Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

yay for so much positive home birth news everyone!! Wooo! that is so so cool. urbanbumpkin you sound like you have the most amazing midwife ever :)
Hi -As the q says above really lol

My mw has told me that I need to go consultant led due to severe spd and jsut wondering if nayone has experience of having ahome birth with spd (symphis pubis dysfunction / or pelvic girdle pain).

I am on crutches a lot of the time, and she is worried about my pain -but having had three kidsand never before wanting or needing an epidural then I wonder if its neccessary to deliver in a hsopital just for that reason?

xx :hugs: xx

Hiya Hun!!

I have SPD very bad (also on crutches and using a belt). I am still planning a homebirth and will not let it affect my decision so if you really want a HB you dont have to let it stand in your way.

My midwife said it will not affect my homebirth if i am willing to go through labour without pain relief, i.e epi..... The only thing it may affect is it may limit the positions you can get comfortable in (for example i cannot get on all fours...far too painful).

I really dont want an epidural and i feel i will be more relaxed at home. Have you considered a birthing pool for the SPD pain rather than for the labour pain. Also, make a mental note of the position that you find yourself more confortable in.....mine is on my side.

Be aware though that the consultant may try and put you off having a homeborth - mine did - but i am adamant. I would rather see how i labour at home and if the worst comes to worst, i will ask to be transferred. I would rather that than go to hospital first and wished i stayed at home. On the plus side of a homebirth, your midwife will know how bad your SPD is....much more than a mw you never met before at a hospital. I had SPD with my first daughter (though not as bad) and i found being on all fours and standing was sooo painful but the mw's at the hospital kept telling me to "get up" when all i wanted to do was lay on my side which i found so comfy....in the end I ignored them...and only turned on my back to push by which point i didnt care about any pain...i was getting her out!!!

Oh and apparently, having SPD means your second stage labour is quicker....so it does have its advantages!!

The way I am viewing it is......no pain is worst than labour pains....so i have a few extra pains when i open my legs, turn over etc....so be it....its still not going to kill me and i know i will be strong enough to cope with it as long as i can get into a position where it isnt so bad.

Im here to chat if you need to and look out for my birth story!! Hopefully wont be far off given the pains i am getting!!!

Its hard isnt it....i have serious cabin fever and cant even drive anymore!!!


Hi - thanks for this :hugs:

Can midwifes refuse to assist in home deliveries? My last labour was so quick, less than 2 hours start to finish and we only just made it to the hospital in time. If I have to go to the consultant led unit -and the labour is as short then we'll not make it. If it's not a planned homebirth and he comes at home /on the motorway etc -then they'll make me stay in hospital due to increased infection risks etc and I really dont want to be in hospital at all.

They cant refuse to assist.... My labour with Maley was about 4 hours from the point of waters breaking and first contraction to birth so very quick for a first birth which is another reason why i want a HB. Dont see the point in going all the way to hospital and then have to come back 6 hours later!

Midwife said I have to go consultant led for pain relief options (I dont want an epi ,and didn't really think they were recommended for spd sufferers anyway and I took a bad reaction to pethidine before so its entenox all the way) and also she said for positions in labour lol - what positions can a consultant led unit get me into that I can't get into myself lol haha :haha: -

I protested loudly, but she jsut smiled and said we'll discuss it later on.

You may have to protest even louder? Why should you go consultant led for pain relief....the pain relief is your choice!!! They seem very negative. Why cant you labour at home and if necessary transfer to hospital for an epi. You will just have to be very adamant that you want to labour at home and you want to avoid an epi.

An epi is not recommended for SPD sufferers. My sister gave birth (she had SPD too) with 0 pain relief (not even any gas and air) (14 hour labour) and she said she couldnt even put her finger on any extra pain from the SPD or not because she was in pain.....labour pain....and couldnt focus on anything else.

Are you hiring /have bought a pool for home? -and how do you get in to it? -I can't lift my feet more than a few cms which is why my mw has said no birthingpool either -too dangerous if I cant get out in an emergency.

Im borrowing a pool......Im assuming i will get in it the same way i get in the bath......i manage it even if it is painful. My OH said he will lift me in it if need be! ha ha

The other thing is her saying that you wont be able to get out in an emergency....WTF??? Its hardly the size of a swimming pool!! Im sure your OH would get you out! and if not, SPD doesnt paralyse you??? Even if i thought i was dying from the pain, if there was a risk to the baby and had to get out of the pool, i would get out regardless of the pain!

Your midwife doesnt sound very supportive.....as though she does not trust your own judgment on your own pain management....??

I dont see what is beneficial to you going to hospital rather than be at home. The only reason is that there is epi available at hospital. Is that it? They have to come better than that.

So looking forward to reading your successful home birthing story. Hope all goes really well for you. It must be good, to see the light at the end of the tunnel -I cant believe I still have 16 weeks to go :cry:

It is although im getting so fed up now.....and its really dragging and putting a dampener on what i hoped to be an enjoyable pregnancy!!


edited to say -I also have torn abdo muscles -wearing a full bump support aswell as my pelvic support lol - would this maybe make an impact???

I dont know as i have never heard of torn abdo muscles....maybe see if anyone here has any experience of it

See above in bold...... x

All in all, if you really feel that a homebirth is how you want to labour then you may have to be very forthright and tell them the situation. This is what i want and thats that. Unless they give you a reason for why it would be determinetal to your health and the baby's, then there is no reason why you should not have your HB. Your body and your baby. x
Hi everyone:hi:

I've just been given the thumbs up from my midwife for a home birth :happydance: and so wanted to come and say hello. I'm currently 34 and a bit weeks pregnant, so as long as LO stays put for another 2.5 weeks then I should get my homebirth! I'm also doing hypnobirthing and am really looking forward to seeing how well it works.
Hi Ladies,

Welcome to all the newbies...

This thread has got so long I need to flip back and read a few pages...

Update on me: Went to my protocol driven consultant appointment today, and all he did was feel my belly take my bp, screen my urine and preety much sent me on my way so its all good really :) He said, baby is normal average size and 3/5 palpable which probably explains the pressure I have been feeling lately. He has booked an appointment for me to see him at 40+1 but he said "hopefully I wont see you and you would of had your baby by then. He put on my notes " Happy for her to go ahead with plans for homebirth" :happydance:

So thats all from me, I will have a read through of the recent posts now.

EternalRose x x x
Good stuff ER and welcome to Hen :D

I'm back from what will hopefully be my last hospital appointment.

It went perfectly. The placenta/cord function and fluid levels are normal and he is growing perfectly. The Dr was very apologetic saying how sorry she was that I'd had to come back and forth so many times etc when there was nothing actually wrong. I told her I understood it was all with the best of intentions so I'm not cross in any way.

It does make me wonder how many women would dare to refuse induction and question the Drs.....I mean her opening gambit 2 weeks ago was 'you're not going to like me......I want to induce you.....' Thank goodness m immediate reaction was to say no. It would have been easier on their resources to have me in the next day and induced rather than the repeat appointments and extra scans but what price not having my baby taken from my womb where he's perfectly safe......

I had another S&S and I'm 2cm and he's 2/5 so almost engaged. I dont think he'll be long now :)

Anyway we're just finishing bits and bats here - putting up the long awaited blind in Sid's room, relaxing with fresh pineapple and a large glass of red as recommended by the consultant.....see I do listen to them when it suits :winkwink:
Good stuff ER and welcome to Hen :D

I'm back from what will hopefully be my last hospital appointment.

It went perfectly. The placenta/cord function and fluid levels are normal and he is growing perfectly. The Dr was very apologetic saying how sorry she was that I'd had to come back and forth so many times etc when there was nothing actually wrong. I told her I understood it was all with the best of intentions so I'm not cross in any way.

It does make me wonder how many women would dare to refuse induction and question the Drs.....I mean her opening gambit 2 weeks ago was 'you're not going to like me......I want to induce you.....' Thank goodness m immediate reaction was to say no. It would have been easier on their resources to have me in the next day and induced rather than the repeat appointments and extra scans but what price not having my baby taken from my womb where he's perfectly safe......

I had another S&S and I'm 2cm and he's 2/5 so almost engaged. I dont think he'll be long now :)

Anyway we're just finishing bits and bats here - putting up the long awaited blind in Sid's room, relaxing with fresh pineapple and a large glass of red as recommended by the consultant.....see I do listen to them when it suits :winkwink:

You bet your ass I will be doing this one, do you know why its reccommended?..:winkwink:

So glad you stuck to your guns hun..so are you feeling any niggles or anything after the sweep e.t.c?

EternalRose x x
Hope everyone is well.

I just had my appointment with the midwife at home. We went through all the stuff like when she would turn up, what they provided etc. It was all pretty straightforward and she seemed happy enough.

Here is a rundown if anyone wants to know:

We get our packs sometime during week 36-week 37 depending on the delivery driver's routes, schedule etc. We get a big metal tin with all the re-suss stuff, drugs, etc in , and then gas canisters in two separate bags with oxygen and entonox in.

All she asked we provide is towels to dry off after coming out of the pool, and a mirror so she can see what is going on no matter what position I am in. I was expecting them to have one themselves - I was imagining them as a bit like the ones you see in spy films to look under cars for bombs!

And when we set up the pool she asked to make sure there was room to walk all the way round it, and recommended that I sit and kneel in it a bit before putting water in to check it is comfy enough. If not then she said get an old duvet or something and put that underneath.

By my next appointment at 36 weeks I need to have decided if I want any pain relief beyond entonox so they can give me a script for it, have a think about whether I want oral or IM vitamin K, and what I want for the third stage. She is happy to wait as long as I want for the placenta to deliver.

I'm thinking no pain jags, oral Vitamin K, and a physiological third stage at the moment.

She also said she was happy from 37 week for a home birth, and at 42 weeks they would be happy to refer for a scan to check everything was still OK with fluid and cord, so I could make an informed decision, and just keep doing that every couple of days. She will do a sweep if I want if nothing is happening by week 39.

So it is all go now!

And she was very proud as they were in the paper last week:

Glasgow Evening Times They have basically doubled the rate of home births in the six months they have had a dedicated home birth team. And have more people booked in than expected so are looking to expand the service. At the moment there are two dedicated homebirth midwives and 6 community midwives who assist or act as back up.

Baby is still breech at the moment, but she is unfussed by that as I am only 32 weeks. If it stays that way she said she would attend at home if I insisted, but would not be completely happy. However she would happily attend me at the hospital for a vaginal breech birth. But did say she would probably be the only midwife who wouldn't freak out about it - and said with her I would get a breech delivery, with anyone else it would likely turn into a breech 'extraction'.

But I'm going to ignore that for now, as I'm sure baby will flip round at some point.

Sorry for the long post!

Your midwife sounds ace!! Also how organised are they, with delivering all the homebirth equipment out e.t.c I bet your so excited now. The midwives in my area dont like doing that at all and said they dont bring anything out until the day I go into labour. Would you believe on the list of things to get for the homebirth, they put down digital thermometer..they have got to be kidding me?!!! A midwife doesnt have her own thermometer? Im not buying it anyway. They have put down loads of things...such as fan heater to keep baby warm e.t.c which we bought today for £10 from Argos. I dont want to buy too many unneccasary items though as people have given birth in cars just fine..x x x
It's funny ER because I had no niggles after the one the MW gave me which felt to be quite a ragging but the Dr was much gentler and I am definitely feeling it. Loads of tightenings and I feel like his head is so far down I could poo my pants :blush: :haha:

She recommended, sex (no go hubby wont come near :roll:) fresh pineapple, nipple tweaking and a glass of red to get me relaxed and I guess help the oxytocin flowing :)
Hi a couple of questions from me as i am really getting into the swing of things preparing for my homebirth and hoping to buy my birthing pool tonight of ebay.

is it really necessary to have a liner can i not just sterilise the pool? they say the pool was never used only inflated and never filled.

Also how did/do you empty the pool?
(i have seen the pumps you can get but the pool i am looking at buying doesn't come with it and i cant find to buy it n its own just with the kit which is expensive and i dont need)

Thanks laura x
Hi Laura :)

I've been read a few websites that say a liner isn't needed. I've sterilised my pool and put it away and it will get another rinse with Milton fluid before its filled.

I've got a pump to empty mine....
It's funny ER because I had no niggles after the one the MW gave me which felt to be quite a ragging but the Dr was much gentler and I am definitely feeling it. Loads of tightenings and I feel like his head is so far down I could poo my pants :blush: :haha:

She recommended, sex (no go hubby wont come near :roll:) fresh pineapple, nipple tweaking and a glass of red to get me relaxed and I guess help the oxytocin flowing :)

This made me chuckle...:lol: I know what you mean about the head being so far down, Im only 3/5 palpable but it feels like I have a bowling bowl down there..:shock: Hoping things start for you very soon, I sooooooooo cant wait to read your birth story I just know your homebirth is going to be a success :) As for sex, I should never have told Matthew she is starting to engage because now he thinks he would be jabbing her in the head..:wacko: Ill give it a few more days before I work on that one again..x x x
Hi Laura :)

I've been read a few websites that say a liner isn't needed. I've sterilised my pool and put it away and it will get another rinse with Milton fluid before its filled.

I've got a pump to empty mine....

Thanks lisa i think i will be just giving mine a good scrub and milton solution as they are rather expensive.

I will be keeping my eyes open on ebay for a pump as oh says hes not carting buckets of water around after molly is here :)
I don't know how long these fella's think their shlongs are and how the check they will get up a cervix but it does seem to worry them!! :haha:

:rofl: :rofl: They do seem to have that weird idea...though have to admit after sex feeling the baby kicking around is kinda weird :haha:
Hi a couple of questions from me as i am really getting into the swing of things preparing for my homebirth and hoping to buy my birthing pool tonight of ebay.

is it really necessary to have a liner can i not just sterilise the pool? they say the pool was never used only inflated and never filled.

Also how did/do you empty the pool?
(i have seen the pumps you can get but the pool i am looking at buying doesn't come with it and i cant find to buy it n its own just with the kit which is expensive and i dont need)

Thanks laura x

Hey Laura,

We didn't get a liner, and just sterilised it with Milton (get in all the creases); we did this both when we test inflated it, and when we inflated in early labour (I don't know if I was right to do it twice in hindsight, but at the time, I wanted to)

Our pool was given a helping hand in emptying by siphoning off some of it with the hose we use to fill it - the MWs started this off for us, but it would only go to half-way empty. (As we were in a 1 bed flat, and the pool was in the living room, they did this by sucking on the other end of the hose, and putting it in the bath - I've got great respect for that!)
The remainder, we (I say we, but it was my OH), emptied it with repeated bucket loads. He had to have a break halfway through!

Our flat was a ground floor with a garden, so afer birth and a nice sleep, in the morning, we dragged the pool out into the garden, upturned it, and the OH hosed it off. We waited till it dried a bit, dried it off and we sterilised it again, and pack it away - ready for the next time! :)

I think the short answer to this would be, I'd recommend a pump! But it's not too hard to sort out the old fashioned way. Have you tried the camping shops - Millits and Cotswolds??? They should have them, for camp beds etc. I even seem to remember Argos having one>?
Maybe try garden centres for pumps? They should have ones for emptying and filling outdoor pools, without the expensive 'birth' markup. I think it is the same kind of markup you get for adding the word 'wedding' to something!

Would something like this work do you think? It says pump and filter and it seems to be from a company that make 'above ground' swimming pools, which is essentially what a birth pool is:

swimming pool filter pump

Wouldn't the camping ones be only for pumping air? Might be useful for inflating the pool itself though depending on how much puff you have! Or a car tire foot pump.

Your midwife sounds ace!! Also how organised are they, with delivering all the homebirth equipment out e.t.c I bet your so excited now. The midwives in my area dont like doing that at all and said they dont bring anything out until the day I go into labour. Would you believe on the list of things to get for the homebirth, they put down digital thermometer..they have got to be kidding me?!!! A midwife doesnt have her own thermometer? Im not buying it anyway. They have put down loads of things...such as fan heater to keep baby warm e.t.c which we bought today for £10 from Argos. I dont want to buy too many unneccasary items though as people have given birth in cars just fine..x x x

I think our midwives do it to make it easy on themselves. The van driver who takes stuff to clinics drops it off for them when he is out and about anyway, so the midwives only have to get themselves and their usual bag here when they get the call - no trip to the birth centre to collect anything.

She did say the bags and box would be sealed with little plastic tags 'for safety', so we won't be able to go rummaging through them! Although they just cut the tags off with scissors when they do need access.

How odd about the thermometer! You would think they would have one.
ER, I'd get the digital thermometer, as you'll eventually want it to check LO's temperature. They don't mean the expensive tympanic ones. They're pretty cheap, like this one at Boots for a fiver.
Fan heater :shock: I missed that one. This is probably all part of trying to put you off ER. My MW said towels and a torch - that's it. Anything else you want is up to you.
Its really easy I've been putting it off as i thought it would be a huge fuss... But no. There was an electric pump to inflate and deflate it in the box (hadn't even opened it to see what was inside!!!:wacko:)
It took about ten minutes and half of that was convincing my daft dog it wasn't for him!!:dohh:
I also found a new thermometer in the box,a dust shhet, shower curtain, a hose and tap conector to fill it with and an electric pump that fits the hose to empty it out with... Our idea was to put it next to the french doors in the living room and tip it up :dohh::nope:
Though I have to say I'm even more fed up now as I know its just a matter of waiting for madam to make her appearence:sleep:
Fan heater :shock: I missed that one. This is probably all part of trying to put you off ER. My MW said towels and a torch - that's it. Anything else you want is up to you.

I bought a first aid kit today from Boots for the baby and it has a thermometer in it, thanks Manda.

Yeah, I got the fan heater...and another thing she wants us to buy....wait for it.....an angle poised lamp JUST IN CASE she needs to do stitching. Matthew went and showed her a torch but she was like " No, I need bright light " Jeez..she did crack me up though. She said she was at a homebirth, and said to the OH could I have a light source to stitch up your wife and he bought out a lighter...


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