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Hoping April is Our month for good things to happen

Ok so I just found out that the "yams" I've been buying and eating from our local grocery store are actually sweet potatoes! I'm really angry that I've been lied to by our grocery store! Argh!! It looks like from my googling that real yams are rarely sold in US grocery stores and most people have never tasted a yam!

Here's the test on how to tell which is which: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/26/sweet-potatoes-or-yams_n_4325275.html

Here's the difference in nutritional values: https://universe.byu.edu/2013/10/28/how-to-tell-the-difference-between-sweet-potatoes-and-yams/

More info: https://www.marksdailyapple.com/difference-yams-sweet-potatoes/#axzz2zG7nQCmO
Beaglemom, men are so funny sometimes! At least your boss understands and supports what you are going through and he is probably just curious what exactly is going on. I have explained things to my hubby countless times and I get the glazed over eye look, I know he means well but things do get confusing for him. He tries his best to be supportive. I keep him posted on my tests and stuff and he gets excited when I get a + opk. It is odd though when a man who isn't your dh asked if you peed on a stick! :)
Ok so I just found out that the "yams" I've been buying and eating from our local grocery store are actually sweet potatoes! I'm really angry that I've been lied to by our grocery store! Argh!! It looks like from my googling that real yams are rarely sold in US grocery stores and most people have never tasted a yam!

Here's the test on how to tell which is which: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/26/sweet-potatoes-or-yams_n_4325275.html

Here's the difference in nutritional values: https://universe.byu.edu/2013/10/28/how-to-tell-the-difference-between-sweet-potatoes-and-yams/

More info: https://www.marksdailyapple.com/difference-yams-sweet-potatoes/#axzz2zG7nQCmO

Oh no! I wonder if what I bought was a yam? There was a sign at the store stating they were yams and not sweet potatoes and it stated the differences. I bought mine at a specialty grocery store, hoping I had a better chance of finding them. I am tempted to cut into mine right now (or at dinner time) and see if the flesh is white. I will let you know!
Ok so I just found out that the "yams" I've been buying and eating from our local grocery store are actually sweet potatoes! I'm really angry that I've been lied to by our grocery store! Argh!! It looks like from my googling that real yams are rarely sold in US grocery stores and most people have never tasted a yam!

Here's the test on how to tell which is which: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/26/sweet-potatoes-or-yams_n_4325275.html

Here's the difference in nutritional values: https://universe.byu.edu/2013/10/28/how-to-tell-the-difference-between-sweet-potatoes-and-yams/

More info: https://www.marksdailyapple.com/difference-yams-sweet-potatoes/#axzz2zG7nQCmO

Oh no! I wonder if what I bought was a yam? There was a sign at the store stating they were yams and not sweet potatoes and it stated the differences. I bought mine at a specialty grocery store, hoping I had a better chance of finding them. I am tempted to cut into mine right now (or at dinner time) and see if the flesh is white. I will let you know!

I'd say you probably have a much better chance scoring a real yam at an ethnic grocery store so if that's where you went it might just be the real thing!

My local grocer had two stands - one marked "yam" and one marked "sweet potatoes" and the colors are different so I just assumed the ones marked "yams" are in fact, yams. Nope! Apparently they are just different types of sweet potatoes!
floridasian Not to much longer and this cycle will be over so you can start TTC again! Glad everything has worked out for you. You have been through a lot it is about time!

beaglemom I am so happy that the appointment went well! So you will be missing work a lot? Is it for more testing like the HSG? I am hoping that you will not need it! Your DH numbers are great too! They are better than my DH's numbers. I have been researching how to get them up even though RE doesn't think its a problem I do! But I hoping you will not need to go anymore because you are going to get a BFP!

Erose The shot isn't bad at all. I did have DH do it for me though. No way I could stick myself. He was good at it too. He said he was "trained" in the military to give shots but I was thinking umm its been years since you have had that training and how many times did you have to go this? But I had no bruising or irritation after. There is also a website that has a video on how to administer it if you want the website I can give that to you. I was very, very tired after though. I would wake up but feel like I had not slept. Only side effect I had. I could tell when it was out of my system too. It was like I was a whole new person like 11 days after the shot.

Savvy So happy for you + opk! And early!! I am kind of jealous :) I really thought this surgery would move my O day up. Maybe it will next cycle. I have read online that sometimes women do not O the cycle of the surgery. I think that the cream will help and you should order it. Monday wouldn't be that far away. But if you can find it at like GNC even better.

Suzy Have any plans to get clomid?? Hope you get a + opk soon!

MissStacy Sorry about AF she can be a real B sometimes!! Any new plans this cycle??

Moni FXed for you! Hoping no IVF because of a BFP!!

AFM I started feeling bad yesterday with a horrible headache and sore throat. So no BD last night. I did not sleep well at all. I think I had a fever too. I had a dream about being really hot and I had just had 2 surgeries and it wasn't good for me to be this hot. I was also in school, like high school. I woke up and my throat felt awful and I was burning up. Then when I took my temp. a few hours later it was 99.07. I went back to sleep and when I took it again it was at 98.46 and my head was throbbing and my throat felt so raw. I took migraine medicine and have drank 3 Gatorades and am feeling much better. I even mopped my floors and vacuumed. Now I am hoping that I did not O because if I did we are not covered! I should have taken an opk this morning but I was not thinking straight and felt awful.
beaglemom I am so happy that the appointment went well! So you will be missing work a lot? Is it for more testing like the HSG? I am hoping that you will not need it! Your DH numbers are great too! They are better than my DH's numbers. I have been researching how to get them up even though RE doesn't think its a problem I do! But I hoping you will not need to go anymore because you are going to get a BFP!

AFM I started feeling bad yesterday with a horrible headache and sore throat. So no BD last night. I did not sleep well at all. I think I had a fever too. I had a dream about being really hot and I had just had 2 surgeries and it wasn't good for me to be this hot. I was also in school, like high school. I woke up and my throat felt awful and I was burning up. Then when I took my temp. a few hours later it was 99.07. I went back to sleep and when I took it again it was at 98.46 and my head was throbbing and my throat felt so raw. I took migraine medicine and have drank 3 Gatorades and am feeling much better. I even mopped my floors and vacuumed. Now I am hoping that I did not O because if I did we are not covered! I should have taken an opk this morning but I was not thinking straight and felt awful.

So sorry! Your night sounds awful! Glad you are feeling better.

We or I am actually taking a class on my drugs before they give them to me. Hoping it will give me some good insight.

I am missing work because the office is almost an hour & half away depending on traffic & we will do the whole thing...ultrasounds & trigger shots before IUI. Plus I have that class.

My husband was pissed when I told him my banker wanted to tell the AE. I think he is a little ticked anyways because my banker called me yesterday while we were driving needing help & also later after my appt. He knows how much the banker relies on me, so if he thinks he is being insensitive or a jerk, he gets pissed. Plus overall, legally, there is no requirement to tell anyone about my medical situation. I could just go through corporate HR.
misaacs No plans for Clomid for now. I want to go to a gyno or RE and do some tests with DH as well. Who knows, maybe I O just fine but have blocked tubes or scar tissue or something else. Or maybe I'm fine period. If this cycle is a bust, I'm going to a pro that's for sure. Also, I don't know what Clomid does exactly, besides from triggering ovulation. I've read somewhere it has other benefits as well but really didn't look into it at the time. You think Clomid would be a good idea?

Floridasian I'm so sorry you were misinformed about the yams. From what I could see on your links, I definitely got yams. But they're not easy to find. Not every supermarket carries them. To tell you the truth, when I saw the recipe for the yam tea I was a bit hmm... :nope:
Basically you have to boil the peel that looks like bark and not the yam itself. That's where all the benefits come from. And as you can see, it has that brownish color, like a tree. All I could think of was: the lenghts that I will go to... But it's not bad at all. Try searching online to find out where you can buy them.

Savvy, Beaglemom, Erin and all the others thanks for the advice on the OPK. Last month, I got a very definite positive and I also had very strong twinges in my ovaries so there was no doubt in my mind. I haven't been testing twice a day since the last time I had a positive OPK it stayed positive for almost 24 hours. So I was sure I wouldn't need to test twice now but maybe I should. The probleme is I've been drinking a lot of water today and the test is not so reliable when the pee is deluded. But hey, I got a pack of 50 OPK's on sale. I might as well use them! :happydance:
Floridasian, I went to a store that mainly sells high end fruits/veggies and meats. They have just about everything you can imagine. It is just frustrating what we go through when we are ttc, here we read up and do our homework then we trust that the yams or whatever else we buy will help us only to be fooled! I have the yams on the counter in the kitchen so I will see later when I prepare them. I will post an update!

misaacs, I am sorry you aren't feeling well. Hopefully your meds and gatorade will clear up your illness quick. You could always test this afternoon too. My fx'd that you didn't O yet and still have time to catch that egg.

Suzy, I would definitely recommend testing twice a day. To me it is less confusing. If you test at 2pm and it is negative you could begin to surge shortly after, if you test again at 2pm the following day it could be negative and your surge could be over. I test 6am/2:30pm. I just tested again, I have been drinking a moderate amount and only have held it for about an hour and a half and I got a blazing positive on the wondfo opk. Good luck, fx'd you get a + soon!

Clomid stimulates your ovaries. So it helps with O of mature eggs. Sometimes clomid can stimulate ovaries too much and cause ovarian cysts. Which is why it is important to find the right dosage and be monitored. I think that it would definitely help. Many women, on average, who take clomid conceive within 3 months. So talking with your obgyn about it and your plans on ttc will help and hopefully they will prescribe it for you. I can't remember but how long have you been TTC?
Erose The shot isn't bad at all. I did have DH do it for me though. No way I could stick myself. He was good at it too. He said he was "trained" in the military to give shots but I was thinking umm its been years since you have had that training and how many times did you have to go this? But I had no bruising or irritation after. There is also a website that has a video on how to administer it if you want the website I can give that to you. I was very, very tired after though. I would wake up but feel like I had not slept. Only side effect I had. I could tell when it was out of my system too. It was like I was a whole new person like 11 days after the shot.

I also usually have hubby give it to me and he has no training but does a great job. The time I tried the thigh was the one time I did it myself - in a restaurant bathroom by the way. It looks scarier then it is...we'll talk you guys through it if needed!

Happy Easter to those that celebrate!

Clomid stimulates your ovaries. So it helps with O of mature eggs. Sometimes clomid can stimulate ovaries too much and cause ovarian cysts. Which is why it is important to find the right dosage and be monitored. I think that it would definitely help. Many women, on average, who take clomid conceive within 3 months. So talking with your obgyn about it and your plans on ttc will help and hopefully they will prescribe it for you. I can't remember but how long have you been TTC?

I've been TTC since June last year. But as soon as I got off BCP, my cycles became nuts and I got a follicular cyst on each ovary. First cycle was 6 weeks and the second one lasted 10 weeks!!! I thought I was going to lose my mind. Back then I didn't know about all the natural remedies that could have helped me ovulate and regulate my cycles. I found them out by myself because the doctors all said the same: take BCP. But when you are TTC, that kind of defeats the purpose now doesn't it. And it really bugged me that there was no other solution. That's how I found out about Vitex. It helps to regulate the hormonal imbalances that can cause cysts. So I must admit that Clomid scares me a bit and that it could cause cysts again. But it's definitely worth looking into. I've read many success stories about it.
Savyy now you have your positive OPK, can you feel you're O'ing? Do you have twinges or cramps?
Moni and misaacs, thanks for the info on the shot! That's a great idea to have DH do it. I wonder if he could bring himself to stick me with a needle, lol! I guess we'll find out! Thanks again girls, it's so helpful talking to other people who have done these things!

Suzy, if you are susceptible to cysts and are worried that clomid might give them to you again, you could always try Femara. It works very similar to Clomid, but supposedly has less side effects, doesnt affect CM like Clomid can (although not every woman has that issue), and it is less likely to cause cysts. Beaglemom and I are both being switched by our REs to Femara. No reason in particular... I think that is just what my RE prescribes in general. I got pregnant on Clomid, so I'm a bit partial to it, as it brought me my first BFP. But I also don't mind trying the Femara and just moving on to something different. So it's really just what you feel is best for you. :)

floridasian, so sorry about the yams, goodness! I can't believe the sign said YAMS! Well, back on the hunt again, huh? Hehe!

AFM, I am feeling very crampy now. I think I'm going to have the shortest cycle ever! I had a super short one with the cyst, but I didnt expect to have a super short one after the cyst was removed. But it really feels like AF will be here any day now... tomorrow or the next day maybe. Weird. Oh well, at least I can get on with my treatment next cycle.
Savyy now you have your positive OPK, can you feel you're O'ing? Do you have twinges or cramps?

Starting yesterday I have had some lower abdominal pain. I felt something similar last cycle a few days before my + opk. Since I have so many stomach issues, it is hard to tell what is stomach/food related and what is ttc related.
Savyy now you have your positive OPK, can you feel you're O'ing? Do you have twinges or cramps?

Starting yesterday I have had some lower abdominal pain. I felt something similar last cycle a few days before my + opk. Since I have so many stomach issues, it is hard to tell what is stomach/food related and what is ttc related.

Ok. I was just wondering since you had such terrible pain last month. I remember because I had the exact same experience last cycle. I did my second OPK today and it's still negative. I'm still planning to BD tonight to try out Preseed.
Here's hoping for that special Easter egg for all of us :kiss:
Ladies I just saw my first sign of spotting...very light. Lots of cramping...so just not sure. This would be a short cycle for me if it doesn't hold out until Sunday
Suzy, I have felt odd pain all day plus some heartburn and my chest feels sore. I am hoping it means I am gearing up to ovulate, I wonder if I will get those stabbing pains again. Definitely test out preseed before a + opk, that way you can adjust the amount you use if needed. I hope you get your + opk soon, I need a tww buddy! :)

Floridasian, I didn't end up trying the yams tonight. Hopefully I can cook them up for lunch tomorrow.

Beaglemom, darn, I am keeping my fx'd that it is implantation cramping.
I took a test this morning...cheap one...and it was negative. It is still early. Worse case if it does start, I need it to hold off until Monday at the earliest. I cannot have bad timing on my first monitored IUI. I have to take the med class to order my meds. I assume they will overnight them to me. I also have to have an ultrasound on CD1, 2, or 3. The class is Tuesday or Wednesday. I signed up for Wednesday. So I just need all this timing to line up. I am also hoping to get the ultrasound the same day as my med class...just so I only have to make one trip.

But I still have time for a positive.
Beaglemom, 13dpo is still early especially for a cheap test. I have my fx'd that you get a bfp when you test again. When you wash out the preseed applicator do you wash it immediately? I threw it away last night because I didn't want to wash it out then.

My wondfo cheap opk looked lighter to me today but I got a second opinion with the clearblue and I still had a smiley face, hoping I O today or tomorrow. We will BD at least tonight and hopefully tomorrow night too.

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