I hope the surgery goes well mrsj
Alana is close to walking, she stands unaided all the time, bends down picks stuff up keeping her balance etc but so far has taken one step and then she throws herself at you, the sofa etc. It is ost amusing to watch as she actually walks holding one hand or two and actually barely uses your support. Today my mum was holding one end of a wooden spoon and Alana the other, she walked to my mum just holding the end of the wooden spoon.
as for taking she is well away, she says lots if words, mama, dada, hello, hiya, bye bye, dog, Alice, Ben, Bella, milk, apple gosh loads, she tried to say butterfly this week, it wasn't quite right but she tried all the same.
however she is throwing terrible temper tantrums, if she doesn't get her own way she throws her head back screaming, take something off her she wants and she throws her head back screaming, she throws herself on the floor and she gets so frustrated when she can't do things. She climbs the stairs to her bath every night but can't climb on to the sofa as it is too high, she goes crazy trying to get up, shouting and moaning about it. I am ignoring the temper tantrums in the hope she will learn it doesn't get her anything. It is hard when she cracks her head on things due to throwing it back, but she has to learn that it isn't going to work. But seriously she is 9 months old and is worse than most if the two year olds at work.
I do love watching her try to figure things out though.
Her reflux is now under control and she is sleeping, eating and finally putting weight on well. She is however still waking for night feeds, but they are getting down to one around 12.30am and the one around 5am. I am hoping soon she will drop to just one and fingers crossed we can get rid altogether soon after.
She has no teeth as yet, but man teething is killing her and she is really struggling. Trouble is with Alana I have no idea how much is pain and how much is temper.