I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

Im not sure, but if you look at their FB page, all the bags everyone got were awesome. Mine was way over $80, and didnt take two weeks to get here

The shoes were valued at $26 that i got, but no way am i paying for $26 baby shoes. I know those wetsaks are nice 20 something $, no way. Even the trains nice, but $20 something, no way. Everybody says put the stuff you dont want on the playground, to much trouble. Id rather not bother, if id spent $80 i might.

Im glad u got good stuff mrsjerome. It did seem like ppl with babies lucked out better. I def wouldnt risk it if i had a toddler. The good thing about BHO, is that you pick the age.
yeah when they do BHO random again I might do it if I have the money laying around..
If i see it ill msg you.

I went to babies rus today and bought some baby food. They had earths best variety packs on sale 2/$15, with 24 jars. Thats .62cents/jar, which isnt to much more than gerber. I start back to work on wed. Im trying not to think about bc the dread is ruining the time i have left. I just pray the 1st night back isnt horrible. Im praying not to many girls are in labor. Haha! On one hand it feels like ive been off forever, but it mostly feels like this time has flown bye. It seems like yesterday that we went in That night when i was contracting. I always thought, no way could i be a stay at home mom, but right now i wish i were. Im hoping that after i get there, ill think this is ok, its good for me to be here. Ill let u know.
Waiting I totally feel for you. I can't imagine going back to work right now. 12 weeks has totally flown by. I am kind of glad I have this trip right now to keep my mind off of it.

I will have to keep my eye out on BHO now!
Good luck AcOrn! We leave Wed for England to see the inlaws!!! Jet lag is hard enough getting over by yourself! Should be interesting with a 12 week old! Good luck!

Anyone else struggling with night sleeping now!?! Molly has been waking every 45 minutes! It's worse than when she was first born! I wish I could put her on her stomach! She napped on me today (I was awake) on her stomach and seemed so peaceful and well rested after!
Love, do u have a movement monitor? I know your not supposed to put them on their stomachs, my LO doesn't like it so I don't have to think about it. BUT if it helped him sleep I would probably consider it. We have the angelcare monitor which makes me feel alot better. I've noticed that I've done some things I said I would never do. Alot of my coworkers have let their babies sleep on their stomachs when their on the monitor.
We did a 10 hour car/ferry trip over Christmas when she was 10 weeks old. It really wasn't as bad as you'd think so I'm sure your plane journey will be easier than you'd imagine. I found the worst part was figuring out all the stuff I needed to pack.

Lovestory, my LO was sleeping from 9.30pm until 5.30pm and then teething started and she started being very restless and now she's having a growth spurt she's up 3 times a night for a feed. I had got used to sleeping again! Every 45 minutes must be killing you with sleep deprivation!
Is your baby breastfed or formula fed? I was exclusively breastfeeding but changed to giving her a bottle before bed - sometimes expressed milk and sometimes formula. I find filling her up really helps her sleep. Have you tried giving a big feed at bed time?
I put Alana on her tunny she sleeps so much better. Oh got to go she is screaming her head off.
Do you put her down awake on her stomach, or after shes fallen asleep?

No way would my LO fall asleep on his stomach. If he were asleep in my arms, i would be afraid id wake him up putting him down on his stomach.
Lauren would not want to sleep on her stomach, but if she decided she were a stomach sleeper and was waking all night on her back, I would go ahead and put her on her stomach. I have a lot of friends who let their baby's sleep on their stomach because it's the only way they could get them to sleep. A monitor would be key.

Good luck on your trip too lovestory! I am most worried about getting through TSA, etc. I have done several long car trips, but having to have everything confined into suitcases and having it all under weight is super hard. Then I worry about nursing and the fact that it's not a direct flight. I am bringing my pump and accessories, but getting everything super clean will be a challenge. I am bringing pump wipes and steamer bags and dish soap. Hopefully that will be enough for the hotel and when we are out and about.
Thanks for all the responses! I will continue to think about it. I bf for 6 weeks when we learned she was not gaining weight and I spent literally 12 hours a day feeding!!! (since she had to work so hard and long to get food). I tried pumping and everything! So she is on formula and still sleeps miserably!

Acron, good luck tomorrow. We too have done a long road trip but it's not the same when you're in a plane with loads of other people! I'm sure our girls will do well and security will be a breeze :)

One other question: do your babies have the night time "fussy time"!? For us it's like an hour and a half of almost colic behavior sometimes right before bed. Just wondering if this is somewhat normal? Thank goodness for our exercise ball! It's the only thing to calm her. My husband and I have thighs of steel from all the bouncing!! :) We are deflating it tonight to take to England!!
Waiting- I haven't put her on her tummy she just naps on me on her stomach so the back of her head gets a break. I realize she may just sleep well because she is on me, but everyone tells me that when I was a kid, people didn't have all these problems with sleep because they didn't worry as much. And babies tend to sleep better on stomach by not startling themselves! Who knows!!! I just want some sleep!!! :)
I put her down on her stomach. She used to sleep so well on me or hubby lying on her face down but then when we out her in the cot or Moses basket she would wake up straight away. One day my mum took her off my stomach and placed her face down in her Moses basket. She stayed asleep, so I tried it at night and it worked a treat. I tend to out her down on her side and roll her on to her tummy.

I have an angle care monitor and so feel safe, plus I was rather she was happy and content instead of me battling with her about sleeping on her back.
Well, ive finally got to join the sSTTn club! He slept til 7:30 this mornimg! Whoo hoo! I hope i dont jinx myself.

I survived going back to work wed and thurs night. I missed him sooo much! Im back to work tonight too.

Dont babies usually roll from their bellies to back 1st? This morning DH went in to restart his mobile, and he was up completely on his side. He had almost rolled over. Back to belly will probably come 1st for us. He doesnt like being on his belly for very long. He gets frustrated.

I cant belkeve hell be 3 months this week!
They normally roll onto side first before going back to front or front to back.
Great news about sleeping through. Alana now sleeps 6.30pm -3.30am and then feeds for half and hour and then back out until 6am ish.
I am dreading going back to work, I hate the fact that I used to be a full time nanny for two families and now run a day nursery and yet my mum is getting to have Alana. I really wish I didn't love my job so much and would be able to give it up, but I really do love my job, the kids and the staff. Plus we can't live off just my husbands wage so I have to work.
lovestory- Lauren has a fussy time at night too. We found that if we swaddle her she will take a short nap before bed and that's really what she needed. THings have been much better since doing that.

Lauren used to be fine with tummy time, but hates it now. We let her fuss for a little bit before we save her. She has come really close to rolling, but she hasn't figured out how to move her arm out of the way. She will also roll to her side from her back.

Lauren traveled pretty well, but it was an adventure :p First flight went great, 2nd flight got delayed and she got hungry towards the end, so I had to feed her on the plane...then as we were waiting to get off the plane she had a blow out up her back. I got her to a bathroom to clean her up and she peed all over just as I got her clean. By the time that was over with, our checked luggage had gone through the belt and in a pile somewhere so we had to go search for it. TSA was a huge pain. I pumped on the way to the airport and had a hard time both ways getting my milk through security since I refused to have it x-rayed. She also got pretty fussy on the trip because she didn't have a routine at all. She kept waking from naps and she had a hard time getting good sleep. I am SO glad to be home.

We got home last night and I had my first day of work today! I spent a lot of last night and this morning crying. I just missed her so much. I have to say the actual going back wasn't as bad as the anticipation of going back, but it was still really hard.
A couple of pics from the trip...bath in the hotel sink and her in her dress at the wedding


Lovely pictures :) I really like the sink one, that just looks brilliant.
Good for you standing your ground ov your milk. Sounds like the bathroom visit was loads of fun.
Alana isn't good when her routine is messed up, she becomes a nightmare after she has been out of routine. Much like me when she is tired she cries and cries and cries. She misses her cot when she has to nap in her sling or on me. She will only nap in her buggy if it is moving around the minute it stops she wakes up so I can't use it for naps.
Acorn- your trip sounded pretty successful! We found it all not too bad and TSA was actually very helpful and patient so that was nice. My biggest fear was that Molly was going to scream the entire plane ride...we had a bottle at hand for the take-off incase the pressure change hurt her ears. Well, the plane bumping down the runway put her right to sleep and she slept the entire way to London! THEN she jumped right into her normal routine that night! We were thrilled!

Also, thanks for the advice about fussy time. Molly is just exhausted by that point too and I can never get her to just relax, but I will try swaddling!...What happens when she outgrows her Halo Sleepsack?! They dont make a bigger swaddling one I dont thinK! :)

Mrs. Turner- If you still live near Farnham then we are just right down the road from you! Thats pretty funny.

Anyone had any breakthroughs with naps!? If so, I would love to hear about it. We are still on the 45 minute catnaps about 5 or 6 times a day! Its kind of exhausting.

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