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Hoping April is Our month for good things to happen

Happy Easter to you all!

Beaglemom I hope the sore back (and no :witch:) is a good sign.

Savvy it's good to be busy to keep our mind focused on other things. I just hope you don't get sick and that your mom and grandpa feel better soon.

I still haven't O'd. Tomorrow is the last day (7th) of the yam tea. I'm off from work this week and am going to be very busy with the move to our new house. The only thing I don't look forward to is packing all of my clothes and shoes and then unpacking them and all that. But other than that I'm really excited. It's also a good way to focus on other positive things and distract myself.

Here's wishing Easter eggs to all of you! Or as Oprah would say: You get an egg! You get an egg! Everybody gets an egg! :happydance:
Suzy. . . have fun moving! i know when we were building my stress was very high but once the house was finished i felt much better. then we moved in and i relaxed even more i ended up getting my bfp four months after we moved. i was even slightly stressed that month bc it was over the Christmas holidays that i ovulated. i think just nesting in our new house brought on good fertility. anyways i hope settling in works for you and you get your bfp asap after moving.
Suzy, good luck with the move! A packing tip I saw on pinterest was to leave your clothes on hangers and put a garbage bag over them with it cut a bit for the hangers to stick out. You can easily move them and quickly hang them up in your new closet! Also color code boxes as you pack (red=kitchen, etc) and label any important box that you need to open first or take pictures so you know what is in each box. Thanks for the positive thoughts, I just want my grandpa better. He seems to get worse in hospitals but they had no choice and had to take him with his high temperature.

Have some low cramping this morning and temp up just a bit. Hoping I ovulated yesterday. I am going to hold off on the P cream until Wednesday since I should have crosshairs confirmation by then hopefully.

I was hoping to see some bfps...anyone?
Savvy - hoping for swift recoveries with your family. Sorry you had to cancel the big meal.

I got another negative this morning. Still using the cheap tests. But I am starting to feel like I may be out. I am okay with that. I just want the timing to work out for my new cycle.

So my banker is so weird. I came in this morning & he asked how I was...just normal Monday morning stuff. Then he says more importantly, did we get the news we wanted this weekend? Talking about my test. I said no, not yet. Almost makes me tempted to come out of the bathroom when it starts & just announce it to him.

Erin, I hope your scan goes well today. I am so excited for you. You have a good SA count, new meds, FS that will be available whenever the timing is needed, & you can always back up your IUI with BD. I am right behind you, lady!
Morning everyone!

Savvy - praying for a speedy recovery for your family!

Suzy - good luck with the move! Is it a local move or long distance? We moved over 1000 miles three years ago. My FIL flew in and spent a week to help us move, including spending two days driving with our three pets. That was fun!

Beaglemom - I'm hoping there's still time for a BFP for you this cycle! If not, at least you're in good hands with the RE for a new cycle.

No BFP here. Tested yesterday morning and got a BFN. My temps also started to drop yesterday so AF will probably show up on time on Wednesday. Well, no risk for ectopic then so that's a relief! I ordered more Ubiquinol from Costco and am just ready for the new cycle. I have really high hopes for it!
Oh, I read this on another board and thought it was interesting. Someone noticed o pain on different sides at different cycle days and determined that your two ovaries o at different days. They noticed that their left ovary would o a few days earlier say CD 13-14 than the right ovary, say CD17-18. And then someone else chimed in and said they also noticed the same thing.

It never crossed my mind that your ovaries might have different schedules but it kind of makes sense!
This was our first month actively trying. I never knew how maddening the process could be! I'm realistic and learning the ropes, because I know statistics aren't in my favor, but I'm 1 dpo on the first month of trying and I'm not sure how to make it through months or years of trying. One day at a time, I suppose.
Beaglemom, thanks. Sorry to hear about your bfn. If AF shows you should announce to your boss since he keeps asking! I would love to see his reaction!

Floridasian, thanks for the prayers I am worried. Sorry for the bfn but I know you mentioned risks of a pregnancy this cycle. That is interesting. Last month my right side hurt and I ovulated on cd20 this month my left side hurts and yesterday was cd17. Never heard of that or thought of that. I will have to do some research though. Thanks for mentioning!

Welcome hopeful! I think I am 1dpo today too! I sure hope you don't spend long ttc but you are right...one day at a time!
Oh, I read this on another board and thought it was interesting. Someone noticed o pain on different sides at different cycle days and determined that your two ovaries o at different days. They noticed that their left ovary would o a few days earlier say CD 13-14 than the right ovary, say CD17-18. And then someone else chimed in and said they also noticed the same thing.

It never crossed my mind that your ovaries might have different schedules but it kind of makes sense!

I def get O feelings every month (well most months)...but I never take note of what side. I just don't keep track...but very interesting indeed.

I hope I still have a shot at a positive this cycle...but I also hope that AF shows on time tomorrow. Basically if she is gonna show, just be on time! I want to try to have my ultrasound the same day as my med class so I don't have to make 2 trips. I am starting to feel some cramping...but it could also be from holding in having to go to the bathroom...just had a long sit down with my banker trying to get things in order for the week. So I am going to go pee now :)
Sorry for the BFNs Beagle - holding out hope for you as well.

AFM - BFN yesterday so waiting for AF. I was sure it would work this time - I was even getting dizzy the last couple of days, which I did not know was a symptom until I looked it up after experiencing it. I basically feel that since it didn't work this time, the IUIs are not going to work for us, so we are moving onto the IVF. However, we have decided to wait until July/Aug to do the IVF (as long as the doc approves the wait). I feel like I want to clean the meds out of my body before sticking a lot more in. It also gives us a chance to save a bit more money. I'll still be around, but prob more just stalking to see how you are all doing. I figure if we are taking a couple months off the meds I am going to relax and not temp or use the monitor. Back to just having fun for a bit right? But I'll be back in full force with the IVF at the end of the summer!

FXed to you all in the meantime!!
Sorry for the BFNs Beagle - holding out hope for you as well.

AFM - BFN yesterday so waiting for AF. I was sure it would work this time - I was even getting dizzy the last couple of days, which I did not know was a symptom until I looked it up after experiencing it. I basically feel that since it didn't work this time, the IUIs are not going to work for us, so we are moving onto the IVF. However, we have decided to wait until July/Aug to do the IVF (as long as the doc approves the wait). I feel like I want to clean the meds out of my body before sticking a lot more in. It also gives us a chance to save a bit more money. I'll still be around, but prob more just stalking to see how you are all doing. I figure if we are taking a couple months off the meds I am going to relax and not temp or use the monitor. Back to just having fun for a bit right? But I'll be back in full force with the IVF at the end of the summer!

FXed to you all in the meantime!!

Sorry about the neg for you, too. I really thought we both would be getting good news this time. I am excited for you on the IVF, though. Usually those have high success rates. I hope you have fun relaxing & clearing out the system. I have decided I am done with the monitor since I am being monitored. I will probably still do opks & I plan to get some cheap hpts to test out my trigger.
Hi everyone i am coming back. I am currently in the process of miscarrying. So sad especially since this will be 2 in a row. I will have to get caught up with everyone again.
Hi everyone i am coming back. I am currently in the process of miscarrying. So sad especially since this will be 2 in a row. I will have to get caught up with everyone again.

I am really sorry about that. Do you have plans on more testing to find out what is going on?
Hi everyone i am coming back. I am currently in the process of miscarrying. So sad especially since this will be 2 in a row. I will have to get caught up with everyone again.

So sorry to hear that. Take good care of yourself!! :hugs:
curly, I am so sorry to hear this news. :( Take care of yourself, Hun. Grieve for as long as you need. We're here for you.

Moni, I'm so sorry this last IUI didn't work, urg! Well, I feel like you have excellent chances with IVF, and I bet that's going to be the last cycle you have before a BFP shows up. It's probably all you need. I feel like your chances are really high with IVF. Well, even though you're waiting until summer, keeping hanging around and saying hello! We love having you around.

beaglemom, you're at 32 days today, right? Won't that be the longest cycle you've had on clomid? So if you make it past today, you still have a great chance.

AFM, my appt went really well this morning. They had my AMH results from the initial blood tests and said it was 3.5, which is supposedly an excellent number, especially for my age. The nurse made the comment that we'd see that as a norm in a 25-yr old. I breathed a sigh of relief, because I was really worried about that one, and as it turns out, the news was way better than I even thought it would be! Then while the Dr was doing the scan, she saw several follies at the size they should be on Day3 on both ovaries, and said she was very pleased with what she was seeing (which apparently correlates directly with my AMH level...?). Anyway, they said I'm ready for the Femara, so I start it today for five days, and I go back in one week for the next scan to make sure the follies are nice and large, and I guess that's when they'll tell me to do the shot.
Ugh, can I vent? Please feel free to skip this, it really has nothing to do with ttc I just have no one else to talk to.

My Grandpa is doing worse, he is in the ICU and in isolation due to his diagnosis. My mom is still sick and since my Grandpa is not doing good we have to cancel our girls trip for this weekend. Honestly I wouldn't feel right about going, but I am still bummed since I look forward to going every year. My MIL is starting to really piss me off, saw her yesterday and all she talked about was my SIL and her being pregnant again...I have my health issues/special diet and she never once asked me how I was doing (that sounds kind of vain, but still hurts my feelings). Now she is calling my DH every couple of hours for an update on my Grandfather...I just want to yell "Why the **** do you care about my Grandpa?? You didn't even come to my Grandmothers funeral in February...why care about me or my family now?" My feelings are hurt and I am so frustrated and upset.
Moni, I am sorry you got a BFN. If AF didn't show yet there is still hope!

Curly, I am so sorry for your m/c. :hugs: If you need to talk or vent, I am here to listen!

Erin, I am so glad your appointment went well today and that you had some good news! I am so excited for you this month with femara and your scans and trigger shot, I definitely see a bfp in the near future for you!!
curly, I am so sorry to hear this news. :( Take care of yourself, Hun. Grieve for as long as you need. We're here for you.

Moni, I'm so sorry this last IUI didn't work, urg! Well, I feel like you have excellent chances with IVF, and I bet that's going to be the last cycle you have before a BFP shows up. It's probably all you need. I feel like your chances are really high with IVF. Well, even though you're waiting until summer, keeping hanging around and saying hello! We love having you around.

beaglemom, you're at 32 days today, right? Won't that be the longest cycle you've had on clomid? So if you make it past today, you still have a great chance.

AFM, my appt went really well this morning. They had my AMH results from the initial blood tests and said it was 3.5, which is supposedly an excellent number, especially for my age. The nurse made the comment that we'd see that as a norm in a 25-yr old. I breathed a sigh of relief, because I was really worried about that one, and as it turns out, the news was way better than I even thought it would be! Then while the Dr was doing the scan, she saw several follies at the size they should be on Day3 on both ovaries, and said she was very pleased with what she was seeing (which apparently correlates directly with my AMH level...?). Anyway, they said I'm ready for the Femara, so I start it today for five days, and I go back in one week for the next scan to make sure the follies are nice and large, and I guess that's when they'll tell me to do the shot.

32 days is the longest cycle I ever had on clomid. So I expect AF to show tomorrow. I really thought she was coming today, but still brown spotting the last I checked. I do have a shot, but I am not holding my breath. I will just have to wait & see. No testing tomorrow, but I will test on Wednesday if nothing shows. I wish it would hurry & be one thing or the other. That dumb meds class I have to take is $55. Not a whole lot compared to everything else, but still...the fee plus missing work. But I won't miss any pay at least.

Your appt sounds awesome! Basically she said your body is ready to start making babies! I think IUI, the meds, & better timing is exactly what you need.

Ugh, can I vent? Please feel free to skip this, it really has nothing to do with ttc I just have no one else to talk to.

My Grandpa is doing worse, he is in the ICU and in isolation due to his diagnosis. My mom is still sick and since my Grandpa is not doing good we have to cancel our girls trip for this weekend. Honestly I wouldn't feel right about going, but I am still bummed since I look forward to going every year. My MIL is starting to really piss me off, saw her yesterday and all she talked about was my SIL and her being pregnant again...I have my health issues/special diet and she never once asked me how I was doing (that sounds kind of vain, but still hurts my feelings). Now she is calling my DH every couple of hours for an update on my Grandfather...I just want to yell "Why the **** do you care about my Grandpa?? You didn't even come to my Grandmothers funeral in February...why care about me or my family now?" My feelings are hurt and I am so frustrated and upset.

Savvy, sorry your grandfather is still not doing well. I totally get you feeling like this. I don't even know what to say besides feel free to vent about whatever!
Savvy, sorry your grandfather is still not doing well. I totally get you feeling like this. I don't even know what to say besides feel free to vent about whatever!

Thanks Beaglemom. I just needed to let it out and I couldn't exactly tell my hubby how insensitive I think his mom was when she didn't come to my Grandmothers funeral. I just needed some support at that time and it was hard when it seemed like she didn't even care. I know the situation isn't good with my Grandpa and I have already prepared myself for the worst.

I know what you mean, it would be nice to know one way or the other, especially since you have classes and other appointments to go to and want to minimize driving/missing work. I am still hoping that you get a bfp, keeping my fingers crossed tight!

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