I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

CSA= Community Supported Agriculture. You pay up front for a share of a farm, and then you get weekly boxes of produce all summer. So nice not to have to go to the store for produce and you get whatever is fresh and in season. They have them in the US, and they seem to be growing in popularity. Do you have something like that in the UK?

Hippy- how are things going with the reflux? We have been doing so much better since starting solids. I find hers is worse if I feed solids and then milk so I do them separate. Otherwise I get to clean up colored spit up from her clothes!
Acorn we have the same problem. She is much better just fruit on its own causes a problem.
I am going to try her on a solid piece of chicken today and she if she chews it to death.

anyone else see it?
I can't see it, but then it could just be the light reflecting off my screen. Good luck though, we are not going to try until Alana is 2, it will be better for my body, her and us we feel.
I can't really see it, but like Hippy said, that could be lighting. Have you tried again? I didn't know you were trying quite yet! Keep us updated!
we arent actively trying lol..I tested again this morning and nothing..but...ive got milk again...well it looks like colostrum..its just a tiny drop that comes out..but I havent BF-ed in 5+ months..and I would do a squeeze test each week once I stopped and had nothing since she was like 3 months old..but now its coming out again when I do that...
Hmm, I did a quick google search because I had never heard of that before. Some people were saying during AF or ovulation they would have that happen even years after stopping BF. Crazy and good to know! Most people said it stopped once they got pregnant again, but it's weird that you have been dried up for so long to have it happen now. When are/were you expecting AF?
I think I see a very faint line and I don't usually see them on those pictures. Have you been NTNP? Done any more tests?

I am really quite broody but we're living with my parents temporarily so it aint gonna happen :rofl: Seriously though, we're planning on waiting a while but it wouldn't be a bad thing if it happened.
I think it must have been just an evap or something..a lot of people see it but my test yesterday was neg..

Im so tired though....the past week or two I could just sleep all day...and I can normally watch anything and eat..but a few days ago I was watching Bones and eating a lean cuisine..which I have done a million times..and I gagged when some body parts came up through a toilet..normally wouldnt have bothered me at all.... so idk whats going on...
Keep us posted!

We keep going back and forth on when we want to try again. We have discussed end of summer sometime. I want another fairly soon, but I also want to give Lauren my full attention as well. I lean towards waiting another year, and my DH wants to sooner than that. Decisions, decisions!
Bs first toothnub..

its really red and purply and swollen on top....shouldnt be too long now


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Ahh, exciting! How is she taking it? Lauren doesn't seem to have anything coming at all. She is drooling a lot and chewing on her fingers, but no sign of a tooth. The ped looked at our last appointment and said he didn't see any signs of teeth on their way. Fine by me!
shes super pissy hahaha..drooly..she has no shirt on right now just because of that...and shes only napping like 30 - 45 mins if even that..hope it breaks through soon
Corin has had a bump like that for her front bottom teeth for about 2 weeks now and still no teeth! It doesn't seem to be bothering her much though.

I'm going to miss the gummy smiles when one finally pops through.
tooth!!..its in...its been in...will take a pic tomorrow as I havent had a chance yet..I think the other is coming in too as shes been super grumpy lately..we are at the beach now and she is not having it haha...we are going to have to take turns going out without her because we go out as a family and its such a hassle and then shes mad after not even 15 minutes so its north worth it..she loves the pool though...

she is also almost crawling..I mean she moves everywhere and is forwards and backwards and sideways but still not on hands and knees but I think it wont be too long...

here is a pic of her and her new moustache haha..we bought a Stache A Day thing at a joke store and we can not stop laughing..its just too freaking funny.. :rofl:

what is everyone else doing..its officially summer in Tennessee...we are at Myrtle Beach now on vaca but its sposta be like in the 90s back at home..soo glad we are not there now..gonna suck going back..:nope:


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Haha love the 'tache!

Still no teeth here but it looks like she might be getting a premolar first. Weird.

I think 7 months is such a nice age - able to sit unaided, sleeping pretty well, eating finger foods and personality starting to show.

C is not crawling yet. She's trying to do it from sitting but I still think she'll walk before she crawls. She's starting to pull up now and has been standing holding onto the sofa for about 2 months but doesn't really make much effort to take steps yet. She is an absolute menance in her walker though haha. My poor ankles keep getting crashed into.

I quit breastfeeding last week. We were down to twice a day and she lost interest in it and I think my supply was drying up anyway. I thought I would miss it but I don't really. So relieved. I thought I would feel guilty stopping.

What are your babies eating these days?
Mine has:
6oz formula at about 6am (she sometimes skips this).
BIG bowl of porridge and apple puree at 9.
7oz at midday.
Snack (usually some of my lunch) in the afternoon and a piece of fruit.
6oz at 4pm.
Dinner (e.g. spaghetti with tomato puree and cheese, jar of baby food, mashed up veg + pureed fruit for dessert.
4oz 7.30pm.

It seems like a lot. I haven't had her weighed in ages.
That stashe is sooo cute!

Lauren cut her first tooth this weekend! Bottom, front on the right side. It's hard to look at it because she doesn't cooperate. I can feel it and I have gotten her to let me see it once.

Lauren isn't crawling yet, and isn't showing too much interest. She may just walk first too. She loves her walker and will take steps holding my hands.

For food, Lauren is still mostly breastfeeding. She is still very interested, so I will keep going until she loses interest. Right now I am pumping as much as I can so that I can have a good stash in the freezer for when she decides she is done nursing. My goal is to get to a year so I don't have to bother with formula. She usually has pureed fruit with oatmeal in the morning, random snacks of food during the day and then for dinner has a puree of meat and veggies. So far her favorite foods are sweet potato, blueberries and she loves meat. She ate pineapple this weekend too and loved it. What are everyone else's favorites?

We took Lauren on her first camping trip this weekend. It was a lot of fun!
I replied but it didnt post my computer messed up..so to summarize...B is going through teething so shes really weird about her eating right now..she fights it..bottle or solids..so it like she is constantly eating little bits here and there and rarely finishes a 6oz bottle anymore..she does eat those little puffs I break them in pieces and she eats noodles in pieces and Im going to start seeing what different things she might like..Im going to take some all natural low sodium low fat soups like italian style wedding and chicken noodle and give them a fast spin in the Ninja blender just to break them up a bit and see if she likes those because I know shes tired of plain old babyfood haha

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