I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

I have an online shop that I run from home so no maternity leave for me. :( I'm screwed. Hubby is going to help as much as he can but I really don't know how I'll manage. It's not like I can shut up shop or I'll have no customers to come back to.

Oh well, at least I get to stay home with the baby.
I don't work and so will be a stay at home mom . I'm blessed as life is easier in Dubai and the wives are not required to work really, I tend to get bored but not for long now!!
same as Preethi....stay at home-er..but once shes here and we are settled I will be hopefully working on an online certification for teaching assistants and then also have to take a test required by the Dept of Education to be allowed to work in the schools here..so hopefully that will all go well and I will get back to work just a tad bit before shes 1 year old..I think the school year here starts in August...I want to find a nice church daycare program to watch her as we def wont be paying out the butt for a personal infant nanny and I want her to definitely be in a class with only infants..not toddlers or even preschoolers to trample on her or get all the attention...
All mammals except humans deal with birth with ease, have none of you ever questioned why this is?
For years I have said we do it wrong in the human world and after my hypnobirthing class I am convinced. Birth doesn't have to be painful, it is us fighting the contractions that causes the main problem. Fear and all the horror stories make us fight what our bodies do naturally, we create most of the pain by our own actions. I am not saying that birth will be completely pain free but it can be much easier than we think.
One of my parents at work gave birth at the weekend in 40 mins start to finish and said it was like shelling peas.
Midwife was all for homebirth. I just have to consider finishing work early as at 4ft 9" the baby has less space to fit into and I need to realise by 34- 36 weeks I will feeling the same as woman at 40 weeks.

I run a day nursery. I will be off for 6 months and then my mum will look after baby for 2 or three days, they will come to work 1 or 2 days in the baby room and I plan to work a 4 day week once I go back.
Hippy , that is such an intriguing thought, you may be right about it ! the fear in our minds about birthing could cause a lot more pain as compared to giving birth stress free, its probably purely about letting your body do its job, but im guessing that the hypnobirthing classes as they progress on will teach you about controlling the pain through your mind or something so as to allow for a peaceful birthing process?
I definitely thing that those of us who go in expecting the worst and already freaking out about it have the hardest time with it...on those birthing shows its always the ones that are worried..afraid of everything that end up having all the problems..the moms that go in thinking lets just get this over with and Im ready and I can handle it usually seem to have the easier labors and less problems...they already tell us that us being stressed can cause the baby to stress..so of course us going in calm will help the baby relax too and make it easier for both of us...I personally am very excited
Im vety excited too! Cant wait to see how my labor and delivery goes. No birth plan here. Whatever happens, happens. We have a joke on our unit, never actually write a birth plan. Just know in your head what you want. The minute you write it down, it will never happen, haha! In the end, all we all want is a health baby. Im so excited!

I got my stroller delivered yesterday, and put together in no time. Ive been rolling it around the house, testing it out. The dogs absolutely hate it! I got it for 60% off on ebay, brand new. It was the exact color i wanted too. Silver to match my car seat. Britax B-Ready.https://www.britaxusa.com/strollers/b-ready/fabric-options I was thrilled, DH said your really excited about this arent you? LOL! I love getting a deal.
Im vety excited too! Cant wait to see how my labor and delivery goes. No birth plan here. Whatever happens, happens. We have a joke on our unit, never actually write a birth plan. Just know in your head what you want. The minute you write it down, it will never happen, haha! In the end, all we all want is a health baby. Im so excited!

I got my stroller delivered yesterday, and put together in no time. Ive been rolling it around the house, testing it out. The dogs absolutely hate it! I got it for 60% off on ebay, brand new. It was the exact color i wanted too. Silver to match my car seat. Britax B-Ready.https://www.britaxusa.com/strollers/b-ready/fabric-options I was thrilled, DH said your really excited about this arent you? LOL! I love getting a deal.

Nice colour! I can't wait to put my pram together but we're having a bit of work done in the house first and I don't want it getting dusty.

I agree about the birthing plan. I don't want to have a plan as I know it will just go to pot anyway :lol:
All I'm telling my midwife is that I'm open to the idea of pain relief so if I ask for it please give me it!

I do really want my hubby to announce the sex of the baby when it's born so I might write that down on my notes.
Waiting...is it really true that the nurses in the labor/delivery ward just laugh at the birth plans people bring in? lol...I read that somewhere its just a form of entertainment as they know half the requests are impossible..maybe due to hospital rules/standards etc and the rest of it is just a naive moms "wants"...
What do you ladies think about this...am I being overly sensitive..or do my mom and I have a right to feel this way?..

Hippy I am totally with you. I am not taking any classes on hypnobirthing, but I have been reading a book on it and I am very convinced I can have an amazing labor if I relax and let nature take it's course. From what I have read the major issue with fear is that is causes your body to tense up, and when you tense up your body is just fighting what the contractions are trying to do for you! It's really amazing. I wish they wouldn't call it hypnobirthing. I think it really turns some people off from it when the idea is actually really simple. My husband was very apprehensive about it, but the more I tell him about what it actually is, the more he is totally on board. It actually makes me scared of my conventional birthing classes. I am afraid they will go into things that are meant to bring more fear than actually help. I plan on tuning anything out that sounds negative.

I plan to have a birth plan that basically says I want to do things as naturally as possible and I want to do whatever feels comfortable in the moment. I also want to request that if I ask for drugs that the midwife offer me other methods of pain relief first and just encourage me that I can do it. I am really very excited for the whole thing :)
Mrs Jerome, I am not sure why, but I can't see your post!

My midwife told me the best thing about the birth plan is that it gives them an idea of what you are looking for and if there are several on call midwifes available when you go into labor they will read it and match you up with the midwife they think will best suit you. I am not sure if that is true or not though ;)
Oh!!!..duh..blonde moment..its in the girl sanctuary section..you have to have permission to go in there (mainly so the men on the forum cant read/see the pics in there) lol lol..totally forgot..

here is the post

Not this weekend but the next I will be going home for a big family gathering...we are having joint birthday parties for my great grandma who will be 90...my grandfather who will be 75..and then my baby shower as well since the whole family will be there..supposedly...

I say supposedly because I just heard from my mom that my aunt..her sister...might be the only one from her family...she has 5 kids from 21yrs to 8yrs that will make it..why? because she let all her kids plan other things on that weekend..knowing for months and months that it was a huge birthday weekend for our family...my oldest cousin supposedly has to work..this either means babysit..or work at the barn where she boards her horses..either way..shes known about this weekend for some time now and could has easily set her schedule to reflect that..and not agreed to work..Im a nanny too..and I never missed any family thing because of working..any family you babysit for should understand wanting to be there for a 90th birthday party of a family member...

Our great g-ma is going downhill fast and might not make it to 91...or even to thanksgiving or christmas...our grandfather isnt doing to well either...and Im only going to be pregnant for so long..

My aunt ALWAYS lets her kids do whatever they want..plan sleepovers..go to friends houses..when its time for family gatherings..especially when our family goes to their house in South Carolina..so much so that my mom doesnt go anymore because no one is ever there..and I dont go anymore because all my cousins want to do is be gone..or sit around and watch tv and be on their cell phones....they do the same thing when they come here..they sit in the basement..take over the tv for days at a time..take over the whole house with their stuff..text and talk on their cell phones and ignore everyone..unless its time for food or presents...then they come up stairs..but once thats over..back downstairs again...

The worst part is that my aunt acts like her kids can do no wrong....they all go to church..perfect little angels..shes hidden the fact that my 17 year old cousin was pregnant last year..and had an MC at 13 weeks..Im the only one not in her family that knows about it because I figured it out myself..but I dont finish college by one semester..and its the end of the world and oh how horrible my parents are and how lazy I am..etc etc...

Im just really upset that she and her family think that sports and sleepovers are more important than big once in a lifetime family things...:cry:
That would totally irritate me as well Mrs Jerome. It's sad how many people don't take family seriously. Some of the people on my husband's side are like that. We always have a family vacation/reunion and several years ago his cousins and one of his siblings decided they needed to bring a friend so they would have someone to hang out with. Kind of defeats the point of the whole trip. It really ticked me off so we eventually just stopped going because it was a waste of time. I am really sorry they aren't going to make your shower and your grandma's party. Hopefully one day they will realize the importance of family and they will have to look back at this time with regret of all the things they missed!
Thanks Acorn...Oh I forgot to add that the times they need to stay home..they dont..for example..every single time my aunt and all the kids show up...atleast one of them is sick..strep throat...sinus infection..etc etc..or has been sick within the past few days...she always passes around sickness..it never fails..she never considers the rest of the family..the older adults..and my moms kids that can get sick very easily from just being in the same house as her contagious kids...half the time my mom isnt even able to come to the family things because shes afraid her two toddlers will get sick...soo inconsiderate..just all around...uggh
Waiting...is it really true that the nurses in the labor/delivery ward just laugh at the birth plans people bring in? lol...I read that somewhere its just a form of entertainment as they know half the requests are impossible..maybe due to hospital rules/standards etc and the rest of it is just a naive moms "wants"...

Its not that we laugh at them! If you notice though, their usually me, me, me. All we care about is safe mom and baby.

We dont have midwives where I work. Of vaginal deliveries only about 5% dont get an epidural and its usually because for some reason they cant. (they are progressing too fast, their lab work is off, medical issues etc). of first time deliveries that say they want to go without pain relief/epidurals 99% end up getting them. Im all for epidurals, i hate seeing my pts in severe pain when they dont have to have it. Most find the pain is alot greater than they ever imagined and thats when their 3-4cm, not 7. Mind you sometimes we do have 1st time moms that can handle it with no epidural, but its very very rare. I just tell my pts their options and then let them decide when their ready.

Its really different in other countries that have mostly midwives, gas/air, etc.
I guess I want to see how far I can get without an epi...and Im hoping the water will help...but I am not against epis..I just dont want to jump right on it..Im going to have them tell me when my last chance for an epi is...and decide then...

I know a lot of moms feel like failures or something if they get one but I def wont lol lol..I dont feel like a failure for needing clomid to get preggie in the first place..so Im all for it if I decide I want it..
Jerome, even if their not there, try to have a good time anyway. Dont let them bring the party down. Im sure the rest of your family knows how they are also. One day they might regret not being apart of the family get togethers.
yeah..I'll have a good time..there will be a lot of others family there..just annoys me that they are so selfish especially at a time like this...and so hypocritical too
MrsJ, they sound pretty bad mannered and a bit selfish. Personally I'd be relieved that they're not going to be there if they just sit around and text people and bring the mood down. Just have a great time without them there. It's their loss.

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