I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

Alana is really struggling with teething at night and her reflux, her sleep pattern is terrible right now.
Bummer! Lauren just got done with a bad stretch of sleeping. She has been doing much better this week though!

No teeth here. Looks like she may get them later and I am perfectly happy with that!
She was much better last night as I upped her dose of medicine by 0.1mls I am hoping tonight will be ok too.
anyone else that does formula getting up for a night feed or a feed anytime between bedtime and like 6am?

We gave up the 4am feed about a month ago...it only took one night of about 30 minutes of crying and that was it.

Molly is sitting up, talking like crazy....she too loves Dadadada, but also does say mama once and a while (not that it means anything, but there is still a chance it could be her first word!)

She has 4 8 oz bottles and some fruit or veg mixed with some rice or something for dinner.

No teeth...I swore she was teething at 4 months...still no teeth :)
Glad to hear everyone is well.
I am BF, but we also got Lauren off her night feed a few weeks ago. First night or two weren't great, but now she is fine.....except for last night. Lauren got her first cold. Poor thing kept waking up. I fed her when she woke up just because I felt like she could use the fluids and hopefully some antibodies. I don't think she was actually hungry. Hopefully she can fight it fast. I hate seeing her uncomfortable!
awww..hope shes gets better..its horrible when they are sick because there isnt much you can give them and they cant tell you specifically whats wrong.. so pitiful...hope she gets better soon....we got a video cam for B along with our angelsounds since she moves around so much now in her crib..
Acorn Alana is still really small and I am just going back to work half days from next week and she is currently refusing bottles most of the time. I would like to drop her down to just one night feed only. How did you do it? She is back to sleeping from around 6.30 ( I am trying to I've to 7pm) until around 12.30am then she is up about every 2.5 hours for a feed.
I realized that when she woke up, she was wanting to eat for comfort, but wasn't really hungry. I put a pack and play next to my bed and when she woke up, I would give her a paci, rub her chest and hold her hand. The first few nights she fought me and cried for a feeding. I felt terrible not giving it to her, but she didn't cry long before she would fall back asleep. I found putting my hand on her really helped. On the off occasion she is really hungry with a growth spurt she lets me know it and won't go back down until she has been fed. Now that she isn't being comforted at night with the boob at night, when she does wake up, she usually goes back to sleep on her own or with a paci.

I put Lauren down at 8:00 and then I usually go to bed around 10:00. When we started doing this I decided to give the dream feed another shot. When she was younger it did not work at all, now it works awesome! I feel like that helps get us through the night too.
I have just moved Alana from a 6.15 to 7pm bedtime as I go back to work full time in June and some nights won't get out until 6pm so I need to extend the time ight time feed happens. Alana does dream feeds well. I normally go to bed between 9 and 10. I may start dream feeds at 9.30pm. She eats quite a bit most of the time when she wakes, I wonder of this is because she is so eager toay during the day she doesn't eat enough.
I think tonight of I give her a dream feed at 9.30 she should be fine until 3am without a feed. I think I will try her dummy and comfort of she wakes up before hand. Because of her poor weight gain I would like to maintain one night feed for now.

thanks for the help. I will let you know how it goes.
We've been on solids for a while and she's moved up from the 25th to the 45th centile line and this has affected how often she eats - about every 3.5 hours during the day! So pleased because it was every 2 hours before so it made going anywhere difficult.

We've been off night feeds for about 2 months or so. During the 4 month sleep regression I realised it was a comfort thing because she would go straight to sleep as soon as she got on the boob so I started giving her her dummy and taking her into bed with me. It was just the cuddles she needed.

Now I'm working on getting her out of bed :lol: She spends most of the night in her own bed but still wants in with us if she's having teething pain. I've pushed her cot right against our bed so I can hold her hand instead of taking her in with us which seems to be working.

I had planned on her being in her own room by now but it's not going to happen yet due to our circumstances at the moment.

For those whose babies are in their own room, did you find it improved their sleep?
Stouffer...B has been in her own room since she was 3 weeks old in her bassinet and now is in her crib in her room...it was the best forceful suggestion my mom has ever made..we were not sleeping well because of each other...our noises woke her up....her noises woke us up, especially hubby coz he thought every noise meant she needed something so he woke me up all the freaking time to tell me she needed something when all she was doing was getting comfy or coughing or something lol...

we have the video monitor and the movement one too so we are pretty at ease..and last night the video one came through because she had her shots yesterday...and last night she puked in her sleep...tons!! but didnt really make a sound..didnt cry nothing....but on the video monitor I saw she looked a bit wet..and I thought she had just drooled a lot but I went to move her to a diff section of the crib out of the wet spot and it was puke..green veggie puke...in her hair..all over her sleeper..it was horrible!! I felt sooo bad but was sooooooo glad that I saw it on the monitor and didnt leave her like that for longer poor thing....I changed her and hubby changed the crib and she was like what the hell people I was asleep...and we put her back down and she was asleep before we left the room lol..she had no idea what was going on...
Oh my MrsJerome that sounds like quite the event!!

We are working on moving Lauren to her room as well. I made it 4 nights and then caved from exhaustion. She sleeps in the pack and play next to my bed, but she wakes a decent amount at night, so the crib is hard. She cries and I have to get up a ton. She usually needs a paci or wants to hold my hand so next to the bed is easiest. I would really like to get her moved though because we do wake each other up.

Lauren had her 6 month today. She is 13 pounds. She has always been at the bottom of the curve on her own little curve, but she fell off of that too. The ped said it is fairly common to see when you start solids.
how much does everyone elses LO weigh..and how long?

B is 17lbs11.4oz (85%) and 26 inches long (55%)
Corin weighed 15lb 2 weeks ago. I haven't had her length measured since she was 6 weeks though!
Lauren was 13lb 10oz (7th percentile), and a little over 26 inches, somewhere around 55% I believe. So she is on the long and skinny side. Her head was 15% percentile, I think that makes her weight a little lower, ha ha!

I tried some couscous in Lauren's sweet potato for a little texture. She wasn't sure what to think. She ate some fine and gagged a little on other bites. Figured it was a good way to introduce texture without having to worry about choking. Anyone else tried some textured foods?
B gags at anything..they told me to let her play with a baby toothbrush while keeping an eye on her and it was agreat way to desensitize her.. and also brush her gums and tongue and top of her mouth myself too.. I didnt think about the couscous stuff..I might have to try that..shes does fine with thick stuff just little pieces make her gag like of rice or anything really..
I plan to try the couscous again, but with more sweet potato next time. She would do fine eating them, but once one stuck to her tongue she would gag because it wouldn't come off. Then I got out the sippy and let her have a drink if it was sticking. So far I am having fun with her food. I like making it and having her try new things. So many different things to try! We joined a CSA this year, so I told Lauren she was going to be our little garbage disposal if we got more than we could eat ha ha! I'll just puree and freeze the extra produce.
I give textured foods. I find that she can eat it if she's expecting it.

For example: if it's finger food she has no problem, if she's allowed to mush her hands in something mashed and feed herself, also no problem. If I feed her something textured on a spoon I have to let her kind of bite it off the spoon so she's expecting it. Also, if I give a smooth food first and then something like mashed apple for dessert the apple doesn't go down well. If I give textured first then smooth there's no problem.

I tried her on a jar of stage 2 (7 months+) food today. It had chunks of pasta in it. She managed really well but it takes her a long time to eat it and she eats less than she would if it was smooth so I always have a back up dinner ready just in case.

I'm also gradually making her porridge thicker to help with the transition to chunks.

Acorn, what's a CSA?
Alana loves her food but frt really affects her reflux, I have to make sure she doesn't have it just on its own.
she weighed 11lb 6oz last week and was 60cm 4 weeks ago when we visited the paediatrician.

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