~*~ Hoping for Our Special Stocking Stuffers! ~*~ December Testing: 7 BFP's, 1 angel

Well I see lines and that's just from the pic on here!
So waiting with baited breath! FXd for you honey! x

Ps I am just after a mc so just wanted to ask, when you say you bled for 7 weeks, was that light/heavy,spotting?
I only ask I have been spotting/bleeding since 9th Nov only actual bleeding for a few days after the actual event at hospital on 22nd then spotting on and off since. I have O'd since then, but if you see my chart it's all over the place, what with bleeds, the flu! and now very low post O temps!
I am just trying to make head nor tails of it!!

Thank you :flower:.

So sorry for your loss, this forum is fab and certainly helped me through a time I thought I would just break. :hugs:

Back to your question about my 7 weeker. I started bleeding 4th October extremely heavy, lots of clots which fitted into my hand and loads of pregnancy material passed on the 6th. Pain was like contractions. Heavy bleeding filling a maternity pad under an hour for 2.5 weeks. Then it went to medium flow and light flow so maybe changing pads 4 times a day. I went really heavy again for 3 days and passed more grey material on 14th November and then back to medium flow. By the Monday 18th went to light bleeding and from the Thursday spotting brown and dried up by 23rd. Hope all that makes sense. I kept testing positive and did get lighter but it wasn't until the monday 18th that I showed a negative so the extra bit I passed was the last of my pregnancy. We are marking that day as our actual loss :cry: since I was still showing pregnant up to then.

I can't really help about charting as I kind of gave up since I never really get proper sleep and went to bed different times, drank wine, and then being up through the night wouldn't I guess be a true reading so didn't want to freak out so left it alone.

Lots of lovely ladies on here who chart so maybe they can offer you advice.

Good luck with your journey. :flower:
Thanks Terri and Oldermom...I'll just continue to take my temps and check with the LH surge strips. It's weird though last month my OPK gave me a LH surge 7-8 days before I was supposed to technically ovulate. This is so confusing to me I swear! And don't get me started on looking at the CM...I'm like " is this creamy, or sticky?" Lol. And I swear I have not seen ANY EWCM when I checked. Out of frustration I made an appt to see a fertility specialist next month so I can see what's going on.

If I start my OPK testing too early, then I get false positives too. In my case, the LH strip is also picking up my super high FSH levels at the beginning of my cycle, perhaps a similar thing is happening to you. Cervical mucus is something I have always been scant on...a specialist can certainly help you identify EWCM.
Ladies put me down please for a BFP :cloud9:. Decision made before waiting for CB digital.

Tested again at 3.40pm ish and second pink line came visible under 2 minutes.

Here it is for in case I'm seeing things..

View attachment 708701

Good luck to upcoming testers and good luck for those waiting to ovulate.

May our xmas stockings be filled with healthy babes.


Now THAT is some good line porn!!
Congrats!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

So happy for you!
Well I see lines and that's just from the pic on here!
So waiting with baited breath! FXd for you honey! x

Ps I am just after a mc so just wanted to ask, when you say you bled for 7 weeks, was that light/heavy,spotting?
I only ask I have been spotting/bleeding since 9th Nov only actual bleeding for a few days after the actual event at hospital on 22nd then spotting on and off since. I have O'd since then, but if you see my chart it's all over the place, what with bleeds, the flu! and now very low post O temps!
I am just trying to make head nor tails of it!!

Thank you :flower:.

So sorry for your loss, this forum is fab and certainly helped me through a time I thought I would just break. :hugs:

Back to your question about my 7 weeker. I started bleeding 4th October extremely heavy, lots of clots which fitted into my hand and loads of pregnancy material passed on the 6th. Pain was like contractions. Heavy bleeding filling a maternity pad under an hour for 2.5 weeks. Then it went to medium flow and light flow so maybe changing pads 4 times a day. I went really heavy again for 3 days and passed more grey material on 14th November and then back to medium flow. By the Monday 18th went to light bleeding and from the Thursday spotting brown and dried up by 23rd. Hope all that makes sense. I kept testing positive and did get lighter but it wasn't until the monday 18th that I showed a negative so the extra bit I passed was the last of my pregnancy. We are marking that day as our actual loss :cry: since I was still showing pregnant up to then.

I can't really help about charting as I kind of gave up since I never really get proper sleep and went to bed different times, drank wine, and then being up through the night wouldn't I guess be a true reading so didn't want to freak out so left it alone.

Lots of lovely ladies on here who chart so maybe they can offer you advice.

Good luck with your journey. :flower:

Thanks so much for the reply, you really did go through it badly, having contractions and all!
I waited 2 weeks for mine then the hospital dragged me in, They wouldnt let me do it naturally at home as I would be alone with just my kids (DF lives & works in another country) So I ended up taking those pills.... It didnt take long only a few hours for me to pass all of it whole, (Which the hospital placed in a beautiful white box to bring home and bury myself)and it really didnt hurt, in fact I take great comfort that I laughed at a joke the midwife made and thats when it happened...
So in that respect for a 11w mc I was very lucky... Just wish the spotting would finish now.... I never thought to test to see if my levels went down... wish I had now!
Thanks Terri and Oldermom...I'll just continue to take my temps and check with the LH surge strips. It's weird though last month my OPK gave me a LH surge 7-8 days before I was supposed to technically ovulate. This is so confusing to me I swear! And don't get me started on looking at the CM...I'm like " is this creamy, or sticky?" Lol. And I swear I have not seen ANY EWCM when I checked. Out of frustration I made an appt to see a fertility specialist next month so I can see what's going on.

Hi Smiles, for me I don't really notice CM, for me I don't really get the EW so my way of timing is literally after bleed stops, the every other day plan think it's egg meets sperm plan or something like that and we keep going until we get a positive on an OPK and in our case an O on persona monitor and then stop and fingers crossed.

Fertility is certainly confusing.

Oh and I ovulate all over the place. When I was using persona as contraception and not wanting to try, I would see my O different times each month, one month would be CD12, the next CD17, the next CD14 - never consistent but bled every 31 days. Really strange. My ovulation pattern was between something like CD12 and as late as CD21.

I have read that drinking 8 glasses of water daily and taking evening primrose supplement help EWCM, but please note evening primrose should be stopped when you get your ovulation marker as I think it intereferres with implantation.

Good luck :dust:
Well I see lines and that's just from the pic on here!
So waiting with baited breath! FXd for you honey! x

Ps I am just after a mc so just wanted to ask, when you say you bled for 7 weeks, was that light/heavy,spotting?
I only ask I have been spotting/bleeding since 9th Nov only actual bleeding for a few days after the actual event at hospital on 22nd then spotting on and off since. I have O'd since then, but if you see my chart it's all over the place, what with bleeds, the flu! and now very low post O temps!
I am just trying to make head nor tails of it!!

Thank you :flower:.

So sorry for your loss, this forum is fab and certainly helped me through a time I thought I would just break. :hugs:

Back to your question about my 7 weeker. I started bleeding 4th October extremely heavy, lots of clots which fitted into my hand and loads of pregnancy material passed on the 6th. Pain was like contractions. Heavy bleeding filling a maternity pad under an hour for 2.5 weeks. Then it went to medium flow and light flow so maybe changing pads 4 times a day. I went really heavy again for 3 days and passed more grey material on 14th November and then back to medium flow. By the Monday 18th went to light bleeding and from the Thursday spotting brown and dried up by 23rd. Hope all that makes sense. I kept testing positive and did get lighter but it wasn't until the monday 18th that I showed a negative so the extra bit I passed was the last of my pregnancy. We are marking that day as our actual loss :cry: since I was still showing pregnant up to then.

I can't really help about charting as I kind of gave up since I never really get proper sleep and went to bed different times, drank wine, and then being up through the night wouldn't I guess be a true reading so didn't want to freak out so left it alone.

Lots of lovely ladies on here who chart so maybe they can offer you advice.

Good luck with your journey. :flower:

After my (blighted ovum and) D&C, I stopped bleeding pretty much immediately (of course). But four weeks later, my bleeding returned. I thought it was my period, but it was a strange heavy spotting that lasted for two and a half weeks. It didn't look like it was going to stop on its own. I needed help to get my cycling back on track. I went on birth control pills and progesterone to stop it. You may need the attention of a doc- that is a long time to spot. :flower:
OMG!!! I can see THAT pink line fandabby. I'm SO excited for you!!

Now you have to tell us your symptoms-give us the rundown, mama! Boop boop. Send your CB digi to oldermom. She loves testing with anything! HA!!HA!!
Well I see lines and that's just from the pic on here!
So waiting with baited breath! FXd for you honey! x

Ps I am just after a mc so just wanted to ask, when you say you bled for 7 weeks, was that light/heavy,spotting?
I only ask I have been spotting/bleeding since 9th Nov only actual bleeding for a few days after the actual event at hospital on 22nd then spotting on and off since. I have O'd since then, but if you see my chart it's all over the place, what with bleeds, the flu! and now very low post O temps!
I am just trying to make head nor tails of it!!

Thank you :flower:.

So sorry for your loss, this forum is fab and certainly helped me through a time I thought I would just break. :hugs:

Back to your question about my 7 weeker. I started bleeding 4th October extremely heavy, lots of clots which fitted into my hand and loads of pregnancy material passed on the 6th. Pain was like contractions. Heavy bleeding filling a maternity pad under an hour for 2.5 weeks. Then it went to medium flow and light flow so maybe changing pads 4 times a day. I went really heavy again for 3 days and passed more grey material on 14th November and then back to medium flow. By the Monday 18th went to light bleeding and from the Thursday spotting brown and dried up by 23rd. Hope all that makes sense. I kept testing positive and did get lighter but it wasn't until the monday 18th that I showed a negative so the extra bit I passed was the last of my pregnancy. We are marking that day as our actual loss :cry: since I was still showing pregnant up to then.

I can't really help about charting as I kind of gave up since I never really get proper sleep and went to bed different times, drank wine, and then being up through the night wouldn't I guess be a true reading so didn't want to freak out so left it alone.

Lots of lovely ladies on here who chart so maybe they can offer you advice.

Good luck with your journey. :flower:

Thanks so much for the reply, you really did go through it badly, having contractions and all!
I waited 2 weeks for mine then the hospital dragged me in, They wouldnt let me do it naturally at home as I would be alone with just my kids (DF lives & works in another country) So I ended up taking those pills.... It didnt take long only a few hours for me to pass all of it whole, (Which the hospital placed in a beautiful white box to bring home and bury myself)and it really didnt hurt, in fact I take great comfort that I laughed at a joke the midwife made and thats when it happened...
So in that respect for a 11w mc I was very lucky... Just wish the spotting would finish now.... I never thought to test to see if my levels went down... wish I had now!

I am so sorry for your loss...:hugs:
OMG!!! I can see THAT pink line fandabby. I'm SO excited for you!!

Now you have to tell us your symptoms-give us the rundown, mama! Boop boop. Send your CB digi to oldermom. She loves testing with anything! HA!!HA!!

(raises hand) Um, yup- I'll take that. :)
Congrats Fandabby!!!! :happydance:

AFM 3rd day of +OPK :shrug: never happened before idk what's up!!
Thanks ladies! Strangely seems forever ago now. Anyway, just watching the kids decorating the tree, badly! Just looking forward to Christmas and seeing my DF for 2 whole weeks!
Congrats Fandabby!!!! :happydance:

AFM 3rd day of +OPK :shrug: never happened before idk what's up!!

Your temp looks like it is already up, maybe you are one of those lucky ladies who will O two eggs in one cycle!
Fandabby, I'm going to bite the bullet and say congratulations, because I definitely see a line!! I'm assuming these came up within 10 minutes and you don't think they're evaps? I could see the shadow of a line on your most recent test using the picture here, and when I went to your link and saw a high res pic I could clearly see the lines on all of them. Yesterday's were so so faint, but then that's the way it works, doesn't it? These light shadows are exactly what my Wondfos looked like when I got my first positives on FRER, so I'm inclined to celebrate for you now! Kudos to you for having the patience to wait for the digi in the mail. Don't take it too soon! My digi didn't work until 13dpo. If I were you I'd be at Walgreens buying FRERs right now! :winkwink:

I hope this is it for you!! :dust:

Thank you.

I bought a bundle of cheapies couple weeks ago and some from a chemist last week, stocked up. I bought the CB on ebay as the lines were really faint earlier this week, so will use that now maybe in couple of wks so it shows conception wks so I know where I roughly am for asking for scan early since they cant date me from a period.

Good luck with your journey ... :dust:
If I start my OPK testing too early, then I get false positives too. In my case, the LH strip is also picking up my super high FSH levels at the beginning of my cycle, perhaps a similar thing is happening to you. Cervical mucus is something I have always been scant on...a specialist can certainly help you identify EWCM.[/QUOTE]

Hmmmmm..... I started testing at day 5 of period and or spotting and I was using the First Response one I think. It's the one that after your surge is detected the damn thing becomes useless ad you have to buy a whole new one! Lol. In any event the DH and I BD'd around that time and in between and again around the time I should have ovulated and nada. :growlmad:
Thanks Terri and Oldermom...I'll just continue to take my temps and check with the LH surge strips. It's weird though last month my OPK gave me a LH surge 7-8 days before I was supposed to technically ovulate. This is so confusing to me I swear! And don't get me started on looking at the CM...I'm like " is this creamy, or sticky?" Lol. And I swear I have not seen ANY EWCM when I checked. Out of frustration I made an appt to see a fertility specialist next month so I can see what's going on.

Hi Smiles, for me I don't really notice CM, for me I don't really get the EW so my way of timing is literally after bleed stops, the every other day plan think it's egg meets sperm plan or something like that and we keep going until we get a positive on an OPK and in our case an O on persona monitor and then stop and fingers crossed.

Fertility is certainly confusing.

Oh and I ovulate all over the place. When I was using persona as contraception and not wanting to try, I would see my O different times each month, one month would be CD12, the next CD17, the next CD14 - never consistent but bled every 31 days. Really strange. My ovulation pattern was between something like CD12 and as late as CD21.

I have read that drinking 8 glasses of water daily and taking evening primrose supplement help EWCM, but please note evening primrose should be stopped when you get your ovulation marker as I think it intereferres with implantation.

Good luck :dust:

Fandabby.... Yes fertility is very confusing to say the least. I started taking Fertibella last month and just finished up the first 30 day supply and will be starting the next 30 day supply tomorrow so I'll see how it goes.
Wow, this thread moves FAST. But first and foremost...

:happydance: FANDABBY! A huge congrats to you, how exciting!! :happydance:

Smiles, like everyone else said, FF will establish an O date and a CL for you. I wouldn't worry about that yourself I were you, because I sometimes have NO clue how they come up with my CL! After you O, and your temp rises for 3 days (I think Terri mentioned this), it will establish the crosshairs, and you'll feel better about the whole thing (or at least, I know I always do, lol!) As for OPKs, maybe just don't test quite so early... I'm not sure about false positives, except if you're on Clomid or Femara, I believe that can affect it. But if you're not on anything like that, then maybe Oldermom's suggestion is right on. As for CM, yea...don't even get me started. I was fairly normal before clomid, but now I dont really see any EW. In fact, my first two cycles on it, I had hostile CM (sticky/creamy). I'm gonna say this, and I hope nobody laughs at me! But I tried the Robitussin thing this cycle, and I sware it helped me! I didnt get straight up EWCM, but it took the hostile CM away, and it's been watery with a slight stretch to it. For me, that is amazing.

Terri, ouch, not being able to have a beer while watching football on Sundays...that would be tough! But hey, if it seems to be helping your chart, it's totally worth it. I have a Happy Hour once a week usually, but other than that, just a few beers on football Sunday. But I wonder if cutting back on even that would help anything.

Ash, yay for the EWCM! Should be perfect for your AI tonight. GL!!!

Sis, three days of + OPKs, huh? That's interesting! But maybe a good sign! Like oldermom said, is it possible to release two eggs if the surge last that long? I'm clueless about that! I've only ever gotten a + two days in a row.

oldermom, GL at your dr's appointment this month! I hope all goes well and you get some answers!
Oh, btw, ladies.... So, this is the convo DH and I had when we were talking about needing to do it after I get the smiley.

DH: Ya know, you're always so obsessed with your 'fertile window' and that smiley face. It's been a year now, and you haven't gotten pregnant, so maybe switching it up would be better.

Me: Hmm...ok...And what do you suggest?

DH: Well, since your fertile window isn't working, maybe we should start focusing on your non-fertile window more.


BWAHAA!!! @ your DH. Maybe he's telling you that he wants to get busy AFTER you ovulate IN ADDITION TO before ovulation!! hee hee. I know I get tired of doing it all the time beforehand, so after ovulation, I enjoy the break. HA!!HA!! Is that bad?

Oh, and if you thought I didn't drink ANY beers during football, I have cut down to one. I nurse it, too, so I can have it for a longer period of time. Normally at the bar, I have 4-5, so cutting back to one is considerable and as far as I'm willing to go. hee hee.
Erose gotta Love men right !!!! :haha:

I've never had 3 days either I wast even going to test but decide to w like 10am urine and it's still dark!! :shrug:
I do have that smaller Follie on the left maybe it's trying to come to the Show!!

Smiles are u counting positive as any line??? It has to be darker or as Dark as the control line maybe u are confusing HPT w OPKs they are a Lil different !!

Like Erose said I would get a +++ right after stopping my Femara and then it would go neg then +++ again but never without meds!!!

Wow, this thread moves FAST. But first and foremost...

:happydance: FANDABBY! A huge congrats to you, how exciting!! :happydance:

Smiles, like everyone else said, FF will establish an O date and a CL for you. I wouldn't worry about that yourself I were you, because I sometimes have NO clue how they come up with my CL! After you O, and your temp rises for 3 days (I think Terri mentioned this), it will establish the crosshairs, and you'll feel better about the whole thing (or at least, I know I always do, lol!) As for OPKs, maybe just don't test quite so early... I'm not sure about false positives, except if you're on Clomid or Femara, I believe that can affect it. But if you're not on anything like that, then maybe Oldermom's suggestion is right on. As for CM, yea...don't even get me started. I was fairly normal before clomid, but now I dont really see any EW. In fact, my first two cycles on it, I had hostile CM (sticky/creamy). I'm gonna say this, and I hope nobody laughs at me! But I tried the Robitussin thing this cycle, and I sware it helped me! I didnt get straight up EWCM, but it took the hostile CM away, and it's been watery with a slight stretch to it. For me, that is amazing.

Terri, ouch, not being able to have a beer while watching football on Sundays...that would be tough! But hey, if it seems to be helping your chart, it's totally worth it. I have a Happy Hour once a week usually, but other than that, just a few beers on football Sunday. But I wonder if cutting back on even that would help anything.

Ash, yay for the EWCM! Should be perfect for your AI tonight. GL!!!

Sis, three days of + OPKs, huh? That's interesting! But maybe a good sign! Like oldermom said, is it possible to release two eggs if the surge last that long? I'm clueless about that! I've only ever gotten a + two days in a row.

oldermom, GL at your dr's appointment this month! I hope all goes well and you get some answers!

ERose... When did you start taking the Robititussin? Did you wait until a certain day in your cycle?

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