My hubby works part time for a company and runs his own garden design business from home. Luckily, he gets 2 weeks paid paternity leave from his job and he is also taking 2 weeks leave so will be off for a month. Due to the time of year the business will be slowing down a lot so he won't have to do too much business wise either.
My hubby is also having the rest of my maternity leave when I go back to work. It's called Additional Paternity Leave, only came in from April this year. We can't afford for me to drop to Statutory Maternity pay, as I'm the main earner in our household. But we can afford for my hubby to drop to this rate as it's not much less than his part time earnings. So, I go back to work after 26 weeks, and he has the remaining 13 weeks as paid Additional Paternity Leave. He can do business jobs on the normal days he would do them, as long as it's not on days he would normally be at his other job. As he works from home it's a really good situation for us.