Hoping April is Our month for good things to happen

Cbussey I'm sorry to say but I don't think your pregnant. Implantation bleeding is usually 6-12 days after ovulation. Which would put you near March 22nd for implantation. And typically 16dpo will usually give you a clear yes or no. Sometimes my period is like that too. One cycle really heavy and bad and other short and light. Sorry friend!
I'm not sure what mine was. I don't know if it was from my period (I think doubtful because never have had that before) or from the surgery. Let me know what your Dr says.

So beaglemom got me interested in the fertility massages and reflexology. Obviously can't do stomach fertility massage right now but plan to do this in about another week and a half after I have healed up more. But I found a youtube video on the feet fertility reflexology for men and women. I did myself and the DH tonight. He loved it! He felt so relaxed and passed out within 5 minutes of me finishing lol. Going to continue this everyday.
I'm not sure what mine was. I don't know if it was from my period (I think doubtful because never have had that before) or from the surgery. Let me know what your Dr says.

So beaglemom got me interested in the fertility massages and reflexology. Obviously can't do stomach fertility massage right now but plan to do this in about another week and a half after I have healed up more. But I found a youtube video on the feet fertility reflexology for men and women. I did myself and the DH tonight. He loved it! He felt so relaxed and passed out within 5 minutes of me finishing lol. Going to continue this everyday.

That's really cool. Be sure to look up reflexology after O. There may be spots you want to avoid. The main thing is the relaxation. It's good for both of you. I never started it only because I chose acupuncture.

I hope I get it this month. I just got my DH Semen Analysis report. Can you great ladies on this board check and say if its fine?


I hope I get it this month. I just got my DH Semen Analysis report. Can you great ladies on this board check and say if its fine?


The count & volume look good compared to my "normal" chart. Anything over 40 million is considered normal. If I were you, I would be happier with a slightly higher count...closer to 100...but that is just me. Semen count is so strange because normal is anything over 40, but some men are at 300! My husband was consistantly at 12...then all of a sudden the last 2 times he was at 40. We think it is because he is taking fertility blend & some other vitamins like zinc & maca. I wish I could help with your other numbers, but yours uses different terminology than mine, so it is hard to tell. But the short answer is I think your results overall look good. :)
The weird thing is that right after my surgery my left heel hurt and come to find out that is the uterus. Makes total sense! So I massaged it last night and again this morning. I will have to look up reflexology after O to make sure I don't mess anything up. This month I am not that worried about it but I want to know for next month.
So one of my incisions is irritated today. I am guessing from my work pants. Its one of the four spots that he used to hold me open. So I put some bandaids over it to help.
I was more worried about the timing between pos opk & IUI...the timing at the clinic was not bad...just different...everything was just different. I have to get my specimen, then put it in my bra & drive to my dr. The nurse was the one at my dr office. I was just so used to the other 2 nurses being so positive & upbeat....& sometimes they would hug me!

Good luck to us on our wait...I hope this is it for us both!

What do you think about the IUI 48 hrs after a pos opk???

I have not used OPKs only the clearblue monitor. I believe that OPKs actually tell you about the surge even earlier than the monitor right? If that is the case, my guess is you are fine. It is prob at least 24-36 hours after a pos OPK before ovulation and the egg lives there for 24 hours. When I take the trigger shot, they like to do the IUI 36 hours later. With the back to back it was 24 hrs and 48hrs.
Cbussey... The only person who can confirm that you are preg is a doctor. So take a test and if you aren't sure, call your doc :) Try to relax (easier said than done) Good luck to you and fingers crossed!!! Every woman is different and every pregnancy is different, so you never know!
misaacs - my doctor didn't say where the tissue was from but he just said it was normal and nothing to worry about.

I've also been doing fertility massages since my D&C. At first I was using a Youtube video I found but it wasn't full length so DH bought me the actual DVD for Valentine's Day which also included a reflexology session. I've been doing the fertility massage, castor oil pack, reflexology and femoral massage after AF ends and if I'm TTC, stop after O. It's supposed to help break up adhesions, unblock tubes, and prevent future scarring after surgery. The femoral massage is to encourage blood flow into the uterus.

And it's working! Ultrasound this morning showed that my lining is 8 mm today at CD11!!! My first ultrasound in October before I got pregnant was only 6.6mm at CD12. This is great improvement!! I'm also ovulating from the left side this cycle - probably the first time in at least 6 months. Doc said I'd probably O on the day of my surgery which is Thursday and CD13 so it looks like my cycles are back to normal. My OPK is also getting dark this morning and I think it'll probably turn positive tonight so definitely CD13 then.

Unfortunately he does not want us to try this cycle. (He said DH and I should "avoid each other for the next two days". LOL!!) He said he didn't want the baby in the newly operated uterus, citing increased risk of ectopic due to the fluids in the uterus from the surgery, but I'm definitely ok to try next cycle so it's just two weeks away. :)
I was more worried about the timing between pos opk & IUI...the timing at the clinic was not bad...just different...everything was just different. I have to get my specimen, then put it in my bra & drive to my dr. The nurse was the one at my dr office. I was just so used to the other 2 nurses being so positive & upbeat....& sometimes they would hug me!

Good luck to us on our wait...I hope this is it for us both!

What do you think about the IUI 48 hrs after a pos opk???

I have not used OPKs only the clearblue monitor. I believe that OPKs actually tell you about the surge even earlier than the monitor right? If that is the case, my guess is you are fine. It is prob at least 24-36 hours after a pos OPK before ovulation and the egg lives there for 24 hours. When I take the trigger shot, they like to do the IUI 36 hours later. With the back to back it was 24 hrs and 48hrs.

Thanks...I am starting to feel better about it all. The math definitely supports my situation. I use the monitor too. I was using opks since doing IUI to pin point the surge. Last month I never got a peak, so I was glad to have the opks. This month I got my peak on Saturday, opk around 6 the night before was negative. Then at 9 am Saturday the opk was positive. I am starting to think my surge comes at night. Not the first time I had a pos opk early in the morning.

misaacs - my doctor didn't say where the tissue was from but he just said it was normal and nothing to worry about.

I've also been doing fertility massages since my D&C. At first I was using a Youtube video I found but it wasn't full length so DH bought me the actual DVD for Valentine's Day which also included a reflexology session. I've been doing the fertility massage, castor oil pack, reflexology and femoral massage after AF ends and if I'm TTC, stop after O. It's supposed to help break up adhesions, unblock tubes, and prevent future scarring after surgery. The femoral massage is to encourage blood flow into the uterus.

And it's working! Ultrasound this morning showed that my lining is 8 mm today at CD11!!! My first ultrasound in October before I got pregnant was only 6.6mm at CD12. This is great improvement!! I'm also ovulating from the left side this cycle - probably the first time in at least 6 months. Doc said I'd probably O on the day of my surgery which is Thursday and CD13 so it looks like my cycles are back to normal. My OPK is also getting dark this morning and I think it'll probably turn positive tonight so definitely CD13 then.

Unfortunately he does not want us to try this cycle. (He said DH and I should "avoid each other for the next two days". LOL!!) He said he didn't want the baby in the newly operated uterus, citing increased risk of ectopic due to the fluids in the uterus from the surgery, but I'm definitely ok to try next cycle so it's just two weeks away. :)

I am so excited for you! And also glad you are not too bummed you have to wait. But we all know it is for the best.

So I went to the vitamin store to look for bromelain. I am not good at actually eating the pineapple core. But I couldn't find it in the smaller dose. So I guess I will go buy a pineapple. I also bought progesterone cream. I am just going to try it...if I get a positive, I will let my doctor know what I am doing so she can advise if I need to stop or keep going. I had my final acupuncture today. He told me to stay comfortable, not too hot or too cold, relax, & not to be too active. I was kind of bummed about the temperature thing because I really wanted to do another bath. But I think instead I will just lay on my bed & do the same as if I were in the bath. Here is the cream I got. If anyone has anythoughts or suggestions on it, please let me know. I think I will just do a small dab 2 times a day.

Yes I am a little bit bummed that we can't try this cycle, especially with my parents coming to visit the end of the month and staying for two and half weeks it'll be "challenging" to say the least to try next cycle. It's going to be hard to try to hide all the pill-popping, tea-drinking, let alone the nightly 2 hour castor oil pack/fertility massages routine, and the BD sessions every other day. Luckily the guest bedroom is on the opposite end of the house, one floor below ours so I'm hoping to take everything upstairs and do all that in my bedroom.

It's probably for the best though like you said. A 2-3 week delay now is much better than the 3-4 months set back I experienced with the miscarriage!

I've been saving my pineapple core ever since the m/c. I haven't been able to ttc yet so every two weeks I'd have to throw it out and then replace it with a fresh one. Looks like I'll be throwing out the current one in the fridge and replacing it again in two weeks!
Okay, so I am feeling very discouraged today. I am not even sure why, as I am only on CD5, but I really am. I don't want to be a Negative Nancy, but I am feeling so impatient for a BFP! I know O is still 10-13 days away, but I sort of feel like I will be wasting my time by trying. My RE told me I need surgery ASAP to burn nerves to my rectum and remove endo, but we just can't afford it right now.

Some of my friends know that we are TTC, but they constantly say, "it will happen when it's supposed to...stop stressing about it!" Unfortunately, the only people with these types of answers only say them because they never had an issue.

Sorry I am being a total downer today. I just needed to get it out to people who understood. My BFFs baby shower is this weekend so maybe I'm just feeling the sting a little more than usual right now. :cry:
Okay, so I am feeling very discouraged today. I am not even sure why, as I am only on CD5, but I really am. I don't want to be a Negative Nancy, but I am feeling so impatient for a BFP! I know O is still 10-13 days away, but I sort of feel like I will be wasting my time by trying. My RE told me I need surgery ASAP to burn nerves to my rectum and remove endo, but we just can't afford it right now.

Some of my friends know that we are TTC, but they constantly say, "it will happen when it's supposed to...stop stressing about it!" Unfortunately, the only people with these types of answers only say them because they never had an issue.

Sorry I am being a total downer today. I just needed to get it out to people who understood. My BFFs baby shower is this weekend so maybe I'm just feeling the sting a little more than usual right now. :cry:

I am not familiar with the type of surgery you need. How does this affect TTC? Is it impossible to get pregnant without the surgery? If it is not impossible, I would say you just need to keep trying...try not to stress but still be proactive...using opks, temping, BD when possible. If you don't like to temp, don't for now. If you miss a bd night, let it go. Believe me, I am very aware of your stresses & impatient. I have been off BC for over 10 years. So I get it. But these are the things I have learned. While you are still trying, try to put some money away every month to go toward the surgery you need. Maybe it would help to have a set goal to reach every month. So even if you don't get your BFP, you at least are closer to get the necessary surgery you need. I am not a believer in the don't stress & it will just happen. I know of 1 person that happened to that actually had issues with TTC. Not exactly enough to make me believe. I think trying not to stress is key...but stay proactive in your TTC journey. If something you are doing to get pregnant is stressing you out, stop doing it (unless that thing is sex ;) ).

I hope this has helped. Just know it is normal to feel negative once in a while & completely impatient.
Beaglemom thanks for your support. I got in some exercise so that helped my mood some. Whew, this might be a long post! I am not familiar with all of the lango yet, but as far as I know the RE just said a laparoscopy and that she would be burning the nerves to my rectum while she's there.

The reason this has been discussed is because I have horrible pain on my period, pelvic for sure, but it is primarily in my rectum. When I sit on the toilet, I feel like (TMI) my insides are about to plop out and it is incredibly painful. I have not yet had any surgery to diagnose Endo, however, all women on both sides of my family have Endo, several of whom could not conceive. Due to this combined with the timing of the pain and some other period symptoms, the RE is convinced 99.9% that it is Endo without having seen it yet.

I had a colonoscopy about two weeks ago to see if there were colon issues or if endo had penetrated my colon wall. Everything came up clear there. So...where I stand right now is that my RE believes that the seriousness of my pain should be treated with BCP and that it is unlikely that I will conceive until after surgery and/or without meds. But, as far as I'm concerned, there is no reason to believe that I can't yet, and the pain does not indicate to me that I have no chance of getting a natural BFP.

I have a 4 year old daughter from a different relationship when I was 18. I am now 24 and have an awesome DH (28). Though I conceived before, these past 18 months is the first time I have ever been off BC. Though we have only been trying for 10 months now, we were unprotected for the prior 8.

Sorry that was so very long! But that just about sums up my history!
It has been a busy day, but it is so warm and sunny! I just went for a long walk and it feels so good to be outside.

Beaglemom, I am so excited you got the progesterone cream. That was the exact one I was going to order off amazon! I can't wait to try it and I hope it is what I need to boost my P and lengthen my LP too.

Floridaisan, I am sorry you have to wait a few weeks but it will be worth it so that your body can heal and prepare itself to keep a sticky bean safe! Did they have to test your hcg again?

Pill, I am sorry you are having a sad day. I am right with you cycle buddy on CD5. I am so impatient for my bfp, along with hoping all the girls here post their bfps too! It definitely is hard watching other women have baby showers and it really hurts when I see all my facebook friends posting their ultrasound pictures since a few are due when I would have been if I didn't have my m/c. I am very happy for all of them that they don't have to go thru what we are here...but I can't help but feel a bit jealous too. Hugs girl, hang in there...it will be our turn soon!! :)
Pill - I'm sorry you're feeling down today. I have no words of wisdom on your situation but it sounds like the lap is really what you need. I think that's what misaacs had for her endo. Miracles do happen though. I'm a firm believer that bodies can do great things so you never know!!

Savvy - how's AF treating you today? I had clots when I was younger and AF was heavier. AF started visiting when I was 9 and I remember my dad telling my mom to go and look for smaller pads designed for children. Little did he know that AF was so heavy that I actually needed extra long night pads (wings didn't exist back then) and I still managed to leak!

No more repeat HCG for me since it dropped below 1 last week! Although my arm still got poked today because the doctor wanted to check my blood counts in preparation for my surgery on Thursday. Also got poked on the finger to check my blood sugar. All my vital signs are great so I'm super healthy other than the scar tissue that needs to be removed! :)

However I am a little worried - doctor said there is an increased risk for ectopic if we were to try this cycle because the fluids in the uterus might restrict the movement of the fertilized egg so we are not to BD for the next few days before O, but we BD'ed last night so if I O tomorrow I might still get pregnant. Oh well, nothing I can do now so we'll just have to hope for the best!
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to give you a quick update about my experience with Vitex so far. I started 3 1/2 weeks ago and was taking 2 x 400mg pills a day. After 2 weeks I reduced it to only 1 pill a day because I was very moody and down because of the Vitex I think. When I reduced the dosage, I immediately felt better and became more like me again. Now that AF is almost over, I wanted to go back to 2 x 400mg a day. Well, that did not go well. I took 2 pills yesterday and started feeling depressed again. I realised it this morning. So as of today I'm back to 1 pill a day and that's how it's going to be. This herb regulates a woman's cycle and hormonal imbalance but can have some nasty side effects. I read that some women became very depressed and down because of it. As soon as I recognized what was happening to me, I stopped taking 2 pills a day. I feel fine with just one a day and hopefully it will still have a good effect on my body albeit maybe slower. But that's a risk I'm willing to take. So ladies here's my story. Listen to your body and take the correct dosage for you. Some woman take 1200mg or even more a day. For me 400mg is more than enough. I will let you know if it shortens my cycle and makes me O earlier this month.

Allison, do you know how many mg of Vitex there was in the Fertilaid you took?
I'm not sure what mine was. I don't know if it was from my period (I think doubtful because never have had that before) or from the surgery. Let me know what your Dr says.

So beaglemom got me interested in the fertility massages and reflexology. Obviously can't do stomach fertility massage right now but plan to do this in about another week and a half after I have healed up more. But I found a youtube video on the feet fertility reflexology for men and women. I did myself and the DH tonight. He loved it! He felt so relaxed and passed out within 5 minutes of me finishing lol. Going to continue this everyday.

This looks very interesting misaacs... and relaxing :laugh2:
I'm on board and am going to try this as well on DH and myself. Thanks!
I'm not sure what mine was. I don't know if it was from my period (I think doubtful because never have had that before) or from the surgery. Let me know what your Dr says.

So beaglemom got me interested in the fertility massages and reflexology. Obviously can't do stomach fertility massage right now but plan to do this in about another week and a half after I have healed up more. But I found a youtube video on the feet fertility reflexology for men and women. I did myself and the DH tonight. He loved it! He felt so relaxed and passed out within 5 minutes of me finishing lol. Going to continue this everyday.

That's really cool. Be sure to look up reflexology after O. There may be spots you want to avoid. The main thing is the relaxation. It's good for both of you. I never started it only because I chose acupuncture.

Thanks Beaglemom! I just tolld misaacs I was going to try this and immediately after I see your post. I'll have to do more research on reflexology then :thumbup:
misaacs - my doctor didn't say where the tissue was from but he just said it was normal and nothing to worry about.

I've also been doing fertility massages since my D&C. At first I was using a Youtube video I found but it wasn't full length so DH bought me the actual DVD for Valentine's Day which also included a reflexology session. I've been doing the fertility massage, castor oil pack, reflexology and femoral massage after AF ends and if I'm TTC, stop after O. It's supposed to help break up adhesions, unblock tubes, and prevent future scarring after surgery. The femoral massage is to encourage blood flow into the uterus.

And it's working! Ultrasound this morning showed that my lining is 8 mm today at CD11!!! My first ultrasound in October before I got pregnant was only 6.6mm at CD12. This is great improvement!! I'm also ovulating from the left side this cycle - probably the first time in at least 6 months. Doc said I'd probably O on the day of my surgery which is Thursday and CD13 so it looks like my cycles are back to normal. My OPK is also getting dark this morning and I think it'll probably turn positive tonight so definitely CD13 then.

Unfortunately he does not want us to try this cycle. (He said DH and I should "avoid each other for the next two days". LOL!!) He said he didn't want the baby in the newly operated uterus, citing increased risk of ectopic due to the fluids in the uterus from the surgery, but I'm definitely ok to try next cycle so it's just two weeks away. :)

That's great news floridasian! It sucks to have to wait another cycle but at least now you know you're "good to go"! Yay :happydance:

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