Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Hello everyone, CONGRATS to all the newly preggo ladies and good luck with your birth plans :)

Major milestone for me... I have JUST (finally) got through to the end of this thread. It's the most positive and informative thread I have ever been on, thank you SO MUCH to MM for starting it!

I have a "mood assessment" appt with the MW at home on the 26th, wondering if I should bring up my HB again then, she''s not really been into discussing it all that much up to now. I need to decide whether to buy a pool or hire one.... I'm in the process of pricing them up now.

I'm getting very impatient waiting for my books to arrive... Amazon estimate delivery for 13th-26th April, so I'm hopping up and down and checking the post every 5 minutes!
Hello everyone, CONGRATS to all the newly preggo ladies and good luck with your birth plans :)

Major milestone for me... I have JUST (finally) got through to the end of this thread. It's the most positive and informative thread I have ever been on, thank you SO MUCH to MM for starting it!

I have a "mood assessment" appt with the MW at home on the 26th, wondering if I should bring up my HB again then, she''s not really been into discussing it all that much up to now. I need to decide whether to buy a pool or hire one.... I'm in the process of pricing them up now.

I'm getting very impatient waiting for my books to arrive... Amazon estimate delivery for 13th-26th April, so I'm hopping up and down and checking the post every 5 minutes!

Jeez, I cant believe you read the whole thread your one determined mamma :haha: Im so embarassed, you have now seen all my moaning..:blush:

I would definately test the waters with MW again...but either way I know you will be strong enough to get the birth that you want this time.

I dont have a pool, but I would definately buy one rather than hire one..as it seems more expensive to hire in the long run. You can also use it as a paddling pool for after..:winkwink:
Welcome to the homebirth group wannabubba#4 :flower:, from what I have read on here the men usually come round in the end especially if they see how dedicated you are to having the birth that you want. x x
Hello everyone, CONGRATS to all the newly preggo ladies and good luck with your birth plans :)

Major milestone for me... I have JUST (finally) got through to the end of this thread. It's the most positive and informative thread I have ever been on, thank you SO MUCH to MM for starting it!

I have a "mood assessment" appt with the MW at home on the 26th, wondering if I should bring up my HB again then, she''s not really been into discussing it all that much up to now. I need to decide whether to buy a pool or hire one.... I'm in the process of pricing them up now.

I'm getting very impatient waiting for my books to arrive... Amazon estimate delivery for 13th-26th April, so I'm hopping up and down and checking the post every 5 minutes!

Jeez, I cant believe you read the whole thread your one determined mamma :haha: Im so embarassed, you have now seen all my moaning..:blush:

I would definately test the waters with MW again...but either way I know you will be strong enough to get the birth that you want this time.

I dont have a pool, but I would definately buy one rather than hire one..as it seems more expensive to hire in the long run. You can also use it as a paddling pool for after..:winkwink:

I think I do need to bring it up. She has mentioned 3 things that could "stop" my HB: big bump (wtf?:wacko:) big baby, low iron. I am NOT changing to a hosp. birth for the 1st 2 and I am happy to compromise with the 3rd and be flexible about my Fizzy 3rd stage. I would go in if my iron drops horribly low or if I start showing symptoms of being anemic, but that is highly unlikely in my case I think. I want her to know my stance on it, but on the other hand I don't want to give hr more time to dream up more excuse for me to be in hospital! :haha:
Madasa, I had the same 3 things potentially stopping my home birth at the same stage of pregnancy. I ended up having a growth scan at 40 weeks to see if baby was actually going to be large...to "inform" the birth plan. At 40 weeks they estimated her to be 7lb 6, which was probably close considering she was 8lb 1.5 at birth 15 days later. If she had been big then I would still have started out at home, but would have taken her size into consideration if labour had been slow.
I've had two growth scans, both showing LO to be slightly bigger than average but well within the "normal" range. That said, since I've tested clear for GD, I'm confident my body won't grow a baby too big to birth! :)
Hi girls, I get my internet access back in a few days. total balls up on my inet companies part, but just dropped in to say my first NHS m/w appt was great. Very positive, none of the crap we had to put up with last time and one of the homebirth midwives is coming to have a chat with me at home tomorrow. Glasgow has a homebirth team now, so the process is just so much simpler. She's one of the midwives in this article which is quite interesting, especially for anyone who joins us who happens to be in the homebirth area.


TTYL hope you are all well. :)

I'm in the Glasgow area too. I'v been having appointments with Caroline (but could end up with her or Anne depending on who's on shift at the time). Things seem so much more straight forward now they have that team up and running, it has been really good all the way through the appointments - I'm 34 weeks now.

I was really pleased to see that article, they seemed pretty proud of it too. Caroline asked me whether I had seen it at my last appointment.

It was Caroline who came out to see me. I was so pleased with how it went, a totally different experience from last time round 2when I had to fight all the way. Caroline left me feeling really positive and happy with how our meeting went. I knew straight away that I could trust her as my midwife. Couldn't be more delighted and can't wait to hear how things go for you :)
hi good luck to everyone having home births. I have decided to now go to the midwife unit so please take me off the list. Thanks :) xxxxxx
Phew, think I'm almost caught up now. Welcome newbies :)
Sounds like we will have one or two new babies to welcome soon, can't wait to read those stories. I am having a bloody nightmare with my internet company, first we were going to be online in 48 hrs, then 3-5 days, now within 14 days. Halfwits :(

The homebirth midwife came out to see me on Friday and was just great. Answered all my questions honestly and professionally, was totally supportive of my choices, reassured me over my fears left over from last time and I just felt that she was what a midwife should be, professional, warm, honest and I felt like I could trust her professional opinion, wheras before had we needed to transfer I would never have been sure if it was a necessity or not. So we're going full steam ahead with out home waterbirth plans. This is how it should be across the country, I hope other regions follow suit.
:shock: trumpetbum they come out and speak to you so soon!! All mine are ignoring it and hoping that i either change my mind or forget :haha:
^ ^ Me too! I want to know where T-bum lives so I can move there!!!! :haha:
Come to Glasgow folks!

To be fair (or possibly unfair) they were working from a pretty crap level to start with. I think the rate of home births was 0.9%. They have doubled that in the first 6 months that they have had this home birth team up and running. And that is just 2 specific homebirth midwives, backed up by 6 community midwives to act as the second to them (during the birth).

trumpetbum, I had friends who had to fight and fight for home births previously round here (as it sounds like you had to last time), and I was assuming that I might have to scrimp and save to get an independent midwife to make sure I got one.

At my booking in appointment I went in with all these facts and figures and counter arguments in my head, ready to fight, and was quite shocked when the midwife said 'OK, I'll just transfer you over to the home birth team then'.

I had no idea that they existed until that point - I guess they had only been up and running for 4 or 5 months then.

I saw this in Mamas and Papas the other day, and thought I would nominate Caroline as it feels like the team should get lots of recognition, so that it is seen as the good thing that it is. Nominations don't have to be in 'til August, so I'm going to wait until after the birth and then I can say more.

Midwife of the Year

Like you I really feel I can trust their judgement, and I have come away from some appointments on such a high. I know that whether I end up having the birth at home, or end up transferring to hospital, that they will have been on my side all the way. That has felt so empowering.
I think I do need to bring it up. She has mentioned 3 things that could "stop" my HB: big bump (wtf?:wacko:) big baby, low iron. I am NOT changing to a hosp. birth for the 1st 2 and I am happy to compromise with the 3rd and be flexible about my Fizzy 3rd stage. I would go in if my iron drops horribly low or if I start showing symptoms of being anemic, but that is highly unlikely in my case I think. I want her to know my stance on it, but on the other hand I don't want to give hr more time to dream up more excuse for me to be in hospital! :haha:

What does she consider as a 'big baby' my first was 7lb 12oz born at 38 weeks and was on to be a 9lb if i had made it to full term, this LO is measuring roughly the same and my MW is really looking forward to me having my HB and is 100% behind me.

I think some midwives and areas are a little 'scared' of HB in my opinion as i had complications (obstetric cholestasis) in my last pregnancy and had to be induced at 38 weeks due to the risk of stillbirth, they are fine with me to go ahead and have my HB this time around if i dont develop OC again (which fingers crossed there is no sign of yet more blood tests tom though).

As you can see alot of the girls have had a fight on there hands to get the HB they want and i think if it is something you want and there is no real risk i would fight for it :D
Hey girls :hugs:

Hope everyone is well and all moving towards your home births with excitement!

I cant believe exactly 2 weeks ago I was in my birth pool, in my kitchen and things were progressing well. The MW was thinking about calling the second MW and I was looking at the clock on my cooker thinking to myself 'Hebe was born at 9.16pm.....I wonder what time Sid will arrive with us.....' Good times......gosh I wish I could go back to that moment.....

Having had time to reflect, I think giving birth to my son at home has affected me in such a profound and deep way.......I knew I'd feel proud and empowered but I feel much more....I cant really describe it. I look over from where I am sitting right now, nursing my boy, and I see the very spot he emerged in to the world......it's so simple and pure but so earth shattering all at the same time. I know one day we will move from this house but it will always be so special....even when we leave I'll be able to drive past and say 'that's where you were born'....I can say that about the birth centre or hospital but....I dont know...it's just a little different because of what it's done to me as a woman - the way it's made me feel about myself. I always remember thinking how cool it was when my mum took me in to the bedroom she was born in at my grandparents house....maybe Sid will show his children.....

Girls I am already incredibly jealous of you all. We havent said we'll have another but we havent said we wont.....but if we do, just like Sid, they will be made at home and born there too.

Oh and I wrote a long letter of thanks today to the Chief Exec and Head of Midwifery at my NHS trust :)
Gosh ladies, I’ve had a bit of catching up to do!

Well a quick update from me - saw my midwife on Friday who said I have no chance of having a home birth and it's unlikely I'll even be allowed to give birth on one of the midwife led units. As I am under consultant care, have had a previous prem birth, plus surgery to my cervix they won't consider it :( Gutted, but want to do what is safest for the baby (and me I guess) so hospital birth here I come (well, not for a while yet hopefully :D)

This doesn’t mean that you can’t HAVE a homebirth, but take in under advice and make up your OWN mind about it. I don’t think that I can empathise how important this is, as there are a few ladies who have mentioned in the latest posts; how they CAN’T have a HB anymore - but you all can, but it is whether you feel comfortable with it or not.

Ive found that I have stopped reading birth stories that have traumatic in the title...trying to keep the positive momentum going.

Yep - keep the “trauma” headlines away from you! I’m also so excited to hear that “things” are happening for you?, hope that it is what I feel it is, and your feelings don’t fade away. J

This might sound like a bit of an odd one, but has anyone else felt a bit like a cavewoman on the run up to their homebirth?
I really don't want people coming to the house and have been quite protective of 'my' space. OH thinks it's really funny, but I just want to batten down the hatches until I meet my baby. Weirdly I'm quite happy to go out and about though.

Yep - I didn’t want to go anywhere, that I didn’t choose too!! I totally understand how you feel - and it wasn’t as though I was some kind of hermit! I just when out when ‘I’ felt like it!

Welcome to the new ladies!

Plus, good preg, and labour vibes to all of you!! How exciting this thread is!!
Hey girls :hugs:

Hope everyone is well and all moving towards your home births with excitement!

I cant believe exactly 2 weeks ago I was in my birth pool, in my kitchen and things were progressing well. The MW was thinking about calling the second MW and I was looking at the clock on my cooker thinking to myself 'Hebe was born at 9.16pm.....I wonder what time Sid will arrive with us.....' Good times......gosh I wish I could go back to that moment.....

Having had time to reflect, I think giving birth to my son at home has affected me in such a profound and deep way.......I knew I'd feel proud and empowered but I feel much more....I cant really describe it. I look over from where I am sitting right now, nursing my boy, and I see the very spot he emerged in to the world......it's so simpe and pure but so earth shattering all at the same time. I know one day we will move from this house but it will always be so special....even when we leave I'll be able to drive past and say 'that's where you were born'....I can say that about the birth centre or hospital but....I dont know...it's just a little different because of what it's done to me as a woman - the way it's made me feel about myself. I always remember thinking how cool it was when my mum took me in to the bedroom she was born in at my grandparents house....maybe Sid will show his children.....

Girls I am already incredibly jealous of you all. We havent said we'll have another but we havent said we wont.....but if we do, just like Sid, they will be made at home and born there too.


I'm so pleased for you - very well put!!!!!!!
It is such a proud moment, but, you don't really get to think about it till after. Then you can reflect on it, and think - wow!!! We did this!! The thought of my birth always puts a smile on my face :)

..and you are so right - ladies that are to give birth, you are in for an amazing experiance, and I can't wait for the next one for us! xxx
Lisa, I had to "thanks" that post of yours. Even though I didn't get my home birth, I really like the way you put that. As has been said before, I think home birth is more than just the location. I still feel like a home birther and feel that pursuing that helped me to make the best decisions for us and be strong in those decisions for our unplanned hospital birth.

We're moving to Kent in a few weeks, and I understand that there's a birthing centre near to where we'll live. I have the thought in my head that midwives that are drawn to working a birthing centre are also the type that would be supportive of home births. I'm determined to try my best for a home birth again - and when that happens, I'll be all about the birthing pool!
Thanks Manda and yes I agree - it's so much more than the location....it's a state of mind and ALL the girls on this thread at what ever stage of planning for or reflecting on their births have this same mentality in common. One that says 'I' am in control of my birth and I trust my body to do what it's designed to do.....and I LOVE being a part of that. :)
Hey girls :hugs:

Hope everyone is well and all moving towards your home births with excitement!

I cant believe exactly 2 weeks ago I was in my birth pool, in my kitchen and things were progressing well. The MW was thinking about calling the second MW and I was looking at the clock on my cooker thinking to myself 'Hebe was born at 9.16pm.....I wonder what time Sid will arrive with us.....' Good times......gosh I wish I could go back to that moment.....

Having had time to reflect, I think giving birth to my son at home has affected me in such a profound and deep way.......I knew I'd feel proud and empowered but I feel much more....I cant really describe it. I look over from where I am sitting right now, nursing my boy, and I see the very spot he emerged in to the world......it's so simple and pure but so earth shattering all at the same time. I know one day we will move from this house but it will always be so special....even when we leave I'll be able to drive past and say 'that's where you were born'....I can say that about the birth centre or hospital but....I dont know...it's just a little different because of what it's done to me as a woman - the way it's made me feel about myself. I always remember thinking how cool it was when my mum took me in to the bedroom she was born in at my grandparents house....maybe Sid will show his children.....

Girls I am already incredibly jealous of you all. We havent said we'll have another but we havent said we wont.....but if we do, just like Sid, they will be made at home and born there too.


aw that made me all tearful!

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