How much? often? age? sleeping and more!


Mummy of Tabitha
Jan 6, 2008
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Ok i was just wondering how much other ladies Lo's are eating etc and a few other questions........

How old is LO?

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?

How many feeds per day?

How far apart are the feeds?

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?

Ok i know its a bit in depth lol sorry
Thankyou all
How old is LO?

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?
14lb 9oz

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?
3 and a half oz

How many feeds per day?
6 ish

How far apart are the feeds?
approx 3 hours apart from night time

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?
when she crys for it but roughly every 3 and push for 4 hours

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?
Both but only boobie 3 times a day

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?
last week was sleeping at 7pm after a last feed of 5 oz then top up 3oz at 11pm then squirming at 4am for has gone to pot! crying most of evening,exhausted and dropping off at up at 11pm awake at 2am for 2-3 oz then again at 5.30am.
I havn't changed routine so god knows whats happening! although i did have to get her meds upped yesterday for her reflux so we shall see if that makes a diff
Ok i was just wondering how much other ladies Lo's are eating etc and a few other questions........

How old is LO?

3 months 5 days :cloud9: (13 +6) or 97 days.

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?
14lbs 13 oz

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?
4-6 oz a shot

How many feeds per day?
7 or so

How far apart are the feeds?
Every three hours or so

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?
Both. We have a schedule, but sometimes if it's hot and needs hydration, or if she's getting a little growing done, she'll need another feed.

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?
Not sure if you mind input from all boobie mamas...:blush: But we're all boobie.

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night?
Sleep 9:00pm to 10pm one time up before 6am around 3am.

and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?

Nurses to drowsiness about 4 ounces or so I'd guess.

Ok i know its a bit in depth lol sorry
Thankyou all

Boobie mamas more than welcome! :hugs: just the way i was typing it lol
How old is LO?

7wks & 3 days

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?

10lb 6oz yesterday (7lb 8oz at birth)

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?

5-6oz, sometimes as little as 3-4oz

How many feeds per day?

Usually 5

How far apart are the feeds?

3-4 hours.... usually longer at night

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?

Totally on demand... although like Sonny, I will try to make her last out to 4 hours if possible

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?

Exclusively formula (SMA gold & gaviscon for reflux)

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?

For the last week (until last night anyway!!), she would have 5-6oz at about 9.30-10pm and wasn't waking at all til 6.30-7am! Last night however, she woke at 3.30am screaming!!
How old is LO?
2 months 1 week and 6 days

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?
13lb on monday

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?
not sure as he is bobbie feed but about 20 mins

How many feeds per day?
6 ish

How far apart are the feeds?
2-3 hours

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?
i feed on demand

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?
boobie boy

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much? 730 until 930 he naps has his last feed at around 10 and sleeps until 5am his last feed is about 25 mins long
How old is LO?

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?
13lbs 2oz (at 5+6)

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?
5-6 oz

How many feeds per day?

How far apart are the feeds?
3 hrs during the day usually longer at night.

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?
when he cries or just before he cries!

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?
9am, 12pm, 3pm all booby, 6pm, half booby half formula. 10pm and the night feed, formula. If he for whatever reason finishes his formula in the night I sometimes put him on the boob or if he is being a pickle and refuses the bottle at 10pm (2 out of 5 times maybe) I boob him for a bit and then quickly take him off and give him the bottle. I feel a bit mean but I don't want to breastfeed all the time.

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?
if we can get him to sleep after his 6pm feed he'll sleep and only wake up to be fed at 10pm, 4-6am and 9am. He doesn't tend to sleep for more than 10, occasionally 30mins during the day tho.

I'm finding this thread really interesting to read! Thanks for starting it Sonny.
How old is LO?
17 weeks
How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?
I breast feed he only feed about 10 mins a time

How many feeds per day?
about 7

How far apart are the feeds?
roughly every 3 hours even through the night :hissy:

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?
Hes has got a rough routine but i do feed on demand

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?
Mostly boobie i only give 1 bottle of formula before bed now

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?
he has last feed about 10.30pm sleep for about 11.30pm back up for feed about 1.30pm then back up agan at 5am for feed then gets up at 8am but can be up at other times in the night being a figet and winging :cry:
How old is LO?
15 weeks & 2 days

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?
17lbs 3oz

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?

How many feeds per day?
6 or 7

How far apart are the feeds?
Every 3 hours

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?
Feed on demand

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?
Boobie for 2 months then switched to formula

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night?
About 8.30pm or 9.00pm. Sleeps through the night! :happydance:

and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?
Feed @ 8.00pm with 7oz of milk
How old is LO?

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?
8lb 8oz at 10 days
How much does LO eat in each feed on average?
How many feeds per day?
How far apart are the feeds?
Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?
Feed on demand
Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?
When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?

Last feed at 9-10pm. Wakes twice in the night, around 2-4 and 6-8am. Normal feed amount 4-5oz.
Hi Sonny, Hope Tabs is well:

How old is LO?

7 months and 1 day

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?

14 lbs - that was at about 4 months

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?

4 bottles of 4-8 oz
1 bottle of 2-5 oz
breakfast, lunch and dinner - 2 to 3 ounces of formula with roughly 2 tablespoons of solids (home cooked)

How many feeds per day?
6 - will drop to 5 soon as he is taking less at his dream feed - so we will drop this when he is ready

How far apart are the feeds?
Approximate times below based on when he wakes. Feeds are roughly 4 hours apart except for anfternoon as we have now introduced lunch and mid morning and mid afternoon snacks are slightly smaller bottles.

7.00 am Bottle + breakfast
11.00am Bottle
1.00pm Small Lunch
3.00pm Bottle
7.00pm Bottle + Dinner
11.00pm Bottle

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?
Like clockwork - he's never been good at asking for food himself! We don't regiment his feeds but feed at approximate times when he seems ready to eat.

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?
Formula only since 3.5 months

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?

Between 7.30 and 8.00 pm to bed
Mostly sleeps through except when teething or when he wakes up on hands and knees confused - poor little mite (maybe twice a week) - could be anytime at night, but goes straight back to sleep with a shush and paci.

Last feed at 11.00pm - soon to be dropped as he's only taking 1 or 2 oz most nights

How old is LO?
10 months

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?
21lbs 7ozs (about 7 weeks ago)

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?
Main meals plus about 7-8ozs of milk

How many feeds per day?
3 Main meals, snacks and about 4-5 7-8ozs bottles

How far apart are the feeds?
Usually 3 hours but snacks in between

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?
Whenever he wants

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?
He gets tea at 7.00pm in bed by 7.30-7.45pm sleeps through to 7-7.30am, has been in this routine since he was about 4 months. Got a sleeping feed at 10-11pm until he was 6-7 months.
How old is LO? 6 weeks

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in? 10 pounds, 14 ounces

How much does LO eat in each feed on average? 3-3.5 ounces every 3.5-4 hours

How many feeds per day? 7-8

How far apart are the feeds? 3.5-4 hours

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food? clockwork usually--after she starts fussing I go make her bottle, she's pretty consistent most days

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too? formula

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much? She has a cranky time in the evening and sleeps from 5-8, wakes up and we do bath, bottle (4 ounces) and bed, she sleeps until 12-1 and is up for an hour and a half and eats, up again about 5 and eats again. Sometimes she is up for the day at 5, sometimes we can get her back down until 6 or 7
How old is LO?

13 weeks

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?

13lb12 (probably about 15lb now though!)

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?

28oz of formula + boobs in a day. 7oz per bottle

How many feeds per day?

4 bottle, boob whenever

How far apart are the feeds?

4 hours (only bottle, she has boob whenever she wants it)

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?

Clockwork now she has gotten herself into a routine

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?

Boobie too

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?

7.30pm is her last feed. 8pm bedtime and she wakes up at 6am, on the boob in bed untill 8am. Don't get up atall unless her teeth are hurting.
How old is LO?

10+3 weeks

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?

10 lbs 4 (9 weeks exactly)

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?

About 90 ml, although sometimes as much as 100-120 (3-4 oz)

How many feeds per day?

I don't know, maybe 7?

How far apart are the feeds?

2-3 hours except at night when it's 4-6

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?

demand, she doesn't really cry for food but more like yells at me! lol

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?

More boob than formula. She doesn't like taking a bottle and she's a bit of a diva with formula food. She only likes Cow and Gate

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?

She used to go down around 8 and doze in bed until she finally dropped off around 10. Now however, she refuses to be put in bed until 10-11 when she is fully asleep, and is usually awake until then. Slept last night through from 11-5:30, so I'm hoping it will be a regular thing!
How old is LO?
9 n a half months

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in?
Cant even remember but hes a chunky monkey!

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?
meal + 8oz bottle + snacks

How many feeds per day?
3 - Ready Brek Made with 4oz Milk + 8oz Bottle
Lunch - Full Jar Hipp Organic Stage 2 + 8oz Bottle
Dinner - Full Jar Hipp Organic Stage 2 + 8oz bottle
Snacks of Banana, raisins, bread + butter, baby biscuits etc

How far apart are the feeds?
Breakfast 8am, Lunch 2pm, Dinner 8pm

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food?
Routine for feeds but snacks on demand

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too?
Just formula

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much?
Gets bath at half 7 and last feed at 8 down for about quarter past! doesnt usually wake up but lately been waking for dummy or playing but usually thats him til 7am!
How old is LO? 9 weeks 3 days :cloud9:

How much did LO weigh at last weigh in? 14lb

How much does LO eat in each feed on average?

How many feeds per day? 5 to 6

How far apart are the feeds?
roughly 4hours

Do you feed them like clockwork or when they cry for food? bit of both really, if she's crying for food before 4hours then i feed her, after trying to soothe her, but if she's not crying after 4hours i always feed her and she always wants it!

Exclusively formula or a bit of boobie too? exclusively formula

When do they go to sleep in the evening and how many times up and when in the night? and if sleeping through when do they have last feed and how much? LO sleeps though the night, last feed can be anything from 6 till 10pm! (which is why the 5 to 6 bottles!) she sleeps through till between 7 to 8.
This has really helped put my mind at rest with regards to how "little" i thought tabs was eating but it seems quite normal now :happydance:

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