I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

oh and her 2nd bottom tooth is broken through..its not up and out but I can feel tooth not just a lumpy gum...
Lauren still isn't a fan of real solid foods. I keep trying puffs broken up and pasta bits and she will gag on them and spit them out. Quite impressive considering how quickly those puffs dissolve. I am sure she will get the hang of it eventually!
whoa its been so looong. hope you all still remember me. My little guy has two bottom teeth and is beginning to like solids. Yippee! He's 17 Lbs and very active!!!! He's crawling and pulling himself up lol. How are ur LO's are doing well. Its been about 4 months since I've logged in. We're hoping to try for a girl after the wedding preferably! I'd like to get the hang of this mommy thing first so hopefully end of next year lol
No teeth here, but she can pull herself to standing, is crawling all over the place.
in terms of food she has breast milk at around 6.30, then breakfast about 8 ish, then breast milk again around 10.30, lunch about 12 ish, breast milk again about 2.30pm, tea varies depending on nap and sometimes she chooses milk again about 4pm then food about 5.30. I go back to work full time tomorrow so not sure how she will be with only bottle.

she will eat any food, she likes chewing and sucking on fish meat but isn't keen on jarred meat at all. Her favourite foods are butternut squash and sweet potato, strawberries and melon.
awww NewB yep I remember you..geez 4 months is a long time to not have logged on haha Im wanting to start TTC again around time LO turns 1...trying to get hubby on board...

B is eating finger stuff...carrots..green beans..bananas....strawberries etc that she picks up and the little gerber crunchies and the melty things and the yogurt ones...its so cute..because she tries so hard and ends up getting more stuck face and legs and hands than actually in her mouth lol..
How about naps? How long are your babies napping?

I am having a struggle to get her to nap in her cot. Naps on me last 1-2 hours... naps in the cot 30 minutes. Uuurgh.
I havent had B nap on me since she was little..I guess she still would if she was super super tired...but her naps are about 30mins to an hour..sometimes longer...
Naps vary, morning nap 45mins - 1 hour afternoon 1-2 hours, but at nursery yesterday she napped 10mins all morning and 20mins afternoon, she was exhausted. Too busy to nap tough, she struggles switching off.

last three nights we have been back to 3 wakes for feeds, I think it is a growth spurt or teething pain.
Lauren takes 2, 2 hour naps. They are wonderful :) We have the opposite problem. Lauren will only nap in her crib. If we are out and about or on travel and try to nap her somewhere else, we struggle to get her to sleep for a very long time (usually have to rock her) and then she will nap for a 1/2 hour before she is up again. At home we lay her in her bed and she pretty much goes right to sleep.

Lauren is not mobile and doesn't look close at all. I am not sure when I should be worried.
Lauren takes 2, 2 hour naps. They are wonderful :) We have the opposite problem. Lauren will only nap in her crib. If we are out and about or on travel and try to nap her somewhere else, we struggle to get her to sleep for a very long time (usually have to rock her) and then she will nap for a 1/2 hour before she is up again. At home we lay her in her bed and she pretty much goes right to sleep.

Lauren is not mobile and doesn't look close at all. I am not sure when I should be worried.

I wouldn't start worrying yet. Most babies don't start walking until after a year old and plenty skip crawling.

I hate milestones. They just make you worry. I don't think crawling is one they measure either because it varies so much from baby to baby. I've just stopped reading the books because they just make me feel crappy about everything.
I agree Stouffer. I run a day nursery and it is worrying how many parents get hung up that their kids aren't doing the same as others. We had a child who didn't walk until 20 months, she was quite happy to bum shuffle and get around.

My personal opinion is that children with old souls have done it before and do things quicker, younger souls need to learn it all from scratch (just my little hippy input with no foundation of scientific proof).
When I say not mobile, I meant as far as rolling, not crawling/walking. She still has plenty of time for that. Before last night she had rolled only a handful of times. She did it a few times last night so I am feeling better about that. I think she can do it, it's just a temperment thing.

Lauren also started eating chunks of food today without gagging, so we are making progress :)
Anyone else have an LO that doesnt want to eat solids half the time....I dont know if its teething or what..but shes just super mean around meal time...its not stuff she doesnt like..just 3 weeks ago she was eating it..but she just smacks the spoon or shakes her head now and squeezes her lips shut...its soo frustrating to make a meal and then she doesnt want it
Mine does this a bit. I give her a spoon to hold to distract her and now she uses it against me by blocking the spoon I'm feeding her with haha!

2 things that work for me - switching to a different food and giving finger foods. She gets bored of something and just won't eat it but she's still hungry so I end up giving her something else.
I find if I make her a meal of chicken and vegetables she does a lot better because there are different flavours instead of it all mushed into one.
we bought childrens advil and used it this morning..and those teething tablets too so we will see..she ate this morning..purple fruits and roots yogurt and then some cereal to top her off...

B is the master at spoon blocking haha lol...shes like a ninja! her reflexes are soo fast
We found Lauren refuses food if it's not warm enough for her. She spits it back...not pretty! She has never really blocked food, but I think I'd rather she do that than make the HUGE mess she does when she spits! I also found she does it less when there are chunks of something in the food, not sure if that would work for refusing though. Good luck!
Has anyone started baby-proofing their house?
I'm finding it impossible! She has a thing about anything stringy or dangly so instantly goes for cables. I'm afraid of her pulling a lamp on top of herself or getting a shock. She also likes to eat magazines and will wriggle her way across the room to get to one.

Does anyone use a playpen? I'm considering it, but I don't think she'd put up with being contained.

We have a baby walker which is great, except she's discovered the kitchen drawers and likes to pull out the ones at head height so I can't leave her unattended.
we have a gate that you can make into a pen or you can stretch it out across a door way to just keep them in one room...it has 6 panels and you can buy more to adjust it if you need or you can take some away...its not huge as a playpen as it is so we just have a safe part of the living room that we put it up against a section of the wall so it still contains her but is a bigger area for her...we use it both ways depending on whats going on...she can crawl but hasnt really started exploring yet...my hubbie is a techie so we have tons of cables but there is only so much you can do about it..so we do our best and just keep an eye on her...we tell her No for this shes doesnt need to mess with but she just thinks thats a funny word lol...


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I have been thinking about getting one of those pen/gates as well. I think I can get it to contain my whole living room that way (I have an L-shaped couch that blocks the other side of the living room). Mrs Jerome, where did you get yours? How steady is it? I am afraid she will be able to knock it over when it's not set as a play pen.
we got ours at Lowes (Home Improvement) for like $150...its very heavy and sturdy..she holds it and messes with it and nothing has happened..you can bend it a bit at the joining parts to make it more stable...not sure how it will be once she starts to pull up on stuff.. but its great now...

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