Hoping April is Our month for good things to happen

Thanks Beaglemom and Floridasian, I take Vit D supplements 50,000 (yep that if fifty thousand) but I continue to get low lab results when they check it. I have been on that limited diet since November now and cannot have dairy. My diet before November consisted of not much, no fruit/veggies and everything I ate made me so sick. I lost over 20 pounds and was basically skin and bones. Now I am eating fruits, veggies, protein...and occasionally a bag of chips (oops!) I gained some weight back and feel so much better since I am not constantly sick. My Vit D and other labs were back in January and I have to get them tested again in May so hopefully the numbers have improved!

By the way I just bought some yams! I was so excited when I saw them I couldn't remember when I was suppose to eat them in my cycle. :)
Savvy, what vitamin D supplements do you take? I've looked for some and the only ones I can find say specifically D3 I believe, is that the same??
Misaacs, I'm so glad that you found some answers and that your surgery is behind you now, and you can have that good feeling again that something good is about to happen! Getting answers, and fixing issues, and taking steps, just gets us closer to that BFP!

Floridasian, Thanks for that link, that is very helpful! I had never really googled AMH before, so I'll save that to my favorites so i can look back once i get my results!

Yes, beaglemom, if we get our BFPs this month, you're coming to Orlando once that bump shows up, and we ARE taking a pic in front of those statues! I'll be thanking those statues quietly in my mind (so that I don't look too stupid in front of those people that were walking by in the lobby, LOL). I think I agree with you that I should just go straight to IUI. I could very well get pg w/ just Femara and the trigger. I feel like my odds are high since I got pg 3 mths ago, and since both my tubes are clear after my HSG last month. But I'm kinda thinking, why wait? I'm so ready to be pg, and I'm sure not getting any younger. If it could help me get a BFP quicker, and have a baby in my arms that much sooner, I'm seriously considering it. Between the Femara, the trigger shot, IUI, freshly cleared tubes, and a recent pregnancy, I feel like my odds would be through the roof. But maybe that's just me being overly optimistic. ;) Btw, here's to hoping your coworker's fish dreams were meant for you. :)

MissStacy, I agree, since you just had the endo taken care of, it certainly wouldn't hurt to put in a few extra months on your own before seeing an RE, but do whatever feels right to you. I'm happy you're feeling good about things again. :)

Savvy, I can see why they told you two hours, because I was in there for about that long. The nurse talked to me a lot first, and then the Dr talked to me for a while and told me the plan, and then they did the bloods, and then the nurse talked to me one last time to go over the plan, give me some vitamin samples, and made sure to tell me to call them right away on cd1. So it took a while, lol. Regarding the Vit D, I wasn't sure either.... when I got to work, I googled it, and just quickly read the first article that popped up. This is some guy's blog, and he goes into some detail about it - https://www.bulletproofexec.com/the-top-5-reasons-vitamin-d-makes-women-bulletproof/

So, savvy and floridasian..... then beaglemom and I will take you up on that offer to meet us in Orlando if we get BFPs this cycle, hehe! How fun would that be! :)

Oh, I forgot to mention, something else the RE said was to take CoQ10 twice a day. Both me and DH. And I've read of other people's REs suggesting the same thing, so I think its universally known as a great supplement while TTC. She said it improves the quality of the eggs and also the guy's sperm. So she told me to pick that up at a drugstore asap and start on it right away.
Savvy, what vitamin D supplements do you take? I've looked for some and the only ones I can find say specifically D3 I believe, is that the same??

allison, i think that link i just posted for Savvy, actually mentioned specifically D3 at some point in the article... so I would imagine you're taking the right thing!
I always forget something when I type...I take the CoQ10. My husband does not...but only because I feel bad he takes so many & hates it. But mine are chewables I found on sale, so I should get him to start with them since he loves the chewables. He is like a child. If all his supplements came in flinstone vitamin form, I would hear NO complaints! :)

Erin - the thing I forgot to mention is even when you are doing IUI, you can back it up with BD. I think the clinic said 2-3 days abstinant for the sample. So you can always get in some back up before & after. However, with the femara, you just won't know on month 1 what to expect for an O date. So with regular BD, the drugs, & monitoring...I really think IUI is a good option to start with.
My Vit D levels are good but I still take an extra 600 IU pill along with what is already in my prenatal which I think is 400 IU. Sounds about right because I believe I was aiming for 1000IU. I take Vit C and fish oil caps as well. I've been thinking of adding CoQ10 as I have read some information on it. I may have to pick some up now.
Savvy, what vitamin D supplements do you take? I've looked for some and the only ones I can find say specifically D3 I believe, is that the same??

My Vitamin D is actually a prescription from the doc, I think it is because it is such a high amount. I am like severely lacking Vit D, the normal range is 25-100 and mine is at 9! Plus my multivitamin has 1,000mg Vitamin D in it too. I think you want the D3 though. Sorry I can't be more helpful!
Hi girls, wow this thread is moving at lightning speed! I read everyone's updates, and I even started jotting notes on a sticky so I could comment on everything! Then I realized there were more updated posts, lol! So I gave up on jotting notes. But please know that I'm caught up on all of your stories and hoping to STAY caught up now. :thumbup: I love all the relaxation ideas. I'm ALL about that right now. I need some serious mind clearing and body/mind cleansing, so I'm really focusing on that right now, so I loved all the ideas! So sorry to those who have had surgery or are soon to have surgery, and all those who have gotten AF.

AFM, just a quick update... Had a great time with beaglemom. It was so nice talking with someone who understands all this. :) Here's something funny.... I was wondering when I'd O this cycle since I had the cyst removed. I had a feeling I'd O a little late or something, I wasn't real sure. Well, I O'd on cd9! The earliest I've ever O'd in my life (at least that I know of!) and only five days after removing a huge cyst?! Craziness! And the funny thing is, that was the day we touched the fertilty statues, lol. No kidding. I thought that was pretty funny. Ovulating on cd9??? So weird. Anyway, unfortunately, DH and I obviously missed it. :( I had no way of knowing I'd O on cd9. When I saw my temp spike though, I immediately made DH do it, so we did get in the one session early the next morning. I can only hope, hope, hope that I O'd really late the night before and that the eggie was still hanging out waiting. Please, please, please.

Hi Erin! I really hope eggie was just waiting for you to catch it.
Savvy, I can see why they told you two hours, because I was in there for about that long. The nurse talked to me a lot first, and then the Dr talked to me for a while and told me the plan, and then they did the bloods, and then the nurse talked to me one last time to go over the plan, give me some vitamin samples, and made sure to tell me to call them right away on cd1. So it took a while, lol. Regarding the Vit D, I wasn't sure either.... when I got to work, I googled it, and just quickly read the first article that popped up. This is some guy's blog, and he goes into some detail about it - https://www.bulletproofexec.com/the-top-5-reasons-vitamin-d-makes-women-bulletproof/

So, savvy and floridasian..... then beaglemom and I will take you up on that offer to meet us in Orlando if we get BFPs this cycle, hehe! How fun would that be! :)

Oh, I forgot to mention, something else the RE said was to take CoQ10 twice a day. Both me and DH. And I've read of other people's REs suggesting the same thing, so I think its universally known as a great supplement while TTC. She said it improves the quality of the eggs and also the guy's sperm. So she told me to pick that up at a drugstore asap and start on it right away.

Erin, Thank you so much for the link. Kind of scared me (in a good way) since I am deficient in Vit D...maybe that is the answer to this whole situation I am in! Maybe I need to focus on the Vitamin D and Progesterone now. That is interesting about the CoQ10, I might have to try that too. I am really suppose to get my dietitians okay before starting any med/vitamin, she will probably freak out when I send her my list! :)

I was shocked when they told me 2 hours, but I am glad it sounds like they didn't rush through your appointment and they made sure you knew the plan. I want my hubby to come, I get nervous at the doctors and I want to make sure I don't miss something. I think I am having him take the day off work since my appointment is at like 10:30.

It would be so fun to get together at the statues...I wish I lived a lot closer! But if you both get your bfps this cycle I will find a way to talk hubby into taking a short vacation! :)
My Vit D levels are good but I still take an extra 600 IU pill along with what is already in my prenatal which I think is 400 IU. Sounds about right because I believe I was aiming for 1000IU. I take Vit C and fish oil caps as well. I've been thinking of adding CoQ10 as I have read some information on it. I may have to pick some up now.

I think if you are in the normal Vit D range that 1000 IU is a good amount! Which prenatal do you take? My OB told me to just get folic acid, not a prenatal.
I think if you are in the normal Vit D range that 1000 IU is a good amount! Which prenatal do you take? My OB told me to just get folic acid, not a prenatal.

I just take the target brand up&up for all my vitamins, I think they have decent pricing. I have always taken a multi since my celiac diagnosis and when I first saw my OB she told me to switch to a prenatal to get the boost in Folic Acid, that brand has 800mcg
Thanks Beaglemom and Floridasian, I take Vit D supplements 50,000 (yep that if fifty thousand) but I continue to get low lab results when they check it. I have been on that limited diet since November now and cannot have dairy. My diet before November consisted of not much, no fruit/veggies and everything I ate made me so sick. I lost over 20 pounds and was basically skin and bones. Now I am eating fruits, veggies, protein...and occasionally a bag of chips (oops!) I gained some weight back and feel so much better since I am not constantly sick. My Vit D and other labs were back in January and I have to get them tested again in May so hopefully the numbers have improved!

By the way I just bought some yams! I was so excited when I saw them I couldn't remember when I was suppose to eat them in my cycle. :)

Savvy, I think you eat the yams in the first half of your cycle, i.e., before O. It's basically a natural ovulation booster so not necessary afterwards.

I'm reading all the updates but I'm not very chatty today. I'm practically falling asleep. I'll be reading the rest from the comfort of my bed.
I just take the target brand up&up for all my vitamins, I think they have decent pricing. I have always taken a multi since my celiac diagnosis and when I first saw my OB she told me to switch to a prenatal to get the boost in Folic Acid, that brand has 800mcg

Thanks MissStacy, I will have to check them out!

Savvy, I think you eat the yams in the first half of your cycle, i.e., before O. It's basically a natural ovulation booster so not necessary afterwards.

I'm reading all the updates but I'm not very chatty today. I'm practically falling asleep. I'll be reading the rest from the comfort of my bed.

Thanks for the reminder Suzy! I was so busy today I didn't get a chance to plan ahead to make the yams. Unfortunately friends are coming over for dinner tomorrow and then we are headed to my parents lake house for the weekend so the yams will have to wait until Sunday unless I make them for my lunch tomorrow. Some days we just need a break and some extra rest :)
Hoping everyone is doing well. I have gotten no sleep the last 2 nights. Not sure what my deal is. My stomach has been full of butterflies and like doing flip flops. I'm not sure if that's a PG symptom or just me being anxious and nervous about my wedding that is only 30 days away that I am totally unprepared for!

I went and saw my GI DR this morning for some issues i've been having which may or may not be endo related. I have been having extreme nausea that makes me dry heave but thankfully I don't vomit. It is all day every day. He is worried that if we do get pregnant the nausea will get worse, but he said, it could even go away. He wants me to try an Acupressure Anti Nausea Bracelet instead of going on medication that may not be good for TTC. I have been looking at some on amazon and will probably order one.

Funny story, I went to starbucks this morning which I rarely do but was trying to treat myself. I always get caramel macchiato when I go there. You can tell i've been hanging out on the boards too much because the abbrev. they put on the cup for that drink is CM and you ladies know what instantly came to my mind, LOL.
floridasian, thinking of you and hoping everything went good with your hysteroscopy today.

Not much new here...I think AF is finally over. Since we are going to my parents house this weekend we won't be able to BD until Sunday so I don't think I will use opks until we get back home.
I am having the most frustrating day! My boss is stressing me out & driving me crazy. He just started talking to me & I said I can't talk to you right now & walked toward the bathroom. He said why & I said you are stressing me out. He said well I am about to go to this meeting...& I said well please go. Then I went to the bathroom & cried. And believe me when I say I do not break easily. UGH!

Sorry...just had to type that out.

Hope everyine is doing well.
Beaglemom, I am sorry you are having a rough day at work! Hopefully your boss is staying away from you the rest of the day.

My internet was out more than half the day, I finally called and they told me they were running maintenance on the system. Like really...in the middle of the day when people are using it for business?? So I had some free time this afternoon so I organized the dreaded kitchen cabinet with the tupperware...yikes, I got rid of so many mismatched containers and lids. It feels great that it is organized now! Back to work for me...just had to check here first, it is all about the priorities! :)
Surgery went well. I'm still a little nauseous and light-headed. I'll write more updates later.
Floridasian... SO happy to hear that the surgery went well. Rest up. That kind of stuff does feel a bit rough afterward. Take it easy, and check in when you're feeling better.

Savvy, so is it your parents' lakehouse you're going to this weekend? Either way, have a nice time, and rest up and relax.

beaglemom, i hope you are feeling better now! I hate those kinds of days. Ugh!

Hi MissStacy, misaacs, suzy, and everyone else!!

Turns out my vitamin D is slightly low, but not that low.... 24.8 i think. So now she wants me taking Vit D supplements for a month. She said she likes it to be at least 30. I think it should be higher though. Savvy, what did you say your Dr recommended?
MissStacy, I have IBS and after reading some of the health forums I have found that a lot of woman have less symptoms when they are pregnant. I find though when I get nervous/ anxious it just makes my symptoms worse, I can talk myself into feeling horrible within seconds. I got the wrist bands back when I got my bfp in December. I love traveling but take dramamine on the plane, I didn't want to risk the meds if I was pregnant plus I wasn't suppose to take anything while on my 8 week elimination diet. The bands totally helped my nausea, I picked them up at CVS. I also got the ginger candies from Whole Foods, I can't chew gum with the artificial sweeteners so I chewed on the candies while on the plane and in the mountains. They were good and helped my nausea too. They are called Gin Gins, they are in a green bag. They have other varieties too. I hope you feel better soon! Super funny about the "CM"...I find myself talking to my hubby like I would type on here, he gets so confused! I guess at least I haven't introduced him as my "DH" to anyone...yet! :)

Erin, yep we are headed to the lake this weekend! I am excited to start getting ready for the summer, we love our boat and it is hard to not be able to use it all winter! We finally can get it out of storage and get it ready to go in the lake next month. Your Vit D at 24.8 isn't too bad - but it never hurts to have it higher. I think 30 is a good number to aim for. Since my Vit D is extremely low at 9, my doctor gives me a prescription for 50,000 mg once a week for 8 weeks at a time. My multivitamin also has 1,000mg. Did your doctor give you a prescription?

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