~*~ Hoping for Our Special Stocking Stuffers! ~*~ December Testing: 7 BFP's, 1 angel

Hi all! Been away for a week or so, mostly because rather sick (cold, food poisoning, gah...). Good news is that my pg test is now stark white! No idea when I will ovulate, but will be temping and doing OPKs.

Hi driving how are you? Just back myself! Had flu last week still coughing. Then mild food poisoning on Sunday. Then today I got some HPTs and got stark white myself. Sort of happy but sad at same time....... Oh well onwards and upwards and here we are again...
Hi all! Been away for a week or so, mostly because rather sick (cold, food poisoning, gah...). Good news is that my pg test is now stark white! No idea when I will ovulate, but will be temping and doing OPKs.

Are you gonna post your chart in your siggy! Terri and I are chart stalkers, and I'm sure a few others here are as well. Do it, do it! :winkwink:
Sis, congrats on your closing! So glad they came through for ya'! So much fun moving into a new house. :) (well, not the actual packing and moving part, but you know what I mean!)

Terri, I'd be nursing that one beer too! There's just something about football and beer that go hand-in-hand, LOL.

Lovepink, GL testing tomorrow!!

oldermom, so sorry you have a case of the blahs today! :( I'm really hoping this new doc you're seeing this month will be just what you need to get this show on the road! :flower:

AFM, I had an u/s today, and although the purpose was just to see if my fibroids had returned, she was also able to show me the follicle that I O'd from yesterday! It's the little things that make me excited. ;) She said there was a post-ovulatory cyst, which was a good thing, and she could see the little bit of fluid from it. I was wishing technology was better, so she could tell me if there appeared to be a fertilized egg making its way into my uterine wall, ha! Also had bloodwork today, just to check that everything is normal... hormones, thyroid, sugar, and some other stuff I've never heard of. Should get results by Monday.

I like the whole glittering nipples idea, myself. Although that probably wouldn't go over too well here....
Thank-you, I will likely start journaling again, so that the emotional stuff comes out in appropriate ways. A large mix of frustration, sadness, anger, and guilt- the emotional equivalent of the three stooges all getting stuck in a doorway simultaneously. What comes out is...blah.
Anyway, I am already looking at what I can change this cycle to improve my outcome. Any ideas for increasing uterine lining thickness and increasing overall uterine health, ladies??

And yay about a post-ovulatory cyst!

I've heard of raspberry leaf tea helping with that but I also found this. Maybe something in this article may be helpful.


That website had some things in there I have never tried...thank-you for sending it to me!
oldermom, I think I'll do some research on increasing uterine thickness and health. I read about a supplement out there that aids in conception and also helps thicken the uterine lining, but now I can't recall the name, so I'll do a little research. If you find anything good, let me know too!

Smiles sent me a link that was pretty good...you might want to check it out!
Thank-you to all of the ladies that responded to my plea for a thicker uterine lining! I wish I could find RRLT here, perhaps I can send some via amazon to my in-laws as they are visiting over Christmas.
Ha- right when my fertile time is!
GL tomorrow, lovepink! :dust:

Smiles013 ~ I just realized I don't have you on the testing list with a date. Did I miss your request for a test date? If so, I'm really, really sorry, and please let me know again what it is. Either that, or you never asked for one yet, and I'm just going looney.
Hello Ladies sorry been Super Dooper Busy!!!

Still have more packing to do since the new house was a wreck and I had to go buy carpet for the carpet guy in the Am so I didn't get a chance today!!

FYI today was day 4 of ++++++ OPKs :shrug:
Everytime I read about long LH surge.... TWINS pops up !!! :haha:

I'll try to check up in the Am before the madness begins and I'll have to check in from my phone until Tue cuz DH forgot to call AT&T :(

GL ladies!!
Hello Ladies sorry been Super Dooper Busy!!!

Still have more packing to do since the new house was a wreck and I had to go buy carpet for the carpet guy in the Am so I didn't get a chance today!!

FYI today was day 4 of ++++++ OPKs :shrug:
Everytime I read about long LH surge.... TWINS pops up !!! :haha:

I'll try to check up in the Am before the madness begins and I'll have to check in from my phone until Tue cuz DH forgot to call AT&T :(

GL ladies!!

Twins, Sis? That's awesome!! :D

My cycle is kinda weird this time. Been spotting and my temps are lower. Don't know what it means, but I don't feel very hopeful.
Smiles013 and Driving-Yeah, put your charts in your signature!! hee hee. ERose knows me well...I do love looking at charts.

ERose-Another jump today. Things look good for you. Yay!!

Mischief-Your temps don't look too bad, and it's still early into the process, so I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet. Stay positive, chica.

Sis-I know you have to be going crazy trying to move and get everything together. Hopefully by Tuesday all will be settled down, and you can chill out a bit. I had to laugh at your shrug of 4 ++Opks. I don't know what that means either, but twins would be fab-o. Well, it sounds good in theory. One boy and one girl are making it to the show for real!!

Hi everyone else!! hee hee. Have a wonderful Friday.
Hi all! Been away for a week or so, mostly because rather sick (cold, food poisoning, gah...). Good news is that my pg test is now stark white! No idea when I will ovulate, but will be temping and doing OPKs.

Hi driving how are you? Just back myself! Had flu last week still coughing. Then mild food poisoning on Sunday. Then today I got some HPTs and got stark white myself. Sort of happy but sad at same time....... Oh well onwards and upwards and here we are again...
Bleh, sorry you guys have been under with the sickies Driving280 and battyatty. Hope you're both feeling better now. It's so weird to want a BFN isn't it? Glad you go 'em! :flower:

Thank-you to all of the ladies that responded to my plea for a thicker uterine lining! I wish I could find RRLT here, perhaps I can send some via amazon to my in-laws as they are visiting over Christmas.
Ha- right when my fertile time is!
Yes, do this! See if you can find a health food store to get it looseleaf. Soooooooooo much cheaper that way so you can get a ton of it for very little $$$. Or, even better, you could order it online and have it shipped to your IL's then they can bring it to you. You could try Frontier or Mountain Rose Herbs :thumbup: .

Hello Ladies sorry been Super Dooper Busy!!!

Still have more packing to do since the new house was a wreck and I had to go buy carpet for the carpet guy in the Am so I didn't get a chance today!!

FYI today was day 4 of ++++++ OPKs :shrug:
Everytime I read about long LH surge.... TWINS pops up !!! :haha:

I'll try to check up in the Am before the madness begins and I'll have to check in from my phone until Tue cuz DH forgot to call AT&T :(

GL ladies!!
Twins would be awesome :D . Enjoy the madness!

Hello Ladies sorry been Super Dooper Busy!!!

Still have more packing to do since the new house was a wreck and I had to go buy carpet for the carpet guy in the Am so I didn't get a chance today!!

FYI today was day 4 of ++++++ OPKs :shrug:
Everytime I read about long LH surge.... TWINS pops up !!! :haha:

I'll try to check up in the Am before the madness begins and I'll have to check in from my phone until Tue cuz DH forgot to call AT&T :(

GL ladies!!

Twins, Sis? That's awesome!! :D

My cycle is kinda weird this time. Been spotting and my temps are lower. Don't know what it means, but I don't feel very hopeful.
I know it's worrying when we see any kind of bleeding when it's not supposed to be there. Before I got pg with my DS2 I would spot sometimes days before my period actually showed up (didn't know any of the stuff I know now and was never worried about it; boy I miss those days!) Maybe your temps are lower 'cause it's colder? Try not to stress too, too much even though I know for a fact that that's near impossible some days :hugs: .
:jo: <--- Saw this smilie yesterday reppin' that old lady style terripeachy :haha: .
So yesterday I had some major O pain to go along with my super early EWCF :saywhat: . And I've still got O twinges this morning, CD9. No temp jump though so that's good! IIRC I used to start getting O pain a few days leading up to O then it would go psycho the actual day of O. IDK what's going on but :shrug: . Hopefully I don't O too early!
:hi: ladies, still struggling to keep up with you girls, you are just too fast for me!

Think my O day is today,CD 17 as last month, so no earlier O for me :nope: have had O pains yesterday an today. Now only hope of a longer LP is maybe a later AF :shrug:

Have been a bit blaze about TTC this month, BD on CD 13 and 16. I think i've been lazt because I knew O day was likely the same so hard to motivate yourself sometimes. On the bright side at least I am Oing, although temp tomorrow will confirm. So TWW here we come again, at least I hope it's 2 weeks, not 8 days!

Terri peachy was looking at your chart...looks good this month, will you really wait until the 19th to test?

Sis, good luck with house move, do not envy you just before Christmas, but so worth it in the end.

Hope everyone else is having a Good Friday x
SweetPotatoPi, how do I type that grandma? hee hee. Love it! It's just like me too, always ranting about something stupid that no one else seems to care about. HA!!HA!!

Charlie-Oh yeah, I'm waiting. I can't let this thing consume me. I'm eager and excited about having a baby, but I can't go ALL in. I guess my guard is up, and I don't want to be completely defeated. I do imagine what it would be like to test, but I see others' reactions, and it kind of freaks me out a bit. I love my life now and I like being happy and appreciating what I have, so until i feel it's time, I can't put that stress upon myself or my hubs. I told him I felt a twitch the other day, and he has not said a word about it. I'm actually a little glad. I don't want him to be overly concerned. It'll happen one of these days. I just know it! :juggle:
SweetPotatoPi, how do I type that grandma? hee hee. Love it! It's just like me too, always ranting about something stupid that no one else seems to care about. HA!!HA!!

Charlie-Oh yeah, I'm waiting. I can't let this thing consume me. I'm eager and excited about having a baby, but I can't go ALL in. I guess my guard is up, and I don't want to be completely defeated. I do imagine what it would be like to test, but I see others' reactions, and it kind of freaks me out a bit. I love my life now and I like being happy and appreciating what I have, so until i feel it's time, I can't put that stress upon myself or my hubs. I told him I felt a twitch the other day, and he has not said a word about it. I'm actually a little glad. I don't want him to be overly concerned. It'll happen one of these days. I just know it! :juggle:

Very healthy attitude :thumbup: I was like that first time, I was very laid back about it all and knew nothing about anything! Feels different this time though, not sure why. You're right, it will happen when the time is right :thumbup:
Here's something for all of you-I got a zit on my cheek today. I always have clear skin. This has never happened before. AM I PREGNANT???!!! HA!!HA!!
GL tomorrow, lovepink! :dust:

Smiles013 ~ I just realized I don't have you on the testing list with a date. Did I miss your request for a test date? If so, I'm really, really sorry, and please let me know again what it is. Either that, or you never asked for one yet, and I'm just going looney.

Hi Momof3.....you're not going looney, I never posted a test date. Lol. I was still up in the air as to should I test when I miss my period which will be 1/3 or should I test on NYE. I'm torn. I guess I can get in a test or 20 in December. Lol
Sis, congrats on your closing! So glad they came through for ya'! So much fun moving into a new house. :) (well, not the actual packing and moving part, but you know what I mean!)

Terri, I'd be nursing that one beer too! There's just something about football and beer that go hand-in-hand, LOL.

Lovepink, GL testing tomorrow!!

oldermom, so sorry you have a case of the blahs today! :( I'm really hoping this new doc you're seeing this month will be just what you need to get this show on the road! :flower:

AFM, I had an u/s today, and although the purpose was just to see if my fibroids had returned, she was also able to show me the follicle that I O'd from yesterday! It's the little things that make me excited. ;) She said there was a post-ovulatory cyst, which was a good thing, and she could see the little bit of fluid from it. I was wishing technology was better, so she could tell me if there appeared to be a fertilized egg making its way into my uterine wall, ha! Also had bloodwork today, just to check that everything is normal... hormones, thyroid, sugar, and some other stuff I've never heard of. Should get results by Monday.

I like the whole glittering nipples idea, myself. Although that probably wouldn't go over too well here....
Thank-you, I will likely start journaling again, so that the emotional stuff comes out in appropriate ways. A large mix of frustration, sadness, anger, and guilt- the emotional equivalent of the three stooges all getting stuck in a doorway simultaneously. What comes out is...blah.
Anyway, I am already looking at what I can change this cycle to improve my outcome. Any ideas for increasing uterine lining thickness and increasing overall uterine health, ladies??

And yay about a post-ovulatory cyst!

I've heard of raspberry leaf tea helping with that but I also found this. Maybe something in this article may be helpful.


That website had some things in there I have never tried...thank-you for sending it to me!

You're welcome! Hopefully something will do the trick.
Smiles013 and Driving-Yeah, put your charts in your signature!! hee hee. ERose knows me well...I do love looking at charts.

ERose-Another jump today. Things look good for you. Yay!!

Mischief-Your temps don't look too bad, and it's still early into the process, so I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet. Stay positive, chica.

Sis-I know you have to be going crazy trying to move and get everything together. Hopefully by Tuesday all will be settled down, and you can chill out a bit. I had to laugh at your shrug of 4 ++Opks. I don't know what that means either, but twins would be fab-o. Well, it sounds good in theory. One boy and one girl are making it to the show for real!!

Hi everyone else!! hee hee. Have a wonderful Friday.

Terri....you've just asked me to do something technical!!!!!! Lol. I tried to add it before and I don't know what happened! That's why I just ended up attaching the picture. Lol.

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