I can’t believe I’m back here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2014
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So, my daughter is 3 years old. And I’ve been adamant that I never wanted to have another child. One is enough, it’s hard, I feel trapped, I feel like it’s impossible to do anything or have an ounce of freedom, and I didn’t want to start over.
I’ve been talking with my Dr about actually putting clamps on my tubes. I’m only 27 with one child, so that’s a hard sell, but I had him almost on board. Then I was discussing it with my DH, and suddenly we’re TTC.
We thought that if we had another baby, we would never regret that child but we might regret not having more than one. But if we’re going to start over, I want to do it now rather than later. I don’t want to get to a point where I finally have some freedom back with dd and THEN start over. So we’ve decided to give it a year. If we have one, we have one. If dd turns 4 and we’re not pregnant, then we’ll call it not meant to be and get my tubes tied. I don’t want to have a baby after 30. I want to be finished raising my kids while I’m still relatively young.

So here we are, and actually now that the decision is made, I’m a little excited about it!!
Excellent plan, good luck! :)

Thank you!! It helps to hear that from someone unbiased. It feels like messy logic, but it’s better than just “I don’t know.” Besides, nothing about having kids is logical anyway. :wacko:
I promise you that it gets easier. You will have more free time then you think and 18 years goes super fast. I feel like I had my two kids yesterday and they are close in age (9 and 7). It all has gone so fast! So fast! I had the same thoughts as you. That I didn't want to have any more kids (I always knew I wanted 2) but I also didn't have the most supportive partner for my kids and I did everything on my own and still have up until a lil bit ago when I got with the man I was meant to be with and he started helping taking over some of the work. He has no children so I am attempting (After much consideration) to have one for him. I am 31.. I HAD My kids around age 21 for the same exact thought as you that I would be able to do what ever I want by 40 but I have a feeling that isn't exactly how it works. Those kids will still need me and by that point I will still want to be around them as much as possible too. Good luck with everything and sorry about the long post! HAHA!

Welcome! I would tend to agree with HopingforNumber3. I myself have two children ages 11.5 and 10 as of yesterday lol. I am turning 31 on the 28th of this month and Ever since my youngest was born I was certain that I was fine with two and i did not plan on wanting anymore children. Fast forward to today 10 years later, and I am now in a wonderful relationship with an amazing man, getting ready to marry, and the subject of kids is no longer off limits. If anything, I find the desire for another child strong. I didn't see myself hoping for a 3rd but here I am. I had no issues with my first two as I was under 21 by the time they were both born, but here I am at 30 and it seems like I am having trouble this go round. I tend to beat myself up now saying I shouldn't have waited so long to start trying, especially since he and I have now been together for almost 7 years, thinking maybe if I wasn't so indecisive it would have happened sooner. I remind myself every day that good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to hear more on your journey to #2 :baby:
I promise you that it gets easier. You will have more free time then you think and 18 years goes super fast. I feel like I had my two kids yesterday and they are close in age (9 and 7). It all has gone so fast! So fast! I had the same thoughts as you. That I didn't want to have any more kids (I always knew I wanted 2) but I also didn't have the most supportive partner for my kids and I did everything on my own and still have up until a lil bit ago when I got with the man I was meant to be with and he started helping taking over some of the work. He has no children so I am attempting (After much consideration) to have one for him. I am 31.. I HAD My kids around age 21 for the same exact thought as you that I would be able to do what ever I want by 40 but I have a feeling that isn't exactly how it works. Those kids will still need me and by that point I will still want to be around them as much as possible too. Good luck with everything and sorry about the long post! HAHA!

No, thank you for sharing!!! I know my kids will always need me, but being an adult child to my mom I see how it’s easier to enjoy experiences WITH them when they’re older. And you can be alone too and not have to worry about them because they’re self-sufficient.

Welcome! I would tend to agree with HopingforNumber3. I myself have two children ages 11.5 and 10 as of yesterday lol. I am turning 31 on the 28th of this month and Ever since my youngest was born I was certain that I was fine with two and i did not plan on wanting anymore children. Fast forward to today 10 years later, and I am now in a wonderful relationship with an amazing man, getting ready to marry, and the subject of kids is no longer off limits. If anything, I find the desire for another child strong. I didn't see myself hoping for a 3rd but here I am. I had no issues with my first two as I was under 21 by the time they were both born, but here I am at 30 and it seems like I am having trouble this go round. I tend to beat myself up now saying I shouldn't have waited so long to start trying, especially since he and I have now been together for almost 7 years, thinking maybe if I wasn't so indecisive it would have happened sooner. I remind myself every day that good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to hear more on your journey to #2 :baby:

Awww, best of luck to you. Isn’t it funny how we can be SO against the idea, only to suddenly be so hopeful??? Fate is so fickle that way.

Welcome! I would tend to agree with HopingforNumber3. I myself have two children ages 11.5 and 10 as of yesterday lol. I am turning 31 on the 28th of this month and Ever since my youngest was born I was certain that I was fine with two and i did not plan on wanting anymore children. Fast forward to today 10 years later, and I am now in a wonderful relationship with an amazing man, getting ready to marry, and the subject of kids is no longer off limits. If anything, I find the desire for another child strong. I didn't see myself hoping for a 3rd but here I am. I had no issues with my first two as I was under 21 by the time they were both born, but here I am at 30 and it seems like I am having trouble this go round. I tend to beat myself up now saying I shouldn't have waited so long to start trying, especially since he and I have now been together for almost 7 years, thinking maybe if I wasn't so indecisive it would have happened sooner. I remind myself every day that good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to hear more on your journey to #2 :baby:

Awww, best of luck to you. Isn’t it funny how we can be SO against the idea, only to suddenly be so hopeful??? Fate is so fickle that way.

It's quite funny! I never thought I would want anymore, but now that I am trying, the idea of negative hpts is heartbreaking. I was young when my children were conceived, and both were unexpected surprises lol. now at 30 years old I find myself having a strong desire for a child with my so. I find myself wanting to experience the whole pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing stage at this point in my life beacause I feel like I will be able to appreciate it more since I've grown and matured from that 19 year old girl delivering her first baby. It also doesn't help when my 10 year old begs constantly for a baby sis/bro, and I am the only parent able to provide her with that lol. Their father had a vasectomy after having a 3rd with the kids stepmother. I also noticed on another post that you are 8dpo today! I am 7 dpo myself. We seem to be cycle buddies!!

Welcome! I would tend to agree with HopingforNumber3. I myself have two children ages 11.5 and 10 as of yesterday lol. I am turning 31 on the 28th of this month and Ever since my youngest was born I was certain that I was fine with two and i did not plan on wanting anymore children. Fast forward to today 10 years later, and I am now in a wonderful relationship with an amazing man, getting ready to marry, and the subject of kids is no longer off limits. If anything, I find the desire for another child strong. I didn't see myself hoping for a 3rd but here I am. I had no issues with my first two as I was under 21 by the time they were both born, but here I am at 30 and it seems like I am having trouble this go round. I tend to beat myself up now saying I shouldn't have waited so long to start trying, especially since he and I have now been together for almost 7 years, thinking maybe if I wasn't so indecisive it would have happened sooner. I remind myself every day that good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to hear more on your journey to #2 :baby:

Awww, best of luck to you. Isn’t it funny how we can be SO against the idea, only to suddenly be so hopeful??? Fate is so fickle that way.

It's quite funny! I never thought I would want anymore, but now that I am trying, the idea of negative hpts is heartbreaking. I was young when my children were conceived, and both were unexpected surprises lol. now at 30 years old I find myself having a strong desire for a child with my so. I find myself wanting to experience the whole pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing stage at this point in my life beacause I feel like I will be able to appreciate it more since I've grown and matured from that 19 year old girl delivering her first baby. It also doesn't help when my 10 year old begs constantly for a baby sis/bro, and I am the only parent able to provide her with that lol. Their father had a vasectomy after having a 3rd with the kids stepmother. I also noticed on another post that you are 8dpo today! I am 7 dpo myself. We seem to be cycle buddies!!

Yay!! Here’s hoping for bump buddies!!!

Welcome! I would tend to agree with HopingforNumber3. I myself have two children ages 11.5 and 10 as of yesterday lol. I am turning 31 on the 28th of this month and Ever since my youngest was born I was certain that I was fine with two and i did not plan on wanting anymore children. Fast forward to today 10 years later, and I am now in a wonderful relationship with an amazing man, getting ready to marry, and the subject of kids is no longer off limits. If anything, I find the desire for another child strong. I didn't see myself hoping for a 3rd but here I am. I had no issues with my first two as I was under 21 by the time they were both born, but here I am at 30 and it seems like I am having trouble this go round. I tend to beat myself up now saying I shouldn't have waited so long to start trying, especially since he and I have now been together for almost 7 years, thinking maybe if I wasn't so indecisive it would have happened sooner. I remind myself every day that good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to hear more on your journey to #2 :baby:

Awww, best of luck to you. Isn’t it funny how we can be SO against the idea, only to suddenly be so hopeful??? Fate is so fickle that way.

It's quite funny! I never thought I would want anymore, but now that I am trying, the idea of negative hpts is heartbreaking. I was young when my children were conceived, and both were unexpected surprises lol. now at 30 years old I find myself having a strong desire for a child with my so. I find myself wanting to experience the whole pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing stage at this point in my life beacause I feel like I will be able to appreciate it more since I've grown and matured from that 19 year old girl delivering her first baby. It also doesn't help when my 10 year old begs constantly for a baby sis/bro, and I am the only parent able to provide her with that lol. Their father had a vasectomy after having a 3rd with the kids stepmother. I also noticed on another post that you are 8dpo today! I am 7 dpo myself. We seem to be cycle buddies!!

Yay!! Here’s hoping for bump buddies!!!

YAY! :dust: for the both of us!! How are you feeling today? I am 8 DPO and my temp went right back up to 99F this am after dipping to 98.6F yesterday. I am hoping that its implantation, because that would be a good reason for the back pain these past 2 days!!

Welcome! I would tend to agree with HopingforNumber3. I myself have two children ages 11.5 and 10 as of yesterday lol. I am turning 31 on the 28th of this month and Ever since my youngest was born I was certain that I was fine with two and i did not plan on wanting anymore children. Fast forward to today 10 years later, and I am now in a wonderful relationship with an amazing man, getting ready to marry, and the subject of kids is no longer off limits. If anything, I find the desire for another child strong. I didn't see myself hoping for a 3rd but here I am. I had no issues with my first two as I was under 21 by the time they were both born, but here I am at 30 and it seems like I am having trouble this go round. I tend to beat myself up now saying I shouldn't have waited so long to start trying, especially since he and I have now been together for almost 7 years, thinking maybe if I wasn't so indecisive it would have happened sooner. I remind myself every day that good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to hear more on your journey to #2 :baby:

Awww, best of luck to you. Isn’t it funny how we can be SO against the idea, only to suddenly be so hopeful??? Fate is so fickle that way.

It's quite funny! I never thought I would want anymore, but now that I am trying, the idea of negative hpts is heartbreaking. I was young when my children were conceived, and both were unexpected surprises lol. now at 30 years old I find myself having a strong desire for a child with my so. I find myself wanting to experience the whole pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing stage at this point in my life beacause I feel like I will be able to appreciate it more since I've grown and matured from that 19 year old girl delivering her first baby. It also doesn't help when my 10 year old begs constantly for a baby sis/bro, and I am the only parent able to provide her with that lol. Their father had a vasectomy after having a 3rd with the kids stepmother. I also noticed on another post that you are 8dpo today! I am 7 dpo myself. We seem to be cycle buddies!!

Yay!! Here’s hoping for bump buddies!!!

YAY! :dust: for the both of us!! How are you feeling today? I am 8 DPO and my temp went right back up to 99F this am after dipping to 98.6F yesterday. I am hoping that its implantation, because that would be a good reason for the back pain these past 2 days!!

Fx for you!!! I don’t know how I’m feeling. I wake up every day with this mild queasiness and the past couple days I’ve started to get a little baggy. I remember gagging a lot with nausea with dd but not much vomiting. Still getting negatives though. I’m 10dpo today and I’m not buying any more tests until at least Thursday. I can’t test every day like this, it’s ridiculous. Gotta put my big girl panties on and make myself wait. How are you?? Any symptoms?? I’m also ill as a hornet. :growlmad: Im sure my coworkers appreciate the attitude today.

Welcome! I would tend to agree with HopingforNumber3. I myself have two children ages 11.5 and 10 as of yesterday lol. I am turning 31 on the 28th of this month and Ever since my youngest was born I was certain that I was fine with two and i did not plan on wanting anymore children. Fast forward to today 10 years later, and I am now in a wonderful relationship with an amazing man, getting ready to marry, and the subject of kids is no longer off limits. If anything, I find the desire for another child strong. I didn't see myself hoping for a 3rd but here I am. I had no issues with my first two as I was under 21 by the time they were both born, but here I am at 30 and it seems like I am having trouble this go round. I tend to beat myself up now saying I shouldn't have waited so long to start trying, especially since he and I have now been together for almost 7 years, thinking maybe if I wasn't so indecisive it would have happened sooner. I remind myself every day that good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to hear more on your journey to #2 :baby:

Awww, best of luck to you. Isn’t it funny how we can be SO against the idea, only to suddenly be so hopeful??? Fate is so fickle that way.

It's quite funny! I never thought I would want anymore, but now that I am trying, the idea of negative hpts is heartbreaking. I was young when my children were conceived, and both were unexpected surprises lol. now at 30 years old I find myself having a strong desire for a child with my so. I find myself wanting to experience the whole pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing stage at this point in my life beacause I feel like I will be able to appreciate it more since I've grown and matured from that 19 year old girl delivering her first baby. It also doesn't help when my 10 year old begs constantly for a baby sis/bro, and I am the only parent able to provide her with that lol. Their father had a vasectomy after having a 3rd with the kids stepmother. I also noticed on another post that you are 8dpo today! I am 7 dpo myself. We seem to be cycle buddies!!

Yay!! Here’s hoping for bump buddies!!!

YAY! :dust: for the both of us!! How are you feeling today? I am 8 DPO and my temp went right back up to 99F this am after dipping to 98.6F yesterday. I am hoping that its implantation, because that would be a good reason for the back pain these past 2 days!!

Fx for you!!! I don’t know how I’m feeling. I wake up every day with this mild queasiness and the past couple days I’ve started to get a little baggy. I remember gagging a lot with nausea with dd but not much vomiting. Still getting negatives though. I’m 10dpo today and I’m not buying any more tests until at least Thursday. I can’t test every day like this, it’s ridiculous. Gotta put my big girl panties on and make myself wait. How are you?? Any symptoms?? I’m also ill as a hornet. :growlmad: Im sure my coworkers appreciate the attitude today.

I too have become a little queasy in the morning as soon as I open my eyes. I gag while brushing my teeth then the queasiness fades :rolleyes: it is quite annoying. I am not feeling too much today. I had gas this am when waking and my temp went back up. I am hoping few signs is a good sign lol. After reading the TWW symptoms I learned most women said that their boobs were their first sign which would normally make me feel out, but I remind myself that with my first two children I didn't notice any boob changes until 6-8 weeks at which point i wanted to rip them off :rofl:

Welcome! I would tend to agree with HopingforNumber3. I myself have two children ages 11.5 and 10 as of yesterday lol. I am turning 31 on the 28th of this month and Ever since my youngest was born I was certain that I was fine with two and i did not plan on wanting anymore children. Fast forward to today 10 years later, and I am now in a wonderful relationship with an amazing man, getting ready to marry, and the subject of kids is no longer off limits. If anything, I find the desire for another child strong. I didn't see myself hoping for a 3rd but here I am. I had no issues with my first two as I was under 21 by the time they were both born, but here I am at 30 and it seems like I am having trouble this go round. I tend to beat myself up now saying I shouldn't have waited so long to start trying, especially since he and I have now been together for almost 7 years, thinking maybe if I wasn't so indecisive it would have happened sooner. I remind myself every day that good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to hear more on your journey to #2 :baby:

Awww, best of luck to you. Isn’t it funny how we can be SO against the idea, only to suddenly be so hopeful??? Fate is so fickle that way.

It's quite funny! I never thought I would want anymore, but now that I am trying, the idea of negative hpts is heartbreaking. I was young when my children were conceived, and both were unexpected surprises lol. now at 30 years old I find myself having a strong desire for a child with my so. I find myself wanting to experience the whole pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing stage at this point in my life beacause I feel like I will be able to appreciate it more since I've grown and matured from that 19 year old girl delivering her first baby. It also doesn't help when my 10 year old begs constantly for a baby sis/bro, and I am the only parent able to provide her with that lol. Their father had a vasectomy after having a 3rd with the kids stepmother. I also noticed on another post that you are 8dpo today! I am 7 dpo myself. We seem to be cycle buddies!!

Yay!! Here’s hoping for bump buddies!!!

YAY! :dust: for the both of us!! How are you feeling today? I am 8 DPO and my temp went right back up to 99F this am after dipping to 98.6F yesterday. I am hoping that its implantation, because that would be a good reason for the back pain these past 2 days!!

Fx for you!!! I don’t know how I’m feeling. I wake up every day with this mild queasiness and the past couple days I’ve started to get a little baggy. I remember gagging a lot with nausea with dd but not much vomiting. Still getting negatives though. I’m 10dpo today and I’m not buying any more tests until at least Thursday. I can’t test every day like this, it’s ridiculous. Gotta put my big girl panties on and make myself wait. How are you?? Any symptoms?? I’m also ill as a hornet. :growlmad: Im sure my coworkers appreciate the attitude today.

I too have become a little queasy in the morning as soon as I open my eyes. I gag while brushing my teeth then the queasiness fades :rolleyes: it is quite annoying. I am not feeling too much today. I had gas this am when waking and my temp went back up. I am hoping few signs is a good sign lol. After reading the TWW symptoms I learned most women said that their boobs were their first sign which would normally make me feel out, but I remind myself that with my first two children I didn't notice any boob changes until 6-8 weeks at which point i wanted to rip them off :rofl:

Yeah, I’m reminding myself a lot of things. Lol. So when will you test??

Welcome! I would tend to agree with HopingforNumber3. I myself have two children ages 11.5 and 10 as of yesterday lol. I am turning 31 on the 28th of this month and Ever since my youngest was born I was certain that I was fine with two and i did not plan on wanting anymore children. Fast forward to today 10 years later, and I am now in a wonderful relationship with an amazing man, getting ready to marry, and the subject of kids is no longer off limits. If anything, I find the desire for another child strong. I didn't see myself hoping for a 3rd but here I am. I had no issues with my first two as I was under 21 by the time they were both born, but here I am at 30 and it seems like I am having trouble this go round. I tend to beat myself up now saying I shouldn't have waited so long to start trying, especially since he and I have now been together for almost 7 years, thinking maybe if I wasn't so indecisive it would have happened sooner. I remind myself every day that good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to hear more on your journey to #2 :baby:

Awww, best of luck to you. Isn’t it funny how we can be SO against the idea, only to suddenly be so hopeful??? Fate is so fickle that way.

It's quite funny! I never thought I would want anymore, but now that I am trying, the idea of negative hpts is heartbreaking. I was young when my children were conceived, and both were unexpected surprises lol. now at 30 years old I find myself having a strong desire for a child with my so. I find myself wanting to experience the whole pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing stage at this point in my life beacause I feel like I will be able to appreciate it more since I've grown and matured from that 19 year old girl delivering her first baby. It also doesn't help when my 10 year old begs constantly for a baby sis/bro, and I am the only parent able to provide her with that lol. Their father had a vasectomy after having a 3rd with the kids stepmother. I also noticed on another post that you are 8dpo today! I am 7 dpo myself. We seem to be cycle buddies!!

Yay!! Here’s hoping for bump buddies!!!

YAY! :dust: for the both of us!! How are you feeling today? I am 8 DPO and my temp went right back up to 99F this am after dipping to 98.6F yesterday. I am hoping that its implantation, because that would be a good reason for the back pain these past 2 days!!

Fx for you!!! I don’t know how I’m feeling. I wake up every day with this mild queasiness and the past couple days I’ve started to get a little baggy. I remember gagging a lot with nausea with dd but not much vomiting. Still getting negatives though. I’m 10dpo today and I’m not buying any more tests until at least Thursday. I can’t test every day like this, it’s ridiculous. Gotta put my big girl panties on and make myself wait. How are you?? Any symptoms?? I’m also ill as a hornet. :growlmad: Im sure my coworkers appreciate the attitude today.

I too have become a little queasy in the morning as soon as I open my eyes. I gag while brushing my teeth then the queasiness fades :rolleyes: it is quite annoying. I am not feeling too much today. I had gas this am when waking and my temp went back up. I am hoping few signs is a good sign lol. After reading the TWW symptoms I learned most women said that their boobs were their first sign which would normally make me feel out, but I remind myself that with my first two children I didn't notice any boob changes until 6-8 weeks at which point i wanted to rip them off :rofl:

Yeah, I’m reminding myself a lot of things. Lol. So when will you test??

I am still trying to hold out until july 15th so Sunday. that will make me 12dpo and i typically have an 11 day luteal phase. Hoping the b vitamins have helped. As long as I see my temps stay high i will stay optimistic lol

Welcome! I would tend to agree with HopingforNumber3. I myself have two children ages 11.5 and 10 as of yesterday lol. I am turning 31 on the 28th of this month and Ever since my youngest was born I was certain that I was fine with two and i did not plan on wanting anymore children. Fast forward to today 10 years later, and I am now in a wonderful relationship with an amazing man, getting ready to marry, and the subject of kids is no longer off limits. If anything, I find the desire for another child strong. I didn't see myself hoping for a 3rd but here I am. I had no issues with my first two as I was under 21 by the time they were both born, but here I am at 30 and it seems like I am having trouble this go round. I tend to beat myself up now saying I shouldn't have waited so long to start trying, especially since he and I have now been together for almost 7 years, thinking maybe if I wasn't so indecisive it would have happened sooner. I remind myself every day that good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to hear more on your journey to #2 :baby:

Awww, best of luck to you. Isn’t it funny how we can be SO against the idea, only to suddenly be so hopeful??? Fate is so fickle that way.

It's quite funny! I never thought I would want anymore, but now that I am trying, the idea of negative hpts is heartbreaking. I was young when my children were conceived, and both were unexpected surprises lol. now at 30 years old I find myself having a strong desire for a child with my so. I find myself wanting to experience the whole pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing stage at this point in my life beacause I feel like I will be able to appreciate it more since I've grown and matured from that 19 year old girl delivering her first baby. It also doesn't help when my 10 year old begs constantly for a baby sis/bro, and I am the only parent able to provide her with that lol. Their father had a vasectomy after having a 3rd with the kids stepmother. I also noticed on another post that you are 8dpo today! I am 7 dpo myself. We seem to be cycle buddies!!

Yay!! Here’s hoping for bump buddies!!!

YAY! :dust: for the both of us!! How are you feeling today? I am 8 DPO and my temp went right back up to 99F this am after dipping to 98.6F yesterday. I am hoping that its implantation, because that would be a good reason for the back pain these past 2 days!!

Fx for you!!! I don’t know how I’m feeling. I wake up every day with this mild queasiness and the past couple days I’ve started to get a little baggy. I remember gagging a lot with nausea with dd but not much vomiting. Still getting negatives though. I’m 10dpo today and I’m not buying any more tests until at least Thursday. I can’t test every day like this, it’s ridiculous. Gotta put my big girl panties on and make myself wait. How are you?? Any symptoms?? I’m also ill as a hornet. :growlmad: Im sure my coworkers appreciate the attitude today.

I too have become a little queasy in the morning as soon as I open my eyes. I gag while brushing my teeth then the queasiness fades :rolleyes: it is quite annoying. I am not feeling too much today. I had gas this am when waking and my temp went back up. I am hoping few signs is a good sign lol. After reading the TWW symptoms I learned most women said that their boobs were their first sign which would normally make me feel out, but I remind myself that with my first two children I didn't notice any boob changes until 6-8 weeks at which point i wanted to rip them off :rofl:

Yeah, I’m reminding myself a lot of things. Lol. So when will you test??

I am still trying to hold out until july 15th so Sunday. that will make me 12dpo and i typically have an 11 day luteal phase. Hoping the b vitamins have helped. As long as I see my temps stay high i will stay optimistic lol

That's what I need to do myself. That's the day I expect AF also. I don't temp or anything, we weren't even considering a child until literally the day we bd'd. :dohh: With dd, we talked about it too late after I o'd the first month, but got pg the second month so I don't worry that I'll have too much trouble this time around. I just need to KNOW!!! I know I need to wait till the weekend to test, but I'm sure I will end up doing it tomorrow at the latest.

Welcome! I would tend to agree with HopingforNumber3. I myself have two children ages 11.5 and 10 as of yesterday lol. I am turning 31 on the 28th of this month and Ever since my youngest was born I was certain that I was fine with two and i did not plan on wanting anymore children. Fast forward to today 10 years later, and I am now in a wonderful relationship with an amazing man, getting ready to marry, and the subject of kids is no longer off limits. If anything, I find the desire for another child strong. I didn't see myself hoping for a 3rd but here I am. I had no issues with my first two as I was under 21 by the time they were both born, but here I am at 30 and it seems like I am having trouble this go round. I tend to beat myself up now saying I shouldn't have waited so long to start trying, especially since he and I have now been together for almost 7 years, thinking maybe if I wasn't so indecisive it would have happened sooner. I remind myself every day that good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to hear more on your journey to #2 :baby:

Awww, best of luck to you. Isn’t it funny how we can be SO against the idea, only to suddenly be so hopeful??? Fate is so fickle that way.

It's quite funny! I never thought I would want anymore, but now that I am trying, the idea of negative hpts is heartbreaking. I was young when my children were conceived, and both were unexpected surprises lol. now at 30 years old I find myself having a strong desire for a child with my so. I find myself wanting to experience the whole pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing stage at this point in my life beacause I feel like I will be able to appreciate it more since I've grown and matured from that 19 year old girl delivering her first baby. It also doesn't help when my 10 year old begs constantly for a baby sis/bro, and I am the only parent able to provide her with that lol. Their father had a vasectomy after having a 3rd with the kids stepmother. I also noticed on another post that you are 8dpo today! I am 7 dpo myself. We seem to be cycle buddies!!

Yay!! Here’s hoping for bump buddies!!!

YAY! :dust: for the both of us!! How are you feeling today? I am 8 DPO and my temp went right back up to 99F this am after dipping to 98.6F yesterday. I am hoping that its implantation, because that would be a good reason for the back pain these past 2 days!!

Fx for you!!! I don’t know how I’m feeling. I wake up every day with this mild queasiness and the past couple days I’ve started to get a little baggy. I remember gagging a lot with nausea with dd but not much vomiting. Still getting negatives though. I’m 10dpo today and I’m not buying any more tests until at least Thursday. I can’t test every day like this, it’s ridiculous. Gotta put my big girl panties on and make myself wait. How are you?? Any symptoms?? I’m also ill as a hornet. :growlmad: Im sure my coworkers appreciate the attitude today.

I too have become a little queasy in the morning as soon as I open my eyes. I gag while brushing my teeth then the queasiness fades :rolleyes: it is quite annoying. I am not feeling too much today. I had gas this am when waking and my temp went back up. I am hoping few signs is a good sign lol. After reading the TWW symptoms I learned most women said that their boobs were their first sign which would normally make me feel out, but I remind myself that with my first two children I didn't notice any boob changes until 6-8 weeks at which point i wanted to rip them off :rofl:

Yeah, I’m reminding myself a lot of things. Lol. So when will you test??

I am still trying to hold out until july 15th so Sunday. that will make me 12dpo and i typically have an 11 day luteal phase. Hoping the b vitamins have helped. As long as I see my temps stay high i will stay optimistic lol

That's what I need to do myself. That's the day I expect AF also. I don't temp or anything, we weren't even considering a child until literally the day we bd'd. :dohh: With dd, we talked about it too late after I o'd the first month, but got pg the second month so I don't worry that I'll have too much trouble this time around. I just need to KNOW!!! I know I need to wait till the weekend to test, but I'm sure I will end up doing it tomorrow at the latest.

I completely understand that!! How are you feeling today? I had one episode of loose stool about an hr ago which made me feel down but I started reading about loose bowels and implantation and apparently many women with bfps said they went from constipated to loose before positive test. I pray that this is what I am experiencing. It would make more sense with my high temps and dip yesterday. I would think if my progesterone levels were falling, my temp wouldnt have went back up today. This whole TWW is driving me nuts lol
Girl, I don’t know but I have such high hopes for you!! It sounds so promising with ev turning you’re seeing!!! Fx fx fx!!

I feel about the same. I’m so moody!! Plus a headache.

I stopped and bought another box of frers today. I can’t resist it.
Girl, I don’t know but I have such high hopes for you!! It sounds so promising with ev turning you’re seeing!!! Fx fx fx!!

I feel about the same. I’m so moody!! Plus a headache.

I stopped and bought another box of frers today. I can’t resist it.

I have yet to buy a single test! I’m trying to force myself to wait. I will be so heartbroken if AF shows this month because everything seems so encouraging this far

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