I JUST KNEW IT ! (vent girls)

I just knew my DH wouldnt stick to the every other day method! but whatever I am sick of begging. yes my DH is different from any other man in this world been like this for 14yrs girls so nothing new... I used to be affraid I couldnt get pg but with my DD it happen in 2 months he was good about trying then every other day :growlmad:
He promised me every other day this month well yea RIGHT :growlmad: didn't happen last night and I doubt it will happen today. we :sex: the 12th thats it so far. I just give up with him.... how am I going to get pg when DH is not game with the every other day method. this is going to be harder then I thought :dohh: Thank god my monitor is still on low. But I wanted every other day :sulk:
Having a DH that doesnt want it really sucks ](*,) but this is what I dealt with for 14yrs nothing new...

Awwwww babes, men r just a knightmare arnt they??!!:growlmad: yet wen they want something its an entirely different matter :baby:

keep ya pecker up hun and next tie him 2 bed lol

This is the best thread I've read yet!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for letting me know that I'm not the only one with a partner with no sex drive. It's hard when you live in a society where it is expected that all men ever want is some booty then to go home at night to a man who just wants to snuggle :(

In all of my previous relationships sex was number one on their mind..... Which certainly didn't prepare me for this.

And it began at the beginning of our relationship too.. You think I woulda run! It was a few months into dating we were making out getting all hot and steamy (mind you I was the one to initiate that... I initiated everything even the first kiss after two months of dating... weird I know!) and I went to take it all the way and he said "No!" he wanted to make sure our relationship was well grounded and serious before we'd do that! WTF?!?! I cried for hours afterwards :cry:

And this was after he had told me his last encounter was a one night stand he had met at a bar. Maybe it destroyed him inside in some way cause we were together for months! And don't get me wrong he didn't depict himself as a "slut" in his pre-me life and according to him I've been with more people (which isn't even alot).... I just thought it was just so weird. And there's a little part of me that's almost believes he was a virgin prior to me and just told me he wasn't so he didn't look lame... (I've seen highschool pictures of him and as sweet as he is he was a total nerd lol AGE HAS DONE HIM WELL!)

Anyways, 8 years have gone by... I finally did manage to seduce him and don't get me wrong he is EXCELLENT in bed and by far the best at doing some things :happydance: BUT he rarely wants to do it. If I leave it up to him he'll initiate things every 4 to 5 days (which from what I read isn't that bad) and it's also nice cause around day 3 he starts being nicer cuddlier etc etc... then day 4 :winkwink: I think since he switched jobs it's now every 5 to 7 days though :( I however could go and want to go everyday but I need to feel wanted.

If I initiate before he "wants" to, he'll do it. But I have to do all the work then afterwards I feel like I have just molested him and feel all dirty... Then worse thing he won't even get to that 4 day point so ahhhhhh it's just depressing....

And now with trying to conceive I don't even remember the last time we did it cause he initiated it... It's been months since he made me feel wanted sexually :(

Physically he works well.... I just have to look at him and he goes hard.... last night we were cuddling before bed, doing some petting, he was hard as can be, but never made another move further than that and eventually decided he was tired and rolled over and fell asleep.... I coulda jumped on him and we coulda done it..... but emotionally I couldn't take the rejection again :( Same thing happened this morning cept instead of turning over to go to sleep he said it was time to get up and got out of bed :(

Sorry for the long long rant, haven't really had anyone to talk to about it... I've tried some testosterone boosting natural therapies without him knowing before with no success but have never tried MACA.... Off to the store I go!
This is the best thread I've read yet!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for letting me know that I'm not the only one with a partner with no sex drive. It's hard when you live in a society where it is expected that all men ever want is some booty then to go home at night to a man who just wants to snuggle :(

In all of my previous relationships sex was number one on their mind..... Which certainly didn't prepare me for this.

And it began at the beginning of our relationship too.. You think I woulda run! It was a few months into dating we were making out getting all hot and steamy (mind you I was the one to initiate that... I initiated everything even the first kiss after two months of dating... weird I know!) and I went to take it all the way and he said "No!" he wanted to make sure our relationship was well grounded and serious before we'd do that! WTF?!?! I cried for hours afterwards :cry:

And this was after he had told me his last encounter was a one night stand he had met at a bar. Maybe it destroyed him inside in some way cause we were together for months! And don't get me wrong he didn't depict himself as a "slut" in his pre-me life and according to him I've been with more people (which isn't even alot).... I just thought it was just so weird. And there's a little part of me that's almost believes he was a virgin prior to me and just told me he wasn't so he didn't look lame... (I've seen highschool pictures of him and as sweet as he is he was a total nerd lol AGE HAS DONE HIM WELL!)

Anyways, 8 years have gone by... I finally did manage to seduce him and don't get me wrong he is EXCELLENT in bed and by far the best at doing some things :happydance: BUT he rarely wants to do it. If I leave it up to him he'll initiate things every 4 to 5 days (which from what I read isn't that bad) and it's also nice cause around day 3 he starts being nicer cuddlier etc etc... then day 4 :winkwink: I think since he switched jobs it's now every 5 to 7 days though :( I however could go and want to go everyday but I need to feel wanted.

If I initiate before he "wants" to, he'll do it. But I have to do all the work then afterwards I feel like I have just molested him and feel all dirty... Then worse thing he won't even get to that 4 day point so ahhhhhh it's just depressing....

And now with trying to conceive I don't even remember the last time we did it cause he initiated it... It's been months since he made me feel wanted sexually :(

Physically he works well.... I just have to look at him and he goes hard.... last night we were cuddling before bed, doing some petting, he was hard as can be, but never made another move further than that and eventually decided he was tired and rolled over and fell asleep.... I coulda jumped on him and we coulda done it..... but emotionally I couldn't take the rejection again :( Same thing happened this morning cept instead of turning over to go to sleep he said it was time to get up and got out of bed :(

Sorry for the long long rant, haven't really had anyone to talk to about it... I've tried some testosterone boosting natural therapies without him knowing before with no success but have never tried MACA.... Off to the store I go!

Oh hun I felt so sad for you reading this, I can't imagine what that must feel like. I feel very lucky to have a OH who is up for it any time.
I went off sex a couple of years ago due to depression and we didn't do anything for nearly a year and not once did he even mention it.. bless him it must have been so difficult for him :(
Thankfully we're all back to normal now and every other night is just right for both of us. (I was his first, and I have to say he's learnt well and is the best I've ever had too :happydance: )

MACA is wonderful, you should definatly try it for libibo :thumbup:
Kandy our OHs are very similar, I had to initiate our first kiss (I asked him to kiss me after 5 dates), we first had sex together after 3 months of dating and a lot of rejections. He was weird like that and didn't put much pressure to him. He was respectful, never made me think I was a slut or I was forcing him, never had any guilts. He is not always like that though, we go through phases that we BD like bunnies. Really depends on health and mood.
Kandy our OHs are very similar, I had to initiate our first kiss (I asked him to kiss me after 5 dates), we first had sex together after 3 months of dating and a lot of rejections. He was weird like that and didn't put much pressure to him. He was respectful, never made me think I was a slut or I was forcing him, never had any guilts. He is not always like that though, we go through phases that we BD like bunnies. Really depends on health and mood.

my hubby turns me down very respectfully too, I just take it VERY personally....

oh to only be a bunny........
God ladies I am so glad to have found this thread I have this problem to. I feel like I have to force OH to do it and then he can never finish and says he is just not in the mood. The only time he ever starts is in the middle of the night but this is very occassionaly fearing it will take forever for me to get pregnant X
God ladies I am so glad to have found this thread I have this problem to. I feel like I have to force OH to do it and then he can never finish and says he is just not in the mood. The only time he ever starts is in the middle of the night but this is very occassionaly fearing it will take forever for me to get pregnant X

You should be my MACA buddy! And we can secretely drug our OH's together!
I'm anxiously waiting for our Maca to arrive too! I'm really curious to see changes!
well day #2 on the maca for DH and lets see what happens he takes 1 a day I might up it to 2 a day next vitamin round :winkwink: he wont know anyway b/c I am the one that puts them in the cup for the morning for him to take them LOL I initiate sex as well always did always will just he way he is. i am used to it 14 yrs i kissed him first, i did everything first
well day #2 on the maca for DH and lets see what happens he takes 1 a day I might up it to 2 a day next vitamin round :winkwink: he wont know anyway b/c I am the one that puts them in the cup for the morning for him to take them LOL I initiate sex as well always did always will just he way he is. i am used to it 14 yrs i kissed him first, i did everything first

LOL I dish out my hubby's supplements too... Don't think he has a clue what he's taken lol
He had to order the Maca and he was excited about it, because we have fatigue issues (both of us) and he is looking forward to new supplements, he likes popping them!
Hubby just took his first dose of maca..... ohhhhhh I'm so excited!!! Hope it works
I know how you feel. My OH refused on a peak day :dohh: Guess Im out this cycle already.
I just knew my DH wouldnt stick to the every other day method! but whatever I am sick of begging. yes my DH is different from any other man in this world been like this for 14yrs girls so nothing new... I used to be affraid I couldnt get pg but with my DD it happen in 2 months he was good about trying then every other day :growlmad:
He promised me every other day this month well yea RIGHT :growlmad: didn't happen last night and I doubt it will happen today. we :sex: the 12th thats it so far. I just give up with him.... how am I going to get pg when DH is not game with the every other day method. this is going to be harder then I thought :dohh: Thank god my monitor is still on low. But I wanted every other day :sulk:
Having a DH that doesnt want it really sucks ](*,) but this is what I dealt with for 14yrs nothing new...

i cuda wrote this myself:hugs:
Wow.... this thread is very helpful. I think men have definately been socialised into these sex machines (I guess when you think about it, being the sex initiator is quite a dominant role, and men have created all sorts of societal norms to maintain their dominance.. if that makes sense) so I can see why its happened. But then, the reality is quite different, and so then its so painful and offensive for the woman- when you're thinking- I thought men were supposed to be on constant heat? Why isn't he on heat for me?! SO hard.

But I definately think at the end of the day, regardless of gender, people have different sex drives, and when one's the chaser, then often inevitably the other one's the runner.... there's just so much pressure. Definately BDing every second day is alot for us, or every day around peak- there were a couple of moments this month where we laughed and said man, this is ridiculously forced!! But yeah, hmm its hard. I hope you find some success with Maca, but otherwise, the only way is to alleviate some of the pressure. Somehow.

Goodluck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You put it wonderfully. It has become the "norm" to believe that men are only thinking about sex, they will look for it outside their marriage, they always have orgasms etc, On the other hand women are considered to be the ones that "don't like sex", can't have O every time, and are prone to have a low libido. Such BS... The women I know are always talking about sex, they all want to do it everyday, and it is usually the husbands that are not into it so much.
I was researching on low sex drive and everywhere it says that is common to women and extremely rare to men. BS... I think it is the same. And I actually believe that women because of their hormones can became more sex crazed than men. Especially during Ov day, and around that day.
Yes, absolutely Lily28, I definately think its one of those nurture over nature scenarios. Imagine if women got to be the dominant, in control sex lovers that could justify their actions because "they're just being a woman", where the man puts out because as his mates say, "well- she is just a horny woman after all" where women are more likely to have more sexual partners previously than the man, and its *normal* Can you imagine how much sex women would be having!?... when women are the sex chasers its deemed abnormal- but who defines normal/abnormal? Society!! And in whose favour? Men. We still live in a man's world. I know it might sound overly feminist. But I just think that there's also alot of women out there feeling really rejected and not realising its normal for a man to have a lower sex drive than a woman as much as it is normal the other way around.

You know, on the same token, I suppose (and I certainly need to remember this too) if we can ourselves get over the notion that men are sex hungry animals that should jump our bones as soon as we flash a nipple, then perhaps we can really take notice of what they need to feel in the mood, you know? And if its to be loving, or tidy, of non-pressury or cuddly, or whatever (even if its usually equated with how a woman gets into the mood..) then that's ok too!

haha, lord I'm a rattler- I'll got of my soapbox now = )

Imagine if women got to be the dominant, in control sex lovers that could justify their actions because "they're just being a woman"
Actually in the first societies (prehistoric), women were the dominants. Because humans back then didn't know where babies were coming from (couldn't connect sex with baby making) women were considered powerful and magic, and the survival of the team depended entirely on them. They also had multiple partners, always choosing the best hunters, good looking robust and sexy guys etc... Men were easily killed in battles and hunting, so women outnumbered them too.

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