How did u meet ur OH??

I met my hubby at work. His sister was my boss and she got his a summer job in our office.

He had just finished school and he came out with the Friday night drinking gang and we got on well.

He had a girlfriend so nothing happened at first. I went to work over seas and two days after I left he split up with his girl friend.
We got together when I came home 6 months later and we will have been together 12 years in Oct, married for 7 years and have baby No 2 on the way!
I was 20, he was 24, I was out (very drunk) on my work Christmas party at a bar in town. I worked with one of his friends and the guy I worked with had invited a few of his friends to join our party. They turned up and my oh was one of them.

Straight away I thought he was gorgeous but wouldn't dream of doing anything, I was too busy dancing and having a great time with friends. A couple hours later my now oh asked me where the toilets were (I later found out he knew all along), so I showed him and he cleverly gave me his pint to hold while he was in there so I'd have to wait for him. When he came out he took me to a quiet corner and asked if I was single, when i said i was he kissed me!

We were pretty much inseperable from that moment! That was nearly 10 years ago! I moved in with him and his parents 6 months after we met, then we bought our first house together 6 months after that, then bought our fur baby a miniature schnauzer called Alfie Moon (Alfie and Kat were big in Eastenders at the time, lol). Engaged 4 years after we met and married another year later.

Finally we completed our family with our gorgeous girls in 2010 and 2012 and I couldn't be happier or ask for more!

As part of my degree I got to spend 3 months overseas. I really wanted to go to Papua New Guinea and sent off applications there and waited...and waited.
A few weeks before we were due to leave we still hadn't heard anything (turns out I'd put the wrong stamps on) and my parents suggested Sri Lanka.
Landed in the country with no proper plans and after a suggestion from a couple on the plane decided to take a bus down to the southwest coast, walked into the first guesthouse/diveshop we saw and ended up staying there the whole time.
Our instructor was a rather dishy looking local, although ew had to change to a German instructor after the first day. My first thoughts were that this local instructor was too good looking to be goods news, but often spent evenings chatting over a few drinks, and realised that he was pretty awesome underneath the good looks!
That was in 2001 and haven't looked back since. He divides his time between Sri Lanka and here (turns out he was the owner of the centre, but kept that a secret at first) and I go out there once a year.
We are hoping to move all our family there properly once I've sorted out our financial commitments in the UK.
We met online :)

It was 6 years ago, we were both 16. There was this website called Hi5, and I was browsing through it one day and I came upon his profile, read it, thought he was very cute so decided to randomly add him. Now the thing about me is I never do this, esp with the whole internet safety drilled into your head at school. But there was something about him that intrigued me.

So I send him a message and about 2 or 3 weeks later he replies, saying how nice I looked :blush: and to add him on MSN. Added him, and we became insanely close, we both have said we used to go through the day, waiting to get on the computer so we could talk to each other! Then 7 months later he asked for my number (I gave him massive hints! Otherwise I'd still be waiting :rofl:) 3 months after that we met for the first time and then after getting to know each other properly, face to face for 9 months, we decided to start a proper relationship :) now, 4 years later we have our beautiful baby girl.

Now I'm not religious in any way, but the way we met, the way everything happened and now having our gorgeous daughter does make me believe that there is something that helps move us in the right direction, but I couldn't possibly say what it is. I do truly believe we're meant to be together (as cliched and blergh as that sounds!)

So yes. That's my story hehe.
I met him online on a dating site. My friend was on it and kept babbling about people so I wanted to know who she was talking about. I was very picky on who I replied to cause I wasn't really on looking for someone but we work in the same city and met for a drink. That was 2 years ago now we have LO, are saving for a mortgage and are about to go on our first family holiday!

I've known OH since we were about 10, but nothing ever happened (even though I was so in love! I was an ugly duckling and didn't have the courage to tell him) we both moved on, I married someone else, when that ended, I used to go and visit B at work (he was a doorman at a club at the time) he STILL didn't get the hint, and we lost touch again, I finally found him on FB again a few years later and just splurted out how I feel, it turns out he felt the same all these years and didn't have the bottle to say anything either, and here we are years later, still very much in love and still LTTC. I couldn't imagine my life without him!
I met him in our local bus station, I was pissed and wanted to know the time for the last bus.

I proceeded to insult a man about a shirt he shouldn't have been wearing which made him laugh and then I tapped off with the bus driver.

The next day he asked the bus driver if he had my numb er and the rest is history :)

V xx
Me and my ex met at school. It was love at first sight for sure.

When he finally asked me, i ran down the street to catch up with my friends and fell flat ony face in front of him and his friends

I met my OH on Plenty of Fish, I only joined for a laugh and didn't think anything of it. Chris and I started talking everyday from the beginning of August, I could tell straight away he was someone special. We met when I moved back to uni in September and been together ever since :cloud9:
There are some fab stories on here!

I met DH via facebook :lol: but the back story is better.

DS's bio dad's sister was married to a guy my DH was friends with whilst learning to be jockeys in Zimbabwe...

The sister put a FB status about needing some sunshine where they lived (400+ miles from here), I commented saying could we have some here please. DH saw that and wondered how the heck they knew someone from up here, added me, we got chatting.... We had been trying to get DH's friend and my ex's sister up for a visit but they flaked and we decided to meet up anyway.

Looking back it all seems so improbable :rofl:
I knew my other half in school, didn't really ever talk though but all our friends were all friends together iykwim. And then two years after we all left I seen him on Facebook ago added him!!! :) and now look at us aha.
Official story : pub.

The real story:
I met my OH playing an online game .

There we were, running around killing other players. He got attacked by a stronger player, I saved his ass and he ran off letting me get killed by the attacker :thumbup:
I first met oh when he was going out with a girl i knew from school. We met outside a music venue and he didnt say anything to me at all! I was 14 and he was about 16-17. I always thought he was fit tho lol! Soon after my oh became friends with a guy friend of mine and even whwn he wasnt with that girl i knew from school he would always come and visit me in school and buy my cigerettes and tht. As the rs went on even when we didnt see each v often we would meet every so often and he was always a good laugh and i alwaya kinda fancied him but never acted on it. There was this one time he asked me out over myspace but i said no as i wasnt in the right place and also he was living in ldn at rhe time. When he moved bak to mk we met up but he was in a relationship but he wasnt happy. I wished he wud of broke it off to come to me tho lol. One night he had a big pay packet and was single and invited me out for drinks but i was too hungover so i said no. A couple of days later i went on msn (which was quite rare) and he came on (also quite rare) so i asked him for a drink. We met up had a gettime kissed. I was kinda sleeping with this other guy and had to break it off with him as i knew oh wid b the one. But the rest was history. We spent all our time together he moved in with me at 8 months and now we have our lo and we still plan on completing our family. Its been a hard 5 yrs and there has been times whem i wanted to pack it in but i always knew lved him and still do x

i always think tht we were meant to b together tho.. Tht certain things happened and even when they didnt happen we still ended up together.. Eg when he oroginally asked me to have a drink and i said no we still ended up meeting p a few days later by a rare circumstance we still met and fell in love. Call it fate or whatever i think we were meant to b
I met my OH in the playground for the first time, I was 11 xx
I started a job as a temp at this office in July, when i was 22 after getting my qualifications in NVQ Admin. Started on the first day and saw a handsome guy walk to the copier, you could say that we met by the copier (so clichéd i know) we were friends at first and used to go out for company drinks and swapped numbers one day.

By August we had properly got together although we were both still working in the same office, a year later we got engaged, 18 months later moved in together and almost 4 years later we have a beautiful daughter x
Boot camp :blush: We were in the same company, marched close together because we're the same height and kept ending up in the same group for drills because we were both redheads. So I blame our company commanders for setting us up :p

We were just friends through BC and about a month after, then started a phone relationship. After I was injured and discharged from the military, I decided to visit him to see if it might work out. 4 months later we were married!
I met my OH when we worked together in a pub :)
I work with him. Didnt even talk to him untill id been at my work 8 months. Then we became best friends, then i realised i was head over heals for him. Weve been together 2 years and hes made me happier than iv ever been. :)

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