~*~ Hoping for Our Special Stocking Stuffers! ~*~ December Testing: 7 BFP's, 1 angel

Ash, I bet you're in the middle of ovulation, so don't cry. Maybe today is the last day of darkness, because your temp is going up. I think tomorrow it will go up again, and then you'll be in the all clear. How often are you doing those OPK strips? Sorry your body is giving you fits, but the EWCM is a good thing.

Smiles-I bet your temp will jump up today or tomorrow too with a positive OPK. You'll know by your chart. If you look at mine, you'll see it's very random in the beginning, and then it makes that jump. Yours will do that same (most likely).

Sis-8DPO and you're already thinking about PMS? Stop it. HA!!HA!! You have had a lot going on, so you're allowed to be in a bad mood, but it's not PMS just yet.

Momof3 and ERose-Thanks for the positive energy. I told my girlfriend this morning that I was feeling sick, but now I feel better, and she said 'Morning sickness already?' I told her that I didn't think so, but it never crossed my mind. She knows that I'm trying to have a baby, but she has no idea the extent. Plus, it's only been 2mos. since I've been married, so it is kind of short notice. HA!!HA!! I hope I still have a chance. Freaking TTC.

Terri....I'll go with your expertise on the temp thing. Lol.
Smiles, I bet you'll wake up in the morning with a darker line. You're on cd12 today, so it could be tomorrow or next day, depending on how regular your cycles are. Your temp will jump a day or two later. For me this cycle, I got my first pos and best cm on cd13 and my temp jumped the next day on cd14. FF put my O day as cd13. Everyone is different though, so don't be alarmed if it's not tomorrow. Some women miss the surge if it's quick too, so don't worry. Let us know if it looks darker tomorrow! I'll be stalking your chart too! :flower:
Smiles, I bet you'll wake up in the morning with a darker line. You're on cd12 today, so it could be tomorrow or next day, depending on how regular your cycles are. Your temp will jump a day or two later. For me this cycle, I got my first pos and best cm on cd13 and my temp jumped the next day on cd14. FF put my O day as cd13. Everyone is different though, so don't be alarmed if it's not tomorrow. Some women miss the surge if it's quick too, so don't worry. Let us know if it looks darker tomorrow! I'll be stalking your chart too! :flower:[/QUOTE

OMG!!!! I better make sure my chart is in tip top shape if you'll be stalking it! Lol.

My temperature may be off because I'll wake up at like 3 or 3:30 and just lay there until I doze back off and then take my temp when my alarm goes off at 4:45 or so buy that doesn't happen all the one just a few times out of the week.
Well, I'm armed and dangerous now. I not only got two FRERs, and a dollar store test, but they had 4ft fake trees on sale for $10. I've been hounding my new HUSband that since we are now a family, we need a tree. I asked for an 'our first christmas' ornament from my work secret santa (along with dangly earrings and one other thing that I can't remember), and the party is tomorrow morning, so if I get that ornament, I want to have something to put it on. So….we got all the required items.

I'll let you know how it goes in the morning. I'm going to use the dollar store test if no AF in the morning. Those FRERs are gold to me.

Smiles-you are too cute with your new internet friends! I have had strangers as friends for years!! I do enjoy meeting them, and motorcycling is the way I do that, but you guys..not so sure if we would ever get the chance, but I love this site, and the >35 group! hee hee.

Thanks SPP!!
Me too terri, I love this group. I'm starting to feel like we're all friends. :flower: Too bad we don't all live near each other...we could gave Group once a week, ha! Although instead of talking about pregnancy, we might just end up having Millers and Mudslides! Hehe!! :)
Batty-Wow you are so strong. I had no idea you were that far along when you miscarried. I am amazed at your strength.

Terri-I'm bumming that I'm 3hours behind you! I will have to wait until I wake up to see your results.

ERose-It would be great if we were near each to commiserate with ladies that really understand!
Well, I'm armed and dangerous now. I not only got two FRERs, and a dollar store test, but they had 4ft fake trees on sale for $10. I've been hounding my new HUSband that since we are now a family, we need a tree. I asked for an 'our first christmas' ornament from my work secret santa (along with dangly earrings and one other thing that I can't remember), and the party is tomorrow morning, so if I get that ornament, I want to have something to put it on. So….we got all the required items.

I'll let you know how it goes in the morning. I'm going to use the dollar store test if no AF in the morning. Those FRERs are gold to me.

Smiles-you are too cute with your new internet friends! I have had strangers as friends for years!! I do enjoy meeting them, and motorcycling is the way I do that, but you guys..not so sure if we would ever get the chance, but I love this site, and the >35 group! hee hee.

Thanks SPP!!

I didn't say anything this morning because I am still holding my breathe in hope for you and don't want to do anything to jinx it lol! But my heart literally just started racing in anticipation of you testing tomorrow :haha: What is wrong with me?! It's like Christmas morning!!! As you know, I got a huge temp dip the day I got my BFP. I also had period cramps for a week even after the BFP. I don't necessarily think the symptoms you're having are from AF. That's all I'm saying :winkwink:

And come on lady, break out an FRER for the morning!!! Pretty please?! :flower:
Wow, busy night!

Terri- Nice pic! You guys are cute together! Can't wait until tomorrow morning....:ninja:

Ash- It will be ok! This doesn't mean your body is screwed up, or that you aren't ovulating. Likely, you just needed some extra "juice" to get that egg ripe. So don't worry- and if it would make you feel better, do another AI to be sure. I have confidence in you! :hugs:

battyatty- Hope you are doing ok, lady.

Blues, ERose- I saw another lady mention on a thread the thought of a BnB conference. It sounds like a great idea! I would love to meet all of you!

Smiles- That is how I take my temp every day! I think ERose is right, you will wake up to a darker line. You are golden, don't worry!

AFM- Nothing to report. Took my last Femara yesterday, starting estrogen today. :)
Right Girls I cant keep denying it any longer, IM OUT!

So I shant be waving any pee stick at my fella at the airport come Saturday.


Can I add that you ladies have been so amazing, now don't get too excited I am not going to disappear though, sorry! I have to hang around until each one of you gets your BFP! :D

I shall be the secret stalking ninja mad batty Atty from Ireland lol!

Right now I want some order in here, OPK's get yourself in lines no pushing, I want lots of BDing, no excuses! TWWers, I want to see lots of symptoms and high temps please, and no excuses from anyone! :D

Terri I am still watching you..... forget those dollar trees get out the BIG guns baby!
Right Girls I cant keep denying it any longer, IM OUT!

So I shant be waving any pee stick at my fella at the airport come Saturday.


Can I add that you ladies have been so amazing, now don't get too excited I am not going to disappear though, sorry! I have to hang around until each one of you gets your BFP! :D

I shall be the secret stalking ninja mad batty Atty from Ireland lol!

Right now I want some order in here, OPK's get yourself in lines no pushing, I want lots of BDing, no excuses! TWWers, I want to see lots of symptoms and high temps please, and no excuses from anyone! :D

Terri I am still watching you..... forget those dollar trees get out the BIG guns baby!

:hugs: Don't go too far, lady. :)

And sorry about the BFN... I hope for good things for you.
(if I were you I would keep trying on the low-down...but that's just me):blush:
Right Girls I cant keep denying it any longer, IM OUT!

So I shant be waving any pee stick at my fella at the airport come Saturday.


Can I add that you ladies have been so amazing, now don't get too excited I am not going to disappear though, sorry! I have to hang around until each one of you gets your BFP! :D

I shall be the secret stalking ninja mad batty Atty from Ireland lol!

Right now I want some order in here, OPK's get yourself in lines no pushing, I want lots of BDing, no excuses! TWWers, I want to see lots of symptoms and high temps please, and no excuses from anyone! :D

Terri I am still watching you..... forget those dollar trees get out the BIG guns baby!

:hugs: Don't go to far, lady. :)

Oh dear did I do it again? :growlmad:

Can I put it down to hormones?

Or the awful rainy weather?

Right Girls I cant keep denying it any longer, IM OUT!

So I shant be waving any pee stick at my fella at the airport come Saturday.


Can I add that you ladies have been so amazing, now don't get too excited I am not going to disappear though, sorry! I have to hang around until each one of you gets your BFP! :D

I shall be the secret stalking ninja mad batty Atty from Ireland lol!

Right now I want some order in here, OPK's get yourself in lines no pushing, I want lots of BDing, no excuses! TWWers, I want to see lots of symptoms and high temps please, and no excuses from anyone! :D

Terri I am still watching you..... forget those dollar trees get out the BIG guns baby!

:hugs: Don't go to far, lady. :)

Oh dear did I do it again? :growlmad:

Can I put it down to hormones?

Or the awful rainy weather?


Haha! Totally didn't mean it that way. I just don't want you to disappear!
Did ya think I would just up and leave? No way I am stalking you all now. I cant help myself, this is better than any soap on TV! :D

Just picture a deep voice over!
Will those OPK's turn dark for Smiles, will there be a temp jump for Ash, and will Terri break out the BIG guns and get a BFP?
Ha ha ha
Did ya think I would just up and leave? No way I am stalking you all now. I cant help myself, this is better than any soap on TV! :D

Just picture a deep voice over!
Will those OPK's turn dark for Smiles, will there be a temp jump for Ash, and will Terri break out the BIG guns and get a BFP?
Ha ha ha


Stay tuned for the never-ending saga of the Not-So-Young and the Relatively-Childless!
Right Girls I cant keep denying it any longer, IM OUT!

So I shant be waving any pee stick at my fella at the airport come Saturday.


Can I add that you ladies have been so amazing, now don't get too excited I am not going to disappear though, sorry! I have to hang around until each one of you gets your BFP! :D

I shall be the secret stalking ninja mad batty Atty from Ireland lol!

Right now I want some order in here, OPK's get yourself in lines no pushing, I want lots of BDing, no excuses! TWWers, I want to see lots of symptoms and high temps please, and no excuses from anyone! :D

Terri I am still watching you..... forget those dollar trees get out the BIG guns baby!

:hugs: Don't go too far, lady. :)

And sorry about the BFN... I hope for good things for you.
(if I were you I would keep trying on the low-down...but that's just me):blush:

Did ya think I would just up and leave? No way I am stalking you all now. I cant help myself, this is better than any soap on TV! :D

Just picture a deep voice over!
Will those OPK's turn dark for Smiles, will there be a temp jump for Ash, and will Terri break out the BIG guns and get a BFP?
Ha ha ha


Stay tuned for the never-ending saga of the Not-So-Young and the Relatively-Childless!

Well if you are "not so young" wth does that make me? :haha:

My Eldest daughter is engaged, could you imagine I make her a big sister again after she makes me a granny! ROFL!:jo:
Ha ha ha "The Low Down!"
Picture me hunched over on the side of the bed, "grumble, grumble" sticking pins into the box of Johnny's on Christmas morning! "Oh darling breakfast in bed how sweet! Care to join me?" wink wink!
OMG I'm really lol while I write this!
Did ya think I would just up and leave? No way I am stalking you all now. I cant help myself, this is better than any soap on TV! :D

Just picture a deep voice over!
Will those OPK's turn dark for Smiles, will there be a temp jump for Ash, and will Terri break out the BIG guns and get a BFP?
Ha ha ha


Stay tuned for the never-ending saga of the Not-So-Young and the Relatively-Childless!

Well if you are "not so young" wth does that make me? :haha:

My Eldest daughter is engaged, could you imagine I make her a big sister again after she makes me a granny! ROFL!:jo:

That makes you awesome, just like us!
Batty....you have me cracking up!!! It is like a soap opera, I was thinking that a couple days ago. Lol. And I'm glad you're not going too far, we need you to stick around and stalk us and stuff. Lol

Terri....save the big guns or when it's closer to you missing AF or you've missed AF. Lmao

ERose...I know you're stalking my chart and all but my temp dipped slightly today BUT my LH surge strip test line was darker than the control line so I'm golden! Lol.

Now a question or comment to all the other ladies... How in the heck am I supposed to check my CM this morning when I had a lot going on last night..BD'ing and pre-seed!!! I can't tell what the hell is what down there this morning. I guess since I got a positive LH surge his morning we'll just have to BD tonight and tomorrow for good measure. I think ovulation occurs 24-36 hours after the surge is detected right? Trying to catch this egg is ridiculous! Any advice or suggestions?
Oldermom...good to know my temp taking tactics aren't weird. I thought by waking up and just laying there then dozing off would throw it all off because of that needing to have 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep before taking my temperature. Trust me, I would like not to pop awake at night. Lol
Oldermom...good to know my temp taking tactics aren't weird. I thought by waking up and just laying there then dozing off would throw it all off because of that needing to have 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep before taking my temperature. Trust me, I would like not to pop awake at night. Lol

Yeah, I hear ya. I have found that if I don't move around a lot and don't get up that I have a pretty steady temperature. Some ladies are different, a sneeze could cause a jump!

Re the CM, you probably can't find anything else useful from it if you BD the night before (esp with PreSeed!). Yay for the positive OPK!!:happydance:

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