I've been focusing on eating well and treating my body better. Since DH and I have been together, I've gained some weight (he's Italian and cooks carbs, carbs, carbs where I always ate veggies and fruit mostly). Since I don't want to go on a fad diet like I would in college to fit into a dress, I'm spending more time planning good meals, trying new healthy options, trying new exercises (not just going on long runs that I hate) such a barre and hiking and biking and climbing, etc). DH has been excited to try in on these things too which I believe has made our relationship even closer. He even mentioned our sex has gotten better lately which I think is because of all the other active things we've been doing. So that feels like something we're doing together to prepare for a baby without the baby making part yet.
I also read a book a few months ago that talked about all these different stages in life that we have to wait for what we desire most; I found it really encouraging because I remember waiting to get married and feeling like my life would be complete when that happened. I remember waiting to graduate college and feeling like my life would be complete then. I remember waiting to leave home after HS and feeling like life would be complete then..but each thing would be a great accomplishment, and then a new desire comes up. This is great and part of life, but if we are always focused on what's ahead instead of what's now, we are less likely to enjoy what is now. I think there's a healthy balance, looking forward to the future, but also, looking and seeing what's great right now. Before we know it, TTC will be here which will bring along it's own troubles/excitements. Good luck!