I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

Bs vocal cords are not working at all...so she is going to have a trach and also prolly a feeding tube in her stomach instead of her through her nose...these are both drastic measures (atleast to us) but will apparently be easier for us to take care of in the long run...please pray for a complete healing of our Little B...especially her brain damage which is causing all these other problems... :cry:
I have been following your health fund site. Thanks for the twitter link. I know this is really hard for you! I will be praying for her recovery!

A friend's baby had to get a trach and feeding tube after a surgery that did not go well on her airway. They thought she had brain damage as well and weren't sure the trach would ever come out. Her little girl just recently got the trach out and is running around and has started talking (no signs of brain damage)! The trach and feeding tube helped save her life and drastically aided her recovery. I am praying for the same result for Little B!
just a little update.. just got back from our Care Team meeting...B will be getting a permanent internal shunt from her head to her belly on Monday...on Wednesday she will be getting a g-tube (feeding directly into her belly)....a trach for breathing into her throat....and then a port for her chemo around her right clavicle....sometime around all this she will also be getting a spinal tap to see if she has any extra cancerous cells floating in other areas as well.... PLEASE pray for our little girl..especially next week...as she will be going through many many procedures for her tiny little body....we know these will all help in the long run but we still ask for your thoughts and prayers as we all go through this....
So sorry to read this. You must be worried sick. I hope all the procedures go well and that things improve.
Poor Brieanan :( Must be really difficult seeing her with so many wires and tubes.

I've been checking back but I think I've missed a lot of your posts. What's her diagnosis? Does she have to have a lot more treatments?
She has anaplastic ependymoma which is a form of cancerous brain tumor. She will have chemo for a bit and then have radiation M-F every day for 6 weeks. We are hoping to get the news on her LP to see if there were any other bad cells floating around in her spinal fluid. We are hoping and praying that after the tumor being removed which was a success and then one round of chemo and radiation that she will be cancer free! so then we can work on getting her vocal cords back if possible and get her off the trach and off the g-tube
So tough on you all, i really hope all goes well during her recovery. It is good they caught it early.
How is Brieanan getting on?

And how is everyone else's babies? Any more walking, talking, new teeth, funny stories to report?
Still in hospital..its been over a month..hoping to go home soon though..shes gotten 4 teeth in since we have been here...her two top middles...her right top canine and then now her bottom left canine is peeking through...she has C-Diff and thrush right now but those can be treated at home...also has reflux again which we are seeing if just sitting her up in her tumbleform chair helps that during and after meals...shes gonna be on quite a few meds for quite a while and also have nursing 16 hours a day for the next two months along with tons of appts and physical/occupational home therapy too...radiation will be 6 weeks fractionated still but arent sure when she'll start..we want to get her over all her infections before if possible... our main thing though is getting her recovered as much as possible from her stroke...
Mrs Jerome- Is she responsive at all yet? I hope you can get home with her soon!!

Lauren is doing well. She has 6 teeth now (4 on top and two on bottom). No walking yet. She doesn't seem to have a huge interest, which is fine with me! I am working on planning a monkey themed party for a family party. What is everyone else doing for the big first birthday?
MrsJ hope you get her home soon. I'm sure she'll feel better when she gets back to familiar surroundings. It must be such a strain for you all having to be in the hospital all the time.

So far we have 5 teeth (all in a six week period) and number six is visible below the surface. She took her first steps last weekend but now refuses to try again. I think she gets that stubborn streak from her dad.

Her birthday is the week after next. We're not planning anything big but just doing a lot of small things that she enjoys such as going to baby sensory, feeding the ducks, going to the swing park and having cake. We're getting her a trike.
Hope you get B home soon MrsJ
Alana has cut her first tooth (finally) and now has another on the way.
She takes steps and will walk but reverts to crawling as it is way faster for her.
She is a right little character. She loves giving hugs and kisses but kind of throws herself at other children, she had my whole toddler room in tears the other day as she kept throwing herself at them and hugging them round the neck and kissing them. Yesterday she was in the toddler room again and she is currently playing with dolls a lot, one of my two year olds goes up and tries to take this doll from her, well she turns round and screams at him and pulls it back. He started to push her away and hit her, she turned round pushed him in the face while shouting at him and snatched the doll back before crawling off. He just didn't know what to do. He normally a right bully and this tiny child in 3-6 month clothing actually got the better of him. I was in fits of laughter.

We are having a naming day and 1st birthday combined, she isn't one until the 8th Nov, but the party will be on Sunday the 11th. On her actual birthday we are going for a photoshoot and taking her to the local soft play area which she loves.

Oh and in amazing news, she appears to have outgrown a couple of 3-6 month vest and baby grows...oh we could be moving up a size soon.
Hippy- What is a naming day?

We are having a family party on the 20th (the day before her birthday), so we can have a lower key day as a family on her actual birthday. I think we will take her to the pumpkin patch. I can't wait to see what she does with the cake :)

Stouffer- We were planning on a trike as well :) Which one are you getting her? (not sure if there is a difference in brands between the UK and US). We are still trying to decide between 2. I think we need to make a decision this week!
Naming day is like a Christening but not religious. My husband and I disagree on religion so we are doing a kind of welcome to the family and making pledges to her and asking some friends to act as guideparents (same as god parents).

Can I pout my tuppence worth in about Trikes and suggest you go for a balance bike like a strider/balance bike. They are much better for children's development and really help with balance and co-ordination and great fun. My friends son has just turned two and by 15 months was amazingly confident on his strider bike. We bought one for Alana for Easter and now she is starting to walk she loves sitting on it and using it to walk, she can actually nearly reach the floor and she is tiny. We have a whole stack at nursery and the children love them. They are much better than trikes for little ones although not as easy to use it they aren't walking yet. But I do highly recommend balance bikes as an alternative to trikes.
Hippy- What is a naming day?

We are having a family party on the 20th (the day before her birthday), so we can have a lower key day as a family on her actual birthday. I think we will take her to the pumpkin patch. I can't wait to see what she does with the cake :)

Stouffer- We were planning on a trike as well :) Which one are you getting her? (not sure if there is a difference in brands between the UK and US). We are still trying to decide between 2. I think we need to make a decision this week!

We got her a Smoby Confort from Amazon. I'm guessing by the spelling it's a European brand.

Today is her birthday so she's been using the trike. It's great because you can lock the pedals and handle bars so that you have full control. We took her out for a walk on it instead of her usual push-chair and she loved it!

I can hardly believe I have a one year old!
Cute trike. We were looking at something similar, but not the same one...we don't have it in the US.

Happy Birthday Corin! I can't believe we were all sitting here a year ago either hoping to go into labor, or holding our new little bundles. Crazy how fast it's gone!
Glad Corin had a great birthday, seems crazy where we were all at a year ago. I however had to wait until the 8th November and kept reading about all your babies wondering if mine would ever appear. How time flies.
Ha ha, I keep thinking this week how this time a year ago I was so upset she hadn't come yet and I just wanted to have her in my arms. Seems kind of silly now that I am not pregnant. I think I am still in denial that she will be one on Sunday. I am working on a little slide show to play at her birthday party. I have lost count how many times I have teared up looking at all the pictures and video. Where did my tiny little baby go?

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