Oh I feel really behind everyone now. I only really got back on the housework wagon at 10-12 weeks. Before that the vacuuming got done once or twice a week when OH could find the time. He's had to do
everything from LO being born, bless him! LO feeds every 2 hours and has a 30 minute nap between every feed (and on the sofa so I can't leave her) so I've really struggled to find time to do anything. A big turning point was at 3 months in when we started putting LO in her crib in our room at 8:30pm (before that she'd stay downstairs with us until we went to bed) and during the day I had to start putting her in her bouncer or on play mat and let her entertain herself for about 15-20 mins twice a day so I can get stuff done. So far I now vacuum downstairs daily and upstairs once a week. I've just added emptying and cleaning the vacuum cleaners once a week now too. 1-2 loads of washing a day - bedsheets and blankets every Friday, towels and work clothes at the weekend or Mondays, Tuesdays all of baby's clothes, and one day a week for as much of mine and OH's clothes I can wash. Ironing was about once a week but I'm now doing about 30mins every evening after baby is in bed. Still mainly iron baby's clothes so I look like I'm wearing crepe paper most of the time. Kitchen only gets a wipe down every day and the bathroom once a week. OH is still cooking the teas. We (and by we I mean OH) have done a deep clean once since baby was born, and we had to sacrifice a weekend to do it. OH has a week off this week so we're trying to do a room every day - he's doing the kitchen now as I type bless him! I find every week or couple of weeks I can add a new thing to my routine so hopefully next deep clean won't have to be so deep. I'm slowly getting my housewife chufty badge