I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

Corin has started rubbing her eyes and pulling my hands to her cheeks when she gets tired now. She also does a really frantic cry and waves her arms really quickly if she's especially tired.

To get her to sleep I put her on my knee, give her her dummy and rock and sssh her to sleep. She likes my hand on her cheek as a comfort thing. Sometimes she fights going to sleep if she's really tired but if I persist it usually works.

So what's the cutest thing your baby does? Mine would have to be the thing I just mentioned about her grabbing my hand and holding it to her face. So cute :)
Thats pretty cute Stoufer!
I love when Molly is suuuper relaxed and I'm rocking her to sleep. She will quietly "talk" to me in the sweetest voice. I also love when she screams with excitement!

Any laughs yet for anyone?!?! I feel like we are so close!

What about grabbing for toys?
we are close on laughs...well a giggle..but not a full on belly laugh...I'll post the video in a bit....Brieanan has started sticking her tongue out lol..its soo funny!!
Alana pulls faces, especially when she is trying to talk. We do 'oo' sound and make the hole with our lips and she now does this all the time. I love it, she looks so cute. I keep trying to get it on video and whenever she sees the camera she stops talking. She is turning into a right chatter box. Last night she has her dummy in, she had just had a feed and was sat in my knee winding down and all she was doing was talking even with the dummy in her mouth. I was ignoring her and not talking back as it was sleep time and she just got louder and louder until I finally spoke.
I had a proper giggle from her yesterday, just one and no more, she makes a huff, huff sound normally when she tries to laugh but it just sounds like air coming out no real noise behind it.

Brieanan always gets the hiccups when she tries to laugh lol..

Brieanans views on The Price Is Right haha!! she is clearly an expert
Lauren laughed at 11 weeks....when I left her with daddy!! I have gotten her to do it only a couple of times since. Otherwise she normally does the huff thing as well. I have to work to get a real laugh out of her. Hopefully they will just start flowing soon :) She has also turned into a chatter box. I love her expression when I talk back like I understand what she is saying. She gets really excited.

Lauren sort of grabs for toys. She just likes to grab things. She will take one and hold it, but not actually play with it. She hasn't grabs for any hanging toys yet though. She has gotten quite grabby over the last couple of weeks. She loves to touch everything. She also LOVES to stare at her hands and feet, it's so funny.
Our little guy laughs alot. Hes so sweet. I love it when hes talking to me and I talk back. You can tell hes trying so hard. Cant wait to hear those 1st words. I had to work last night, DH told me he started swatting at his hanging toys that can fit over his bouncer. When i had him in it this morning, he didnt act like they were there, so ill have to keep watching.

Hes 3 months today! Cant believe it, no longer a newborn! So excited sbout the year ahead!
Corin isn't laughing yet except when she's asleep! When awake she makes a kind of aaaah noise when she thinks something is funny. Can't wait for real giggles though!

She has started grabbing stuff occasionally. She sometimes takes a rattle off me and she can use both hands to bring it to her mouth.
Brieanan laughs in her sleep too! lol..

for those that are formula fed what brand/type do you use? We are on Similac Sensitive (orange tub) but I think I might go to her Dr this week and ask about switching to the Soy, because she gets soo gassy and fussy
We are on enfamil infant. The yellow tub. He was VERY gassy on similac we started on the regular then switched to sensitive. It didnt get any better. The smell of similac grosses me out. My mom and gmama talked me in to trying enfamil. It doesnt smell bad, but his poop smells worse. Since using enfamil, he has one large BM a day. Hes alot more regulated now. We started out with enfamil newborn now were using enfamil infant. He doesnt have that much gas now, and not nearly as fussy. W switched a couple days after Thanksgiving, its been great ever since.
Nice to hear about all their development!

Mrs. Jerome- Molly is on enfamil AR to help with spitting up. She is doing really well on it. We had her on Good Start but the poop was so foul. I would research Soy before putting your little one on it. Soy has something in it that acts like estrogen in the body. I read something that said it was like giving your baby 4 birth control pills a day....even the American Pediatric Association says that it should be used as a last resort. Of course MILLIONS of babies are on it so I'm sure its fine but I would just check it out! :)
Alfie has just started belly laughing in the last couple of days....it makes me melt!

Lovestory - we now live near Andover, but not moved far. Where are you now?! How cool xxx
I found the best way to get Lauren to laugh is by putting her foot to her face. She thinks it's HILARIOUS. I haven't been able to get it on video yet though.
Mrsjerome, i would ask your ped, i think i would try a new formula first before trying soy. See what they say. When we were on similac we were trying everything gripe water, gas drops. Then we switched to enfamil and hes been fine. It migght not work for you, but hes been great on it.

Mrsjerome, i was mamabargains facebook page the other day. I saw where u posted. I didnt know your 1st name but i recognized your LO's pic. I was going to add you, but then realized you wouldnt know who i was.

What does everyones baby sleep in? We use a swaddle blanket. I can tell its not going to last much longer. Im dreading it! I thought about getting a wearable blanket/grobag/sleep sack. I notice there called different things depending on where you live. I bet well have several sleepless nights transitioning. Whats the best brand if you use one?
Waiting you can add me on facebook..if you have your baby as a pic I always assume its someone from the site and add them haha or if your pic isnt your baby just tell me what your pic is of so I'll know

they said her fontanelle is really big but its ok as its not bulging or its not sunken in so they arent worried about it..as for her flat head (and let me tell you..it is FLAT lol!!) I'll try and take a pic tomm of it and post it lol lol..its soo flat its almost funny...they said to just keep her up as much as possible and off of it during the day since at night and naptimes she spends so much time on it..I hope shes gets to the point where she enjoys her activity things soon so she wont be laying flat all the time but now thats how she likes to play and she doesnt seem interested in stuff otherwise...

formula wise our friend has some enfamil gentlease and she let us have a can to try so shes had 3 of those bottles today and I guess we'll see by the time we use the can up if it make a difference gas wise and everything I hope it does..they also gave us a prescription for prevacid..just a half tablet once a day in the mornings ALONG with the zantac shes already on so that might help the reflux even more as well as any other tummy troubles that might be making her fussy..

I just hope something works lol..for my sake and hers because shes so pitiful and grumpy and I hate to see that shes in pain and not be able to make it better..
MrsT I can't wait Alana to laugh properly, she has giggled a couple of times but seems to be more interested in talking to everything.
alana's reflux is definitely made worse when I eat dairy. Reducing it in my diet has made a huge difference. I am missing it though. I decided to have some shortbread biscuits yesterday and she puked constantly after the next feeds. If nothing else it should help me lose weight.
Waiting- we use the halo sleep sack swaddler. They only go up to 18 pounds though and then it's just a sleep sack. It works well for us. Last night she was getting fussy and I swaddled her and put her in her bouncer! It worked like a charm. I think you suggested that to me :)

Mrs. Turner- we are in crondall, a village outside Farnham.

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