Honesty, i never even wanted kids! After taking care of my sisters at 12, and not just watching them, but changing the old cloth diapers with pins, to feeding them to pottytraining, well.. I didn't want anything to do with havin my own kids.
I even told dh the night I met him i didn't want kids nor ever get married! I was 24 when we met, he was only 19! Ok, so I look and act extremely young for my age, and thought he was just gonna be a "fling".
Well, i never expected to fall in love with him,nor expected him to ask me to marry him just 9wks after bein together. So after saying yes and talking our intentions over, i finally decided that if the partying days were done, i'd commit to "settling down" and wanted to start a fam of our own. We got married on our 1 ye ann of meeting, figured that was enough time if either of us changed our minds or the way we felt about each other. We didnt start trying with ds though til after a yr married, so we enjoyed just being married for almost 2 yrs.
We were established in our own apartment, with good jobs, and at 27 i had our first. We wanted 2, but didn't want kids after 30. Just my own personal thing. This lo took 10m ttc but am still 30 and she's here.
I've changed alot since 24, don't think it would of been wise for kids any younger, i was alot more careless and immature. Dh for being younger is alot more mature than me ,lol!
We own our own house now and are alot more responsible than we ever been. Everything happens for a reason, and at the perfect timing. I wouldn't change anything.