How is your homebirth planning going?


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Aug 4, 2011
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OK bit of a random thread but I noticed nobody has posted here for a while!
So my story is I am aiming for a second homebirth (3rd baby)
At 12 weeks I saw a consultatant who said he wasn't sure about me having a homebirth due to raised bmi and pcos. I think he was expecting me to have gestational diabetes because of that! Anyway my midwife said to ignore him as I know my body and have had 2 very straight forward labours!
So just had my gtt on Friday and passed so am very relieved! 😁 although I found out at 20 weeks I have a very low lying placenta :-( so waiting for a rescan and at 34 weeks to see if it's moved out the way, also now my baby is breech!! The odds are truly against me!! I'm staying hopeful though! There is still time for it to turn I hope!
How is everyone else's homebirth planning going?
What are your plans for pools ect, childcare for older kids and birth partners?
I am annoyed as can't really get a pool and stuff sorted until my re scan .
I always find it sad when I come in here and it's completely dead :( so thought I would reply to your post :)
I had a low lying placenta with my second at 20 weeks then 28 it had moved a bit more then by 32 was completely fine and went on to have my first homebirth which was amazing!!!
I have already booked into my homebirth and organised a holiday house as we can't birth in our small town so have to leave town and find other accommodation and what not. I will be buying a birth pool as I did last time but this time I will go the birth pool in a box I think they are much bigger than the one I had last time and look so comfy!
I have 3 boys 5,3 and 1.5 but they will most likely be there with me when I give birth. If they get to much family will only be half an he away so can come grab the littler ones as mr 5 is determined he wants to see his brother or sister born. We have watched numerous birth videos together as I was preparing him when I was pregnant with #3 which was suppose to be a home birth but I ended up with a Placental abruption so that didn't happen and he wasn't to happy he didn't eat to be there so is really looking forward to it this time. Although he does not want another brother so will be interesting to see his reaction if it is another boy lol.
I hope your placenta moves and you get the birth you desire!
I still have to pass my enitial assessment. My bmi is 33.4 and I have in my head that their cut off 33 so I am hoping my midwife just takes the .4 off and I can't still go through lol.
I haven't had my appointment yet I am 13 weeks and still waiting on my appointment letter which probably won't be for another 2-4 weeks but will see a midwife in town in the meantime if I need to.
Not long to go for you now either that's so exciting! Do you know what you are having?
Yay glad to hear from somebody! Glad your starting to get things prepared! Last time I had a la bassine pool which I think is smaller than birth pool in a box but I really liked it! I think my midwife said she has a birth pool in a box that I could borrow this time so that saves a bit if stress, just need to buy a liner for it.
Aww I hope your older boy gets to be there this time! That's lovely that he wants to be involved! I'm hoping to keep mine at home but Hopfully they will be asleep when the time comes. They are 5 and 3.
As for bmi, where I am if it's over 30 they say you are higher risk and if it's over 35 I think you are advised to be under consultant care so no homebirth. Mine is 31.5.
No we are team yellow this time!! So excited as we found out with both my other 2! 😁
I just had one that was a like a kids blow up pool it even had fishes on it lol but it was still great I just wanted something bigger.
That's great your midwife has one as they are not cheap what a bonus!!!
I am struggling staying team yellow we didn't find out with our first but did with the last 2 and thought 4th and final we will keep it a surprise but now I am not so sure. I hope I can keep strong and not find out but will see on the day of the scan lol
How are you finding this pregnancy?
Hi can I join? It sounds like you both have had homebirths and maybe can offer some tips!
I'm having a hard time making a decision on homebirth vs hospital!
Hi sunnydee! Please join us! Any questions about previous homebirth please ask! My one try was one if the best experiences of my life and I would recommend it to anybody having a normal pregnancy! I think I will be so disappointed if I dont get to have another one this time.

Kirstie as for pregnancy number three I think it's been my easiest one! Although I am still doing a very physical job so my spd is really bad this time. I'm starting to get to the point now where I'm getting a bit fed up of it all! I hope the next 9 weeks go fairly fast! I don't want to wish the time away as it will be my last pregnancy but I am not naturally good at being pregnant lol!! Is this your last baby too? Xx
Well I only have 10 weeks till due date so I should really get deciding since there will be alot of things to have ready for a homebirth!

Did you feel like having a pool was worth it? I'm just afraid I won't have time to use it or won't feel like being in water? I'm not sure.

I really want to avoid lying down this time cause my pushing phase was 2 hours and ended with 3rd degree tear so a water birth might be what I need? I've just read stories where the pool wasn't ready before baby arrives! There's no option for waterbirth at my hospital.

I'm worried about getting to the hospital on time which makes me sway more towards homebirth but the thought of possibly needing a transfer would freak me out too!

And childcare is another dilemma I have since I have nobody to watch my toddler. I guess he would be better off at home where my husband could keep him occupied? Do you have someone come watch your kids at home?
Hi sunnydee and welcome.
I would suggest getting ina may gaskins guide to childbirth book as that was the most amazing and inspiring piece of reading it did when I was getting ready for my home birth.
My homebirth was decided at 36 weeks when I was doing my hospital labor ward tour and asked what happens in the case my labor is faster and I don't make it and the midwife said why don't you have baby at home so we transferred my care over and that was that.

My bubs was born 2hrs and 10 minutes after my midwives arrived and I used my pool from about 7-8cms and it was soooo worth it, it was excellent for pain relief as the water for me took so much of the tension away due to just floating and the weight of my belly being taken from the water.
You can birth how ever you choose even in the hospital if you don't want to be on the bed you don't have to be it is your baby and your body you make those choices despite what a hospital may try to enforce.
We have 3 children already so a home birth for us is more ideal that way we don't need anyone to watch the kids as my husband sister mum and most likely mother in law will be there so plenty of people to keep them occupied.
It is the most amazing experience honestly it is so empowering and just so different to birthing in a hospital.
You feel 100% comfortable and relaxed and therefor the birth for me was just so enjoyable!
I had to have a hospital birth with number 3 after #2 being a homebirth due to having a placentalabruption and it was just awful! After experiencing how amazing it is to birth at home I don't think I would ever enjoy a hospital birth again.
Trust yourself and your body you know what is right for you.

Willow I'm so glad this pregnancy has been easy for you that's such a nice ending to it all hey!
Yes this is our last baby and was unplanned but still very much loved. It has been my easiest in term of complications which is great! Usually I suffer horrifically with hyperemesis and I usually bleeding well into the second and sometimes third trimester so to have only had 1 day of spotting and to almost be off my mess for my hyperemesis I am pretty stoked!!
I heard from my hospital today and I am a little nervous as she said the case load (homebirth) is all booked out but I had spoken to the coordinator for the hospital about 3 or 4 weeks ago and had assured me she had blocked out my dates for me so fingers crossed I still get in!
I feel as though my pregnancy is going soooo slow I am 14 weeks in 2 days but I seriously feel like I have been in the first trimester forever!! I have mine and hubbies birthday in November then my eldest 2 a week before Christmas then Chrissy and then my youngest in January so I thinking that once November hits it is going to fly and we will need to be organised by then lol.
Do you do any hypnobirthig or relaxation techniques during birth? And have you read ina may gaskins book?
I have just been adding stuff to my podcasts the last few days to start getting into my meditation and hypnotherapy for labor and birth and will be reading ina mays book this week also I love love love her book and her story!
Sunnydee don't worry I can't get planning mine until I have my next scan to see if the placenta has moved out of the way!
My last homebirth was so quick. I barely made it into the pool but am so glad I did as I'm sure it helps prevent tearing and it really helps with the pain. Also it contains most of the mess!! 😁 I will definitely have a pool again this time. As for childcare I hope mine will be in bed but luckily mil only lives 20 mins away so she will be on standby.
Are you in the UK? If so the NHS are becoming really supportive for homebirths. My hospital is about 30-40 minute drive away but I live right opposite an ambulance station so that gives me comfort knowing that I wouldn't have to wait for an ambulance if I needed to transfer in an emergency.xx

Kirstie this baby wasnt planned either!! I have pcos and getting pregnant has never been easy for me so we were a tad shocked when we found out lol!! 😁 we thought we were done at 2!! Xx
Willow this baby is definitely meant to be for you guys then!!
It took us 3 years to conceive our first due to having low progesterone then our last 3 have happened with our trying lol our second was even conceived using the pullout method!! It’s incredible what life throws you sometimes hey!
Have you got any names picked out yet? We struggled really bad last pregnancy and only found a name we agreed on 2 days before hub was born and this time I have a feeling bubs may be nameless for a day or so lol
Kirstie wow sometimes things are just meant to be!! It's amazing how things pan out! 😁
Names are impossible! We found it so easy with our last 2 but I have a feeling this one will be nameless too!! Lol we have a list of potential girls names which we like but not love and as for boys names we just can't agree on anything! This poor kid will be known as baby when it's born haha! Still got 9 weeks to decide so Hopfully we can get some names picked. It's much harder being team yellow though what do you think? Also feel like I haven't connected to this baby like I have the other 2 and I think it's because I don't know the gender. Don't get me wrong I love it and feeling it move is wonderful and I'm sure it's already got a little character but I just can't relate to it as my baby boy or girl. I'm sure it will be worth it when hubby tells me the gender when it's born though! That's what I'm looking forward to the most!
It’s definitely harder being team yellow and figuring out a name I think because you go back and forth through boy and girl names I find that my then girls names or boys name I like I don’t anymore and we just go around in circles lol.
That is exactly how I am feeling about baby and is what is kind of pushing me to want to find out. That and my eldest does not want another he says if it comes out a boy it can go back lol he is dying for a baby sister after 2 brothers the poor thing and I kind of feel like we need to prepare him if it is a boy.
But in saying that it was so special with our first not knowing and then at the end of all that hard work getting such a surprise so both ways for me have been great. I am so torn it really is a hard decision hey!!
I am kind of getting a bit frustrated with people though because we already have the three boys they are obsessing over me having a girl and to be honest I think it’s another boy I know people are only being hopefully and trying to be kind for me as it would be nice to have a girl but at the same time it is frustrating. Like a friend of mine bless her heart gave me some clothes yesterday that she had bought bubs and 2 our of the 3 are girls clothes I just don’t want all this girl stuff put in my face when there is a 50% chance it’s a boy.
Hi mind if I join? I'm 30 weeks pregnant with my second and planning a home water birth this time round after hating being in hospital with my first.
Hi Stacey sparkle. That's great your planning a home birth this time e. I did the same with my second and it was great, do you have your pool already? Xx
Hi Stacey sparkle. That's great your planning a home birth this time e. I did the same with my second and it was great, do you have your pool already? Xx

Not yet I've been looking online at a few and can't decide whether to hire one or just buy one in case we have another baby in the future. Also want to speak to midwife before ordering one in case she has any recommendations. She's not discussed our home birth much but said she will at our next appointment in a few weeks. Where did you get your pool from?
Last time I bought a second hand pool and got a new liner for it, but sold it on as we were struggling for space to store it at the time. I'm now thinking I may not bother this time. It will cost around £100 to hire one or I think I can borrow one from my midwife but will have to buy a liner and pumps ect for it. My last labour was so quick so am still undecided!! I will have to make my mind up soon! Am thinking about hiring a tens machine instead but have not tried one before so need to do some research! 😁 xx
Well I've decided to go with a homebirth 😊. Actually the midwife just suggested we plan for one and if at any stage I decide to go to the hospital it's only 15 mins away but I'm really looking forward to not having to get in a car while in labour like last time.

I don't think I'm going to get a pool, I'm going to look into a tens machine and if I need water then I guess I can try the bath for a while?

My only concern now is my 2 year old, it would be ideal if baby was born in the night while he is sleeping but if labour starts during the day I don't really have anyone to watch him except my DH who will be looking after me!
Hi sunnydee. How exciting! It's hard thinking about childcare. I'm planning on having mine at home. They are 3 and 5 but my Mil will be on standby. She only lives 30 mins away. Hopfully I labour at night like previously. Do you gave any friends or family bear you that can be on standby to take him in an emergency? I've got my homebirth midwife appointment tomorrow so am going to go over the details then. I'm still very undecided on whether to get a pool or not. I'm going round in circles! 😁 xx
I don't really have anyone living close enough to take him. My mother is possibly coming to visit before baby arrives so that would be ideal but if not then I guess he will be there for it. It's just that he's quite sensitive and I would be worrying about him which might affect how labour progresses.
It's hard to decide about the pool isn't it! I figured it might be too quick for me to get it set up in time that's why i decided against it.
Hi ladies! Chiming in! I know of 3 mama's who didn't get to use their pool because of quick progression! I like the idea of using the tub if you need some water to cope!

We are doing our first home birth, I have preciptious labours, first was 4 hours in the hospital, second was 90 mins and ended up having the baby in the parking lot of the hospital. So this time we're staying at home. I expect to be fast again so no pool... I actually will probably lay on my back to slow things down until the mw arrives lol. What kind of supplies do you need for a hb? The mw are recommending it for me but we haven't talked specifics yet.

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