how r u going to tell..


mommy 2 kaydence
Aug 24, 2009
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people that ure prego once it happens?
who r u going to tell first other than OH?
when r u going to tell people and how?
r u going to tell extended family? if so how?

im nosy and would like to know what all of u ladies would do after we have all tried so long and hard....

------as for me other than telling my OH first i think i will tell my best friend, then my other best friend....probly over the phone as soon as it happens.
------as far as other friends i problt wont say anything untill they ask or when every1 goes out for a drink just say i cant drink
------i think im going to tell my mom by getting some baby socks and my test and put them in her sock drawr so when she goes to get her socks she will c them
------eventually extended family will be told from my mom but other than that i will probly just put it on face book once i know things r good. i have most of my fam on there

keep the PMA!
To be honest... I won't be telling many in the slightest til we are 3 months pregnant... I'd be too scared to in case we lost it...

I'd tell my mum and dad asap and my pastor/his wife who I've been talking to about it, but no one else other than my hubby until 3months +
I've confided in a couple of my friends what we're going through so OH first obviously, then my best friend, followed by my other 3 friends and of course my mum and dad and OH's parents. I'd like to keep it under wraps from anyone else until 3months+ but I bet I'll be so excited I won't be able to keep it quiet for long!!
I would tell my DH and my Mom first. I would try to hold out for at least a month before telling my bff's and 3 months or longer before telling anyone else.
I'd love to have a cute way to tell DH, but tbh it's been that long for us that think I'd either blurt it out, or he'd be there when I tested.

I wanted to wait to tell anyone really. Obviously my doc and specalst will be told on the day to make sure they sort a 7wk scan for me. Depending on how much my MIL and SIL know about where we are in the cycle etc, DH will probably tell them immediately. I'm planning a private 6wk scan as well, so once we have a scan with healthy heartbeat we'll tell FIL, my mum and both our bosses for health and safety/emergency reasons. Our best friends wll be told then. It'll become public knowledge once we've had a healthy nuchal translucancy result and 12 wk scan.
I have waited so long I probably would tell the world x
honestly i want to keep it quiet too just incase but i dont think i will be able too. eventhough i say im not going to tell i bet i will.

how do u all plan on telling people? anything cute or just over the phone/in person?
I think I will tell a few selected friends after OH and then our parents.

Anyone else I won't tell, will just wait until I'm showing and they ask or guess.

I won't be ashamed to tell people that we're pregnant with IVF, but won't tell the majority of people.

I'm not doing anything cute to tell people, I won't be that excited until I can feel baby move becuase I will just be scared to miscarry again . . .

:flower: x x x x x
people that ure prego once it happens?
who r u going to tell first other than OH?
when r u going to tell people and how?
r u going to tell extended family? if so how?

I am just going to tell them. I will tell DH, then my dad, then go down the list. I will likely not wait to tell them because whether I told them at 4w or 14w- if we are going to lose the baby, telling people wont make a difference. It makes it harder to untell, but I wouldnt wait.
I hope you don't mind me sharing this... I had it planned since October 2009 and saved it for when I did finally get my BFP. I bought a pacifier that said 'My dad rocks' on the button part. I kissed DH and slipped it into his hand when he was distracted... I will never forget the look on his face.
I had several different ways to tell him planned out with the pacifier but that was the easiest to pull off!
I already did this... So, the idea is shot for me... but I bought plain white onesies and t-shirt transfers... I put them each in gift bags with a card that had a BFP window on the front with "Guess What?" above the BFP and "Coming Soon: June, 2010" under it. Then, on the inside I asked that everyone make a personalized onesie for our baby so s/he would have something each of them made! Of course, it didn't work out, or I wouldn't be here right now... but they all kept the stuff and will use it eventually! I'm sure of that! :)
how cute lisa! and y would i mind?

megg...thats very cute too!

so who did u guys tell after OH?
We told my parents, then his.
Then a few friends . . .
God its even hard 4 me 2 think bout this coz im not sure if it'l ever happen but i'd defo only tell DH and then prob around 10 weeks id tell r immediate families and then wait until 12 week scan to tell the world.
God i just cant wait 4 that moment but hardly let myself think bout it coz everything is so uncertain.
:dust: to us al. we all deserve r :bfp:
we've conceived through IVF and the day i'd get the call from our doc i was so nervous
i handed my phone to my OH, so he knew it first hehe, then me.
and then i called my brother (who lives abroad and we had just spent a holiday with him, the day after we got home we got the news)

then we went to my parents, they knew that day was the testing day (most of my family knew lol),
so basically within a week my whole family knew.
and OH called his mom and sis.

ppl at my job know bc if you're preggers you have to quit right away, infection risks.

the only ones that don't know yet are his dad and other sister, planning on doing that this weekend.

this time we couldn't really make it a special anouncement, too bad but ok,
i guess we can make the birth anouncement special then hehe
i like to think we will all get our bfps some time or another if we keep working for it.....believe me i know its hard to think of because i am on a time limit so it seems 10 times harder than it would if we werent on a time limit...

any announcement of brining a new member of the family into the world is special....i was just wondering if anybody did anything "different" than phone calls
I have defo imagined and dreamed of so many ways of telling DH ever since we started ttc. If i ever get my :bfp: i plan 2 get a digi and wrap it up in paper or put it in gift bag and let him open it. Still wouldnt tell family til 10 wks or so and the world after 12 scan.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let it happen real soon.
plan 2 get a digi and wrap it up in paper or put it in gift bag

this is exactly what we did for my MIL and SIL, it was Easter so it was a perfect plan... and my goofy SIL opened it, thought it was a PEN of some kind, opened the cap, and proceeded to keep looking at it saying pregnant... then she realized and started screaming.... GOOF BALL..

anyhoo---- hubby will of course will be first to know- (I JUST cried and handed the test to him back in April- the first time I EVER saw a positive test) so I will probably cry again if it ever happens again :(.....

then call my mom right away---and then tell the rest of the family but this will be done in person

we will tell a few VERY VERY CLOSE friends.... everyone knows we are trying so it is not a secret and it will be obvious when we go out and I am not having a drink- :rofl: we are social butterflies :)


well we are comming into more holidays so maybe we will all get an extra little present this year! i cant imagine keeping it from almost every1 i know i most likly wont because in the chance that something does go wrong i would want ppl to be there for me and everything......

FX'd we all get our BFP's soon and good luck to u all

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