I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

I have as moby and she loves it but geez its like being preggie all over again carrying her around now haha...shes soo big
Currently we are on purée and fruit through a mesh, but I am going to give her some cooked carrots today to play with. She loves her food, but fruit on its own gives her bad reflux.
Yeah I only give fruit on its own if I think she's getting a bit constipated. Sometimes I mix it with baby rice. It kind of tastes like rice pudding.

My baby has a big thing for porridge. She likes plain baby porridge or the Heinz flavoured ones. She likes anything with a strong flavour and eats her veg :)

I can't believe how enthusiastic she is about weaning. She really loves trying new things.

Is anyone doing BLW?

My bubs is 5.5 months now so I'm starting to let her try feeding herself a bit. She grabs the spoon off me and feeds herself pureed foods anyway. I let her gnaw on half a rusk which really seems to help with teething. I'm a bit scared to give her other foods that don't dissolve quickly though. I'm so scared of her choking!
ok what are Heinz flavored baby things? coz here Heinz is just ketchup and steak sauces haha lol lol...and what is a rusk?

B is on everything really..I make her food myself...so every month on our shopping trip I get some fresh bananas...grab a can of green beans..carrots..sweet peas...mixed veggies (potatoes,corn,carrots,peas,greenbeans)...peaches..pears...and I puree them up for her ...she has also had a few babyjar foods just out of convenience which was turkey and rice and chicken and veggies...shes liked everything so far cept the avocado...I usually mix stuff with cereal but we switched formulas in the past week and shes constipated from the switch so I think today will be all fruits with no cereals
Alana doesn't like avocado either, but Acorn was saying Lauren loves it.
Heinz is a major UK brand and they also do baby food, rusks are hmm, like a non sweet biscuit for babies that melt in their mouth. Not sure what the American equivalent is.
Stouffer Alana loves porridge too, we have been using HIP organic with banana and the one with apple. I tend to add some additional fruit to it though.
oh we have teething cookies/biscuits..I guess that would be the same as your rusks
Lauren is on all homemade fruits and veggies. Today I bought some brown rice cereal for her to try. She still enjoys the avocado :) I mix it with expressed milk, not sure if that makes a difference for you all or not. We are on applesauce right now and moving to green beans next.

Mrs Jerome- I read that using canned veggies was not a good idea because of the BPA, possible salts and general lack of nutrition of canned foods. I am not sure how much of a difference it makes, but it was enough to scare me off. I was going to try using frozen green beans to make food since they aren't in season yet. This is one of the articles I read:


The site also has good tips for making baby food.
I wash it all off and never use the water that its in..and I also buy the no salt added kinds...
Corin hates avocado too haha! I did mix it with banana though so I can't blame her!

This is the kind of vegetable cereal thing I mentioned: https://www.heinzbaby.co.uk/products/heinz-dinners/cauliflower-and-broccoli-cheese-(125g).aspx

I make pureed fruit and veg for her but I find it really hard to give her what we're having so I end up cooking something specially for her. We're usually having something she can't have yet such as things containing wheat and often we eat spicy food or use a pre-made sauce which would be too salty.

I was just reading about wonder weeks. Do you guys experience that or do you think it's a made up thing?
Corin has been really fussy and clingy all week. I'm shattered! Apparently WW 26 starts at 23 weeks which is right on time :( I really hope it doesn't last 3 weeks!
i have a friend that does wonder weeks...usually when B is fussy I know there is an actual physical reason..like lately her nose is runny..shes drooley etc etc so its either teething or its allergies
I totally think wonder weeks are on point. I bout the book and so far she has hit them all as expected.
So how is the Heinz dinner packaged? Dried? Is it all mixed together or separate. It's weird seeing Heinz make things like that. Weird it's not in the US, but looks cool!

I thought about buying wonder weeks, but never did.
They do like jars of baby food, they do risks, they do loads of stuff in the UK as it is just a major brand here. Their baby food is called mums own recipe now but for years they did loads of baby food in little tins. They had to change though as now most people buy HIP organic baby foods which having nothing bad in them.
whats going on ladies!!! everyone been super busy with LOs? anyone have any crazy milestones they've hit? any thing new? its been sooo long!!!
We are just going in and out of bad sleep. She keeps feeding loads at night with hourly wake ups and then sleeps loads during the day, then we have a period of a few good gigs and then back to hourly feeds.
I have just finally picked up her new meds for reflux and I am hoping she can now feed more and stay fuller longer, they also gave me a formula we can use that won't affect her allergies. I am not sure I want to use it though unless we have to, but I will see.
She can now sit well unaided, still no rolling back to front, but she rolls constantly front to back, this actually makes mornings easier as she now rolls over and talks to her mobile.
We re just adjusting to me going back part time, she is starting to take bits from the bottle which is progress.

How about you?
We moved house so it's been very busy. Bubs seems to be learning a lot of new stuff at the moment such as sitting by herself, saying baba dada etc. (no mama yet!) and finally rolling from back to front and front to back after almost doing it for months! She's also able to stand up holding on to the edge of the sofa for a few seconds so I think she's ready to get on the move.

Weaning is going really well too and we're down to 2 BFs, to FFs and 2 meals a day. I have so much more time now :)

What do you typically feed your LOs?
B eats mixed grain, oatmeal and rice cereals....and then she eats everything..bananas..apples...mango..peaches..pears..green beans..mixed veggies..carrots...rutabbegas(sp?)...peas...pretty much anything..she still doesnt do chunky stuff..she gags...but as long as its pureed she'll eat it haha...

How much is everyones LO eating? especially those that just bottle/formula feed because B is at 5-6oz per bottle and then she eats about 4oz of fruits/veggies/cereals twice a day...seems like a lot but remember she started solids at 3 1/2 months old so shes about a month or so ahead of most babies her age...

anyone else that does formula getting up for a night feed or a feed anytime between bedtime and like 6am?
Alana only has about 2oz of cereal, fruit and veg about 2-3 times a day. She still has plenty of boob though.
For breakie she has about the equivalent of half an apple pureed and some milky porridge. Not sure on the quantity... probably 5 or 6oz when it's all prepared, as a guess. Then 2 bottle feeds where she takes about 4oz. Dinner is usually pureed veg and sometimes meat. She will eat about 125g depending on how filling it is and then has 2-3 tablespoons of natural yoghurt for dessert. The rest is boob on demand. Usually 2 or 3 times per day. She goes about 12 hours between feeds over night.

Any teeth yet?

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