~*~ Hoping for Our Special Stocking Stuffers! ~*~ December Testing: 7 BFP's, 1 angel

Lets get out of this doom and gloom, its nearly Christmas!
I am going to make the biggest Christmas wish... that all you wonderful, amazing ladies will all get BFP's very very very soon! :D

I wish and hope that everyone here gets their BFP's, including you. You deserve it too! :flower:
Pregnancy, birth, so wonderful and amazing but there are no guarantees; and that can be terrifying...

Too true. When you get pregnant, you stay worried. There is all of a sudden so much to lose! And when you do lose, it just seems to add to the tiny little void that little soul left behind....

Dang, where is my DH with that mudslide?!
Tell him to hurry it up! :telephone:
and here i am complaining about OPK's.. I'm sorry you ladies are going through so much :hugs: I'v never even seen a BFP and I get heart broken over it.. I honestly can't imagine how i would feel to go through a MC let alone more than one.. you very strong women!!

It's totally ok! We are here for you whether you have a small or large problem. Talk away! Or write away, I guess.... :)
Lets get out of this doom and gloom, its nearly Christmas!
I am going to make the biggest Christmas wish... that all you wonderful, amazing ladies will all get BFP's very very very soon! :D

I wish and hope that everyone here gets their BFP's, including you. You deserve it too! :flower:
Here, here! :kiss:

What the bloody hell is a MUDSLIDE?????
Right off to google I go
Drool-a-licious!! There's all kinds of variations but this is one of my faves *yummers!*
and here i am complaining about OPK's.. I'm sorry you ladies are going through so much :hugs: I'v never even seen a BFP and I get heart broken over it.. I honestly can't imagine how i would feel to go through a MC let alone more than one.. you very strong women!!

It's totally ok! We are here for you whether you have a small or large problem. Talk away! Or write away, I guess.... :)

Man, who wants to go do the stupid treadmill when I can hang here?! That's downright crazy! :haha:
Lets get out of this doom and gloom, its nearly Christmas!
I am going to make the biggest Christmas wish... that all you wonderful, amazing ladies will all get BFP's very very very soon! :D

I wish and hope that everyone here gets their BFP's, including you. You deserve it too! :flower:
Here, here! :kiss:

What the bloody hell is a MUDSLIDE?????
Right off to google I go
Drool-a-licious!! There's all kinds of variations but this is one of my faves *yummers!*

A little bit of heaven in a tall cold glass!
What the bloody hell is a MUDSLIDE?????
Right off to google I go

Ok, this one totally cracked me up, LMAO! I love the way you worded that after they've been talking about mudslides for days, you had just finally let curiosity get the best of ya! haha! I love that. Thank you for that laugh. I needed that!
I'm feelin' about like Ash right now! You women have been through so much and are going through so much now as well. Here I get on these boards and vent about it taking me a year to conceive, worrying about if i can even get pregnant. And you ladies have had to deal with mourning miscarriages, and on more than one occasion. I'm so sorry. Please smack me (virtually) if i complain too much about temp drops or temp spikes or whatever! :shrug:
I'm feelin' about like Ash right now! You women have been through so much and are going through so much now as well. Here I get on these boards and vent about it taking me a year to conceive, worrying about if i can even get pregnant. And you ladies have had to deal with mourning miscarriages, and on more than one occasion. I'm so sorry. Please smack me (virtually) if i complain too much about temp drops or temp spikes or whatever! :shrug:

Ha! No way! These boards are for all of us, regardless of our stage in the game. Complain about anything you are frustrated with, none of it will bother me that way. If I wanted to, I could go to the TTC after a loss page, or even the recurrent miscarriage page, but I like it here. You guys crack me up! The support is great and as long as you don't feel weird about me being here, here is where I want to be!
Erose.....!!! I got stretchy CM today...I'm sure the Robitissun worked. Grant it, it wasn't EW like but it did have stretch. Does creamy and stretchy count as fertile CM? Lol.

Also. I'm not sure if my LH strip was actually a positive. The test line is dark as it's ever been since testing but still slightly lighter than the control line. I knew I should have just went back to the kit that tells me yes it no! Lol.

Also thanks to you and Terri for explaining triphasic to me as I'm list with with whole chart thing! I just put my data in and look at it and think " WTH am I looking at?" Lol
Erose.....!!! I got stretchy CM today...I'm sure the Robitissun worked. Grant it, it wasn't EW like but it did have stretch. Does creamy and stretchy count as fertile CM? Lol.

Also. I'm not sure if my LH strip was actually a positive. The test line is dark as it's ever been since testing but still slightly lighter than the control line. I knew I should have just went back to the kit that tells me yes it no! Lol.

Also thanks to you and Terri for explaining triphasic to me as I'm list with with whole chart thing! I just put my data in and look at it and think " WTH am I looking at?" Lol

Yay for stretchy CM!!! :)
Hi ladies..... As I was reading through the posts taking it all in I want to say I'm really sorry for everything you all are going through. It freakin' sucks to say the least. This getting pregnant and staying pregnant is one big rmotional damn roller coaster and I so wish we didn't have to go through all the uncertainty and heartache. When things start to look really bad for me not just with getting pregnant I say to myself " The God doesn't give you more than you can handle" then Mother Teresa's quote come to mind that says " God doesn't give us more than we can handle...but I just wish he didn't trust me so much". Lol.

My Christmas wish for you all is that you get BPF's, find out what is keeping you from that BPF, happy times and an even happier 2014!

It really is great to know there is a community of women that we can share our stories with, vent to, cry with and stalk their charts but above all offer support because we're all share a common bond in some shape, fashion or form.

I haven't been on here long but I do want to say thank you to all of you for making me feel welcome and comfortable and for sharing your experiences and advice. You all are truly an amazing group of women.
Erose.....!!! I got stretchy CM today...I'm sure the Robitissun worked. Grant it, it wasn't EW like but it did have stretch. Does creamy and stretchy count as fertile CM? Lol.

Also. I'm not sure if my LH strip was actually a positive. The test line is dark as it's ever been since testing but still slightly lighter than the control line. I knew I should have just went back to the kit that tells me yes it no! Lol.

Also thanks to you and Terri for explaining triphasic to me as I'm list with with whole chart thing! I just put my data in and look at it and think " WTH am I looking at?" Lol

Oh yay Smiles! I'm so glad you got stretchy CM! I sware that Robitussin worked wonders for me too! Like you, I did not get EW, but it took away the hostile CM for sure. I had just a tiny bit of stretch, and it was more watery. And to me that was a HUGE improvement from the stuff that I had from the clomid! I'm not sure about creamy and stretchy, but hey, at least it has some stretch to it. Is it as creamy as before? Or a little more clear, like slightly cloudy? Wow, this is literally THE ONLY place I can go and discuss CM in such detail, haha!

As for charting, i'm sure you're feeling lost right now because the data never does look like much until you see that rise after O. Then it's like ding, ding, ding!!! lol. Its the pattern that you'll notice, and the higher temps after O, when it will start to make sense. I hope we see a rise for you soon! Maybe it's not too late to get the CB Digital like you said. Or maybe you'll just get a nice dark obvious line tomorrow. :)
Hi ladies..... As I was reading through the posts taking it all in I want to say I'm really sorry for everything you all are going through. It freakin' sucks to say the least. This getting pregnant and staying pregnant is one big rmotional damn roller coaster and I so wish we didn't have to go through all the uncertainty and heartache. When things start to look really bad for me not just with getting pregnant I say to myself " The God doesn't give you more than you can handle" then Mother Teresa's quote come to mind that says " God doesn't give us more than we can handle...but I just wish he didn't trust me so much". Lol.

My Christmas wish for you all is that you get BPF's, find out what is keeping you from that BPF, happy times and an even happier 2014!

It really is great to know there is a community of women that we can share our stories with, vent to, cry with and stalk their charts but above all offer support because we're all share a common bond in some shape, fashion or form.

I haven't been on here long but I do want to say thank you to all of you for making me feel welcome and comfortable and for sharing your experiences and advice. You all are truly an amazing group of women.

That Mother Teresa- she was pretty great!
Well said. We share a common bond, and that is pretty great. You ladies are awesome. :flower:
Well, instead of my rambling, I actually have a real question that needs answers, lol!

So, if i'm unsuccessful this cycle, I will be getting an HSG in Jan. It's been a year now, and my DHs SA was totally fine, and I appear to be O'ing (I was O'ing even before the clomid too). So there is something preventing sperm and egg from having their rendezvous. So I'm scheduling it now, although I do hope to be "that girl" who ends up getting to cancel because she got a BFP before the procedure, hehe. So my question is this... those of you who have had an HSG before, did you have it under X-ray or U/S? When I tried to schedule it this morning, they needed to know which my dr wanted. I've already left a msg to find out what he wants (but I do think he said Xray while I was there). But does anyone know if one is better than the other?? I've only ever heard of them being done under Xray.
Smiles, I never get a dark OPK, I am lucky if I see it at all! I have counted them if its half as dark as control line, then I'm in! And FF always gives me my O at the same time, even though I don't add the OPK until after my O, just to make sure!
Hope that helps :D
Well, instead of my rambling, I actually have a real question that needs answers, lol!

So, if i'm unsuccessful this cycle, I will be getting an HSG in Jan. It's been a year now, and my DHs SA was totally fine, and I appear to be O'ing (I was O'ing even before the clomid too). So there is something preventing sperm and egg from having their rendezvous. So I'm scheduling it now, although I do hope to be "that girl" who ends up getting to cancel because she got a BFP before the procedure, hehe. So my question is this... those of you who have had an HSG before, did you have it under X-ray or U/S? When I tried to schedule it this morning, they needed to know which my dr wanted. I've already left a msg to find out what he wants (but I do think he said Xray while I was there). But does anyone know if one is better than the other?? I've only ever heard of them being done under Xray.

Mine was under x-ray...so I don't know which is better. My guess is that x-ray is more accurate, but my only reasoning for that is that is the contrasting agent they use. :shrug:
Sorry I can't be of more help!
Erose.....!!! I got stretchy CM today...I'm sure the Robitissun worked. Grant it, it wasn't EW like but it did have stretch. Does creamy and stretchy count as fertile CM? Lol.

Also. I'm not sure if my LH strip was actually a positive. The test line is dark as it's ever been since testing but still slightly lighter than the control line. I knew I should have just went back to the kit that tells me yes it no! Lol.

Also thanks to you and Terri for explaining triphasic to me as I'm list with with whole chart thing! I just put my data in and look at it and think " WTH am I looking at?" Lol

Oh yay Smiles! I'm so glad you got stretchy CM! I sware that Robitussin worked wonders for me too! Like you, I did not get EW, but it took away the hostile CM for sure. I had just a tiny bit of stretch, and it was more watery. And to me that was a HUGE improvement from the stuff that I had from the clomid! I'm not sure about creamy and stretchy, but hey, at least it has some stretch to it. Is it as creamy as before? Or a little more clear, like slightly cloudy? Wow, this is literally THE ONLY place I can go and discuss CM in such detail, haha!

As for charting, i'm sure you're feeling lost right now because the data never does look like much until you see that rise after O. Then it's like ding, ding, ding!!! lol. Its the pattern that you'll notice, and the higher temps after O, when it will start to make sense. I hope we see a rise for you soon! Maybe it's not too late to get the CB Digital like you said. Or maybe you'll just get a nice dark obvious line tomorrow. :)

Smiles, the more I'm thinking about it, looks like you are CD12 today, so it might just still be early... maybe you'll get a Pos tomorrow or next day, or like batty said, some women don't always get a Pos (I didnt in my last cycle first time EVER, but still showed an O pattern). Also, I bet your CM might even improve a little more in the next day or two! I looked back at my chart, and I didnt even have enough CM worth noting the two days before I O'd (which I was still ok with since I figured dry is better than hostile since i could use the preseed to help). But then all of a sudden, the morning I ended up O'ing, thats when I saw the better quality CM, a nice amount too, and it had the tiny stretch to it, so i got WAY excited that morning. Let me know what happens in the next couple of days! :)
I'm on break and I have about two minutes to type this. After my temp drop this morning, and feeling like AF was coming, and being in a general bad mood because my stomach was hurting, actually putting on a pad and thinking while I was all gowned up (I work in a sterile area sometimes), "i hope this pantiliner is enough." I went on break but didn't want to go to the bathroom for fear of AF, so I held it. Now it's lunchtime and I HAD to go to the bathroom and zilch, zero, nada. I even feel better. I could have SWORN she was running down my insides and getting ready to drop onto that pantiliner (ok, this is getting gross), but nothing.

So now I feel like my normal self. Maybe 'the seed has been planted.' My coworkers keep asking me if the seed is planted, and I joke with them every week, 'the seed has been planted. The seed has not been planted.' Now, I'm not really sure what the heck the seed is doing except pissing me off! HA!!HA!! I'm ready to move on already. *sigh*

Gotta run. Miss playing with you guys today. Have fun!
I'm on break and I have about two minutes to type this. After my temp drop this morning, and feeling like AF was coming, and being in a general bad mood because my stomach was hurting, actually putting on a pad and thinking while I was all gowned up (I work in a sterile area sometimes), "i hope this pantiliner is enough." I went on break but didn't want to go to the bathroom for fear of AF, so I held it. Now it's lunchtime and I HAD to go to the bathroom and zilch, zero, nada. I even feel better. I could have SWORN she was running down my insides and getting ready to drop onto that pantiliner (ok, this is getting gross), but nothing.

So now I feel like my normal self. Maybe 'the seed has been planted.' My coworkers keep asking me if the seed is planted, and I joke with them every week, 'the seed has been planted. The seed has not been planted.' Now, I'm not really sure what the heck the seed is doing except pissing me off! HA!!HA!! I'm ready to move on already. *sigh*

Gotta run. Miss playing with you guys today. Have fun!

*snort* Seeds have a way of doing that.
Anyway, it's all good until the red witch flies! Good luck with your tests!

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