Oh gosh, hun, I was in a relationship JUST like this years ago, well before I met my husband and had my daughter. I could have written something just like this myself back then...minus the bit about also having to parent through it all. It's emotional and physical abuse and no you absolutely did nothing to deserve it. It's really awful to say, but if I was in your shoes, I'd be making an exit plan now, figuring out a way that I could live and support myself without his help. It's not going to get better. These things don't magically change (unless he gets some serious help with his drinking - my ex was also an alcoholic and could go from fine to cruel in minutes when he had too much to drink - and unless he gets some therapy to deal with his anger issues). Could he change one day? Maybe. It's possible. But I wouldn't waste your life waiting around for it in case it never happen. You need to take care of you first, as well as your children, and the best thing you can do for them is to not let them grow up learning that it's okay to abuse others or being abused themselves. My parents relationship was also exactly like this (probably why I ended up someone just like my dad when I was younger!). I spend my childhood listening to my dad tell my mum that she was fat, that she ate the wrong things, that she put a glass down on the table in the wrong way, I got shouted at because apparently it was my fault when my dad spilled a whole can of paint on the lounge carpet while doing some painting simply because I'd been in the house and I annoyed him, I used to hide in the cellar and listen to my dad berate my mum and cry. It was horrible You don't deserve a life like that and your kids don't deserve that either. Not sure it's what you want to hear, but find yourself a safe way to make an exit from that relationship and be somewhere where you can take care of yourself and get back to feeling good about yourself.