Hi ladies
I am due to OV around the 27th. OV'd on CD14 or 15 last month but DH was in hospital so there was no chance of a BFP for me this month. Cycle appears to be shifting from 26 to 28 days at the moment so I'm a little unsure when OV will happen. Trying to resist OPK at the moment as my DH doesn't want to get all scientific about things and it's just one more thing for me to stress about. We were supposed to be going to my Mum's for Christmas but now we are having to stay at home as there is "no room at the inn". All in all that is a probably a good thing from a TTC perspective as DH doesn't like BD at my Mum's. At least we will be in our own bed at the crucial time!
Wishing everyone lot's of luck for a New Year