I love it when I am in the middle of getting comfortable for the night. And DH and I are looking at each other and he's like, "get me a snack" or "get me a drink".
Or I love it when I am uncomfortable and complaining to DH about how much this or that hurts and he says,"think about that next time you want another baby".
Or if I am in a "mad mood" and been asleep for almost 2 hrs. Then DH says, "you know what you haven't done in awhile". Like I am to wake up out of a sound sleep for sex or bjs.
OMG this made me laugh so hard.
First of all... I'd laugh at my husband if we were in bed and he said "Get me a snack/drink" even when I'm NOT pregnant!!
Second of all... my husband says a similar thing to me.... I realllly wanted this third baby and had to push for awhile to get him on board. So now he grins when I'm complaining and says, "YOU wanted to be pregnant...."
Umm. No. I wanted the baby that comes at the end, thank you.
Thirdly... ohhh man. If he started on "You know what you haven't done in awhile...?" I'd have a list of things for him that HE hasn't done 'in awhile'... or perhaps I'd just say, "And now, since that comment made me feel SO sexy... I probably won't be doing it for a while longer."