I am finally in second tri!

I have a little bump. It's fairly firm at this point under my squishy inch of fat on top, so pretty sure it's real. As for when you can expect, it honestly is 'whenever'. Everyone shows at different times.
Sonny you're right!! I was sick two weeks ago, and not being able to medicate sucks, but not being able to smell everything is great! Haha... my DD's stinky diapers mostly...lol.

I look very big for only 15 weeks. It's my third so I will base it on that, and I know that I don't have any muscle on my abs after two sections and no exercise... :haha:
^^ oh me either with the muscle and I've also had two sections and on my third! I'm just wondering if maybe this one is a boy and that's the difference bc with my girls I just got big all around. Won't know for another nearly two weeks. Did you elect for your second csection or try for a vbac? Sometimes I'm slightly disappointed I never managed a "natural" as much as I hate referring to it that way. But my hospital won't allow VBACs so I'm destined to be scheduled now.
Cleck i'm on your boat, had started trying to get in shape when i got pregnant, then was too sick to continue. I gained a whopping 60lbs with DS...after he was born I settled at about a 20lb weight gain (the 40lbs fell off) but I was not cute! Far from my normal self.

This time i'm eating wayyy less sweets, but more bread :( nausea has mostly subsided which is good. I'm getting headaches on and off. Right now i've been battling a cold/congestion for about a week :(
It's hard to try and keep control of weight gain during pregnancy isn't it. As well as determining what's bump and what's food! :haha: Here is my bump from this morning at 16 weeks. Deffo looking like a bump I think! Ignore the pile of clothes, having the energy to tidy up is out of the window at the mo! :haha:


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Gigglebox- oh colds are the worst especially lingering ones. :hugs: unfortunately my weight never dropped off at all. You'd think having a 7 lb baby and the placenta and water going away would take away some of the weight. :rofl: my mistake was continuing to overeat bc I got in the mindset that I needed more in pregnancy and than I never changed the habits after. So I'm still paying for it but trying my darndest to not make that mistake this time. We shall see bc breastfeeding makes me SO hungry so it'll be a challenge. :haha:

Soph- your little bump is so cute!! :flower:
It is so hard not to overeat when pg though isn't it! I am feeling so hungry lately but trying to pace myself and eat relatively healthy! Although I have a slight addiction to mozzarella sticks at the moment - they are going down by the bucket load! :haha:

Do you ladies have man cravings?
It is so hard not to overeat when pg though isn't it! I am feeling so hungry lately but trying to pace myself and eat relatively healthy! Although I have a slight addiction to mozzarella sticks at the moment - they are going down by the bucket load! :haha:

Do you ladies have man cravings?

What's a man craving?

Mostly I don't crave stuff much (except a juicy steak at the moment :cry:) but I do feel way more interested in eating fruits or veggies lately.
I've not really been craving much either. I'm really enjoying tinned fruit but I don't think I'd be sad if I couldn't have them one day! The weirdest thing for me is that chocolate/biscuits/cake suddenly don't taste nice at all?! I keep nibbling a bit of chocolate to see if I've changed my mind but nope, tastes mediocre! So peculiar! Anyone else gone off sweet stuff?

Eating is tough in pregnancy. For me, it's still linked to nausea. You will most likely find me with a cracker in my hand at all times. I just seem to have to eat 24/7 to get through the day!
^^ oh me either with the muscle and I've also had two sections and on my third! I'm just wondering if maybe this one is a boy and that's the difference bc with my girls I just got big all around. Won't know for another nearly two weeks. Did you elect for your second csection or try for a vbac? Sometimes I'm slightly disappointed I never managed a "natural" as much as I hate referring to it that way. But my hospital won't allow VBACs so I'm destined to be scheduled now.

My second was elective because the gap between my two was 16mths and my OB highly recommended another section because I tend to have big babies... (not huge 8+ lbs, but they have big heads...lol) so my DH and I decided together. I don't regret it, turns out DD2 had a heart defect and a vaginal birth could have really done damage, so I'm glad we made that decision in the end. She is healthy and 100% heart function now... so we're all good. Section #3 for me... :flower:
Man craving like....bd? Because yes. I've jumped hubs the past 3 our of 4 nights, and as it turns out, multiple O's are super easy to achieve right now :blush: i was sex crazy with DS for a few weeks but it wasn't until I was closer to the 22 week mark or so.

Cleck don't let me fool you, i completely lost my appetite after birth and ate nothing but jello whilst recovering in the hospital, then was mildly ill for a week or two, plus my milk supply was low so i could barely feed baby (that's a story for another day) so i didn't get the breastfeeding hunger. Plus i was sooooooooooo swollen right before birth. My friend said i looked like a sumo wrestler! Looking at my pictures...it's crazy. I was seriously unrecognizable.

dS was a csection, and this one will probably also be one. I've heard too many horror stories of people's vaginas post birth and scar tissue and a friend of mine recently had a terrible vbac experience so i'm scared out of doing it!

Headache tonight again. Can't wait for that to be over!
Man Cravings! :haha::haha: I meant to say many cravings! :dohh: I do have man cravings too though - my OH calls me a pest! :haha:

Sonny - I usually have a massive sweet tooth but I am going off it too. It just isn't as satisfying these days!

Tishy sounds like the section was a blessing in disguise, glad DD is okay! :hugs:

I had a vaginal birth with DD so will hopefully be doing the same this time round if all goes well. Although I had a dream last night that baby wasn't in the right position so I was getting prepped for a section! If it is a vaginal birth I am hoping it doesn't get too damaged in the process! :haha:

Giggle hope your headache has subsided! :hugs:
Omg hahahhahahahahhaha look at you accidentally making me confess about my man cravings lmao :haha:

Headache is gone this morning :thumbup:

Soph, how was the vag delivery experience?

Anyone have experience with vbac?
Hahahahaha you obviously wanted to get it off your chest! :haha: but don't worry I am there with you! :sex:

Glad your headache is gone, I've got some 4head stuff for when I get them but it isn't the best! Ummm it was relatively okay touch wood, was in labour for 2 and half hours altogether so I had it quite easy (touch wood again so this one is the same) once the head was through the rest was easy, a bit sore after obviously. DDs sperm donor left whilst I was pregnant so obviously I can't really comment on my before and after vag but OH is very happy with it! :haha:
Sonny- I'm pretty much off sweets too. I've had maybe three times so far this pregnancy that I thought 'oh that candy sounds good' but it's always just 'meh' in the end.

Tishy- well I'm glad you didn't get a VBAC than if it could've hurt your daughter. I think God knew what he was doing with that one. I do find the elective was much easier than the emergency one was. I'm thankful I just know the day I'm having the baby and it's all pretty much planned out and recovery was much quicker with planned. I do worry bc this particular dr uses staples to close whereas last time it was surgical glue and had virtually no pain didn't even need a single pain med.

Soph- I have had random cravings but nothing that is regular. In the last week I've craved smoked salmon so I made a salmon/egg sandwich on Monday. But I know too much can be bad so I'm trying to fight the urge. :haha: although if you put sushi in front of me I wouldn't say no.

Gigglebox- :rofl: at man cravings. I, too, am getting my fill in that area. :rofl: I always have a sky high sex drive though even when not pregnant but my OH loves when I'm pregnant so he is friskier than usual. :haha:

And about the vag vs section deliveries. I always joke that at least I didn't blow out my vagina. :rofl: Anything to make myself feel better but I would've definitely preferred the natural route just to see if I could if that makes sense. But the sections already ruined my stomach with my lovely 'mommy apron' at the incision line so might as well not risk the vaginal trauma that could potentially happen.
Just finished my 16w appointment. He acted concerned about the weight loss bc I said I'm still throwing up every morning but once he realized I'm just not eating chips and cookies and junk anymore he settled down and said oh that's wonderful you can continue on and gave the ok to start exercising bc I was worried about that. In July I had started up jogging right around my BFP and than I miscarried so this time I've been paranoid. But I can start up walking and progress to jogging if I continue to get fitter and he said it makes him worry less about the csection and recovery and such bc I will be healthier for it! I'm so happy. I was waiting for him to yell about the loss bc I've heard some Drs really frown on it.
That's my goal now too, now that I feel better I'm going to start up with walking again. Hoping to go on a hike with DS after lunch today :thumbup: even had one of my healthy smoothies for breakfast which I haven't been able to do :dance:
Gigglebox that's great! We can motivate each other! :D have you ever heard of geocaching? It's what I did most of the summer and it involves lots of hiking and random walking to find caches. It's awesome to do with kids and a really fun way to get exercise without realizing you are even exercising. :haha:
Yes! I have heard of it. I never joined though 'cause of the enrollment fee. I'll have to look again though...there's so much hiking around here, I bet there are caches all over the place. What's the best object you've found?
I once had to hike through weeds twice the height of me in this field and it was so hot and the ground was mushy so I kept sinking and the cache was at the base of this dead tree in the middle of it all. Inside I found a 5" GI Joe. :rofl: I was tickled with that one and it's probably one of my favorite finds bc I really had to work to get to it and a GI Joe is a decent prize compared to some of it. I have a shadow box with a map as the background and I put some of my favorite prizes in there. I personally bought a bunch of toy prizes from oriental trading and that is what we pass out but eventually I want to make something to pass out so it's more personal.

I recommend paying for premium. My main thought on it was I have spent a lot more on a lot dumber and it's $29 dollars and gas money for a summer full of memories with my family. And the membership lasts a year. We haven't went out in a while bc I've been so tired but now that I'm losing that first trimester exhaustion I'd like to go more before it snows. I got my parents into it as well so now they have something they can enjoy together bc they get in ruts with each other. The teamwork aspect is good for a relationship and great to teach the kids. My 3 year old will randomly ask if we can go caching. :haha:

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