I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

Thanks ladies!

Hippy- I hadn't heard of it, but I will have to look into it! Lauren is "talking" up a storm. She rides with me to work and then home with my husband every day (15-20 min each way), so it's getting interesting with her non stop talking in back, lol. I love it! Also, when she cries now she makes a "mmm" sound. I'm liking my chances of hearing "ma ma" first even though it's statistically more likely to be "da da" because it's easier to say.
Hows sleep going for everyone?!

Molly is up every 1.5 hours starting at 11. This morning I had a complete meltdown from being so tired and for being angry at myself for getting sort of get mad at her in the night. She can't help it, but I am just so exhausted. She also had two bottles during the night which hasn't happened in 2 months! Growth spurt maybe but this has been going on for a while!

Has anyone started foods?! Molly has been so into what we eat that we started giving her a little food in the AM. She is not into rice cereal, but we keep trying. We also have given her some fruit and squash. We aren't doing what doctors recommend, but she loves eating and its fun to watch her try new things!
gave B some rice cereal last night...she did ok...1/2 on her..1/2 in her lol..
Lauren hasn't been sleeping as well as she used to. She goes to sleep at 10, then wakes up at 2 and stays awake until 3. Then I feed her and she sleep again until 6. Then I have a hard time getting her back to sleep. I am used to her sleeping at least 6 hours, and this has been going on a few weeks. I am just exhausted now that I am back at work. Doesn't sound as bad as you lovestory. I would totally be frustrated too. Sleep deprivation does that to you! Don't feel bad. hope it gets better soon!

I have not given Lauren solids yet, but she is very interested in what we eat. I wanted to hold her off until 6 months, but I just don't know. I am going to discuss with our ped at her 4 month appointment.
We're up at 1 or 2am then 4 for a feed then 6 and back for another feed at 7am. This is an improvement on the last 4 weeks. Hope she goes back to STTN soon!
no nap yesterday longer than 30 mins....up last night at 2-3am to eat...then 7:20-8am to eat then up at 8:40am to be grumpy lol... ugh...
Alana is still not back to sleeping well. She goes down at 6.30-7pm and now instead of sleeping until 2.30am is up just around 12am and then it tends to be 3am, 5am, 6am and the she is up for an hour before going down for 45 mins to 1 hour. It is killing me.
up at 4:30am last night then again for good at 7:30am....an improvement on the 2:30am two nights ago...blah...I cant imagine being up as much as you BF-ing ladies..I soooo feel bad for you girls!! :hugs:
hippy- that sounds exactly like whats going on with us!! I'm glad to know we aren't the only ones.

We still have her in our room. The doctor says she suggests sleep training anywhere between 4-6 months if we were ready for it...which I'm not. BUT a mother can only take so little sleep for so long. We will see how the next couple weeks go.
I am just waiting for B to turn 4 months and start some kind of sleep training...i dont know what yet but something has to be done especially about naps...
When will this sleep regression end?! Or will it?

I bought a bed rail today. I've given up resisting co-sleeping. It's the only way to get some rest.

aww lovely pictures.

Lovestory I am glad you are going through it too. Sleep regression can go on for a very very very long time. I am going to start her on solids shortly anyway for her reflux, also she has been referred to the hospital for her reflux as well as her weight is still not great and she really struggles to have a good feed.

I am however completely exhausted and next week my hubby has to go to training course in London and so leaves Monday morning and won't be back until Thursday night, which means that he can't have her at around 6.15 for an hour while I try and catch up on some sleep.
Cute pictures Mrs Jerome!!

Lauren has her 4 month appointment next Thursday. I am going to ask about solids then. She is definitely on the small side and spits up terribly. Our ped said the spitting up was normal for a lot of babies and was basically a laundry problem, although I have to say it's getting old! I am hoping she will grow out of it soon!
Acorn- Molly has been spitting up a lot more lately. My doctor said that's common when they start putting everything in their mouth and swallowing more saliva. I don't know if that explains your daughter's spitting up!?

Hippy- with all the concerns about SIDS, I didn't wrap Molly up a lot at night. Since making her a little warmer she has been sleeping better (not awesome) but it's been an improvement. Maybe it's something small like that that is bugging your little one?
We bought the Sleep Sense Program (by Dana Obleman) last night and Im starting my homework on it..reading it...working out our notes and stuff and as soon as I have a grasp on it will start implementing it...Im very hopeful and excited because you get to talk to her one on one on the phone with specific questions you have which not many sleep systems out there offer...so its nice to know its an actual person that is willing to open her phone line for calls to help people...will let you all know how it works..

www.sleepsense.net if you want to check it out...
Shes soo cute MrsJerome

Well, we CIO last night. I hated it, but it had to be done. Waking evry night at 2am. Last night i rocked him back to sleep, but he wouldnt sleep after I laid him down. I slept in the bedroom next to his. He cried for about an hour and then went to sleep. He slept til 9 am. When i went to get him, this morning he was so happy. Thank god, bc i thought he would hate me! I know most ppl say i would never do it, but i think i made the right decision. He wasnt awake bc he was hungry or had a wet diaper, or sick. His needs were met. Hopefully tonite will go better
Aww, MrsJerome, what a cutie!

You poor ladies having to get up in the night. I am so lucky that Alfie has a feed at around 8pm and goes to sleep at 9 and sttn until 7.15am! He has done this since he was 6 weeks old. I am waiting for the 4 month sleep regression to hit and i'll be a zombie!
Alana was back to normal sleeping pattern lat night, not sure how long it will last. she slept from 6.30pm until 3.30am, fed and then was back off until 5.30am. She just snoozed then on and off until 8am and then had another hour.

Lovestory I too decided last night she may either get too cold or too hot and so last night as her room temp dropped I put a blanket over her sleep sack. Not sure if this was the reason for her better sleep or not.

tonight she went to bed late so not asleep until 7.15pm, she also had some porridge which has been amazing for her reflux and just pretty much stopped it. She is loving having the porridge she only has 1 teaspoon with 3-4 tsp of breast milk in the morning and the same at night. She gets all excited and sits with her mouth open like a goldfish, she wants more but I am refusing her more for now. I only started it for her reflux and not because I wanted her on solids really.

I am quite happy for Alana to get back to her normal sleep pattern.

Waiting I hope you have a good night, it should only take a few days to sort him.

I looked at sleep sense and still get their many many junk e-mails, but to be honest while she is still hungry at night I am not worried. She is only small and with her reflux she needs as much extra food as she can get.
Hippy- glad you had a better night. Hope it lasts. I agree with you on the sleep training. Molly is still hungry between 3-5 so I don't want to force her to sleep if she needs that feed.

How long is everyone baby going without eating at night!? We go from 7pm to between 3 and 5. I am completely happy with this so long as she sleeps that whole time :)

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