~*~ Hoping for Our Special Stocking Stuffers! ~*~ December Testing: 7 BFP's, 1 angel

Definitely a healthy attitude :thumbup: . I had no idea about m/c, infertility, hormonal issues, TTC, etc. and so on before I started m/c'ing and having trouble getting pg. I was blissfully ignorant and had no anxiety and mental breakdowns when looking to conceive our boys and during their pregnancies. Now? Different ball game all together and I have to fight sometimes to remember what it feels like to not worry about all this, stuff. It can definitely consume you.

I think you need :flower: :hugs: :dust: :flower: :hugs: :dust:
You about made me cry lady, stupid hormones :haha: . Thank you :kiss: . It's the fear that it won't happen/I'm too old/my body doesn't work properly now/there's something wrong with me/I'm being punished and on and on that drives it all I guess.

I haven't read anything you have posted that makes me think it can't happen for you again. You can do this! :hugs:
It does take over, doesn't it? I gained two pounds in my post-gaming snarf-fest this week. But I am a little relieved, because it gives me something else to obsess over! :haha:
As long as we are doing the best we can and giving it our all, there will be nothing to regret. :hugs: to everyone experiencing this frustration.
:hugs: Thank you oldermom! :kiss: I think you guys are in cahoots on the crying bit :haha: . Ha! definitely good to have something else to obsess over! And yep, the best we can is all we can do. When we lace up our boots to hit this road we couldn't possibly imagine how many twists and turns it will take and how it will change us. Very intense!

only got 1 AI in 3 days before O... not getting my hopes up for a Christmas BFP :( Maybe next month...
:hugs: O-3 is great timing still AshNAmber! Our DS2 was conceived on what I'm fairly certain was O-3 on a "Meh, not worried about it" moment, the only time we didn't use some kind of avoiding method. You are so still in gal :thumbup: . I thought I had a good bookmark that had conception rates of BD O-3, 2, 1, and O day but I can't seem to find it. This American Pregnancy article talking about the OV-Watch fertility monitor has some food for thought though. GL! :dust:

ETA: Correction for brain twitchery :haha:
SweetPotatoPi-It does get frustrating, but we are all here for you, so you can have your pity party, but then it's back to business as usual!

AshnAmber-I agree with older mom, now you're in the TWW, so all we can do is wait. It doesn't take much for that blind sperm to find that egg, so be positive. It'll either happen this time or it won't, but I hear you about a Christmas baby. A New Years baby is just as nice! :hugs:

AFM-stupid drinking parties! hee hee. My work party was ok. I had a kahlua and cream because it was 11a, and then I nursed a beer. I offered to be DD from the bar to the real party, so that was cool. After the party ended at 2p, I went to the mall to get money back because my party dress went on sale from last week to this week. Party time was at 7p. I drank one small glass of merlot and nursed one big glass of merlot. :wine: We got home around 11p.

Hubs and I passed out downstairs and I woke up at 4am. I went to bed, woke up at 7:40, and my temperature was 98.7. It's high, and an open circle and I just can't trust it. Now I have to wait until tomorrow to see if it rights itself. Boooooooo..Now it's about to snow, and I have to drive to work to print out my test and some other paperwork. I'll be checking in later!
You're a triad of tear manufacturers! :haha: :kiss: Yes indeed, pity party break then keep it moving! :plane: Thank you all for helping me stay saner :flower: .

Your party sounds fun even if it may have messed with your temp :) . Mmmm, I want a K&C soooooo bad now! That's a damn shame, it ain't even 9 in the morning yet :rofl: .
Definitely a healthy attitude :thumbup: . I had no idea about m/c, infertility, hormonal issues, TTC, etc. and so on before I started m/c'ing and having trouble getting pg. I was blissfully ignorant and had no anxiety and mental breakdowns when looking to conceive our boys and during their pregnancies. Now? Different ball game all together and I have to fight sometimes to remember what it feels like to not worry about all this, stuff. It can definitely consume you.

I think you need :flower: :hugs: :dust: :flower: :hugs: :dust:
You about made me cry lady, stupid hormones :haha: . Thank you :kiss: . It's the fear that it won't happen/I'm too old/my body doesn't work properly now/there's something wrong with me/I'm being punished and on and on that drives it all I guess.

Let go of that nonsense. It will happen be positive. Hard to act on but with practice it'll be part of your thought pattern.

If you are open to it you can always fall back on a fertility spell. Just a thought.

Keep smiling.
So I was just at the gym and while I was on the treadmill my mind started wandering :haha: and I said to myself "Did I say O plus 3?!" :dohh: Erh, ignore that ya'll, we'll never get preggers that way :rofl: . Obviously I meant BD O-3, 2, 1 and O day :rolleyes: . Damn twitchy brain cells :haha: . Going back to edit that lol.
Definitely a healthy attitude :thumbup: . I had no idea about m/c, infertility, hormonal issues, TTC, etc. and so on before I started m/c'ing and having trouble getting pg. I was blissfully ignorant and had no anxiety and mental breakdowns when looking to conceive our boys and during their pregnancies. Now? Different ball game all together and I have to fight sometimes to remember what it feels like to not worry about all this, stuff. It can definitely consume you.

I think you need :flower: :hugs: :dust: :flower: :hugs: :dust:
You about made me cry lady, stupid hormones :haha: . Thank you :kiss: . It's the fear that it won't happen/I'm too old/my body doesn't work properly now/there's something wrong with me/I'm being punished and on and on that drives it all I guess.

Let go of that nonsense. It will happen be positive. Hard to act on but with practice it'll be part of your thought pattern.

If you are open to it you can always fall back on a fertility spell. Just a thought.

Keep smiling.
<- - - smiling :) Got my positivity cloak on fandabby :thumbup: . Definitely down with some magickal works and was thinking a few weeks ago that gathering some fertility-focused materials and getting my thinking aligned would be a great boost for me.
Hubs and I passed out downstairs and I woke up at 4am. I went to bed, woke up at 7:40, and my temperature was 98.7. It's high, and an open circle and I just can't trust it. Now I have to wait until tomorrow to see if it rights itself. Boooooooo..Now it's about to snow, and I have to drive to work to print out my test and some other paperwork. I'll be checking in later!

I agree, can't trust that temp necessarily being so high, but I don't think the party and lack of sleep would put your temp off more than a few tenths, so it's still a great temp...like all of your temps this cycle! I would mail you an FRER if I thought you'd use it now! I do understand your thinking about waiting, but your TWW is making me as impatient as my own lol!
Ugh! You guys get on my nerves!!! Talk about peer pressure. HA!!HA!! Hubs just said 'why are you laughing so loudly?' I told him that you guys are all stalking me.

I'm going to do at least one more test problem, and then I can play.
<- - - smiling :) Got my positivity cloak on fandabby :thumbup: . Definitely down with some magickal works and was thinking a few weeks ago that gathering some fertility-focused materials and getting my thinking aligned would be a great boost for me.

Go take a look at https://www.mia-angel.co.uk/. I've been using her for various over the last 4-5 years and idk if it's my thinking which has changed things or the actual spells. Both I would say, her spells and your mind set and desire (positive thinking) attract more of what you are thinking, universal law. She's been in a lot of UK women magazines over the years. Google her Mia Angel and see what you think.

She did a fertility spell for me back in June, where I fell pregnant in the July but unfortunately MC, and she did a recast for me for free when my MC finished on 23 Nov and look now. I know she does work for souls all around the world as I read her guestbook for hours before I went for it.

I did her spell because when we decided to go for it being 42+ :winkwink: I was freaking out my insides would be too old plus all my health issues would prevent it from happening and my hubby a long time ago was told his spermies swam in circles so the spell incorporates you and your partner as fertility on both sides = babes.

She's very kind and you can email her from the site with your history so she has all the information to formulate a custom spell for you.

That's it really.

GL GL GL GL with making your dream come true...

For all you other lovely ladies GL GL GL GL too ....

So fandabby, her spells worked for you twice, wow. Now you have me tempted to try her!
So fandabby, her spells worked for you twice, wow. Now you have me tempted to try her!

Hiya, yes they did and literally in weeks.

I also did my supplements too, prenatals, red raspberry leaf, black cohosh, evening primrose, omega 3-6-9, royal jelly, coQ10, B Complex, calcium-magnesium-d3, and d3.

Prenatals since last Dec 2012.

RRL, evening primrose, B complex and the calcium since May 2013.

Omega, CoQ10, royal jelly, black cohosh and d3 since mc started in Oct.

RRL, black cohosh and evening primrose stopped when got first sign of ovulation.

When got BFP only now take prenatals, omega 3-6-9, d3 and the calcium mix.

I'll have a link to her guest book if you want me to post it on here, which she recently emailed me when I told her my news for me to write up but I haven't as yet written anything gonna see how this ones goes.

She has a guarantee too, something like if you haven't caught in 3 months let her know and she will recast for free and when I told her about my mc she told me to let her know when I was through it and ready to try again and she would recast for free too.

She did a spell for me back when I was early pregnant with my little lady 3.5 years ago as I have 4 day long labours, nature of my cervix. I had to have her 6 weeks early because of a fall and it made my antibodies (i'm high risk pregnancy) attacked baby and I delivered in 24 hours once induced, the team couldn't believe it as inductions for me literally take 4 days. So that spell worked too, I kept focussing on the crystal she gave me and the team wanted to give me a c section because I was only 6cm dilated and baby was in trouble and I said no way they prepped theatre and as they wanted to wheel me down, literally 5 mins later, I said no I'm pushing. The whole thing was wow what is going on.

Pretty impressive really.

Everyone have their own views on spell work but for me she's been good.

So there you have it...... :thumbup:
<- - - smiling :) Got my positivity cloak on fandabby :thumbup: . Definitely down with some magickal works and was thinking a few weeks ago that gathering some fertility-focused materials and getting my thinking aligned would be a great boost for me.

Go take a look at https://www.mia-angel.co.uk/. I've been using her for various over the last 4-5 years and idk if it's my thinking which has changed things or the actual spells. Both I would say, her spells and your mind set and desire (positive thinking) attract more of what you are thinking, universal law. She's been in a lot of UK women magazines over the years. Google her Mia Angel and see what you think.

She did a fertility spell for me back in June, where I fell pregnant in the July but unfortunately MC, and she did a recast for me for free when my MC finished on 23 Nov and look now. I know she does work for souls all around the world as I read her guestbook for hours before I went for it.

I did her spell because when we decided to go for it being 42+ :winkwink: I was freaking out my insides would be too old plus all my health issues would prevent it from happening and my hubby a long time ago was told his spermies swam in circles so the spell incorporates you and your partner as fertility on both sides = babes.

She's very kind and you can email her from the site with your history so she has all the information to formulate a custom spell for you.

That's it really.

GL GL GL GL with making your dream come true...

For all you other lovely ladies GL GL GL GL too ....

Definitely both :thumbup: . Your thinking has to be in alignment for any spell to work. I fell in love with this rabbit hole quite a while ago :cloud9: and really, I need to get back to my center with it. I've been thinking (in between breakdowns :haha:) that maybe that's a huge part of why I'm going in circles with all of this, I'm supposed to be studying, progressing, and I'm wobbling off course. Or this is all part of my course and is helping me refocus. Life is one fascinating ride I tell you what! <3
Both of you girls are so right. The positive thinking is really important in this journey. Like fandabby said, universal law. This cycle, I've been really positive and feel really good about things. I've heard it's good to actually assume that what you want is actually happening. Think it and feel it, as if you've already got it. So (crazy me) I'm trying to think that we already fertilized the egg, and I'm really imagining being pregnant. I try not to let my mind think otherwise. :)
Ugh! You guys get on my nerves!!! Talk about peer pressure. HA!!HA!! Hubs just said 'why are you laughing so loudly?' I told him that you guys are all stalking me.

I'm going to do at least one more test problem, and then I can play.

Terri, just imagine us all following you and waving HPTs in the air and chanting "POAS!!". Lol! :haha:
Well, the good news is that I did more than one test problem but I have a lot more to do.

Actually, when I bought that CB digital a while back, I did buy the FR ovulation test and it came with a free pregnancy test. So, after I did a few test problems, I looked at it(too much pressure!). I don't want to open the box though. My initial plan was that I will return it to Target and get my money back because the CB digital is going to be all I need this month to get pregnant. Now, I'm reconsidering. It says it can detect a pregnancy up to 5 days BEFORE missed period. So, 5 days would be tomorrow morning. I'll make a deal with you guys.

IF my temperature is equal to or higher than 98.4, I'll open the box and test first thing in the morning. Otherwise, I'm going to church and watching football and drinking one beer. HA!!HA!!
Heck yea, that's a good deal. :) I know your temp is gonna be up there!

Bearing in mind, I have two friends that the early detection tests didn't detect early for them. They got a + on the day of missed AF. But I see SO many women on here who get super early BFPs, so I think most of us are dying for you to test! :happydance:
So I'll test and then not report until the 19th. HA!!HA!! I'm kidding. I'll let you guys know how it goes. I guess we'll all be eager to wake up tomorrow, huh? Hopefully I can finish this test and get a good night's rest. :)
So I'll test and then not report until the 19th. HA!!HA!! I'm kidding. I'll let you guys know how it goes. I guess we'll all be eager to wake up tomorrow, huh? Hopefully I can finish this test and get a good night's rest. :)

So what's this test you're working on? I must've missed when you told us...?

Oh, and yes, I think we'll be eager!
Thanks so much for the conversation on magickal thinking fandabby and ERose. This lined up with quite a bit of what I've been working on working on :haha: and helped me confirm some things :thumbup: .

Good deal terripeachy! That's some Christmas morning type of anticipation right there :haha: . What kind of test are you taking? Hope you get it all finished :) .

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