Hugs & Positive Vibes for Imi!!!



Hey all,
Am sure you will all want to join in with me sending lots of hugs and positive vibes for imi.

She's been bleeding since she had Maddie and the past couple of days its got progressivly worse. Graham took her to the docs at 4.30, he's sent her straight to the hospital for a scan and a D&C.
Depending on whether they can scan her tonight she'll be staying in overnight.

Maddie is safe with me and i am currently worrying about using the steriliser (although have just made up a bottle and have got it right!)

So lots of positive vibes and hugs for Imi

Im confused! Why does she need a DANDC?
GET WELL SOON imi, at least Maddie is in safe hands :)
Hugs to IMI hope she's better soon. Must be a scary situation for her to be in.

Glad Maddie is safe with you though, and i'm sure you'll have lots of fun babysitting :D
She said that in labour they said that her placenta broke up?? (vicky can correct me on that if i've got that wrong! lol)
So the doc is baffled as to why they didn't D&C at the time....

He thinks it seems like retained products, will know more when G rings and updates me!
Oh I do hope shes ok! *Hugs for Imi when she gets home*

An hoping Maddie gets fed 8-[ :wink:


I knew i forgot something.....

*made bottle
*brought upstairs
..... hmmmmmm

Nah her next feed is at 7.30... she's sound asleep in the cotbed next to me at the moment

(ok she's just stirring!) Eeepp!!!

aww poor thing! After I had Ella I passed a HUGE clot and it scared the life out of me! Bet she's pretty scared right now. (((hugs))) to you Imi hope to you you back very soon
Hope shes alright and they get her sorted out.

((hugs for imi))
***imi update***

Imi's just rang before they get her settled on the ward.
They're worried about the amount that she's bleeding so they're not gonna let her come home tonight as she was hoping.

She'll be taken for a scan in the morning and they'll know from there where they're going & what they're gonna do.

More positive vibes your way im's

HayleyB said:
She said that in labour they said that her placenta broke up?? (vicky can correct me on that if i've got that wrong! lol)
So the doc is baffled as to why they didn't D&C at the time....!

thats correct, they have been saying to imi that she has to be bleeding through her clothes before they will do anything
vicky said:
thats correct, they have been saying to imi that she has to be bleeding through her clothes before they will do anything

WTF!!!! thats disgusting, stupid docs
Gruop hug for IMI
Jo said:
vicky said:
thats correct, they have been saying to imi that she has to be bleeding through her clothes before they will do anything

WTF!!!! thats disgusting, stupid docs
Gruop hug for IMI
Same reaction as Jo!! :shock:
OMG, I can't believe she's had to go through all that, it's disgusting.

I really hope she's ok, at least she has someone she trusts to look after Maddie.

Keep us updated

:( poor imi. really hope u get this sorted hun.
vicky said:
HayleyB said:
She said that in labour they said that her placenta broke up?? (vicky can correct me on that if i've got that wrong! lol)
So the doc is baffled as to why they didn't D&C at the time....!

thats correct, they have been saying to imi that she has to be bleeding through her clothes before they will do anything

OMG! she didn't tell me they said that!!
Felt so sorry for her, i think she's been playing it down for the past couple of days, i wish i'd pushed her to go to the doctors sooner!
She's just rang to see how Maddie is, she said that they're calling the doctor to come and see her ASAP as the bleeding seems to be getting worse and her uterus is right under her belly button and its palpatating.

They've also mentioned if the bleeding gets worse they may have to do a blood transfusion and a chance they'll get her in for emergency surgery tonight.

I've asked her to text me letting me know what they decide to do tonight, so i'll keep everyone posted

Oh the poor darling
make sure you give her our love, next time she calls

Thinking about her sooo much

am also so cross as docs should have piked this up sooner

has she had her 6 weeks check yet? soz can't remember how old Maddie is :oops:

anyway surley HV should have notices something as they useually check that uterous is back ok


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