Hoping April is Our month for good things to happen

Okay, so I am feeling very discouraged today. I am not even sure why, as I am only on CD5, but I really am. I don't want to be a Negative Nancy, but I am feeling so impatient for a BFP! I know O is still 10-13 days away, but I sort of feel like I will be wasting my time by trying. My RE told me I need surgery ASAP to burn nerves to my rectum and remove endo, but we just can't afford it right now.

Some of my friends know that we are TTC, but they constantly say, "it will happen when it's supposed to...stop stressing about it!" Unfortunately, the only people with these types of answers only say them because they never had an issue.

Sorry I am being a total downer today. I just needed to get it out to people who understood. My BFFs baby shower is this weekend so maybe I'm just feeling the sting a little more than usual right now. :cry:

I'm sorry about the surgery. Do you know if this is a critical factor in getting pregnant?
It's OK to feel down sometimes. We can't always be strong and positive, even though we want to. I totally get where you're coming from. But you're not alone (corny I know... but true) and you can come here and vent anytime you want. Because all of us here know what it feels like. Having said that, let all those tears roll down :hugs:
And tomorrow is another day. And in the meantime we'll be here if you need us. Okay? I know I draw great strength from coming here. When I feel alone or frustrated I come here and see that I'm not alone and even find myself giving advice and hope to other people like I'm doing now.
Floridasian, thanks for asking...AF is on her way out thankfully. Cramping has eased a bit too. Wow, 9 years old? I didn't start mine until I was in 6th grade, I think I was 11. By the time I reached high school I had unbearable cramps and was always missing school due to the pain so I was put on BCP...all these years later I finally stopped the BCP over a year ago and have had a miserable AF since! Every month AF shows up I wish I could either be prego or have my BCP back! I am glad you are all set for Thursday, you will be all ready for next cycle ttc! So exciting!

Suzy, thanks for the update on Vitex, I think it is best that I do not take it after reading your research. My stomach meds make me depressed/moody so I don't know if I could handle the Vitex side effects on top of everything else.
I don't know if you answered this but do you have health insurance? If you do won't they cover the majority of the laparoscopy surgery? Mine is 80/20 after deductible. I honestly can't afford it either. But I am getting a second job since I am a school teacher and school will be out for about 10 weeks. I am going to get a part time job to help pay for it. DH just got word that he is going to be promoted at work too! I am hoping the hospital sends it to insurance before my REs office because my REs office has to be paid in FULL before you can be seen by the RE. With the hospital I can pay what I can for the next few months. If REs office gets it then I am up a creek for a while... no IUIs until I can pay it off.
Savvy I agree...i think since your appt is soon, just do your vitamins and smep. I honestly think you could benefit from clomid. I think it could be an easy fix for you...I hope. It may be a good time relax and enjoy time with your mom.
Hi girls, wow this thread is moving at lightning speed! I read everyone's updates, and I even started jotting notes on a sticky so I could comment on everything! Then I realized there were more updated posts, lol! So I gave up on jotting notes. But please know that I'm caught up on all of your stories and hoping to STAY caught up now. :thumbup: I love all the relaxation ideas. I'm ALL about that right now. I need some serious mind clearing and body/mind cleansing, so I'm really focusing on that right now, so I loved all the ideas! So sorry to those who have had surgery or are soon to have surgery, and all those who have gotten AF.

AFM, just a quick update... Had a great time with beaglemom. It was so nice talking with someone who understands all this. :) Here's something funny.... I was wondering when I'd O this cycle since I had the cyst removed. I had a feeling I'd O a little late or something, I wasn't real sure. Well, I O'd on cd9! The earliest I've ever O'd in my life (at least that I know of!) and only five days after removing a huge cyst?! Craziness! And the funny thing is, that was the day we touched the fertilty statues, lol. No kidding. I thought that was pretty funny. Ovulating on cd9??? So weird. Anyway, unfortunately, DH and I obviously missed it. :( I had no way of knowing I'd O on cd9. When I saw my temp spike though, I immediately made DH do it, so we did get in the one session early the next morning. I can only hope, hope, hope that I O'd really late the night before and that the eggie was still hanging out waiting. Please, please, please.
Can someone please check my DH Semen Analysis report? My main concern now is agglutination mentioned but can this be due to 7 days of abstinence?

Physical Examination:

Volume: 2.5ML
Odour: Seminal Musky
Viscosity: Viscous
Liquefication: 15 Min
Viscosity: Viscous

Micro Scopic Examination:

Total Sperm Count: 88 Millions
Active: 30%
Shuggish: 40%
Death: 30%


Normal: 30%
Abnormal: 70%
Aggulutination: Micro Fibre Aggulutination may be due to more than 7 days of abstinence (my husband and me dint BD for more then 7 days due to my periods and other reasons so report says as he dint ejeculated in past 7 days it may be shown)

Fructose: Present


PUS: 1-2 Cells/HPF
EPI: Occational/HPF
RBC: Absent
Beaglemom, thanks, it makes me feel better about my plans this month when I have others agree. How are you feeling today 2 days after IUI and after yesterdays accupuncture?

Erin, wow look at that temp spike! I guess those fertility statues really do give off positive vibes! Maybe I should convince my hubby to take a trip to see some family in Florida...though they don't live too close to Orlando. Don't you have an appointment with an RE coming up?

Not much new here...AF is still hanging on.
That's some progesterone at work Erin with that huge temp spike! :D Hope you were able to catch the eggy!

So I got a blaring positive OPK last night and again this morning. Temp went up slightly but I don't think I've O'ed yet. I'm going to do some research on getting pregnant after a hysteroscopy and see how big of a risk it is for ectopics since my doctor is concerned about that and doesn't want us to try this cycle but we had already BD'ed the night before he told us that and now it looks like I might O a day earlier than usual on CD12.

Praying for the best at this point!
Beaglemom, thanks, it makes me feel better about my plans this month when I have others agree. How are you feeling today 2 days after IUI and after yesterdays accupuncture?

Erin, wow look at that temp spike! I guess those fertility statues really do give off positive vibes! Maybe I should convince my hubby to take a trip to see some family in Florida...though they don't live too close to Orlando. Don't you have an appointment with an RE coming up?

Not much new here...AF is still hanging on.

I feel fine. Fortunately the IUI is not very invasive, so my body doesn't really react to it. I don't know if acupuncture is doing anything for me as far as stress & relaxation. It is relaxing at the time. But it is also supposed to be doing things to my body I may not notice like boost immunity & blood flow. However, I am just realizing today I had no headache after this time! So I am just trying to take it easy these 2 weeks. Also after 1 day of the cream, I am not noticing any side effects from that which is good. Granted I have only used it 3 times & not a whole lot of it.
Yep, my RE appt was this morning! I'm SO glad I finally went. I'm on cd13 today, so I'm supposed to call them when I get AF on cd1 so that I can schedule day 3 bloods, ovarian reserve, and get an u/s (she wants to make sure the ovary that had surgery is looking ok). But she was ready to jump right into everything that she could today... They took about 6 vials of blood to test a ton of stuff. They're doing genetic testing, AMH (which I need to look up, since i'm not certain what it represents), and prenatal testing (to make sure vitamin levels are up, especially Vita D), and some other stuff too. It was a lot. She told me she'd be switching me to Femara, but not because of the cyst... that's just what this clinic uses for all their patients. They want me to take it days 3-7 instead of days 5-9. She also thinks I should go ahead and start the trigger shot. But she was REALLY good about not pushing anything, and making sure that I know that its all up to me if I want to take it slower. I decided while I was in there that I do not want to take it slower. I'm ready to be pg, its been long enough. She told me to think about whether or not I want to do IUI in my next cycle, or try a few trigger cycles normally with DH first. I'm gonna roll that over in my head for the next couple weeks and talk to DH about it tonight. I may go ahead and do the IUI, but I just want to make sure DH is feeling the same. I feel all excited, like something really good is about to happen, hehe! :thumbup:
Floridasian, I'll be curious to see what your chart does over the next few days! You'll have to let us know what you find in your research. It would be great to find out that its not as much of a risk as your Dr thinks it is. Fxd for the best, Hun!

beaglemom, I'm glad you didn't have a headache after your last acupuncture, that's a good sign. I remember feeling very, very relaxed when I got acupuncture for that sole purpose. But then she did one for my sinuses because I came in with a sinus infection, and I didn't find that one nearly as relaxing. I've never done it for fertility, but I'm thinking seriously about it, especially for my next cycle. I should really start now though.
So glad that you loved your appointment. I felt the same after, like something good is going to happen. Then I lost it two months in. I felt like something was just wrong with me and turns out I was RIGHT! I now have the excited feeling back since my surgery. I can not wait until we ALL can start a new thread about out pregnancies!!
apms, I sure wish I could help you with that SA, but it looks to be slightly different terminology than my DH's, I think. Do you not have another column on the sheet that shows normal range? On my DH's SA results, there was a column right next to his numbers, that showed a range of what it should be, in order to be considered ok/good. My OB had said that it looked good, but sometimes they say that, when technically, it could still be better! So I was happy to go in and confirm that with the RE this morning when she looked at all our medical records.
Here's what I have bookmarked on AMH when mine was tested in October. The numbers are for women under 35 so don't be alarmed if yours come back a little lower as our numbers decline with age. Mine was 1.38 and my doctor said it was fine even though according to this chart it's in the low normal range.

Yes, my SA also had the normal ranges on the side for scale.

Floridasian, whatever results from this month, I hope it is good. So if you are pregnant, I hope it is healthy & no issues. If you aren't then I think next cycle has a better shot of a healthy pregnancy.

I told Erin if we both end up pregnant this cycle, we are totally going back to the statue in a few months to take a baby bump pic together! We are actually about 1 day apart in O dates & we have the same BD schedule...she did BD the day after while I had IUI the day after.

Erin, I think if I were in your shoes, I would go straight to IUI. It will cost a little more, but it sounds like she will be monitoring you closely anyways, so I can't see that the IUI would be much more. The actual IUI with my dr is about $240. The collection at the lab is $230. I think you will feel better if you go straight to IUI...& like I said, it is not very invasive. It will be uncomfortable & some cramping. It is similar to the HSG only because they are going in the cervix, but I cannot imagine it would be painful since they are not trying to unblock anything. The cramping for me lasts only a minute. And I do not have any cramping or discomfort after. I lay down 20 minutes, then I am off to work. Keep us posted on what you decide. But of course, I hope your appointment was a complete waste of your time because ou will get pregnant this cycle :)

So I had a dream about a coworker (the one who had fertility issues) & it was one of those crazy dreams I can't explain. So I went up to her today & said I dreamed about you last night but I have no idea what was going on. And she said I hope you didn't dream I was pregnant because everyone is dreaming I am pregnant & I do not need that! She is 42 & does have a little girl now. So I said no, not pregnant. Then she said I have been dreaming about fish for 3 nights straight & I heard that means you are pregnant. And I said, no I think that means someone you know is/will be pregnant. She does not know about my TTC. Let's hope those fish dreams were for me!
Not much happening for me, just in the TWW. Yesterday I saw my surgeon for the post op appt. He said that clearing up the endo may help with fertility and it could have been the issue but there is just no real way of knowing unfortunately. Everything looks good as far as my bloods and I O regularly, altho a little late in the cycle. So I am going back to see my prior OB and going to give it another 3 to 6 months of trying and possibly going back on Clomid or Femara if this cycle is a bust. Then after that we will possibly need to see an RE. I know I could just go see an RE but since I just had surgery I want to give it a good shot incase the endo was the problem.

Overall I feel good. If it doesn't happen in the next few months then we will probably look into IUI.

So I love looking at everyones charts but to me I am just reminded of someone trying to draw something on an etch-a-sketch. I try to look for patterns and see if mine matches up with the pregnancy ones but no 2 charts are the same. Aside from temps staying high during PG. I just chuckle and try to see if any of them look like a picture LOL. The only consistancy with my chart is that my temp drops very low the day before or the day of O so at least thats a decent indicator to me to get my BDing.
Wow Erin, it sounds like you had a great appointment with the RE! When I scheduled my appointment they told me to allow for 2 hours! I was a bit surprised since most doc appointments are like 15 minutes. One thing I am worried about is my Vitamin D levels, they are extremely low...you mentioned they checked your Vit D...I haven't been able to find a true link to infertility with low vit D. Do you know any information?
beaglemom and Erin, if you girls end up prego this month I will personally fly down and take your bump pictures in front of the statues! I find it very interesting that both of you had a similar O day and now I can't wait until the end of your tww to see the outcome!

MissStacy, your chart is looking good. Hopefully the surgery is just what you needed to get your bfp! I am a chart stalker too...especially comparing my 4 cycles and seeing how my temps line up. It seems like my temps are a bit higher on average then they were back in January.
Savvy - you reminded me of one other thing I meant to put in my last post. I have heard vit D is VERY important...but I can't remember why. You are no supposed to eat any low fat non fat dairy. So I take a vit D supplement & I try to drink a few glasses of vit D milk a week. From what I have read, you cannot have too much vit D.

And I hope we are all meeting up in Orlando in a few months ;)
I will also make that drive up to Orlando to meet up with you guys if I am in FL for work at the time!!

I never see the light of the day so I take 2 x 1000 mg vitamin D per day (morning and evening) in addition to what's already in my multi-vitamin. I've also heard about the no-low fat thing - not sure what the reasoning is but supposedly full fat dairy is better for fertility.

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