I realized that when she woke up, she was wanting to eat for comfort, but wasn't really hungry. I put a pack and play next to my bed and when she woke up, I would give her a paci, rub her chest and hold her hand. The first few nights she fought me and cried for a feeding. I felt terrible not giving it to her, but she didn't cry long before she would fall back asleep. I found putting my hand on her really helped. On the off occasion she is really hungry with a growth spurt she lets me know it and won't go back down until she has been fed. Now that she isn't being comforted at night with the boob at night, when she does wake up, she usually goes back to sleep on her own or with a paci.
I put Lauren down at 8:00 and then I usually go to bed around 10:00. When we started doing this I decided to give the dream feed another shot. When she was younger it did not work at all, now it works awesome! I feel like that helps get us through the night too.