

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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I have seen a couple of really nice houses that i like, hoping we sell this place soon so i can go to view them!

how are you getting on Wobbles?

I love teh second one - When you weigh up the prices Layla the first one doesn't seem worth it somehow.

i still want the one with the jacuzzi :rofl: Defo going to be looking properly by the end of next month - We're going through:

You can't link to individual houses though! :(
Cool, that one with the jacuzzi was lovely! :D

Hope you find somewhere soon :)

Think hes just entertaining me saying we can view if its still there in hope it isn't going to be :lol:
best of luck with it! i would snap it up quick lol

We had a viewing yesterday and we have another one tomorrow, we are really hopeing we get a buyer soon coz we are hoping to move at easter, it will give the kids a week to settle in before they have to start a new school.

ooo just spotted this one!

no idea what its like inside but i love the look of it from outside, houses,cottages like this really get my attention. id love to live in something like this.

Is that kind of rent not a killer on the finances? wow its a lot. Nice houses tho hun xx
our mortgage is £612 a month, then you have to add on building insurance and life insurance, so its not far off the £700 mark anyways, plus when we sell this place we can pay off a few debts whcih means we will be a bit better off each month :)

God u will be better off, less strain 4 u both xxx
hopefuly around easter time, but we have to have an offer on our house first, as soon as we do we can arrange to go down to northampton and view some houses.

so u have defo decied what you are doing no going back mind set in what your doing
yep, defo defo :D

Jase borrowed 2 grand from his mate which will enable us to move, then once we get teh money from teh house sale we can pay him back.

just had another viewing on my house, really hope they buy!

its sqeeky clean at teh mo, its funny what things you clean when you have a viewing, i have been cleaning cupboards, windows and teh fridge all morning :lol:

I hope you get a sale soon Layla, is that why your selling to free up the equity? couldn't you remortage?

I love the second one looks lovely! just my style that one.
yeah we need to get some money to pay off debts, plus we do want to move out of Barry (its a shit hole)

We cant remorgage coz our credit is so bad, so we are going round in circles, by selling me can have a bigger house for the same price, plus pay off quite alot of debt. Jase was going to go bankrupt but we have worked out that he doesnt need to do that now, so as long as we sell we will be ok :)

I sometimes wish i didnt live in London. Those houses look so nice and 4 bedrooms!!! We'd be lucky to get a bloody one bedroom flat in London at that price!! :cry:
Natalie&Karl said:
I sometimes wish i didnt live in London. Those houses look so nice and 4 bedrooms!!! We'd be lucky to get a bloody one bedroom flat in London at that price!! :cry:
I went to move that way & when I seen what dive I could get for what we have no I moved back :lol:
lol dont blame ya! It's an absolute joke. Me and Karl are looking for somewhere through a Shared Ownership scheme (part buy, part rent)...still wont be able to get a nice garden, 4 bedrooms....or a jacuzzi :cry:

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