I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

I am wondering what her estimated weight is too. The tech didn't say, but we didn't ask. Maybe my midwife will know, hopefully I will remember to ask when she calls!

Also, my little stinker has gone breech. She has been head down since 20 weeks! Still plenty of time to turn around, I was just surprised she had done that. I had noticed the last week or so that she was doing some major maneuvering, and mentioned it at my appointment. The midwife said she was still head down, BUT I guess what she thought was her head was actually her butt, lol.
Hi lilady! :wave: Hope your pregnancy is going well so far. Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?

Good news about the measurements Acorn! Just goes to show fundal height isn't entirely reliable.

So do you notice any difference between breech and head down? Have you started getting kicks in different places?

My midwife told me baby was breech at 28 week appointment. I'm sure I can feel its bum and feet up by my ribs though. I have my 32 week appointment (a few days late) on Wednesday with a GP this time so who knows if he will have a clue what way up baby is.
I had felt very slight differences in movement from head down to breech, but when she was head down she was folded in half so both positions I have felt all of the movement low down. I have been feeling movement in different places down low from her normal places, which is why I had a hunch that she had changed positions. Have you gotten any kicks? She has only gotten me in the ribs once when she was head down and I definitely took notice!

I am interested in how my results from the ultrasound turned out since the ultrasound tech wouldn't say much. I hate waiting for phone calls!

Welcome lilady!
Also, I am tired of seeing that stupid squash!! Bring on the honeydew ;)
Welcome lil lady... !

acorn, Hope your LO turns head down real soon xxxx Good news about the measurements !! xxx
Also, I am tired of seeing that stupid squash!! Bring on the honeydew ;)

I know, hurry up honeydew!!! That friggin aubergine was around forever too. They need to come up with more fruits and vegetables so we feel like we're getting somewhere :lol:
Hi Lil lady welcome aboard.

I think you guys are worrying too much about weight and size. Baby will be as big or small as they intend to be and not much you can do about it. Birth weight these days isn't a major issue, if like Preethi you could be facing an early birth with a small baby I can understand your concerns, but those of us who should go to term should just relax. Fundal measurements are crap, you can hold baby towards your back making your bump quite small, you can have loads of water making bump look huge but baby still be small. So long as baby isn't in distress then that is all that matters. I am small and so bump is rather large but this is down to my size and the space available, it doesn't mean I am carrying a HUGE baby.

By this stage all we can do is keep cooking the babies and hope that they grow accordingly, but what will be will be. I guess that as I am only 4ft 9" I just don't worry about size or weight. So long as I am can feel baby and that I am still feeling ok then this is all that matters.

Relaxing about it all will make you and baby much happier.

In other news I pumped up the birthing pool yesterday, I think I need to let the top section down though as it is a little big for me. I could literally drown if it was filled up. I have decided to keep it up now as who knows how long baby will stay put and so seems little point letting it down with only a few weeks left.

I also ordered my raspberry leaf tea and tablets. I am not going to start any until 32/33 weeks though and then only 1 a day for a week, slowly upping my dose. I also got recommended magnesium by the nutritionist who was in my hypnobirthing class. I think I will start these around the same time.

Enjoy your last few weeks ladies and try and relax as much as possible.
Raspberry leaf tea is supposed to help in the second stage of labour. Some people swear by it, others say it had no effect at all. I am up for trying anything to make it easier. There is some debate on when to start taking it, but everyone I know has taken it from around 32 weeks, some people say don't take until 37 weeks as it can bring on labour but I don't know anyone who has taken it and had it bring on labour. In fact three of my friends who took it from 32 weeks all went over by 14+ days. However all had quick labours so who knows, I guess there is no telling if it helped them or not as everyone's labour is different.
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I went today instead of tomorrow as I had contraction type pains constantly ...it wasn't a growth scan just checked for distress through scan but baby was completely fine and baby was moving there was amniotic fluid measuring 5.3 which is better than before but then again as and when baby moves u get different measurements of fluid. So it's still low but everythings fine and doc wants to push me to 36weeks !!! Fx d fx d Fx d !! But he says that's certainly where he will draw the line and feel comfortable with it too. After today's scan he's confident that I will make it from 34 and hopefully to 36!

The contraction pains were from a slight urinary infection that I have to take pills for
hope you all are doing well xxx
oh no preethi..UTIs are not fun!! glad you caught it early though..the only one I ever had was in college and I let it go because I thought it went away..well..it didnt go away..it just moved up into my bladder..oh that was horrible..glad they gave you meds and hope you feel better..that is one thing I would hate to have again... also great that they say 36 weeks is a possibility now...thats only 1 week away from term Im sure she'll be fine!
Thats great news Preethi!! Everyone tired of being pregnant yet? I know that iam, im just hoping these last few weeks fly by!
definitely ready to be able to get comfy in any position without a butt sticking under my ribs lol..or a head pressing my bladder..oh..and to sleep on my stomach again...ahhhh...cant wait!! assuming I get any sleep that is lol..
Hi Lil lady welcome aboard.

I think you guys are worrying too much about weight and size. Baby will be as big or small as they intend to be and not much you can do about it. Birth weight these days isn't a major issue, if like Preethi you could be facing an early birth with a small baby I can understand your concerns, but those of us who should go to term should just relax. Fundal measurements are crap, you can hold baby towards your back making your bump quite small, you can have loads of water making bump look huge but baby still be small. So long as baby isn't in distress then that is all that matters. I am small and so bump is rather large but this is down to my size and the space available, it doesn't mean I am carrying a HUGE baby.

By this stage all we can do is keep cooking the babies and hope that they grow accordingly, but what will be will be. I guess that as I am only 4ft 9" I just don't worry about size or weight. So long as I am can feel baby and that I am still feeling ok then this is all that matters.

Relaxing about it all will make you and baby much happier.

In other news I pumped up the birthing pool yesterday, I think I need to let the top section down though as it is a little big for me. I could literally drown if it was filled up. I have decided to keep it up now as who knows how long baby will stay put and so seems little point letting it down with only a few weeks left.

I also ordered my raspberry leaf tea and tablets. I am not going to start any until 32/33 weeks though and then only 1 a day for a week, slowly upping my dose. I also got recommended magnesium by the nutritionist who was in my hypnobirthing class. I think I will start these around the same time.

Enjoy your last few weeks ladies and try and relax as much as possible.
Thank You for that!
I started the magnesium last night as my body was just aching way too much and I kept getting leg cramp. It certainly helped me have a good nights sleep and I feel much more relaxed today. It is best to take on its own and ideally about an hour before bed. I shall continue with this now until birth.

Baby is now pressed right up under my ribs and down in my pelvis. I could barely move by 4.30pm yesterday and was in tears from the pain, we had to leave the christening party early. I am finding that if I sit or stand for a long time my body can't cope. It is only when lying on my left hand side that the pressures eases up. I am not so sure I will make it through the next two weeks at work.

I am also ready to not be pregnant any more. I just hope baby can find enough space within me to stick around for at least 5-6 more weeks.
Mrs J, im glad i caught it early too, i had no symptoms so didnt know i had UTI !!

sorry baby is hurting you under the ribs, but wont be long before you have her in your arms !! xxx

Hippy, sorry you are in so much pain, hope you feel better soon and that the magnesium helps xx
My baby isn't making me too uncomfortable yet but I really can't get used to that pushing on ribs feeling. It totally gives me the creeps! I know what you mean about only really being comfortable on your left side. Sometimes I feel like there's a lot of pressure on my stomach and that my ribs are digging in to the baby.

Does anyone else get a weird feeling if they bend forward? I feel like I have to lift the baby up before I stand up straight again or else I get an odd stretchy feeling.

Hubby and I sorted out my office room so it's almost ready for all the baby stuff. The cot should be arriving this week :) YAY!
I am totally ready to be done being pregnant! Whenever I say that someone surely shoots back about how she isn't ready yet and I shouldn't want her to come out until she is good and strong....well duh! I don't actually want her to come out now, I just want a time machine, ha ha!

Ever since baby has gone breech I have been more uncomfortable. She is butt down and completely on my right side so I am getting a lot of pressure on the one side. Lying on my left does help some. Sitting at my desk at work is really uncomfortable. I am thinking of bringing in an exercise ball to sit on to see if that helps. I started googling for exercises and positions to make her go back head down, ha ha. Not sure if they work, but I really want some relief!
Acorn!! I was just reading this last night.. https://www.suite101.com/content/turning-a-breech-baby-a7421 its 17 ways to turn a breech baby..a lot of them you are supposed to start at 32 weeks so we are all pretty much right there

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