I call thee ... Team Kokopelli ..

i gotta give some to my hubby.. he always falls asleep on me.. seriously WAKE UP!!! we r doing it!
Lea - sorry your DH is being such a pain - bloody men eh??!! :hugs: xx

I know exactly where you are coming from. My boyfriend is exactly the same so I have been tcc secretly :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I got pregnant accidentally in May but miscarried and straight afterwards he said we could try again straight after my next AF. By which time he had told me we were not ready emotionally within our relationship to have kids yet. I'm 37 and he's 30 so he has a lot more time than me. Needless to say I got hysterical which didn't help. Like you said I couldn't believe he had got my hopes up only to dash them again. He even told me to carry on with folic acid and not to eat soft cheese etc! The next time I O'd I managed to get some well timed BDing in but a couple of times he got stroppy with me and we didn't finish. Again, hysterics.

However this last cycle (I am 2dpo) we have been getting on really well and were in Italy pre O time and managed to BD once a day for 4 days. Last night we were both a bit tipsy and I asked if we could start making babies and he replied that he thought we already had. News to me that we both were! I told him that we had done everything right this month so I could be pg and he was pleased. I will never understand men :dohh:

In a nutshell I think guys will deal with whatever happens but actually planning ttc or even talking about it scares the living daylights out of them. So I'm making small steps in the right direction but still don't want to frighten him with my thermometer and pee sticks!!! That would be far too much :laugh2: The only thing I would like would be for us to be able to talk about it but if I get pg with our baby we will be doing that together all the way.

Good luck with your hubby, I am sure he will come round.


My husband asks constantly if it's time to make a baby...
Pux = My DF is the same too. I guess we are lucky, although he's the one encouraging me to POAS straight after OV :rofl: :rofl: Like I need anymore excuses to POAS :rofl::rofl:Bless them.
Bwhaha, my DH is the same....I walk past the bedroom and he is like ooooooo is it BD time? He is happy to donate to the cause...

Still BFN, no hint of a line....now 1 week 1 day late.
Mine has been more involved then I thought he would be. Always asking questions to see how my temp is, if i'm O'ing yet.
My oh knows more about my cycles than i do... he drags me up stairs when he knows im ov'in
is he a mind reader or summat? :rofl:
Moose - Did you OPK last month hun??? As of you OV'd later than you thought you might not show :bfp: for a few days more. Maybe pop to Docs and ask for a blood test if you dont get :bfp: or :witch: in a few more days. Best of luck sweetie!! Ive my fingers crossed for you xxx
K i want my name with the little sign :( LOL whos making them i want one with Heather!!
Hi Mariucha

Hope that all is going well with your pregnancy hunny!!! Have you got a scan date yet?? Cant wait to see a kokopelli baby!!
Hi ladies!!

Hope you all had a fab weekend!! I got some practice sessions in :wohoo:!!
Hi Girls, how are we all, nearly O time for a lot of us then, i am keeping my fingers crossed i don't O until at least Friday or I will miss it. Feel very calm this cycle!
Hi krissi,

Ive got another 6 days to go b4 OV time but we've managed to get a couple of practice sessions in!!
I'm 2 days before (possible) O so I'm going from practicing-to doing!!! And then the dreadful TWW.... :p
Hello all! I've had a busy weekend. I think I O'd Friday and from both ovaries. I had O pain on both sides. I'll just be happy having 1 baby tho! I added a temp for tomorrow tho just to see what ff would say and it said I O'd Saturday. It put in the next day as O day back in July when I know I actually O'd the day before. It is so weird ff would do that, but its only by a day so its fine. We :sex: on Friday night so hopefully we were able to catch the egg. I'll know in about 2 weeks when the :witch: doesn't show. So I'm in the 2ww now. I wish all of you GL and baby/sticky :dust:
Pux - I can't wait to see your :bfp: piccies!! Good luck hun

Mom2pne - looks like you have got some clever :sex: sessions Good luck with your :bfp:

Farie - Come on Mr storkey stop getting lost and find faires house..... puuurleaaase!!

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