Horrific pain :(


1 beautiful little lady.
Oct 2, 2009
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I posted a few days ago about Braxton hicks thinking I was having these due to not drinking enough. Well I have tried my best to drink plenty, maybe still not enough but a lot more than I have been drinking.
Anyway the pains don't appear to be getting any better, today they have been horrific. Like doubled over crying in pain :( I spent an hour in the bath while I was in it the pain eased off, still niggled but not painful. With in seconds of getting out the pains returned. I took some paracetamol and lay down for half an hour after drinking a bottle of water. The pains eased again enough so I could take my daughter to the park for an hour. Again they niggled but know pain. Got back from the park with in an hour the pains returned. Seriously painful this time. Like contractions in my back and just under my boobs. Really sharp tightening lasting 30-40 seconds then going again but coming again roughly 2 minutes later. I took more paracetamol. Again I've had a few pains since taking them at 6.30 ish but not consistent like they have been all day. Infact I'm just starting to feel the little niggle again so that means they will Be back soon :(
I don't think it's baby, I had my 20 week scan yesterday and all was perfect. I've done some research and I've come up with 4 things

Severe infection - I just a pee stick UTI thing earlier and it came back negative for an infection. I did have protein at my last midwife appointment though.
Gall bladder ?
Round ligament? Surely they wouldn't be this painful??
Or preterm labour. I doubt this though.

I haven't rang the hospital as it Sunday and I know from experience with my daughter they won't do anything on a weekend. I just figured I would call my GP or midwife in the morning and explain my symptoms.
I just wondered if anyone on here might have some ideas? I don't want to take more paracetamol but think I'll have to just to get me through the night :(

Sorry for the long post. Hope someone can help shed some light. I'll be 21 weeks on Tuesday by the way and never felt pain like this in my life apart from when I was in labour on the drip. Xxx
Sorry you are having a tough time. I haven't really any advice other than definitely ring your Dr in the morning, I didn't just want to read and run.
I too have been experiencing tightening pains this weekend, I'm nearly 19 weeks. Fingers crossed it's just stretching and growing pains for both of us. Keep us posted xxx
I think if psin is just below boobs it's unlikely to be pregnsncy related as your uterus will only be up to around belly button height at 20 weeks, but I think you should definitely get checked out. A&E will check you over to make sure it's nothing serious, even if they don't check on baby tonight. Better to be safe than sorry x
The back pain is in my lower back and feels like period pains that's constant with or without painkillers :( the stomach pain starts below my boobs (this is where it's the most painful) but I am also having period pains in my pelvic area. My daughter is quite high up too, I think everything has moved quicker this time round as its my second, I'm roughly the same size now as I was at term with my daughter. My midwife commented that She feels higher than normal at this stage in pregnant and said it was down to number 2.
Unfortunately I can't go to the hospital tonight as my daughter is in bed, I don't want to disturb her to sit down the hospital. I'll just have to put up with the pains until morning. I doubt too that it's to do with the baby as she was perfectly fine yesterday. Having said that anything can happen in 24 hours. I'll call first things anyway and see if my midwife will see me. Thanks ladies.
Can you text or call your midwife now? They are available 24/7 here but I don't know how it works where you are. Can your OH not stay with your daughter and you go in an ambulance? This amount of pain sounds horrible :-(

Gallstones can cause upper back pain, it gets refered from the front and you feel it in your right shoulder blade usually. I had stones for 8 years though and never had pain down low like you say you do or contractions during pregnancy from it.
I would ring your after hours phone at the office you go to. They should have a nurse on call at all times. It's not round ligament pain if it is right below your breasts so I think you can probably scratch that one off. It may also be that baby is kicking something and inflaming it. I apparently beat up my mother's gall bladder while she was pregnant with me to where she was in so much pain from it that she thought she was going to need surgery. Turned out that it was just because I kept kicking it so they showed her different positions to get her to move me off of it. Please keep us updated. Hope everything is ok!
Ring a maternity unit at the nearest hospital. They work 24/7.

Please try not to leave it till later...

Hope everything will be fine.
How are things this morning?
Hey ladies thanks for your replies. I've been in pain a lot of the night :( my other half is trying to get hold of my GP now, if he can't then I'll contact the midwife. I've just woke literally 5 mins ago been the loo and now the pain is back. It's very difficult to explain. It can't be anything to do with baby though unless she is lay funny or kicking me. Xx
Spoke to my midwife, she wants me to head to hospital so I'm getting myself sorted to head up there shortly. She thinks I could have an infection that has maybe reached my kidneys from the amount of pain I'm in. We will see. Thanks again ladies. X
Hope everything's ok, update when you can x
Most pointless hours of my life spent at the hospital. Still in the wiser. They scanned me, baby was ok which I new she was. The checked my cervix which is high and closed so that's good then they took bloods and sent me home they will call me later with the results. If I have an infection I have to go back. 6 hours it took them to do that. Upto now they have put it down to unexplained pain. X
Vicky, it wasn't pointless - you know baby is ok!

Glad that all was fine. And it's nothing serious.:hugs:
Hope you get some answers soon! Glad to know baby is ok! Keep us updated :)
Any news on your blood results? Hope you are ok xxx
The hospital haven't rang me back so I take it as no infection was found that's why they haven't bothered unless they call me tomorrow. Luckily the pains have eased off now without taking painkillers. They are still niggling but no where near as bad as they have been.
And yes I guess it wasn't pointless to find out baby is ok, but then again I already knew that. I had no concerns that she was in any danger. The hospital said if the pains come back then I should go straight in and not wait 24 hours like I did this time hoping they would ease off.

Thank you again ladies for all your messages and concern it means a lot. Hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up feeling fit and healthy. My poor daughter has been so bored all last week cause I've been unable to do much with her. Xx
This happened to me at 30 weeks I think, i ended up in a and e 3 times, no one took me seriously and it took 6 months after I had my lo to be diagnosed with gallstones. The pain was crippling, and bad attacks were worse than labour!

I hope you figure it out soon, you might have to be pushy to get everything checked out. I wish I'd been more persistent.

Hope you feel better x
This happened to me at 30 weeks I think, i ended up in a and e 3 times, no one took me seriously and it took 6 months after I had my lo to be diagnosed with gallstones. The pain was crippling, and bad attacks were worse than labour!

I hope you figure it out soon, you might have to be pushy to get everything checked out. I wish I'd been more persistent.

Hope you feel better x

Thank you Hun. After speaking to my friend who suffers with gall stones it sounds like that's what it could be the hospital didn't entertain it yesterday. I've read about it and some of the symptoms are similar I think. It's a difficult one to explain.
No the doctors never think of gallstones and I have no idea why... It all takes is 1 minute of dr Google to see that gallstones are most commonly found in 1.blah blah 2.PREGNANT women.

Something to do with the hormones etc. I was dismissed time and time again, it's just pregnancy pain, myalgia, stomach ulcer, indigestion etc

Until they did an ultrasound and they counted at least 14 stones that we're getting trapped and then squeezed through which causes the pain.

I had my gallbladder removed when lo was 10 months old and have been fine ever since.

Don't let them just dismiss you x

Edit. It's very difficult to describe the pain, it was chest/shoulder blades/back/stomach etc and sometimes crushing like id been winded and couldn't get my breath.

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