorder) and because of this, I knowI will be avised against it again (Wanted DS #2 born at home but I was induced at 37 weeks as he had stopped growing and there were concerns for his health).

Has anyone ever heard of any high risk mothers birthing at home? I have googled this subject, but it dosent really bring much back.

Thank you in advance ladies, I wish you all the best of luck with your pregnancies and births xxx :hugs:

I cant help you on the high risk question, but I have to agree with you about how lovely this thread is and how amazingly positive it makes you feel when deciding on a homebirth
Hi all.

Finally back home with baby Abigail. I will add a proper birth story when I've had a bit more sleep. I was "allowed" my home labour but was transferred by blue light/ siren ambulance to hospital due to a fetal heart rate of 165-175, maternal BP of 160/90 and ?high maternal temp (had taken paracetamol). As labour progressed she had a big decell, but recovered and then her heart rate went up to nearly 200. Decision was made for section.

I have been in to recover from the section and establish breastfeeding, as being a section baby to a first time mum it has taken a while. I had one of those patient line tvs and could view B&B but not post as old system, so if you have seen me stalking thats why.

Was not actually a horrific experience and was as good a labour as it could have been given the medical needs of the baby.

Only just catching up!!!! Congtratulations!!!! So glad it wasnt a horrific experience....

and.....espcisally for those who may have concerns (or their OH's) about what happens if he birth doesnt go to plan, its testament that an ambulance can get you to hospital and a baby can be delivered safely!
My SPD is really bad now. Wearing a support belt constantly and on crutches!

The way i see it is, they cant do anything for the pain of the SPD and labour at hospital (apart from an epi and i dont want that at all) so im still going for a homebirth.

really hoping i dont go into labour during the night or morning as that is when my SPD is most painful!

How are you coping with Maley being on crutches! I am so worried that I will end up using them as walking can be an issue some days. Its so depressing isnt it?!?

Need to get my referal to the physio sorted but you can only speak to them for half an hour a day and the phone is always engaged! Grrrr

My SPD is worse at night and first thing as well. Takes me about 5 mins to get off the sofa and up the stairs to bed which is not fun and very painful!
Thanks Rach

its very depressing as i dont go much unless i have to! I only really use the crutches in the morning when it is really bad as tbh i cant use them much! If i have maley and want to go out, i cant use the crutches and push a buggy. My flat is small so i tend to hold on to things or use one crutch. I cant really use the crutches to pop to the shops as i cant use the crutches and hold the bag!!!

I have just learnt to accept the pain and i think i have done that because the end is near!!

One thing that does help me at night is being propped up rather than lay flat. I could sleep quite comfy on a recliner chair in the libing room so loads of pillows, linen, towels etc are on my side of the bed and im pretty much sleeping in a sitting position but i am much less stiff and not in complete agony in the morning. Maybe give that a try. Doesnt take the pain away but is less severe and i get to actually sleep at night!
Thanks Rach, have finally managed to get an appointment with the physio this friday so will see if they can help me out with a support belt as I think I need it! You are doing so well hun and like you say, not long to go now. xx
I've been reading through this thread regularly but haven't really had much to post. Congratulations to Celesse, Abigail is a beautiful name!

Spoke to my midwife at my last appointment about having a home birth, she said that would be fine as long as they weren't short staffed at the time. She arranged to come and do a home visit next week to go over my birth plan. :happydance:

She rang back today with my latest blood results. My haemoglobin was 12.6 at my booking appointment, 11 at 28 weeks and is now only 9.8. So unless I can get it back up to 10.5 in the next two weeks, she's doesn't want me to have a homebirth. :cry:

So I've got to go down to the pharmacy to pick up some iron tablets this afternoon. Will also start taking Spatone again (was taking it before I got pregnant due to frequent problems with anaemia, but stopped when I got morning sickness and it made me throw up) and eating plenty of greens, apricots, etc. Feeling a bit down about it and not sure if I'll be able to get my levels up in time. Midwife was also predicting that this baby will come early (I was 38 weeks with my son) which sounded good to me, but now I desperately want baby to hold on a bit longer!
I am borderline anaemic when I'm not pregnant. I tried Spatone and Floradix without much success so I've given in and am on the regular iron tablets. I havent had my levels checked recently but I've been about the 10 mark all the way through. No one has mentioned me not having a HB so far with regards to my iron levels. It does sound a little like your MW is lining you up to not 'allow' you your HB.......getting it in about staffing levels and your iron. Try not to be disheartened hun. Staffing shouldnt be an issue no matter what they are obliged to attend you and the iron levels you have to decide for yourself if you think it's a good enough reason to not go ahead.:)
back to the original subject...
i've always assumed i'd give birth in hospital as that's where women give birth. never crossed my mind to have a home birth. but with ds during labour i was bored out of my mind and the only thing to focus on was the pain. it waasn't a long labour but i'm sure it would have been easier if i'd had something to distract me.

for those who have had homebirths i have a few questions:

i have a dd who will be 4 and a ds who will be 2. i don't want them to hear me yelling in labour and waking up (ds is a light sleeper) if its at night or jumping on me if its during the day. what did u do with your other los during labour. it's not something i want them to see! if i went into hospital they'd sleep in their own beds and my sister would come and look after them.

how do u deal with the mess? i'm not tidy at the best of times and the thought of all that blood everywhere and i'd be worrying about cleaning it up...

when you need to recover from the birth, how do u cope with your other los wanting to see you and the baby?
I havent had my HB yet but I'll try to answer your questions from my perspective.

My 2 will be going to my mum's or my sister's. I wanted them there originally but my eldest said she didnt want to be so it seemed silly to split them up. I dont really yell during labour so that wasnt a massive consideration. If I start in the night like I did with the girls I'll leave them where they are till morning then pack them off to school/nursery or who ever will be looking after them. I'm hoping to have them back straight after the birth to meet their brother as soon as possible. I dont worry about the girls wanting to see me - I'll want to see them. I really want them around me after - that's more of an attraction of HB to me than a consideration. I hated my DH having to leave me at the birth centre last time and I had him bring my eldest there on her way to school first thing the next day.

I'm not concerned about mess. From what I have read and other HB mum's accounts, there really isnt that much mess. We've bought some sheeting and have lots of old towels and the MWs have left about a hundred incontinence pads! The MWs clean up after you give birth just as they do in hospital or birth centre - it's part of what they are doing while they hang around for an hour or so to make sure you and the baby are ok :)
She rang back today with my latest blood results. My haemoglobin was 12.6 at my booking appointment, 11 at 28 weeks and is now only 9.8. So unless I can get it back up to 10.5 in the next two weeks, she's doesn't want me to have a homebirth. :cry:

I had the iron problem as well. I took ferrous sulphate twice a day, but I believe the dose can go up to 3 times a day. I also had as much iron rich food as possible. My 41 week result was up to 11.3!
If you feel well I would argue against having to go in for a boarder line anaemia and hopefully they will support you. I made it clear that I would prefer to stay at home, but would adjust the birth plan to accommodate the low Hb by considering managed third stage and being extra cautious about going in at signs of bleeding ect.

Keep demanding additional blood tests if you feel it is going up, you can get them done by the heath care assistant or practice nurse if its gonna be inconvenient to the midwife. And once you get it above 10.5 then stop testing.

Good luck.
my blood count went down before my ds was born and i was on ferrous sulphate 3 times a day and i ate lots of iron rich foods like dried apricots and figs amongst other things and it shot up in time for the birth. had a hospital birth but just thought i'd stick my oar in on the blood count thread.
back to the original subject...
i've always assumed i'd give birth in hospital as that's where women give birth. never crossed my mind to have a home birth. but with ds during labour i was bored out of my mind and the only thing to focus on was the pain. it waasn't a long labour but i'm sure it would have been easier if i'd had something to distract me.

for those who have had homebirths i have a few questions:

i have a dd who will be 4 and a ds who will be 2. i don't want them to hear me yelling in labour and waking up (ds is a light sleeper) if its at night or jumping on me if its during the day. what did u do with your other los during labour. it's not something i want them to see! if i went into hospital they'd sleep in their own beds and my sister would come and look after them.

how do u deal with the mess? i'm not tidy at the best of times and the thought of all that blood everywhere and i'd be worrying about cleaning it up...

when you need to recover from the birth, how do u cope with your other los wanting to see you and the baby?

Hiya Hon,

Pleased you are considering a HB, it is a brilliant experience and there is nothing like being all snuggled up in your own bed at home to recover from birth!

I have had a home birth, but I don't have any other children, so I'm not sure that I'll be much help with that one; but I think MMum suggestion sounds good - some other mummies have their children with them while they give birth, but it is personnel choice.

But as for not being in hospital and recovery - I really feel that being home, helped me to feel normal and relaxed while I recovered. After all you can have a bath or shower, whenever you feel like it, eat your fav food whenever you want and more importantly sleep whenever you want!! I know being at home you won't have nurses all around to aid you - but even in hospital, there are not there all the time. Plus if all goes well with a hospital birth, the norm these days seems to be to get you back home ASAP (within about 6hrs, by all accounts). I wouldn't have liked getting all packed up and into the car within that time.. and I'm glad I didn't have too!

My advice, is to make some meals to put in the freezer for those first few days/weeks and take full advantage (if you can) of your OH being on Paternity leave and/or family and friends to help you out domestically and with your other lOs. I’m sure that most of us do this regardless of where we give birth.

As for the mess - Please don't worry about blood everywhere!!! There is hardly any. Plus my waters were all absorbed by a thick sanitary towel. (although I gave birth in water - there really was hardly any blood in there) I'm sure as it is much more relaxed, and you are not on any clock, you can labour slower and are far less likely IMO, to have much bleeding.
Also as MMum said, the MW were fantastic, and cleared away all the rubbish and made sure we were comfortable and happy before leaving. They even did the washing up!!!! (They all left about 5 hours after birth - but I was slow delivering the placenta)

There is only really a few things your NEED in addition for a HB: (the MW will bring all the other essentials).
A shower curtain - to protect your carpets (be careful if you cover them with sheets on top, as they can be very slippery. I had to remove the sheets I put on top of mine, as I very nearly went flying!)
A bucket - to be sick into, if needed.
Old clean towels or dark coloured ones - to clean baby, and wrap up in. (you don't want to be using fluffy white ones, that's for sure!
and perhaps a few bed wetting pads. (my MW did bring some, but they were handy to have)

Other things I recommend are:
Hair bands
Hot water bottle - for backache
Water spray - to spray on your face and back when you get hot
Straws - much easier to drink from, than trying to hold a glass in labour
A torch
Hand held Mirror - so you can see your baby coming, or to help the MWs to see, if you are in a awkward position for them!
Lots of tea, coffee and snacks for your brilliant MWs!

I'm sure you will have a great time planning your HB! Congrats! .. And you are right, being at home, it is much easier to distract yourself from making your mind turn the sensations of labour into pain. You can be totally proactive, and in control of your own birth, as much or as little as you want to - you set the tone and the mood (I was pleased I didn't have to give birth in a clinical room with bright strip lighting)
Also another thing, if anyone is interested in having a waterbirth.

Having a homebirth is the only way you are guaranteed getting it - you can't say that for hospital, or a birthing centre, as there are limited amount of pools.

My local hospital for example had 20 birthing rooms and only 1 pool.

Thanks for the positivity, great to hear that yours went up so well Celesse. I'm on ferrous sulphate three times a day, have just been down town to buy some dried apricots and figs, and will make plenty of broccoli, watercress and spinach soup tomorrow! Guess I'll be living off boiled eggs and sardines for the next couple of weeks. :D Will do some research as well so that I'm well-armed when I next speak to my midwife.

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