I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

We had to baby proof. We have a mass amount of cables but we found storage boxes with lids for them and got cable runs for the walls. She loves to climb and reach things, she has worked out that if you climb on something you can reach even higher.

she still finds stuff she shouldn't but this is normal, you can only make it so safe. We have a stair gate at the bottom of the stairs but I do need to get one upstairs shortly. She is already trying to climb out of her cot.
Just checking in and wondering how everyone is getting on.

Any babies walking or talking yet?
aww..Hi stouffer!!!... no walking yet and no talking yet...we have found out just this past week that B has hydrocephalus...we have an MRI tomorrow to figure out what is causing it, tumor, cyst, stynosis, etc and then we go back next weds to discuss what surgery will work best with her case and pick a surgery date... she is babbling like crazy and has said dadadada....she uses all kinds of noises and sounds just no words yet...she does know what give kisses means now though and if you ask her a few times (she literally ignores you on purpose the first few times haha..already stubborn lol) then she'll turn and give you kisses... she is pulling up to her knees but doesnt seem to want to stand up lately which she used to not mind so we dont know if the hydrocephalus is causing delays or what...

any walking or talking your way?
Sorry to hear that mrsj, will she definitely need surgery? I hope the treatment goes well.

Corin isn't walking yet but she cruises round the furniture and has just started walking one handed but I think walking unaided is a while off yet.
As for talking she's started using a couple of words like "ball" (sounds more like baw) but only says mama when she's angry!

That's so cute that she's giving kisses! Baby kisses are the best!

Keep us updated :) I hope the news is good.
yep she def has to have surgery we just dont know which one yet...im beginning to wonder if its affected her speech too because she only makes noises and trills and sounds like chewbacca haha other than dadadda which she says randomly not really TO her daddy...no mamama yet or anything else... had a crazy dream last night that she was talking in complete sentences around me but wouldnt do it around anyone else haha
I hope the surgery goes well mrsj

Alana is close to walking, she stands unaided all the time, bends down picks stuff up keeping her balance etc but so far has taken one step and then she throws herself at you, the sofa etc. It is ost amusing to watch as she actually walks holding one hand or two and actually barely uses your support. Today my mum was holding one end of a wooden spoon and Alana the other, she walked to my mum just holding the end of the wooden spoon.

as for taking she is well away, she says lots if words, mama, dada, hello, hiya, bye bye, dog, Alice, Ben, Bella, milk, apple gosh loads, she tried to say butterfly this week, it wasn't quite right but she tried all the same.

however she is throwing terrible temper tantrums, if she doesn't get her own way she throws her head back screaming, take something off her she wants and she throws her head back screaming, she throws herself on the floor and she gets so frustrated when she can't do things. She climbs the stairs to her bath every night but can't climb on to the sofa as it is too high, she goes crazy trying to get up, shouting and moaning about it. I am ignoring the temper tantrums in the hope she will learn it doesn't get her anything. It is hard when she cracks her head on things due to throwing it back, but she has to learn that it isn't going to work. But seriously she is 9 months old and is worse than most if the two year olds at work.

I do love watching her try to figure things out though.

Her reflux is now under control and she is sleeping, eating and finally putting weight on well. She is however still waking for night feeds, but they are getting down to one around 12.30am and the one around 5am. I am hoping soon she will drop to just one and fingers crossed we can get rid altogether soon after.

She has no teeth as yet, but man teething is killing her and she is really struggling. Trouble is with Alana I have no idea how much is pain and how much is temper.
Keep us updated Mrs. Jerome! I hope everything goes smoothly! I don't think she sounds behind on speech yet, but hopefully surgery will help.

Lauren isn't walking yet, but is furniture cruising, climbing stairs, and pulling herself up on everything. She stands in the kitchen holding onto cabinet knobs and then will try to grab higher ones to hang from. She is going to give me a heart attack! I am not sure how soon she will walk. She will walk while holding our hands, but she knows how much faster she can go crawling, so she goes limp so you have to drop her down so she can crawl to her destination, ha ha.

As far as words go she babbles a ton and says mama and dada, but she hasn't really said them directly to us, so I don't know when you really count it as a word. Lauren screams mama too when she is mad! That seems to be a common thing.
haha well everyone else sounds like they are doing great with the walking or almost walking haha and talking lol too.. we are sitting in a hospital room now...she was admitted after her MRI because they found a mass in her brain..we have another MRI tomm morning on her spine..I assume to see if its spread but all they said is for further diagnostics so we dont know much yet..definitely no how I planned my day going :dohh:...she is doing pretty well considering... she didnt get lots of sleep today about an hour for the MRI while she was sedated and then maybe an hour or so after while hubby stayed with her so I could go home to get our stuff....she finally just crashed around 9pm or so and has been asleep since then..so who knows how much sleep we'll get tonight...

she has her two middle lower teeth and then her upper left canine and her upper right is soo on the verge of coming in and I wish it just would already..I think it might be the reason for her waking in the night but it also could be this whole head business so who knows.....but she's gonna look supppppper funny once it does come in coz she'll be missing her top two front teeth haha gonna look like a third grader haha
What a nightmare day for you all. I hope B is ok and that you yours are holding up alright.
Oh no Mrs Jerome! Praying she is ok and that she will be home soon!
the mass in Bs brain is a tumor. Its closing off her third ventricle which is preventing her fluid from draining which is what is causing her rapid head growth right now. We still dont know a lot as she is in the MRI now here at Vanderbilt in Nashville where we were transferred to last night... She definitely will have to have surgery we just dont know when but it should be sooner than later....We are hoping that if they remove this tumor then her ventricle will open and she wont need a shunt or an EVT but we arent sure about that yet either. It appears to be on the outside of her brain almost just pushing in rather than being deep in the actual brain tissue so hopefully the surgery wont have to be too invasive. We also dont know if its cancerous as they dont see the need to do a biopsy since it has to be removed so they will tell us that after more than likely and she may or may not require further treatment and monitoring depending. We will update as we get more info...Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts, it is greatly appreciated!


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Oh, mrsj, poor B. I really hope that surgery just solves all the issues for you. I can only imagine what a worrying time this is. Love and light to you all x
thanks ladies..weve had a huge huge scare and so much stuff within the past few days

as of this morning... once I got back into the room this morning...B was stable but her heart rates were dropping and had been all night...not even 15 minutes after I got in there we went to check on her while she was passed out and she wouldnt wake up..her face was red and swollen...tongue a bit swollen and she had hives all over her just out of nowhere..we still dont know what caused it but she crashed..she had to have a breathing tube put in and we were sent to the waiting room while they used the bag and were breathing for her...she has since then had an emergency external shunt put in and drained the fluid because it just reached the peak of all she could take...she has had her head shaved..has to have a larger IV to go through her neck which they are working on placing now which is hard because her little veins are sooo tiny...we just got to go in and see her for a bit..shes still on a machine to breathe and still sedated for while they place the IV...they are hoping she will keep gradually improving until they can do the surgery on Tues..we are back in our sleep room which they have let us keep because everything else is so crowded and they know we want to be there at a moments notice so we dont have to go back to the hotel......so just waiting now and are going to try and rest and will see her in a bit
Poor B, sounds like she is in the best place right now. I hope you manage to get some rest and that she improves before Tuesday, please keep us posted.
Oh my! I'm sorry I haven't checked in for a few days. Praying for Brieanan's surgery!! I can't even imagine how scared you are. Her episode sounds terrifying. Sounds like she is in good hands.
shes still stable but not awake yet...we are working on getting a PICC line in right now so they can take her big french 8 IV out of her neck and have something more stable that can be as long term as a year if one would need but hopefully we wont... just hoping she wakes up soon...she is showing more and more responsive but just not awake
Poor girl! Hopefully she wakes soon and isn't in pain! Do they know how long before they will know if the mass was cancerous or not?
Hope that things have improved now MrsJ. Let us know what is going on when you get chance.

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